"Comrade!" Seventieth Year EDITED A4D MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT THE CAMPUS: Bardot Graduates In New Profession' When- Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily, express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, OCTOBER 9, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN HARTWIG AS I S EE IT! !*!By THOMAS TURNER STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council's handling of the Hillelzapoppin'-Monte Carlo Ball conflict was disgraceful. Hillelzapoppin', SGC's Calendaring Commit- tee, and SGC itself all share the blame. -In no sense was the International Student Association, sponsor of the Ball, at fault, unless being "unrealistic" is grounds for criticism. Yet ISA was stepped on by an organization which ought to be its best frien'd, and the whole cam- pus may come out the worse for it. Hillelzapoppin' was either ignorant or de- vious in the approach to the calendar process. Larry Solomon admits he made the first mis- take in asking the Calendaring Committee for the evening of March 12, 1960. The Committee gave Hillelzapoppin' this date, and it was duly printed in The Daily, and in the Union League Calendar Notebook. But Hillelzapoppin' was still trying' to decide whether or not they really wanted the spring date. Representatives Maxine Apple and Solo- mon told SOC it was decided spring rush and Michigras would interfere with the eventmore than would Homecoming, Men's Rush, and the other fall events. This decision was made, one might add, de- spite the fact that women's rush would have ended two weeks before, and Michigras would not be held until six weeks later. IT WAS NEVER made clear when Hillelzapop- pin' decided the fall date was preferable. Calendaring Committee chairman Paul Lichter admitted he was not sure whether or not it. had been mentioned to him before or after his group submitted the Calendar to SGC for ap- proval in May.k Had it been mentioned beforehand, the fault would lie with Lichter and his committee, and Hillelzapoppin' could only be blamed for not making it clear this fall that the date pub- lished was wrong. At any rate, Lichter's committee met on the Hillel request for :the November 7 date, and decided to approve it though the Monte Carlo Ball was set for that night. Lichter said he felt there was no real con- flict, since in the past two years the Ball has drawn 400 and 200 couples, respectively. His interpretation of the word "conflict" is ques- tionable, however, since when ISA's officers found out about the rescheduling they were h~pping mad. They didn't learn this until about a week ago. Until then they had been assuming the Calendar notebook to be accurate. When the conflict finally arose the Calendar- ing Committee tried to resolve it. ISA was ada- mant, while Hillelzapoppin would settle for any "compromise," so long as they were al-! lowed to share the Nov. 7 date. SGS THUS had a deadlock dropped into its collective lap Wednesday night. ISA secretary Raquel Marrero of Cuba told the Council her group viewed the situation not as one merely of one event drawing from an- other, but of principle. If SGC really favors International Week, she pointed out, it should guarantee first place on campus that week to each of the Interna- tional Week events. This particularly should hold for the dance which concludes the week. The principle involved having been stated so unequivocably, SGC hurried past it to debate and approve calendaring of Hillelzapoppin' for the night of the Monte Carlo Ball. "There is no such thing as an all-campus event)" Interfraternity Council President Jim Martens declared. A mathematical wizard who shall go un- named figured out that with 400 people usually attending Monte Carlo Ball and 1,600 at Hil- lelzapoppin', there is an untapped reserve of at least 20,000 students to make up losses in one or the other. David Kessel pointed out, however, that this line of reasoning is somewhat misleading. Many students are "channeled off into hus- bands and wives," he declared, and never par- ticipate in any campus activities. Much of the early debate was spent on de- termining precisely what the circumstances of the case were. It was determined Hillelzapop- pin' had given no serious consideration to oth- er nrights or to use of other, inferior auditor- iums for the show. But as the representatives said refusal toj give them Nov. 7 would 'probably mean the show would not be held, that $2,000 would be lost to the United Jewish Appeal, and that the participating Jewish houses would be greatly disappointed. Considering this, and the fact that in dele- gation of power to its own Calendaring Com- mittee SGC gave away the opportunity to solve the conflict before plans got well underway, the Council voted to calendar Hillelzapoppin' for Nov. 7. While in some senses this decision was un- avoidable, the conduct of the meeting was not. A considerable portion of the debate was un- reasonable and offensive. First prize in the latter category goes with- out question to Roger Seasonwein. Seasonwein seems to regard his Jewish background as a license for a variety of uncalled-for remarks. In this case these added substantially to the already considerable damage done to ISA's im- pressions of American students. THERE IS, as SGC treasurer John Feldkamp noted, another test of the spirit in which the conflict is to be resolved. Both ISA and Hil- lelzapoppin' will be returning with petitions for approval of the events, probably at next week's Council meeting. These petitions will detail plans for each event, and it is not unreasonable to expect Hillel's petition to show ground given on open- ing and closing hours for the event, and per- haps in a specific suggestion that those attend- ing Hillelzapoppin's attend the Ball also. A show of cooperation between Hillel, ISA and, of course, SGC during the next week as petitions are drawn up, would do much to overcome the hurt feelings which have result- ed. But all the damage can never be undone, AFTER MANY attractive bon- bons, Brigitte Bardot has grad- uated to a film that is more than skin deep. "Love Is My Profession" finds her cast as a down-and-out, semi-professional streetwalker who is planning, with the help of an- other girl, to rob a jewelry store. Unfortunately, the jeweler's wife returns to the shop while Bardot' and her friend are in the middle of the robbery. Being a real petite bourgeosie, she becomes a little old tiger, fighting mad; so Bardot, without thinking, hits her over the head with a crank, and she and her accomplice have to flee. BB, in need of legal help, finds a prosperous lawyer (Jean Gabin) and wheedles him into accepting her case-for the only payment she can give. After some shoddy legal tricks, such as attacking the jeweler's character by revealing that he is really an old leech when his wife isn't around, Gabin gets, his client off. The night of the acquittal, he sets her up in a hotel and payment begins. * * * "LOVE IS MY PROFESSION" is actually a moralistic film, despite its extended dwelling on the fleshly aspects of human existence. Its underlying theme is the Biblical quotation, "Those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword." Much in the manner of the me- dieval wheel of fortune, Brigitte is lifted out of the gutter, swung on high into a beautifully furnished apartment, and finally cast down' to destruction in a squalid hotel. BB cannot be said to have emerged as an actress instead of a personality as yet; but this movie certainly points in that direction, for it reveals that her talents lie beyond an ability to emerge from a bathtub and lounge around in an oil cloth negligee. As the lustful lawyer, Jean Ga- bin vividly reveals the comedy, tragedy and pathos that combine to make up the aging lawyer. Special mention must be given to the actress who plays Gabin's old maid secretary, who must have come from the French equivalent of Boston. -Patrick Chester AT THE MICHIGAN: FIJI Tale A LAVISHLY sentimental, flag- waving yankee doodle dandy tribute to the Federal Bureau of Investigation made its way to town yesterday. Complete with the endorsement of J. Edgar Hoover and equipped with a half-dozen fascinating cases culled from the government files, the sprawling two-hour and twenty minute en- try is appropriately enough called "The FBI Story." Adapted from the remarkably successful best selling novel of Don Whitehead, the Mervyn Le- Roy production concerns itself with a vivid close-up of Chip Har- desty, the government man, as well as the somewhat less defined superficial sketching of Chip Ear- diesty, the man. As a result when the film con- centrates on the inner workings of the FBI, it emerges as an extra- ordinarily effective work. However when the offering -lapses into tie domsetic conflicts of its chief character, it completely loses all of its vitality. ,: I Copyright, 1959, The Pulitzer Publishing Co.. Herbiock is awaydue to difleSt. Louis Post-Dispatch SGC IN REVIEW: Concept Changed with New Election Rules By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Daily Staff Writer AFTER bickeiling and swaying from one side to the other, both from indecision and weari- ness, Student Government Coun- cil finally settled down early yes- terday morning and did some- thing that might bonceivably be of value. Word changes in a Regulations Booklet five years old and has merely been brought up to date, and discussion on dates for dances are fine but after six hours they become a little boring. It was quite refreshing to hear that the Elec- tions Committee had something new to discuss. The whole idea behind the new election rules seems to be an at- tempt to change the campaigns from one of personalities to one in which the student will be forced to vote intelligently or not at all. If he votes intelligently, the Coun- cil' will probably be better; if no one votes then maybe the students don't deserve an SGC. * * * UNDER the old election rules It was possible to be elected by having students scribble their names on a petition as they run by and nailing up a few flashy posters. The only advantage of this system is that it provided a great number of candidates. It lacked, however, voters. With the new system it is not so easy to become a member of the Council, Posters, with the ex- ception of SGC's composite pic- ture of all candidates, which will appear all over campus, will be outlawed. To get your name and face before the students it will be necessary to discuss SGC with BRITISH ELECTION: Conservatives Expect Victory them, not merely stare down at them from a piece of colored cardboard. The only printed matter allow'ed will be the platforms of the can- didates. Once again the emphasis seems to be on informed voters rather than students voting for a poster or a gimmick. * * * ONE OF THE main advantages in the new elections rules is in the area of finances. In the past" with a limit of $25 set for all ex- penditures, candidates who went over the limit were disqualified for such action, even though they, probably had a good excuse or reason.- Under the new regulations, cah- didates will be unable to spend any money outside of what they give to the Council for the elec- tions fee and printing of plat- forms. This draws a line much clearer than with the past rules. Now no one can plead ignorance of the rules or that someone over- charged him, for no expenses can be incurred. With the old rules, there were problems and will probably be with the new set too, but this is not the important factor. The concept should be given a chance. If it is possible to have elections; in which the students take time to vote intelligently, it will be worth it even if problems do crop up. ALTHOUGH James Stewart ambles pleasantly enough through the film, generously dispensing his customary serving of warm m western charm, he is unable to- give the offering an essential focal point. Somehow the viewer never really seems to care how Mr. Stewart's Hardesty will fare in his skirmishes with death. Vera Miles certainly makes a valiant attempt to give credulity to her role as Hardesty's wife. However, the maudlin quality of the dialogue she is offered makes her appear more of a caricature than as a three dimensional char- acter., * * * WITH painstaking clarity MW. LeRoy illustrates the discovery and apprehension of espionage agents in New York. His camera moves about the metropolis' sub- ways, stadium and drives wit$ a remarkably fluid quality. And his succession of footage depicting the capture of such notorious crimin- aigs as John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Machine Gun Kelly, and Baby Face Nelson ably reflects the efficiency and thoroughness of the FBI. Occasionally there are even genuinely touching moments in the domestic sequences of the film. However these moments are rare and all too often the documentary qualities of the piece must yield to that which is saccharine and ineffective. This prevents "The FBI Story" from bursting forth as the thoroughly absorbing produc- tion that it should have been. -Marc Alan Zagoren a, Aj i TODAY AND TOMORROW A Milestone By WALTER LIPPMANN ALTHOUGH there was little drama about them, the meetings last week in Washing- ton of the World Bank and the Monetary Fund marked a turning point in our time. In our relations with the economically advanced coun- tries of Western Europe and of Japan, the post- war period has come to an end. For our princi- pal allies and principal enemies alike, the devastation and ! the dislocation of the war meant a period of years, roughly ten, for recon- struction and recovery. During this period of reconstruction their greatest need was a supply of hard currency, of which the dollar was the chief example. The great American measures, beginning with the Marshall Plan and includ- ing many others, were designed to overcome the shortage of dollars, of which we had a surplus and our allies and enemies a deficit. This policy has been brilliantly successful. Japan and the industrial part of Western Eu- rope have not only made a full recovery but are in a condition of expanding prosperity, and indeed of boom. For them the dollar shortage has been turned into a dollar surplus, and it is self-evident, as their financial representatives in Washington have-been the first to admit, that they must now take their place as partners rather than as dependent relations in the task of financing the development of the under- developed countries of the world. THIS CHANGE has become visible in the past two years. Since the last quarter of 1957, it, is the United States, not the principal bene- ficiaries of the Marshall Plan, which has been running a deficit in its balance of payments. These deficits are now growing. During 1958 and somebody will have to play that role--we cannot afford to lose gold at the rate we have been losing it during the past year. Our gold reserve is, to be sure, the largest in the world. Even after the recent losses it is still nearly 20 billion dollars. But as against these reserves we have outstanding foreign liabilities of over 15 billion. Another year or so of the deficit we are now running, would make the position very, tight. This is a big change in the past ten years. At the end of 1950 we had a surplus of gold reserves over our obligations of more than 15 billions. At the end of 1955 we had a surplus of more than 10 billions over our obligations. In another year or so we may have no surplus. If we approach this point, we must expect a serious speculation against the dollar. It is plain, therefore, that we cannot afford indefinitely deficits in the balance of payments and gold losses such as we have had during this past year. THE SITUATION will have a great and spreading and deep influence on the forma- tion of American foreign policy in the months and years to come. It is too early to attempt to foresee the whole effect. But a few things can perhaps be foreseen. There will be an increasing insistence that the advanced and recently recovered nations of Western Europe and of Japan should finance the cost of their own defenses. There will be an ,increased recognition that in the financing. of the development of the backward countries, (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Stone is an English student from Oxford University, now working in London on his doctoral dissertation on American politics after a consider- able period of time spent in the United States doing research.) By LESLIE STONE LONDON-The gap is narrowing. All the polls agree that Labor haS made a startling recovery in the first two weeks of the cam- paign. Now with a few days left to election day there is less than two per cent separating the major parties. But the most remarkable feature bf the campaign is the number of undecided voters recorded in recent surveys. Instead of diminishing as the day of decision nears, the total of "don't knows" has risen: One estimate puts the figure as high as 181/2 per cent, which means that approximately one voter in five has yet to make up his mind. The Brit- ish director of the Gallup Poll claims that "this factor alone makes the election unique in all the hundreds covered by Gallup Pols in the 15 countries in which they operate political surveys." With such a high proportion of the electorate still uncommitted, party chairmen and election agents are calling on their supporters for that last extra spurt of activity that may make all the difference. Clearly no one can now rule out the. possibility of a Labor victory and anything can happen before October 8th. TO ' SEE THIS fluctuation of opinion in its proper light one must bear in mind an important char- acteristic of the British electoral system. With only three or four weeks between the announcement of an election and the actual poll- ing day, there is no campaign in the traditional American sense. In fact there isn't the same need for one, as there are no nominating conventions and the chief con- testants, being the respective Gov- ernment and Opposition Leaders in the House of Commons, are known long in advance. And in a country where voting discipline in Parliament is very strict, it is the party label that counts. It has been estimated that in post war elections less than one per cent of those voting have been intf nee1bte nernalimienof Macmillan soon employed the tech- nique. recently much favoured by American Presidential hopefuls of winning the headlines arid running for office by travelling to foreign lands. Meanwhile a powerful boost from an interview program con- ducted by Edward -R. Murrow helped to transform him into a front-line public personality, fa- miliar and reassuring, on the TV screens of the nation. The steel and chemical indus- tries, fearful of nationalization, joined in with a huge anti-Labor public relations campaign. The' Conservative Party engaged Messrs. Colman, Prentis and Var- ley, a well known advertising con- cern, to go to work for them. For the past year posters have been popping up all over the country; the traveller returning. home to London could hardly go half a mile from the airport before he was reminded that "Lif'e is better with the Conservatives-Don't let Labor spoil it." * * 3* THERE ARE strict limits, vigor- ously enforced, on the amount that may be spent during campaign time, but there is of course no limit on expenditures between campaigns. Assessing the total spent by the Tories this year be- fore the campaign, observers have usually guessed about 1,240,000 dollars though some dare put it as high as 5,600,000 dollars. In British experience such tac- tics were unprecedented and their effect was considerable. Labor ac- Bused the Tories of Madison Ave- nue methods, of selling political images like soap or a detergent. They dubbed the Prime Minister MacWonder or Super-Mac, at- tempting to laugh the whole thing off, but it didn't do them any good. They merely added to their troubles for some members of the public even mistook their irony for the real thing. With the coming of the election itself the Labor party began to come- to life. Gaitskell seems to have developed new powers and confidence since his return from Moscow and the old campaign methods have fallen by the way- side. This is the second election in which TV has played a significant role in nrt strategv hut since they were reckoned to be hope- lessly outgunned. * * * - THEIR TEAM of Oxford intel- lectuals, all past Members of Par- liament or present aspirants with experienced backgrounds in TV, sound radio and journalism, have produced a series of programs in the best Huntly - Brinkley style. Critics have complained that the operation has been too slick, too smooth, lacking the traditional Labor mixture of wild, idealistic slogans, clumsy trade union proto- col and broad North country ac- cents. But no one has yet denied it has been miles ahead of the Tory efforts. It does seem that at the outset the Tories were a trifle over-con- fident. After so many months of careful work and planning they may have thought that they had only to sit back and reap the har- vest; it was to be a gentle quiet process, with the promise of Lord Hailsham that there would be "no mud-slinging." The Prime Minister was sent off on what was expected to be a triumphant but dignified tour of the country while the ad- ministration's suppoiters were ex- horted to preach the theme of "peace and prosperity." SIR ANTHONY EDEN used sim- ilar strategy with great success in 1955, but somehow this time things, have gone wrong. Those who dis- like Macmillan dislike him with an animosity that was never directed against Eden. Labor's defeat in 1955 was partly due to apathy and failure to poll the party's full po- tential vote. Last week, however, reports from the front line told of aroused Labor audiences and, more important. cheerful supporters willing to un- dertake the tedious business of ad- dressing letters and ringing door- bells. The changed atmosphere has caused the Tories to reverse their tactics. Macmillan's speeches have be- come more aggressive, the right wing press has begun to counter- attack and finally Lord Hailsham himself has taken the field with a call to all Conservatives to roll up their sleeves and enter the fray. The mud is being thrown after all and old campaigners are feeling more at home: all the signs indi- cate a heavy poll (80-85 per cent To TheEditor tj (i Freedom.? ... To The Editor: ONE IS justified in feeling some disma', I think, at the reaction of many intelligent and usually perceptive Americans to the Khrushchev visit last month. Most people rejoice in the cool and gen- erally unfriendly reception Mr. khrushchev received in the United States as being,'not only quite in order, but highly laudable as well. I think this attitude is not ep- tirely justified. It is argued by many liberals, for example, that the "September cool spell"*'showed a basic difference between a free and a totalitarian society. Khrushchev, they say, can insure a warm reception for visi- tors with the use of troops and a. bayonet in the back of the wel- coming crowds. The Government of the United States, however, can- not insure such friendliness be- cause this is a free country. The American people can judge for themselves how theywish to react to such matters without external coercion by the government. * * * IT CAN BE suggested, however, that the coercion on the American people may be of different quality from that of an external authority, but it is certainly not lacking! How much does the individual in the crowd risk, for example,. if he at- bayonet? The bayonet simply per- mits more versatility in ordering mass response. One does not need to approve-of Khrushchev, much less. of Com- munism, to hold some doubts here. After all, when one speaks of "free- dom" and lack of freedom, it is necessary to take into account in- ternal authoritarianism, such as the pressures demanding conform- ity to "Americanism," as well as external authoritarianism. Just how free a response was the "Khrushchev Cold Wave" that was so widely applauded? In a time when peace seems so vital, could not a little more sym- pathy have been shown toward the Russian people, the presence of whom was symbolized by Mr. Khrushchev? Were we not perhaps a little too cool? I cannot help but think that a little less of a chill might have been more beneficial to the idea of American freedom as well as to the hope for world peace! -Don Meyer DAILY OFFICIAL BUIJETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- .s, of Mi.h1,nf. rn, which The "NI 1