useum Obtains 16th Century Paintings,
rawings, Early Bronzes and Ceramics
13,500 MARCH:
'U' To Host Band Day
cause of its splendid combination
of figure with landscape," Prof.'
Robert Koch of Princeton Univer-
sity commented.
Important Acquisition
According to Museum Director
Charles Sawyer, the p a i n t i n g
ranks among the important ac-
quisitions by American museums
during the year.
The purchase of this and other
major works of art is made pos-
sible through the U' Regents'
special appropriation for this pur-
Among the- other recent pur-
chases featured in the fall instal-
lations of the Art Museum is "The
Parable of the Unmerciful Debtor"
by Jan van Hemessen, 16th Cen-
tury Flemish, which is a dramatic
picture with exceptional subject
interest especially useful in liter-
ature and art historical studies.
Eight Bronzes
In recent trips to the Far East,
Professors Max Loehr and James
Marshall Plumer have acquired
eight fine early bronzes and a
group of early ceramics.
The interest and initiative of
Professor Marvin Eisenberg has
also been responsible for the pur-
chase of several Renaissance and
19th Century drawings and prints
of excellent quality. '
While in Europe, Miss Helen B.
Hall, curator, selected five draw-
ings and paintings by older and
contemporary European artists.
Paintings by Josef Albers, Ga-
bor Peterdi and Jimmy Ernst and
a sculpture by Seymore Lipton
are important additions to the col-
lections on Contemporary Art.
One-hundred and eighty-nine
high school bands will play during
the halftime of the Michigan-
Oregon State football on Saturday.
The bands, with a total of 13,500
musicians and baton-twirlers, will
be participating in the 11th An-
nual Band Day at Michigan Sta-
Guest conductor Harold /Wal-
ters, Chicago composer and ar-
ranger, will join Prof. William D.
Revelli and George R. Cavender
in directing the masted bands.
'U' Lawyers
To Help Plane
Three Michigan lawyers asso-
ciated with the University have
been named to committees of the
National Conference of Commis-
sioners on Uniform State Laws.
They are University Regent Ros-
coe O. Bonisteel, Dean E. Blythe
Stason, and Prof. William J.
Pierce of the Law School.
Bonisteel will be a mhember of
the Committee on Uniform Act on
Officers Crossing tate Lines.
:Stason, a life member of the
Conference and- a chairman of
one committee, was renamed a
member of two others.
Pierce is a newly appointed
member of the executive commit-
tee governing body of the Nation-
al Conference and chairman of an-
other committee.
Walters will conduct "God of
Our Fathers" and "America, the
Beautiful," both of which he ar-
Other selections will include
"The River Kwai March" and
Either "Anchors Aweigh" or
"March El Capitan" will be the
fifth selection played.
Twelve local Michigan high
school bands will participate: Ann
Arbor, Chelsea, Dexter, Belleville,
Howell, Saline, Plymouth, South
Lyon, Ypsilanti, Lincoln, Ypsilanti
Roosevelt High, and Willow Run.
Two of these bands have 115
members; all of them have over 50
members. Together they have a
total of 899 blowing, tootling,
'drumming members.
Seats are still available for the
game. Tickets will be on sale at
the Ferry Field administration
building until 11 a.m. Saturday
and at the stadium starting at
Grade school and high school
students will be able to purchase
$1 tickets at Gates 3 and 9 start-
ing at noon.
"U' To Hear
Prof. Olds
Prof. James Olds of the Univer-
sity's psychology department will
deliver a lecture at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
His topic will be "The Mechan-
isms of Learning and Motivation
in Paleo-Cortical Systems.
All Subjects
Thousands at'19c and up
Opposite Engineering Arch
___F I C IAL d r"r: a: " g " .': ,,. T4 ___a_ >. i..
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no --edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sen~t in TYPEWRITTEN form to.
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 15
_ r.i.aaararr -..0 sa. ar+ "."" .a "e...-- e
General Notices
History Make-up exams will be given
' ritOdver- voe. Sat., Oct. 10, 9-12 a.m. in Rm. 429 Ma-
son Hall. See your instructor and sign
l+s*in History Office, aveHall.
International Center Tea: Thurs.,
Oct. 8, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the
International Center. All students wel-
University Directory. Any addition-
al information or corrections for list-
ings already sent in, must be received
in the University Directory office, 517
Admin. Bldg., by Fri., Oct. 16. For
further information, call Florence Boyd,
Ext. 2152.
Blue Cross, Group Hospitalization
and Medical and Surgical Service.
During the period from Oct. 12 through
Oct. 23, the University Personnel Office
(Rm. 1020 Admin. Bldg.) will accept
new applications as well as requests
for changes in contracts now in effect.
These new applications and changes
become effective Dec. 5, with the first
? Strap Soot payroll deduction on Nov. 30. After
Oct. 23 no new applications or -changes
can be accepted until Oct. 1960.
Flu Shot Clinics for students, staff
and employees will be held in Rm. 58
(basement of the Health Service)
AThurs., Oct. 8, Thurs., Oct. 15 and
Thurs., Oct. 22. Hours are 8:00-11:30
a.m. and 1:00-4:30 p.m.
Proceed directly to basement, fill out
forms, pay fee ($1.00 for students and
$1.50 for staff and employees) and re-
ceive injection.
It is recommended that each person
receive two injections, 2-3 weeks apart.
The clinics will be open for both first
and second shots.
Summer Sessions in British Universi-
ties: Mr. Frank Jessup, the representa-
tive of the, British Universities Summer
Schools program, desires to meet all
° A r those interested in the British Sum-
mer Sessions on Fri., Oct. 9, at 4:10
p.m., in Rm. 2013 Angell Hall. Infor-
516 E. LIBERTY STREET iation about the programs may be
obtained from Clark Hopkins, 2011 An-
gell Hall.
Specializing in All Types of Haircuts
'. ^0v '"k !.}}:
Academic Notices
Departmental Colloquium - Dr. Rob-
ert E. Ireland will speak on "The Se-
lective Alkylation of Ketones," on
Thurs., Oct. 8, at 8:00 p.m. in Rm. 1300
of the Chem Bldg.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
organizational meeting will meet in
Rm. 3201 Angell Hall, Thurs., Oct. 8
at 4:00 p.m.
Biological Chemistry Colloquium: Dr.
Martin Stiles, U-M Dept of Chem., will
speak on "Carboxylation Reactions in
the Presence of Chelating Metals" in
Rm. M6423 Med. Sci. Bldg., at 4:00 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 9, 1959. Coffee will be served
in the department's reading room
(M5410) at 3:30 p.m.
Applied Mathematics Seminar organ-
izational meeting and short talk. Prof.
C. L. Dolph will speak on "Remarks on
the Structure of the Linearization of
the Streaming Plasma," Thurs., Oct. 8,
1959, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 246 W. Engrg.
Refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m.
in Rm. 274 W. Engrg.
Biological Chemistry Colloquium: Dr.
Harold Blumenthal, Dept. of Bacteri-
ology, will speak on "Studies on the
Metabolism of Saccharic Acid by E.
coli" in M6423 Med. Sci. Bldg. at 4:00
p.m., Fri., Oct. 16, 1959. Coffee will be
served in the department's reading
room (M5410) at 3:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Phyllis Ack-
man, Psychology; thesis: "The Effects
of Induced Regression on Thinking
Processes," Fri., Oct. 9, 6625 Haven Hall,
at 12 noon. Chairman, J. B. Adelson.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1959-60
school year.
Carthage, Ill. (Carthage College) -
English Department.
Detroit, Mich. (S. Redford Schools)-
Elem. Vocal Music.
Macomb, Ili. (W. Ill. Univ.-Campus
High School) - Supervisor for Math.
Poland, N. Y. - Guidance Director.
Tecumseh, Mich. - Elem. Girls' Phy-
sical Education.
Personnel Requests:
Consolidation Coal Co., Library, Pa.,
will welcome inquiries about perman-
ent and summer employment. Their
openings are usually for Chemical and
Mechanical Engrs. and for Chemists.
Campbell Soup Co., Napoleon, Ohio,
has opening for an Electrical Engr., just
out of school to work in resident engrg.
Management Consultant Firm, Chi-
cago, Ill., is seeking a Marketing Re-
search Manager for client. Position in-
volves marketing analyis, product re-
search and study, advertising research
and study, and is located in the Mid-
west. Man with BA or MA in Bus. Ad.,
Economics or Marketing. Age between
30-35 preferred. Requires 5 or more yrs.
of experience.
Auerbach Electronics Corp., Narberth,
Pa., is seeking a Sales Engr. B.S. in
Engrg. preferred, but B.S. in Marketing
or Bus. Admin. considered.
The New York Air Brake Co., N.Y.C.,
is in immediate need of a Project Engr.
for their Watertown, N.Y. division. B.S.
in Mech. Engrg. and not less than 6
yrs. experience in product design and
development with at least 4 yrs. in the
pneumatic and railroad equipment
field. Age: 30-40.
The Larsen Co, Green ay, Wiscon-
sin, has an opening for a -qualified,
draft-exempt college graduate as as-
sistant to their Sales and Advertising
Manager. Should have a background of
sales, marketing, statistics, psychology
and similar type courses.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
YOUrsfor 4
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.,
Ext. 3371 or 509.
Student Part-Time
The following part-time jobs are
available to students. Applications for
these, jobs can be made in the Non-
Academic Personnel Office, Rm. 1020
Admin. Bldg., during the following
hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30
p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Employers desirous of
hiring students for part-time work
should contact Jim Stempson, Student
Interviewer, at Ext: 2939.
2 Information Booth (Willow Run)
1 Model (Arch. & Design)
1 Waiter (Michigan Union)
1 Lutheran Minister (10-12 a.m.-Sun.)
1 Dish Machine Operator (Mon.-Fri.,
1-3 p.m.)
1 Assistant in Physical Instrumenta.
tion Lab
2 Assorted Yardwork
1 Model (Arch. & Design)
1 Filing Cards (Limited time only)
7 Baby Sitters
5 Housework
Studious gentlemen are ad-
vised to include at least one
of the proprietor's blazers
and an accompanying waist-
coat in the university ward-
robe. These may be purchased
by others than students, and
may be chosen from a school
of unusual and classic colors.
State Street on the Campus
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