See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
&4 itI
Occasional rain in the morning,
ending and cooling in evening.
. ..«.
VOL. LXX, No. 19
Budget E
in La
STEEL FACT FINDERS-The members of President Eisenhower's three-man fact finding board in
the steel strike convening at the Labor Department in Washington are, left to right, John A. Perkins
of Newark, Del.; Chairman George W. Taylor of Philadelphia, Pa.; and Paul N. Lahoczky of Columbus.
Taylor said the group would make every effort to get a voluntary peace pact to end the 89-day-old
Steelworkers' -McDonald Foresees
No Quick Solution in Strike Deadlock
- V
WASHINGTON (JP)-Declaring it]
will not be beaten, the Steelwork-
ers Union said yesterday a court
order may force an 80-day truce
in the record steel strike "but
there will be no permanent peace."
Steelworkers President David J.
McDonald told a White House fact
finding panel that at the end of
the enforced truce the basic issue
would remain unsolved.
The basic issue, he said, is
"whether the companies will break
' the union."
The white-haired union chief
Space (Field
-- ldber
The pace at which radio-fre-
quency bands are being commer-
cialized "might kill radio astron-
omy, 'Prof. Leo Goldberg, chair-
man of the astronomy department,
warned yesterday.
"This would be the height of
irony," he added, "since astron-
omy is the science that has given
birth to the modern technologies
of satellites and space communi-
Prof. Goldberg, also vice-presi-
dent of the International Astron-:.
omical Union and chairman of its
United States National Commit-
tee, urged American astronomers
to support a drive for internation-
al protection of those radiofre-
quency bands most important to
radio astronomy.
'Stripped' Proposal
The current Dutch proposal be-
fore the International Telecom-
munications, Union (ITU) asks
that a half-dozen frequency bands
be reserved for radio astronomers,
but Prof. Goldberg called this a
"stripped-down minimum of the
steps that must be taken, to pro-
tect radio astronomy." -
The ITU, now meeting in Gene-
va, is a branch of the United Na-
tions set up to determine at 10
year intervals, who may use which
radio bands.
The radio waves originating bil-
lions of miles out in space are ex
tremely weak and easily "drowned
out" by stronger signals of the
earth or transmitted by man, he
explained, thus making it very
same frequency coming from the
difficult for astronomers to study
J'the weaker, but more important,
Real Menace
High-flying aiation, long range
and interplanetary radar signals
and those bounced off the moon
and planets, missile and satellite
communications, man-made sig-
nals reflected from satellites and
commercial radio stations are all
real or potential menaces to the
1 effective study of radio astronomy,
he continued.
Advances in communications in
the next decade, Prof. Goldberg
predicted, will intensify the de-
mand of military forces and com-
mercial radio and telegraph com-
panies for more radio channels.
"If radio astronomy bands
aren't protected during this meet-
ing (of the ITi), there wouldn't
;e another chance for 10 - more
years," Prof. Goldberg pointed out.
boomed that the steelworkers
"never, and I repeat never" would
yield to management's demands.
He said these call for elimina-
tion of protection for' workers
against changes in local working
conditions as a prerequisite to a
wage settlement.
McDonald shouted that such
changes-which the companies say
are necessary to cut labor costs-
can be imposed "only over our
dead bodies."
'Class' War Charged
The steel manufacturers, he said,
"have determined on class war."
McDonald and Arthur J. Gold-
berg, the Union's, general counsel,
were leadoff witnesses as a three-
man panel began hearings in-
tended to help President Dwight
D. Eisenhower decide whether to
seek a strike-halting injunction.
The board is under orders to
report to Eisenhower by Friday.
Industry spokesmen were in line
to give their views to the fact-
finders after the union has had its
A mericans
Still Held
LONDON (P) - Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev last night was
reported to have raised with Mao
Tze-Tung the possibility of re-
leasing five American captives of
Red China.
Secret diplomatic information
from Peiping Indicated the Soviet
premier also urged Mao privately
to do everything else he can to aid
the process of East-West reconcil-
The outcome of Khrushchev's
representations concerning the
jailed Americans is not yet known.
Prisoners include missionaries and
fliers convicted of spy charges.
Khrushchev promised President
Dwight D. Eisenhower in Wash-
ington last month he would take
up their cases with the Chinese as
a friendly gesture but stressed he
could not tell the Chinese to re-
lease them.
Red China meanwhile unre-
servedly hailed the Khrushchev-
Eisenhower exchanges as being
"conducive to the further relaxa-
tion of international tension and
the safeguarding of world peace.".
say about the increasingly bitter
dispute which dragged through its
90th day.
The company representatives are
expected to state their case today.
In the past,-the companies have
accused the unions of demanding
pay boosts and other benefits that
management argued would threat-
en new inflation.
The steel firms have pledged to
resist this, and there' was no sign
they were ready to back off.
Foreshadows Walkout
This, together with McDonald's
no-retreat stand, pointed to a re-
newed walkout about New Year's
Day even if a Federal Court order
should send the strikers back to
the mills for 80 days.
McDonald said his union would
bow to an injunction, although
opposed to it.
However, there were indications
that members of the presidential
panel contacted both sides before
the hearing began in an apparent
effort to mediate and avoid an
injunction. Whether this effort
made any headway was not known
The panel's assigned job is to
find the facts in the case, but
Board Chairman George W. Tay-
lor had made it clear he planned
to try to work out a voluntary
Dislikes T-H Law
Taylor, an old hand at arranging
such settlements, is outspoken in
his feelings that a Taft-Hartley
injunction only serves to prolong
a labor dispute.
Both Steelworkers President Mc-
Donal and Counsel Goldberg
challenged the need for an injunc-
tion to halt the strike, which has
shut down about 85 per cent of the
nation's steelmaking plants and
idled about 800,000 workers, in-
cluding half a million steel hands.
This strike already ranks as the
longest in the turbulent history of
the industry.
Sees No Retreat
Goldberg contended the. strike
poses no threat to national health
or safety. The effect of an injunc-
tion would be to "bail out the steel
companies," the Union lawyer said.
He let is be known the steel union
would fight in federal court!
against issuance of a back-to-work
McDonald pledged his steelwork-
ers will return to work "if they are
required by law to do so."
Two Nations1
Seek Place
On Council
key and Communist Poland dead-
locked yesterday in a race for a
seat on the United Nations Secu-
rity Council.
At stake was the lrestige of the
United States, the principal sup-j
porter of Turkey.
Poland held an edge but failed
to win the required two-thirds
majority in a series of secret bal-
lots in the 82-nation UN General1
Assembly. More. voting will take"
place today.
On the 13th vote at the opening
of the Assembly yesterday Poland
received 48 and Turkey 34 votes.
Poland fell eight short of the re-
quired 54. Israel was absent be-
cause of the Yom Kippur holiday,
and one other. delegation ab-
At one point during the morn-
ing Poland came within six votes
of victory..
At the suggestion of Argentina
the Assembly decided to take the
13th vote, then delay additional
voting until after disposing of"
elections to the Economic and So-'
cial Council and other business.
A Soviet move to delay both the'
Security Council and Economic
Council elections was defeated.
The Assembly quickly elected'
Ecuador and Ceylon for two-year
seats on the 11-nation Council,
then bumped into the deadlock
between Turkey and Poland.
Each year the Assembly elects
three non-permanent representa-
tives to the Council, the UN's most"
powerful political body.
The United States, Britain,
France, the Soviet Union and Na-
tionalist China are' permanent"
Most UN diplomats took the
view that a Turkish defeat would
be a blow to the prestige of the
United States, which has cam-
paigned vigorously for Turkey.
UN To Debate
'led Chinese
Policy in Tibet
United. Nations General Assembly
decided yesterday to hold a full
debate on charges of Chinese
Communist repression in Tibet.
The vote was 45 to 11.'
Voting no were the Communist
nations and Indonesia, which
complained that the Peiping gov-
ernment would not be present to
answer the charges since the UN
has refused to consider admitting
Speaking in favor of holding the
debate, United States Ambassador
Henry Cabot Lodge told the As-
sembly: "If we turn our faces
away from evil in the UN the
world will be in serious danger"
Associated Press News Analyst
LONDON - Dear to every Eng-
lishman's heart is the belief that
an Englishman shows no emotion
in victory or defeat.
Last week Harold Macmillan and
Hugh Gaitskell kept faith with
Winner Macmillan, of course,
had the easier role.sHis Conserva,
tive Party had sent Gaitskell's
Laborites down to a staggering
Pale sunshine touched the leafy
Court Grants
Labor Plea
For Review
preme Court yesterday granted an
organized labor plea for review of
a lower court ruling which could
profoundly affect union member-
ship and political activity.
It also followed a hands-off line
on details of school integration
cases. Its refusal to review lower
court rulings in school cases had
these effects:
1. In Prince Edward County, Va.,
there remains unchanged a circuit
court order for immediate integra-
tion which has resulted in county
officials closing all public schools.
Norfolk under Injunction
2. The Norfolk,, Va., city council
continues underkcourt-injunction
not to cut off public school funds.
3. Negroes in Raleigh and Mont-
gomery Counties, N. C., are pre-
vented from speeding up the de-
segregation which is proceeding
piecemeal under a state pu'-il as-
signment law.
In the first decision day of the
new term, the court ruled on
nearly 400 cases, most of them.
of limited effect, but handed down
no written opinions.
Agree To Review
The court agreed unanimously
to review a decision of the Georgia
Supreme Court that compulsory
union membership is unconstitu-
tional -if the union uses for politi-
cal activity any of the dues col-
The case was brought, in Macon,
Ga., by six employes of the South-
ern Railway System who were re-
quiredto join unions under a
union shop agreement which calls
for such membership after 60 days
of employment.
The plaintiffs argued they were
deprived of their constitutional
rights by being forced to contrib-
ute, through union dues, to politi-
cal causes and candidates they did
not favor.
countryside at Macmillan's polling
Slowly and with dignity he
walked before a microphone to
hear an official announce the re-
sult of the Prime Minister's per-
sonal campaign.
In a ringing voice the official
announced that Macmillan had
defeated his Laborite opponent.
This was greeted by a roariof
approval from a highly partisan
As erect as if on guard duty,
old soldier Macmillan's face
showed not the slightest change of
Looks to Prosperity
"I hope and believe and pray,"
he began in a voice drained of
emotion, "that we can now look
forward to a period of prosperity
for all our people.",
The crowd was so hushed you
could hear the autumn leaves
rustling in the soft wind.
"For we are all one people," the
Prime Minister went on, "and I
hope we are now passing into a
period of peace for the whole
Gaitskell Depressed
Gaitskell's sad but brave pan-
tomime began in industrial Leeds.
He had been re-elected to Parlia-
ment-but with a reduced ma-
Head high-but not too high-
he left his hotel for London. Walk-
ing beside him, was his wife and
their two daughters, Cressida and
Julia. It was a depressed little
A small crowd, with an embar-
rassment you could almost feel,,
watched silently as they walked to
the nearby railway station and
boarded the train.
Later Gaitskell faced a crowded
room of reporters and photogra-
phers at Labor headquarters. He
wore a, quiet smile.
"This is not a landslide," he said
very quietly. "And it's not a disas-
ter. It's just a setback."
Retains Dignity
He spoke evenly, unhurriedly
and without the slightest trace of
bitterness or self pity. He was
casual. Almost carefree.
"We are a great party and' a
great power for good in the world.
Our ranks are unbroken."
His upper lip was so stiff it.
slightly altered the shape of his
long pointed face.
At last he finished, stood up and
said "good evening."
Outside in a gloomy corridor an
old friend among the reporters
asked Gaitskell his immediate
"If this weather keeps up," re-
plied the man who would have
been Prime Minister save for a
few hundred thousands pieces of
paper, "I think I'll do a little
Macmillan, Gaitskell
Retain Britsh Calm
XC 1
t i", t ' t
. , . grass-roots vote
American voters go to the polls
this month in a primary election
to determine final candidates for
the title of national flower'
Chrysanthemums, roses,, corn
tassels and marigolds are the front
yThe election is being conducte
nation, includng.five in AnnAr-
bor. Resu ts o e pot enby.
the Florist's TelegraphSDelivery
Service, will be forwarded to Con-
tress next session.
Last year, David Burpee, the
seed man, caused a sensation by
registering as a lobbyist for the
marigold to oppose other flowery
orators eCongress
His choice, he claims, stems from
the horticultural fact that the
golden posy is a native American
and as hardy as this, country's
human pioneers. This, for Burpee,
puts the marigold stem and petals
above its competitors in thelirae
for recognition.
Ses. Margaret Chase Smith (R-
Maine) and Rep. Frances P. Bol-
ton (R-Ohio) are leaders of the
"rose bloca" while Sen. Paul Doug-
las (D-i) directs corn tassel
forces n
n oclfloist rpoted about
40H bahoie haisbe n received so
far, with over half the month to
She said she preferred th carna-
tion herself, but thought the chry-
santhemum would probably win.
The carnation is too commercial,
she said, and the chrysanthemum
can be grown in back yards
Higher Sum
Called Goal
Of Officials
Final Totals Held
Pending Approval
Of Board of Regentso
The University released a "ten-
tative" operating budget request
to State Controller James Miller
Authorities would not tell exact
figures requested. One official in-
dicated the request for 1960-61
will be six or seven millon dollars
higher than this year's $33.4 mil-
lion appropriation.
A total of $39.2 was asked last
Four Improvements
The six-to-seven million dollars
would increase outlays in four
categories, listed by University
President Harlan Hatcher in his
address Monday night.
1) Faculty and staff salaries -
these would be hiked another nine
per cent, generally.
2) Enrollment-support for the
"possible 200" more s t u d e n t s
which President Hatcher sees en-
tering the University next fall.
Add More Books
3) Adjunct services - including
additional books for the libraries
and funds for "studentservices."
4) Maintenance of grounds "andl
buildings-"pretty shoddy," Pres-
ident Hatcher has called the Uni-
versity plant. Little money has
gone for refurbishing the grounds
for the past several years.
Further details on the 1960-61
operating budget will be released
after the Regents' meeting Oct.
23, when they will consider revi-
sions in the budget suggested at
their last meeting and presumably
approve the total request.
No Official Action
"Since the budget wasn't offi-
cially acted upon by the Regents,
the preliminary figure won't be
released to the public," Ilrector
of University Relations Lyle Nel-
son told The-Daily last night.
The preliminary report, "sub-
ject to revision by the Regents,
is now before the state budget
bureau's division on higher edu-
cation. It was sent to Lansing to
meet the Oct. 12 deadline on hig-
er education budget.s
Earlier this fall several of the
state's colleges and universities
had considered asking for an ex-
tended budget deadline, since the
state's late payments to the
schools delayed budget calcula-
tions, but there was no extension.
Rejects Pln
- _. __ .
'Singers of Folk Songs'
Rock Detroiters on.
"We're singers of folk songs,"
said Dave Guard of the Kingston
Trio in response to a request to
define the type of singing the Trio
has popularized.
"We aren't folk singers," added
Bob Shane, "I personally don't
like folk singing; I don't like rock
and roll, either."
Nicky Reynolds, the third mem-
ber of the Trio, agreed that their
material is, adapted to suit their
idividual style. X
Change Continually
"We make some changes in ev-
erything we do," said Guard,
spokesman for the group.
The Kingston Trio appeared
Sunday night in Detroit, where
then Dlnved tn acnanaity crowd
few spirituals or blues numbers.
"I can imagine being on a ship but
not on a chain gang," as a mem-
ber of the Trio expressed it.
They got together during their
college days, when Dave studied
at Stanford University and Nick
and Bob attended Menlo Business
College, one mile apart in north-
ern California.
Began Professionally
In 1957, while Dave did gradu-
ate work in economics and the
others were working, the Trio de-
cided to try out their act as pro-
fessional entertainers.
"It was one of those things -
we knew if we didn't try it, we'd
hate ourselves all our lives," Guard
asserted. He dropped out of grad-
uate school, .Nicky and Bob quit
+hei. i.c and he Kin.+nn Tri
When asked why they decided
not to follow through their busi-
ness educational backgrounds, the
Trio countered, "Do you think we
don't call this a business?"
"I figured I could never get to
be head of a corporation that way,
so I quit and did it in three days,"
Nicky grinned.
"This way, we all get titles,"
Guard confided. "What am I,
Grand Vizier?"
For the future, the Kingston
Trio plans a trip to Europe for
personal appearances and the
broadening experience of travel,
as well as to look for new material.
Also, they are considering doing
a movie. Two scripts are ready for
their consideration, but the Trio
is in no hurry.
"We don't exactly 'need the
money," Nick averred.
Do they want to do serious dra-
matic parts? "Why not? It's a
challenge," Guard commented.
Serious Turn
"He's playing a serious role
right now," Bob winked.
Also, the group plans to record
a series of soft drink advertise-;
ments. The first will be based on
their latest hit single, and will
start, "It takes a thirsty man-..:.'
The campaign will include maga-
zine and billboard advertising as
Nicky's wife and Dave's wife
and baby daughter are staying on
the coast, while Bob's wife is
"down in Georgia on the planta-
tion - she has to mind the place
while I'm gone."
The Trio travels at a whirlwind
pace, working one-night appear-
ances at colleges, jazz festivals and
and private parties (recently they
pocketed a cool $5,000 for playing
a coming-out party for the daugh-
ter of a Texas oilman.)
Ann Arbor Off Schedule
They won't be playing Ann Ar-
bor this year - because of the
great number of campuses where
A motion to establish a council
committee to study and undertake
positive action on the urban reha-
bilitation problem was defeated at ;
last night's City Council meeting.
In making the motion, ,Council-
man Richard Dennard recalled
that when yIayor Cecil 0. Creal
vetoed the Urban Renewal plan
this summer, he had proposed an
alternate plan, and asked what
the mayor intended to do.
Mayor Creal said that the com-
mittee for voluntary rehabilita-
tion he had proposed has not defi-
nitely been set up, but an area
committee has "been working ac-
tively in a great many places."
A report will be given to the
council early in November.
The motion for the council com-
mittee which was to study ways
to establish a uniform housing
code was defeated 8-3.
It was supported, however, by
three junior councilmen recently
appointed to the Council.
John Gamoche of St. Thomas
High School, John McClusky of
University High School, and Frank