i Seventieth Year ON TOUR: Khrushchev Tough Effective Leader a Opinions Are Free ith Will Preval"t EDITED ANT) MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUbENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. X, SEPTEMBER 18, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN NSA and Students .. Retreat To 'Responsibility' "RESPONSIBILITY" was the big word at this y ear's National Student Congress. Overconcern with "responsibility" led to a nine-hour debate on a resolution .encouraging distribution of information on nuclear testing. Overconcern with "responsibility" led to pass- age of meaningless amendments which 'diluted important policy statements. Overconcern with "responsibility" prevented election of .the best candidate as NSA president. In short, overconcern with "responsibility" ism the biggest factor keeping NSA's performance so far below, its potential. AMENDMENT of the Freedom of the Student Press resolution provides a good example of the word-worship NSA now practices. A section reading: "That it is the duty and aim of the student press to develop and serve its community and to cultivate freedom of expression, stimulation of thought and response in the community. This must be done as its editors believe just and fit- ting within their individual concepts of news- paper ethics; Editors should bear full responsi- bility for their opinions and decisions;" came to the congress from the Student Editorial Af- fairs Conference. This was amended on the plenary floor "to read "within their responsible concepts of news- paper ethics," even though another entire see- tion of the press freedom resolution deals with the responsibilities of editors.' Discussion in favor of this amendment dealt only with the undeniable but irrelevant point that editors should be responsible. Debate against made two valid points: first, that responsibility is well-treated in the other" section referred to; and second, that saying the editors must have "responsible concepts" of journalism provides unfriendly administrations with a ready means of censorship by subdective criteria. ' IMTLARL the resolution on Aims of Edu- cation was subjected to a barrage of amend- ments, some of which were voted 'down. A delegate from Yale objected to the phrase "American colleges lack devotion to the in- tellect, a sense of dedication and a profound respect for the education which the student should be pursuing." His school was devoted, he said, and he proposed the .amendment "Most American colleges . . . A delegate from Lehigh rose to suggest an amendment to the amendment, reading, "With the notable exception of Yale University, Ameri- can colleges ....' And the original amendment was laughed down. But other amendments such as "in some ,cases", crept into the resolution, and an entire section on the profound respect NSA has for teachers was grafted on. THIS SAME sort of logic apparently went into the enormous reluctance of the plenary body to consider dissemination of information. on nuclear testing a concern of a student asso- ciation. Debate actually hinged not on the validity of this concern but on a constitutional restriction confining NSA to matters dealing with "stu- dents in their role as students." So passage on the nuclear testing resolution represented a step in the right direction, forcing a broader definition of the word "student" upon NSA. LOOKING BACK on this debate, only one reason stands out for the average delegate's reluctance to stretch the constitutional clause. Responsibility has been equated with respecta- bility, and students who feel vaguely foolish legislating on weighty matters are retreating behind the constitutional question. - Retreat is also an accurate description of the election for president. Three candidates were running, one of whom had the support of only a small minority of the body. The other two differed widely in approach. Curt Gans of the University of North, Carolina spoke on a need for a revival of the "messianic zeal" which characterized NSA right after the war. Don Hoffman of Wisconsin, on the other' hand, told the plenary he favpred going "back to the campus" with NSA programming.' "rPHAT HOFFMAN is so darned safe," a stu- dent from Kansas said. He pointed out that Hoffman had avoided speaking on either side during the nine-hour debate on nuclear testing. "Curt Gans scares me a little," a girl from Florida said. "He's so intense.": Hoffman was elected on the first ballot, re- ceiving more votes than Gans and the other candidate together. Gans was subsequently elected National Affairs Vice-President. And an interesting tug of war for the next year thus. is shaping up. THIS CAUTIOUS concern with responsibility is far from being a characteristic of NSA congresses alone. An interesting parallel to the automatic 'safe" positions so often taken during the NSA congress came up when American students went to Cuba under Operation Friendship. Many reacted instinctively against the en- thusiastic University of Havana students, and leaned toward the worldly "moderates" at Villa Nueva. Often, the objections raised to the govern- ment of Fidel Castro seemed to stem not from objection to specific procedures but to the radi- cal nature of the revolution in general. This Inflexibility and cautiousness proved a bigger barrier to international understanding than the ethnic and language differences be- tween the United States and Cuba. -THOMAS TURNER Editor «:. to, , r _ S k' a " rr . « td a. " 8 Y f " S.Y By PHILIP POWER Editorial Director NJIKITA Khrushchev is now wan- d e r i n g around the United States pretty much like any other bourgeois tourist, except that his retinue is fancier than usual. Aside from giving Mr. K a VIP's-eye view of selected parts of the counp try, it is doubtful whether any re- sults of the visit will become ap- parent for some time., However, the very fact 'that Khrushchev is visiting the country and that President Eisenhower will be returning the call soon has some importance. At the now-for- gotten Geneva Foreign Ministers' Conference, the United States held that the prerequisite for a summit conference was a solution to the ,West Berlin problem, coupled with some guarantees to the West that the solution would be a lasting one. This position has in effect been reversed by Khrushchev's visit here, as his talks with Eisenhower amount to little more than a sum- mit conference, and the Russians have failed to make any signifi-. cant moves toward a solution of the Berlin situation. ~* ,* * KHUSHCHEV'S own idea of the purpose of the exchanges is that "Agreement between the, great powers is the best guarantee that peace will be safeguarded, not only for big countries but also for small countries."' And if one thing can be said to characterize the current tour, it is the overriding concern with the necessity of peace. The Russian leader is expected to propose a new disarmament plan when he speaks to the Unit Nations General Assembly, a3 yesterday he warned that a Wor War III "would cover the ear with ashes and graves." Khrushchev' and the Preside will have more specific issues discuss at the end of the vis Khrushchev wants to conclude German peace treaty, which wou involve some sort of settlement c West Berlin. Khrushchev so far has been a ticulate and effective in expoun ing the Russian position on the and other issues, and American r action to him seems to be one grudging respect - with excel tions. It's too bad Congress ran o of Washington before Khrushch could address it. THINGS have certainly changt in Russia. Stalin or Malenk would have never submitted questioning Khrushchev took the National Press Club. And, oz is tempted to feel, they wouldi have done so well. Khrushchev came, here main because he felt that his invasic of the American publicity med would. be some sort of person triumph in the propaganda battl How serious he'is about somethir concrete coming of his talks wit President Eisenhower is less ce tain. More definite is the fact that tl President had better get his Mad son Avenue friends cracking if I wants to make a good showing the return match of person "competitive co-existence" wit Khrushchev. I With the News by RobeetJunker A st! A STATEMENT recently attributed to Nikita Khrushchev on his tour through the United States offers an interesting insight into the Russian diplomatic mentality. "We have a saying in Russia," Khrushchev said, "that repetition is the mother of knowl- edge." This explains a lot. P.P. * Bias Clauses Again MICHIGAN STATE University deserves applause - loud and long. In the race to see which of the state's giant universities could open the best branch college this year, MSU with its Oakland Coun- ty unit appears far ahead of the University's own Dearborn Center. Both college newcomers will be semi-autonomous and will feature rather- bold new approaches to higher education. It'sJust that in the process somewhere along the way, the two schools interchanged their values, and the University values adopted by MSU-O are by far the superior. MSU-O will open with a class of about 500 this month. Like the Dearborn Center, this class will consist of commuters. Both schools occupy choice locations - MSU-O has the 1,800 acre Meadowbrook estate given by the Alfred G. Wil- sons, while the University Center has Henry Ford's Fair Lane es- tate. MSU has added 200 acres to its original donation through pur- chase and claims enough land is available for eventual expansion to a size of 25,000 or more. * * 4 MSU-O WILL $E a four-year, primarily liberal arts institution, while the Dearborn Center is a Junior and senior level institution with primary emphasis on engi- neering and business administra- tion. But MSU-O is not a tradi- tional liberal arts college, at least as far as experience in state-sup- ported education is concerned. The MSU branch will attempt to extract certain "u n i v e r s a 1 education as shown at Oxford or truths" from British advanced Cambridge. The student will be primarily on his own. Loren B. Pope, assistant to the MSU-O Chancellor, shocked some Detroit area residents with his comment, "We will make our professors as dispensable as possible, consider- ing them less as teachers than as resource persons. If we could, we wouldabolish all faculty rank." The branch plans to subordin- ate large lecture sections to small group discussions, even suggest- ing that these take place in the homes of faculty members. Writ- ten assignments will be stressed, periodic exams will be down- played. 'Technical courses will be kept to a minimum. Extensive liberal arts work, at least half the elected hours, will be required of all students, includ- ing those in engineering science (MSU-O will offer no straight en- gineeing 'degree) and business administration. * * * ALMOST ALL students must take a foreign language, and MSU-O is stressing Russian. All the language teachers are foreign born native speakers. All students must also take one year of study in the people and cultures of Asia, Africa and South America. According to Chancellor Dur- wadrr B Varner. the "nnive'rsal STATE OF THE STATE: Cures Sought To Lansing Troubles By THOMAS HAYDEN Daily Staff Writer IT WOULD BE pleasant to forget Michigan politics in 1959, and one ordinarily could, for the legislative session usually ends in early summer. This wasn't the case this year. The legislators resume business this week, after an 18-day rest, their longest since the present session began in January. Things usually done by the Legislature in the spring are still un- done. And they most complex of these things.- a settlemnent of the tax fight - is not only still undone but becoming more complex by the day. *4* * PAUL ADAMS, the Democratie Attorney General, told the state Supreme Court Tuesday that the one-cent use tax increase, key to the $129 million tax package passed Aug. 29, is unconstitutional. Adams claims that the use tax is no more than a thinly-disguised sales tax. As such, he contends; the tax violates the state Constitution, which places a three-cent limit on the sales tax. If he' can prove his ppint, the use tax increase would have to be rejected, and the legislators would once more be looking for new tax plans. Ironically, they might be forced to adopt some form of personal income tax, which Democrats supported for six months before giving up, and which Republicans regard as anathema. What makes the situation confused is the strong. possibility that the constitutionality of the tax may not be decided by wholly judicial means. The State Supreme Court is predominantly Democratic, and could be much inclined to junk the use tax increase, which would start the heated bickering again. * * * THE ENTIRE DEBATE has been to an amazing extent a personal feud between a liberal ambitious governor and a core of conservative resentful Republicans. Both sides hurled blind invectives, bordering sometimes .on hate, which is no climate where equitable tax programs flourish. Even this would have been tolerable if the Legislature had finally come up with something solid in the form of taxes., But they didn't. Instead they came up with something quite intolerable and inadequate. The use tax increase merely burdens those who are least able to pay - the low-income, large-family groups. And in a recession,.-when tax returns are needed desperately, the sales tax returns will steadily diminish, SO THE BASIC PROBLEM remains: how to build a tax framework which will provide enough money to operate the government of a large, free-spending state, and at the same time 1) overcome the iniquities of partisan politics and 2) eradicate taxes which unfairly cripple lower income families (or which may over-burden business and industry). All this adds up to a problem which might send pessimists over the brink. But there are some - few is a better term - elements working which might someday clean out the mess and put Michigan on an even keel. There was the Citizen's Committee on Taxation, directed by- Uni- versity Professor Harvey Brazer, which did such an intelligent and un- biased job in recommending a tax program last fall that virtually all its suggestions were thrown out by the Legislature. Still, the committee did operate, and others of its kind are possible. FACULTY OFFICE BLDG.: WILL ITS PHILOSOPHY HOLD TRUE? NEARLY EVERY fall in recent years, the question of fraternity bias clauses attracts attention in the press and on college campuses. This year, for example, newspapers reported that Sigma Phi Epsilon voted to remove from its constitution, bylaws and ritual all member- ship restrictions on race and creed. The Wes- leyan University chapter of Sigma Chi an- nounced its withdrawal from the national or- ganization because the parent group had re- fused to remove "discriminatory clauses" from the national constitution. And the University of California Regents have withdrawn recog- nition of fraternities and sororities having membership rules which discriminate on a basis of race, religion or national origin. A vocal group within the fraternity system decries this annual pattern. Fraternities are being denied their right as private organiza- tions to choose their memberships, they claim. This argument would be valid if Sig Ep had passed a resolution saying that all Sig Ep chapters must have Negroes, Jews and Asiatics In it. Or if the California Regents had de- manded that every fraternity on its campuses proportionally represent all racial, religious and national groups at that campus. BUT NEITHER the Sig Ep national nor the California Regents did this. The intent and effect of both actions was not to force the local chapters to do anything. Individual fra- ternity members can still blackball a rushee for personal reasons - even if this reason is based on prejudice. Sig Ep chapters and all fraternities on Uni- versity of California campuses from now on will be given more freedom of choice - there are now no types of rushee that must be cate- gorically rejected. The attack on bias clauses has a broader sig- nificance however. It is a necessary step in the effort to create a freer, more tolerant atmos- phere on the college campus. It is not a radical step; it is a small step. Its objectives are not revolutionary; they are modest. -JAMES SEDER emerging seriously as an educa- tional philosophy leader. The University traditionally has been known primarily as a haven of liberal education.'" It has had strong engineering, medical and other curriculums outside the "liberal arts," but has probably never been considered a technical school in the sense that MSU has, e. g., the "cow college" label as one expression of MSU's technical nature has no University counter- part. NOW THE Dearborn Center. This unit, which opens this month, will have nothing like MSU-O's 500 enrollment -, 100 is much closer. Both' branches claim equal- ly high admissions requirements. The Dearborn Center will not even offer a liberal arts program this year. The liberal arts curriculum was apparently considered the most expendable with the Dearborn Center's "minimal" o p e r a t i n g budget forcing curriculum cuts. Engineering and business admin- istration will be offered this year, however. The Center will offer the unique "work-study program" where in alternating three-month quarters, students will attend classes at the Center and then receive jobs in industry keyed to the educational program. The work-study program is new, and interesting. It should be valu- hle in tehnical reducatinn which MSU-O will almost revolution-' ize teacher training, too. Courses teaching students how to be teachers will be virtually elimin- ated; teaching practice begins in the sophomore year and continues until graduation. Teachers will thus have practical experience, and time to learn subject matter rather than now to put the pre- viously unlearned subject matter. across to students. This MSU-O scheme of well- rounded education, a revamped curriculum and elimination of technical courses, is valuable to the student who may well find his technical training outmoded upon graduation, but the "universal truths" still much in evidence. With admission standards as high as those of the University and higher than those of its own parent school, with 24 out of 25 of its new faculty having PhD's, with a revamped curriculum and new emphasis, MSU-Q may well grow into the state's outstanding school in the coming decades. The Dearborn Center probably will find itself one of the most ex- pensive experiments in trade school education since . . . Well, since old MSU itself. f f £imtigaut Bail. New Books at the Library Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor PHILIP POWER E' O ROBERT JUNKER, Editorial Director City Editor CHARLES KOZOLL .............. Personnel Director JOAN KAATZ.. .«,....«...... Magazine. Editor BARTON H UTHWAIE............. Features Editor JIM BENAGH ...................... Sports Editor SELMA SAWAYA ...... Associate Personnel Director JAMES BOW .................Associate City Editor SUSAN HOLTZER ........ Associate Editorial Director fli.mtmn fT1 UUA'. t _af.'r «,t.. .t... -- - ... -- Markis, John N. - The Silent Investigators. The great untold story of the United States postal inspection service; N.Y., E. P. Dutton & Co., 1959. Packard, Vance - The Status Seekers: An exploration of class behavior in America and the hidden barriers that effect you, your com- munity, your' future; N.Y., David McKay Co., 1959. ............. ....... ....... .. ......... A x