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October 09, 1959 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-09

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SGC Committee Asks
Changes in Bicycle Sale



(Continued from Page 4)

A report on the bicycle auction
was presented by the Student Ac-
tivities Committee to the Student
Government Council at its meet-
ing Wednesday night.
The auction, which was held as
planned Sept. 26 on the loading
dock behind the Student Publica-
tions Bldg., netted a profit of
$46.46, which was given to the
Student Activities Scholarship
"The main objective of the bike
auction is to provide a service for
the students," said Nan Adams,
'60, chairman of the Student Ac-
tivities Committee. "We of SGC
are representatives of the students
and try to serve in any way we
To Give Opportunity'
The purposes of the auction
were to give the students an op-
portunity to sell their bicycles at
a better price than they could ob-
tain from, the local merchants,
and to offer students an opportu-
nity to purchase their bicycles at
a reasonable price.
The first function was fulfilled
since all but two sellers received
checks after the auction which av-
eraged almost 50 per cent more
than the appraisal price for his
Improvement was needed in the
area of the purchasing of bicycles,
because they sold for more than
they were worth. This was esti-
mated by their appraised value.
Competition Keen
One reason for the prices being
too high is that there were too
few bicycles for too many people,
and conisequently the competition
for them was keen. Also, most of
the students apparently had little
or no conception of the worth of a
The SGC auction gave the stu-
dent a wider market for his bike.
The bike auction operated in the
area of 'student to student and
not into the area of new bikes.
Upon the basis of the results
of the auction, the Student Activ-
ities Committee made their rec-
They asked for an increase from
$100 to $150 for expenditures since
their allotment was insufficient to
run two effective publicity cam-
paigps and to handle the expenses
of the auction.

A request was made for SOC to
take from 10 per cent to 15 per
cent out of the selling price to
cover the increase in total expen-
Recommend Changes
Changes in procedure of the
collection and sale of the bicycles,
similar to that of the Student
Book Exchange in- collecting and
selling books, was recommended.
The bicycles would be collected,
as before, during the final exam-
ination period in June.
In the fall during the after-
noons of the first week of classes,
students would be able to pur-
chase the bikes for the price pre-
viously set by the seller. All the
bikes which had not yet been pur-
chased plus those which students
brought in during the week would
be auctioned in' the same manner
as this year.
Advocates Change
The committee felt that this
change of procedure would better
fulfill its purposes. The buyers
would have a chance to carefully
examine the bicycles and to pur-
chase one without the competi-
tion and pressure of the auction.
Also, this procedure would allow
the handling of more bicycles.
The report of the committee
was received by SGC, but the rec-
ommendations were not consid-
ered, since it was felt that such
discussion should be held at a
more appropriate time.
Comments were offered, how-
ever, by members of SGC.
One was that the program itself
is adequate in fulfilling its pur-
pose of acting as the agent who
receives a considerably less fee
than the Ann Arbor dealers do.
However, the method in which the
auction was held- might not have
been adequate.
Another comment was that the
function of the bike auction is
similar to the Student Book Ex-
change in saving the students
money, but this purpose was not
adequately being carried out. It
was not possible to have saved the
students money and make a profit
at the same time. If an outline of
functioning similar to the current
one is adopted, it will not be ade-
quate for the aim of the Student
Activities Committee.

ings already sent in, must be received
in the University Directory office, 517
Admin. Bldg., by Fri., Oct. 16. For
further information, call Florence Boyd,
Ext. 2152.
Blue Cross, Group Hospitalization
and Medical and Surgical Service.
Duringthe period from Oct. 12 through
Oct. 23, the University Personnel Office
(Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg.) will accept
new applications as well as requests
for changes in contracts now in effect.
These new applications and changes
become effective Dec. 5, with the first
payroll deduction on Nov. 30. After
Oct. 23 no new applications or changes
can be accepted until Oct. 1960.
Summer Sessions in British Universi-
ties: Mr. Frank Jessup, the representa-
tive of the British Universities Summer
Schools program, desires to meet all
those interested in the British Sum-
mer Sessions on Fri., Oct. 9, at 4:10
p.m., in Rm. 2013 Angell Hall. Infor-
mation about the programs may be
obtained from Clark Hopkins, 2011 An-
gell Hall.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend. Social chairmen are
reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
noon, on Tuesday prior to the event.
Oct. 9: Hayden Hse., Lloyd Hse., Phi
Delta Phi, Winchell Hse.
Oct. 10: Adams Hse., Alpha Delta Phi,
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Chi Phi, Chinese Students Club, Colle-
giate Sorosis, Delta Theta Phi, Gamma
Phi Beta, Gomberg Hse., Kelsey Hse.,
Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi
Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi
Rho Sigma, Psi Upsilon, Reeves Hse.,
Scott Hse., Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma
Chi, Sigma Nu, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta
Psi, Beta Theta Pi & Phi Kappa Psi,
Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Angell Hoe.,
Phi Gamma Delta.
Summary of Action taken at meet-
ing of Student Government Council,
Oct. 7, 1959.
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Adopted' plan of reorganization re-
lating to the Public Relations Com-
mittee and the NSA Coordinator. The
position of Public Relations Director
was created, appointment to be made
by the Council on recommendation by
the Interviewing and Nominating Com-
mittee. This officer is to= be responsible
to the Admin. Vice-President; the Na-
tional Student Association Coordinator
will be responsible to the Admin. Vice-
Reviewed section on Conduct' and
section on Eligibility, as presented in
the proposed revision of the Regula-
tions Booklet. Adopted the recommen-
dations below relating to the section
on Conduct:'
That proper governing authorities:
(1) reconsider the entire area of "wo-
men Guests In Men's Residences; (2)
consider exception to the, rule on In-
toxicating Beverages for fraternities
whose membership consists entirely of

members 21 or over, and that the Grad-
uate Student Council be notified of
this recommendation.
That the Board of Regents clarify
the intent of By-law Sec. 8.05 relating
to "concerted absences."
Referred questions of "double jeopar-
dy," community laws, and the scope of
"conduct unbecoming a student" to
the Committee on Student Rights and
Academic Freedom which is to be
Received the report of the Bicycle
Auction; defeated a motion to accept
the recommendations included with the
report; defeated a motion that the bike
auction be discontinued.
Approved a change in calendaring for
"Hillelzapoppin" from March 12 to No-
vember 7.
Recommended to Women's Judiciary
Council that a late permission be
granted for Nov. 7 (to encouarge at-
tendance at the Monte Carlo Dance
which was previously calendared on
that night.)
Directed that petitions for the Monte
Carlo Ball and Hillelzapoppin be sub-
mitted to the Council by the next
meeting and that representativesrof
the organizations meet with SGC rep-
resentataives to minimize conflicts.
Approved change of date for "Lan-
tern Night" from Oct. 19 to Nov. 2.
Approved: Nov. 11-12: Assembly, Jr.
Panhelelnic, IHC, IFC, Fresh Air Camp
Bucket Drive. Drive runs from 8-5 p.m.
on both days. Around campus and Ann
Arbor; Dec. 2-5: Union, "Musket," 8
p.m. and mat., Lydia Mendelssohn The-
Calendar & Approve: Feb. 20: Galens,
Caduceus Ball, 9:30 p.m., Mich. Union;
Oct. 20: Arab Club, Lecture -- Dr. H. K.
Selim, 8-10 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
Calendar: Nov. 7: Hillel Foundation,
"Hillelzapoppin;** IHC-Assembly Sing,
(calendar change from Nov. 13)
Approved revision of election rules
as amended, and accepted the election
calendar, with petitioning opening Oct.
9, closing Oct. 19 with all necessary
papers including petitions, photo-

graphs, platforms, and answers to the
Daily questionnaire due on that date.
Composites and platforms will be post-j
ed Oct. 22. Elections Nov. 3,.4.
Accepted resignation of David Kessel.
Academic Notices
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. James
Olds, "Mechanisms of Learning and Mo-
tivation in Paleo-Cortical Systems."
Fri., Oct. 9, 4:15 p.m., Aud. B. Coffee
will be served in 3417 Mason Hall from,
3:45 to 4:15 p.m. Everyone welcome.
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical Analysis Seminar: Frank H. Wes-
tervelt will speak on "Stepwise Regres-
sion with Simple Learning," Mon., Oct.
12, 4 p.m. in Rm. 3209 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for. Karl Wil-
helm Roskamp, Economics;rthesis:
"Economic Growth, Capital Formation,{
and Public Policy in west Germany,
1948 to 1957," sat., Oct. 10, 2A Econ-
omics Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,j
W. F. Stolper.
Doctoral Examination for David Gar-1
field French, sociology; thesis: "Social
Work and Social Science: An Analysis
of Their Relationship," Sat., Oct. 10,
5607 Haven Hall, at 9:30 a.m. Chair-l
man, R. C. Angell.1
Doctoral Examination for Phyllis Ack-
man, Psychology; thesis: "The Effects3
of Induced Regression on Thinking
Processes," Fri., Oct. 9, 6625 Haven Hall,1
at 12 noon. Chairman, J. B. Adelson.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1959-60
school year.
Carthage, Ill. (Carthage College) --
English Department.
Detroit, Mich. (S. Redford Schools)-
Elem. Vocal Music.
Macomb, Ill. (W. I1l. Univ.-Campus
High school) - Supervisor for Math.

Poland, N. Y. - Guidance Director.
Tecumseh, Mich. -- Elem. Girls' Phy-
sical Education.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Government Agency in Ann Arbor
area has need of a Bio-Chemist. Will
consider woman, but prefer _a man -
veteran, necessary. Either a BS with 2
yrs. experience or an MS with 1 year,
experience is required. Some traveling
Electric Eye Equipment Co., Danville,
Ill., is interested in adding an Appli-
cation Engr. to their staff. At least a
BSEE or BSME and any special knowl-
edge dealing with the graphic arts or
paper making field would be helpful,
Must be willing to travel one or two
days per month.
The Borden Co.,. Chicago, Ill., has an
opening for a Traveling Auditor on
their Chicago staff. Will be, pleased to
interview applicants who have com-
pleted 3 or even 2 years of accounting.
Between ages of 21-30, and have abil-
ity to express himself in writing.
Oakland County, Pontiac, Mich., has
need of: Child Welfare Worker with
B.A. in Psych. or related fields, plus 1
year experience; need of Registered
Nurses for TB Sanitorium near Pon-
tiac - must be registered in state of
Hardware Mutuals, Grand Rapids,
Mich., would like to interview young

man between ages of 24-27, with at least
Bachelors degree, excellent mind, a
good contact personality, very ambi-
tious, good appearance, etc.
City of Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion, The current list, as of Oct. 5, for
continuing examinations for the City
of Detroit, is now on file at the Bureau.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 4001
Admin. Bldg, Ext. 3371 or 509.
Student Part-Time
The following part-time jobs are
available to students. Applications for
these gobs can be made in the NWon-
Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020
Admin. Bldg., during the following

hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30
p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of
hiring students for part-time work
should contact Jim Stempson, Student
Interviewer, at Ext. 2939.
5 Research Assts.-Willow Run Lab.
(Must be U.S. citizen and have own
1 Judo and Karate Instructor (must
have black belt)
1 Information Booth (Willow Run)
1 Dish Machine Operator (Mon-Fri.,
1-3 p.m.)
1 Asst. in Physical Instrumentation
20 Bus Boys (Residence Halls)
1 Wash Windows-any time (4 hrs.
per week)
1 Yardwork
10 Baby Sitters
8 Housework -
1 Sorting ID cards--any time






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