Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Men's Rush- Some Came Running' "When Opinions Are Free Truth Wih Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH DONER University Fails To Grapple With Issues in Its Future ONE MUST ACCEPT the inevitable. The in- evitable is President Hatcher's speech on "The State of the University"-an appraisal of the past year and a general foresight into the future. Monday night President Hatcher did not grapple with issues. Enrollment will increase: he did not even intimate why it should increase. The state has "potential for support:" what kind of support will it give the University? A "pilot program" was set up at Dearborn this fall: why only a pilot program? He hit on one thing, but a conception rather than an issue. The University is growing into a complex of Institutes-these signify more and more emphatic attention to research and advanced study. The Institute of Science and Technology and the new post of Vice-President in Charge of Research embody moves in this direction. SOON THE MYTH of the University as a school for undergraduates will be shattered. The reality is already a thing of the past. In the last decade the graduate student propor- tion has jumped from 33 to 39 per cent, and the statistics do not even take account of space and the attention devoted to research-graduate study. "The University's orientation has changed;" President Hatcher said that himself. The President had to give the 750 faculty members in attendance something to think about. It took tact - and grace to place the emphasis on increasing research, rather than hurting faculty members feelings with talk about University quality. He said the past year is "one of the most severe the University has experienced." But he did not say the future is likely to be difficult too. The extent of state's "potential for sup- port" is not apparent at present. So little money is in the state treasury that the Uni- versity's October installment has not yet been paid. Still at the edge of the financial cliff, it will be many months before the state can pay up its debts and build up a backlog out of its newly acquired use and business activity tax funds . . . if the use tax is declared constitu- tional. As it is, the University may still see several late payments. SEVEREST CRITICISM is due President Hatcher's bland statements on enrollment, which may increase "possibly 200" next year. Growth will be "carefully controlled," primarily because the University cannot finance ram- paging extension. If the money was there, would the University grow a little less care- fully? The President does not say, he does not face the opposition which worries that aca- demics may become a package deal in educa- tion. It is also frightening to note that President Hatcher twice called the Dearborn Center a "pilot program" in his Monday night address. The 1959 Dearborn program was first called a "pilot program" when the 33-student enroll- ment was announced. In the few releases on progress at Dearborn since that time, it is again referred to as a "pilot program." The term hints of apology. Was the President apologizing too? True, the "State of the University" report is inevitably a reassurance and an idealistic forecast. What does one do about the inevit- able? --NAN MARKEL -Doilv -David Crrnwell THE SENIOR COLUMN: Madison Avenue Techniques and Rushing By CHARLES KOZOLL Personnel Director "HARD SELL" the inclusive term which advertisers apply to certain salesmanship pitches, may be applied to the campus phenomena of rushing. Throughout a very concentrated yet subtle campaign of open houses, smokers, dinners and in- dividual meetings, affiliated men try to sell rushees on the merits of their particular fraternity. Several hundred undergraduate men are presently being subjected to this hard sell process. This group, predominantly freshmen, has been getting their first im- pressionistic view of the "Greek way" this past week. During meetings at the various houses, a rushee has learned that food may be better, that social possibilities are very promising and" that living expenses are on a plane with University housing. * * * ALONG WITH the tangible benefits, he will also discover that through a fraternity he will meet and make lifelong friends. That within his house will be not only acquaintances but some intimate contemporaries - the terms fra- ternalism and brotherhood will be mentioned quite often. He will be on the receiving end of this campaign until he or that particular house decide that they aren't suited for each other. At that time a choice must be made. Fraternities will make a highly subjective selection of whether to "bid" or to "drop" an individual. Rushees will be faced with a more meaningful decision. Disre- garding the possibility of picking between several houses, the most decisive verdict he will render is b e: a n 4' n d a e s t' b p f: 11 c t n f a Center Looks at Peace THE WORLD'S best known problem - one felt by all '- is the threat of global war and destruction. This threat offered the major im- petus in the creation of the Conflict Resolu- tion Center here last June. But the Center's social scientists will investigate more problems than that of war. War In itself is by no means new with mod- ern times; rather it is an age-old human occu- pation. What is new today, however, are the stakes involved by war; for with the progres- sion from crossbows to A-bombs, the effect of warfare has become increasingly more devas- tating. Clearly today's world leaders are clearly aware of this danger; and they are handling any threat of war with kid gloves. The recent meeting of Ike and Khrushchev would not have happened even twenty-five years earlier. The cordial meeting of the two was an open declar- ation that both nations will make every effort to avert world destruction. And underneath, most people take solace from this realization. That they may be blown off the face of the earth in the next year is a constant fear - as yet, however, it is not a crisis. In fact, there are many who regard it as a bluff. IN LIKE MANNER, the Conflict. Resolution Center has enough faith in the endurance of civilization to devote a major portion of their research to the implications of world peace - a problem that, unlike war, is new and unique. For although there have been peaceful eras in history, we now realize that continuing peace is the only way that history can go on. So be- sides the problem of how to attain peace, the Center will grapple with what to do with it if and when we get it. The Center recognizes that absence of war will necessitate a major human readjustment; for war now fulfills certain functions, such as providing employment. The fear of unemploy- ment and depression resulting from peace and disarmament is a major source of anxiety in capitalistic countries such as. ours, and the Center will seek substitutes for the functions that wars have served. Another cause of anxiety about peace is the fear that without war as an internal unifier, nations will fall apart at the seams. The Center will study nations that have long been at peace, such as Sweden, to discover if the absence of a war-stimulated morale has brought new co- hesive forces into being. The Center will also study the effect on the individual of long-term peace. What will it do to creativity? Perhaps lack of conflict will mean boredom and dullness. What effect will it have on mental stability? Perhaps frustrations re- leased in war will now have no outlet. EVERLASTING peace will probably not be ob- tained by the subordination of all nations under one power; history has shown that this way is not too effective for long periods of history. So any peaceful order that is attained will mean a limitation on nations' military power, foreign relations and ways of settling disputes. The Center will study the implica- tions of establishing such a system as well as the means for creating it. A final block in the path to peace is our very inability to visualize a world perpetually at peace. The idea of an unfamiliar world gives rise to fear - even reluctance - as to how one will fit in. The Center realizes that this fear will be another cause for a major human readjustment in a peaceful world. It appears then, that the weightier side of the Center's war and peace problem may very well be peace. -STEPHANIE ROUMELL LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Homecoming Procedure Disputed To The Editor: AFTER READING the October 7th letter to the editor from the residents of Henderson House, I am prompted to write describing a similar injusticeraccorded my own house, Allen - Rumsey. Our petition was accepted by one of the Homecoming officials at five o'clock on September 28: it was later dated October 1, three o'clock, and grouped with all others ac- cepted before that time. We were not told that ourdisplay would be prejudged by the committee, and that the acceptance time had little to do with priority. It has been the procedure in past years to date the petitions as they are received and to reject only those whose theme duplicates a previously ac- cepted design. To further aggravate the injus- tice of the new system, we were not notified that our theme had been duplicated in a petition which was turned in two days later. The committee apparently decided that they did not need more detailed information regard- ing the two displays, but that they could fairly determine the better from the six lines of brief descrip- tion and the. sketch included in each petition. This rather blind procedure was made even more suspect by a member of the Home- coming Committee, who, after con- siderable hedging, admitted that the committee had examined de- tailed plans of our opponents' dis- play, submitted in addition to their petition. THE QUIETUS came, however, when we finally insisted upon ex- amining the opposition's docu- ment. Even to the eyes of objective observers, their display exhibited the wit and artistic sense of a ten- year old. There is but one more unfor- tunate similarity between our ex- perience and that of Henderson House: we were both rejected in favor of affiliated groups with members on the Homecoming com- mittee. I hope the apparent dis- crimination was merely coinci- dental, and that Homecomings of the future will be handled with greater justice and competence. -Thomas McConnell, '60 Deranged . . To The Editor: WE CANNOT escape being mildly disturbed, to say' the least, by the fact that this university has lately begun to play friendly host to mentally deranged individuals. Orientation . . To The Editor: A N EDITORIAL appeared in The XI' Michigan Daily on October 8, 1959, by Thomas Kabaker attack- ing the orientation proposals re- cently made jointly by IHC and Assembly. I believe a reply is in order. The motivation behind the ori- entation statement is twofold: 1) to follow the concepts of the Mich- igan House Plan, and 2) to provide a cohesive elment in the form of living groups. Plainly, this is ,to. benefit the freshman and not "raise the quadrangles' and dormi- tories' prestige." We do not propose to erect an Iron Curtain around the freshmen. The statement is aimed at social orientation only. Even if the all campus social orientation were to be eliminated entirely the fresh- men would not be kept from out- side contact. We do not, however, wish to entirely eliminate this pro- gram. OUR AIM is not to have 100 per cent returnees every year. If we had over 40 per cent of the men returning we would not be able to accommodate the new fresh- men. We must, then, do our best IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) sics; MS: AE, CE, EE, EM; PhD: AE, CE, EE, EM. All degrees in Physics. Feb. grads only. Citizenship required. Missile Div., Downey, Calif.: BS: AE, ChE, EE, E Phys. & ME; MS: AE, ChE, EE, Instru, ME & Met.; PhD: AE, ChE, EE, Instru., ME, and Met. All degrees in Physics, Feb. and June grads. Citi- zenship required. Rocketdyne Div., Canoga Park, Calif.: All degrees: EE, ME. ChE, CE, AE, Gen- eral Engrg., Physics & Math. Feb. grads only. Oct. 16, 1959 Burroughs Corp., See above. Monsanto Chemical Co.: See above. North American Aviation: See above. Student Part=-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available to students. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non- Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg., during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirousof hiring students for part-time work should contact Jim Stempson, Student Intrviewer. at Ext. 2939. for those men who will be living in the residence halls for only one t year. This is what we hope to ac-t complish through more effectivet implementation of the Michigan r House Plan.I I feel we have an excellent pro- gram for those men who do re- turn to the system for a second 1 year. Our academic program, especially, is of high quality, fea-t turing faculty guest speakers andt excellent library facilities. Just thet opportunity of living with such at widely diversified group of men isi a highly educational experience. The issue should not be whether IHC or Assembly are capable ofI -running an effective orientation program, but, can the individual{ houses? From my limited experi- ence in Williams House and West Quadrangle I feel that we are more than capable of running a highly successful program, cer- tainly more successful than the chaos of a freshman mixer at the Union. U -Art Brown, President Williams House, WQ Books . . . To the Editor: I WOULD like to take this op- portunity to congratulate, the local book store retailers for their unceasing concern on behalf of the students of the University of Michigan. Their concern travels past all limits as educational middlemen, to a distinct counter-myopic cru- sade. Or so I gather when the only available soft-coverhedition of "The Grapes of Wrath" was large-typed, wide-spaced and modernly decorated. May I add, however, that this edition (Compass Books) sold for $1.95, while less-encompassing printings have been sold for $.50 (the price of my English profes- sor's copy). Again, I salute the local book store retailers, for doing their part to "hold the price line." -Alan Bernstein, '62 Pleasure * * * To the Editor: IT WAS A PLEASURE to read Thomas Piatkowski's informa- tive account of his Polish summer in the Sunday Daily Magazine. He discovered there some of the bru- tal facts of Russian exploitation. But his conclusion that those facts\ renire the abandonment of coex- between affiliation and independ- ence. * * * EACH TERM is accompanied by a maze of connotations and a few mental images. Rumor has it that one group may have perpetrated a myth about the other (i.e., beer drinking, partying fraternity man as opposed to a boorish independ- ent). Investigation bears out that a segment of each social sphere is there not out of individual choice, but through some influencing ex- perience. A quick decision by his freshman roommate may have prompted an individual to pledge. Similarly, an unfortunate en- counter in one or several houses tional solution of branding all may drive a rushee to the irra- fraternities under a common neg- ative label. He may have decided that the ultimate goal is to be in a fra- ternity - the reasons behind it unknown. He may move in the op- posite direction - reasons again, unknown. THE UNFORTUNATE outcome is that he is now cast into differ- ent circles and may find his habi- tation revolting. Personal intellec- tual development linked with ac- tual experience in certain situa- tions can result in startling indi- vidual changes. This freshman-turned-sopho- more may discover that the bond between his fraternity brothers isn't as real as it seemed one year ago. He could, as an independent, also become aware that all affil- iates aren't obnoxious conformists. Sadly, these flashes of realiza- tion come only after pain of some sort. And even then, change is slow in coming. He has become set in his ways and too unwilling to strike a new course. Sometime about his junior year, he discovers that it might have been better to consider all sides of the question before moving one way or the other. But then it is too late. DELINQUENCY:- School Aid Not Enough (EDITOR'S NOTE - This is the fourth and final article in a series from the Associated Press dealing with constructive attempts to com- bat juvenile delinquency.) By G. K. HODENFIELD Associated Press Education Writer JUVENILE delinquency is every- body's business. Directly or indirectly, everyone shares in its costs. No one can stand aloof from its problems. And, says a research study pub- lished by the National Education Association, "All citizens-the gen- eral public and lay and profes- sional workers-must get into the act." There is no one cause for delin- quency, and no one cure. A child learns at his mother's knee, and in the school. But he also learns in the alley, on the street corner and on the playground-if there is one. THE SCHOOL, with its large army of trained youth workers, can play a vital, strategic role in the battle against delinquency. But it can't do the job alone-it needs the help and cooperation of the youngster's family, the police, the courts, and all community agencies. William C. Kvaraceus, director of the year-long NEA project, em- phasizes that "the family is one of the most important influences in the life of an individual, and few parents are willfully negligent or have any wish to raise a delin- quent youngster. . . ." But some parents, the report says, just aren't able to cope with their children. Although there are many hard- to -reach parents, with negative and even hostile attitudes toward the schools and schoolworkers, it is essential to get their coopera- tion. "Many of these parents need, more than anything else, some feeling of understanding and ac- ceptance on the part of the school and the community," the report says. "When school and family work closely together, a promis- ing result is likely. But when school and family are in opposi- tion, an entirely different climax may be in the Offing." The school cannot live in isola- tion from the police and the courts. If it does, it is failing the young- ster in trouble, and handicapping the professional workers who ae trying to help him. * *- - "UNFORTUNATELY," says the report, "most-if not all-com munities attach a stigma to police contact and juvenile court appear- ances.. The report offered these guide- lines: The schools, courts and police must share their information, in an effort to determine the nature and extent of the local delinquency problem. A full-time liaison perso should be employed to work with both the court and the school. The schools, police and courts must work together in determin- ingthe causes of truancy, and de- ciding what can be done about it. They also work together in de- veloping educational programs for the prevention and control of de- linquency. "By sharing information through joint study and planning," the re- port says, the schools, legal agen- cies and courts can do much for a youngster's present and future Welfare." There is the same urgent need for cooperation between the schools and other community agencies. 14 ;# I A ..I ,I l i ..... - -- TODAY AND TOMORROW In the Lion's Den By WALTER LJPPMANN EXPOSE himself to a press conference at this moment, as Secretary Herter did on Tuesday, was the rough equivalent of walk- ing into the lion's den. Mr. K. has come and gone. Mr. K. has been to Peking. The great issues of life and death have been talked about, and the main agree- ment reached has been that there shall be more negotiation, talk without time limits and without precision, without threats but with- out promises. This basic agreement requires the use in public of vague formulae, in which no- body has to dot his i's and cross his t's. HE ALLOWED himself to be drawn into a line of questions about Mr. K.'s visit to Peking, about the relations of Russia and China, and about our views of where Russia stands in relation to China. These are among the most interesting questions in the world for table talk and for irresponsible newspaper writing and for private official consideration. viet relations with Peking. These commen- taries cannot possibly soften the Chinese posi- tion. They cannot fail to embarrass the Rus- sians. Surely the right official policy is silence, and the utmost reserve and discretion. Apart from this Chinese scratch, Mr. Herter did extremely well, most particularly with the question of Berlin. The crucial problem of Berlin, which was not solved at Geneva, is how to find a basis of negotiation which in- sures the security of the community of West Berlin. Except, it would seem, for Mr. Acheson, there is a general recognition that the situa- tion is abnormal. This abnormal situation has to be main- tained in substance until the two Berlins are reunited and become the capital of a reunited Germany. But to maintain this abnormality for a long period offtime, perhaps for a genera- tion, we cannot stand pat upon the old texts of the occupation period. These texts did not fore- see anything like the present situation enduring AT THE STATE: 'Blue Denim'.Rps Crackles, and Flops "BLUE DENIM," now playing at the State Theater, is the latest Hol- lywood attempt to perpetuate the teen-age tragedy myth. As Sam Butler once said, "Youth is like spring - an over-praised season," and the movie tries its best to prove it. The cards, of course, are stacked, or, to put it another way, the denim is dirty. Viewers over eighteen, or over the hill, don't stand a chance. The plot centers around the Bartley family: Malcolm, Jesse, Lillian, and Arthur. It lacks only organ music to provide that final, soap-box opera touch. We need not concern ourselves with Lillian, however. She's not only eighteen, but she gets married to a dentist, Axel by name. Arthur (Brandon DeWilde), Lillian's younger brother, is not -quite so fortunate. He falls in love with Janet (Carol Lynley), and as a result Janet gets an ideal chance to peruse a book on pregnancy. This is probably to be expected, since her father is a college professor. * * * ARTHUR'S PARENTS, played as convincingly as possible by Mac- Donald Carey and Marsha Hunt, are the usual middle-class clods, un- sensitive and unimaginative. Arthur is the typical middle-class teen- ager, with a bleeding heart. I see that I have forgotten to mention Hector. Hector is an old dog who gets gassed, literally, before the picture begins. He had be- longed to Arthur, but had been disposed of by Malcolm, without hav- ing first asked Arthur's permission. And if Daddy sneaks around kill- ing dogs, what will he do to Arthur and Janet, now that she is pregnant? ii i 11