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October 07, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-07

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Seventieth Year

"We Have to Sort of Let These Things
Work Themselves Out"

Identifying Delinquency
One of Biggest Problems

hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, OCTOBER 7, 1959


Power Decentralization
Hinders Progress at 'U'

IT SEEMS all tog easy to assemble a collec-
tion of real or imagined complaints, and
then, once the compilation has been published,
to sit back and wait for someone else to fix
A slightly more energetic person might be
tempted to go see influential people, and try
to initiate a reform program. Such a person
will almost invariably find that his idea, what-
ever it might be, was first suggested 10 years
ago, that his project was impossible then, and
that it is still more impossible now.
The precise reasoning behind this impossi-
bility barrier is diffuse, but penetrable. Most
of the authority to change anything around
here resides in something called the Deans'
Conference, a group of academic deans which
last met 11 years ago to tighten a few rules
and has not been assembled since.
MEANWHILE, authority has drifted down to
derivative groups: faculty subcomittees,
office of student affairs' secretaries, and other
groups which all act with cautious movements
lest the Deans' Conference awaken.
As a result, the lines of authority have been
well tangled, and anyone attempting to inaug-
urate any brave new policies is in for a bad
time of it. Many University rules and regula-
tions are often unfair, often ridiculous, but
there is little hope of rapid change, simply
Di11oma MI
A SERIOUS SETBACK to American prestige
abroad is threatened as a result of wide-
spread operation of diploma mills which sell
college degrees to anyone who can pay for them.
The American Council on Education recently
reported that foreigners swindled by "home-
study programs" offered by fraudulent educa-
tional institutions are questioning more and
more the standards and worth of American
After a year's study, the Council revealed that
750,000 students - mostly foreign - are being
taken to the tune of $75 million dollars an-
According to the Council's report, degree mills
have certain common characteristics. The
"campus" is generally a post office ox; no in-
structional facilities are associated with it. If a
faculty exists, it is unqualified to teach.
Students enrolled are seldom capable of un-
dertaking an advanced study program. Cata-

because no one is willing to assume the re-
If an example of these problem areas must
be shown, the following one ought to suffice.
STUDENTS whose grades fall below a certain
average are prohibited from participating
in some campus activities, although the logic
behind this ruling has never been investigated.
From time to time, a revision of the dormi-
tory program has been proposed, with the pos-
sibility of upper-class housing proposed. Yet,
no one seems to know how to proceed from this
Idealists of all ages deplore bias clauses in
some campus organization, but fruitless dis-,
cussions have thus far only succeeded in an-
tagonizing almost everyone.
The vast size and complexity of this Univer-
sity makes rapid change of any policy difficult.
The problems outlined above would be parti-
cularly difficult to solve, since conflicting in-
terests are clearly at stake.
Perhaps the new revision of the University
Rules and Regulations Handbook will start a
trend toward simplification and rational exam-
ination of our set of rules. Certainly any rules
which seem to needlessly regulate ,the affairs
of students outside of the academic situation
ought to be closely examined.
Is in America
logues and advertisements are exaggerated and
"THIS ABSURD situation, with its interna-
tional overtones, has embarrassed the
United States for more than 120 years," the
Council reports.r
The most significant aspect of this problem
is that the United States has no national min-
istry of education in its federal system and
hence no control over the activities of diploma
It is hardly credible that, on the contrary, a
diploma mill can advertise its services abroad
under the full protection of a state charter. The
Council suggests state and federal legislation
as a combative measure.
The Council's work throws light on another
blackout area in governmental coordination
with education, highlighting an old question:
how effective can education be when denied the
full cooperation of federal agencies?

Herblacke is away due to illness c«+r ++tI, T ft Pwnr Pdlis eCo.,
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
'Htaete-A Ludicrous Campaign

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in a series of articles from
The Associated Press dealing with
constructive efforts to fight Juven-
ile delinquency.)
Associated Press Education Writer
THERE IS NO easy way to tell
in advance which youngsters
are headed for trouble, and which
If there were, half the battle
against juvenile delinquency would
be won.
Delinquency isn't a 24-hour sick-
ness, says a research study pub-
lished here. It rarely happens
overnight. Habitual and serious
misbehavior takes a fairly long
time to develop, and many young-
sters give hints or signs well be-
fore the pattern is firmly estab-
The report, issued by the Na-
tional Education Association at
the end of a year-long study, em-
phasized that the earlier the po-
tential delinquent is spotted, the
more effective are the preventive
measures that can be taken.
"The school and the community
should not wait until a youngster
is on his way to court," it said.
"It is possible through early iden-
tification and action to forestall
the development of many juvenile
* * *
ALL YOUNGSTERS, at one time
or another, violate some minor or
major rules and regulations. How,
then, does the classroom teacher
sort them out?
There are no simple, rule-of-
thumb methods that can be used,
said the report. The teacher must
weigh all the known factors: the
pupil's personal makeup, the gang
he runs with or plays with, his
family background. These factors
must be viewed against the back-
ground the pupil's social status
and the neighborhood in which he
For example: failure in several
school subjects might mean trou-
ble ahead for a bright young lad
from a well-to-do family in a
small, farming-area community. It
might mean something entirely
different for an equally bright
young lad of immigrant parents
living in the teeming slums of a
The teacher must understand,
the report said, the behavior is
caused, and the cause must be
found before behavior can be
The teacher must understand
that discipline is important, but
that it is no cure for delinquency
and does not take the place of
treatment. Correction or adjust-
ment-not revenge-must be the
aim of discipline. A teacher should
never belittle, humiliate or ridicule
a pupil, especially in the presence
of other pupils.
* * *
ALL THIS puts a heavy burden
of responsibility on the teacher,
a burden that must be shared by
school administrators and colleges
and schools of education.
In areas where juvenile delin-
quency is a perennial problem
such as large, industrial cities, ex-
tra efforts should be made to get
only the best-trained and best-
qualified teachers. And the report
added that teacher-training insti-
tutions must broaden their pro-
grams so that prospective teachers
can acquire knowledge and skills
to deal with maladjusted young-
The reports listed these guide-

lines for thie teacher to follow in
trying to spot potential delin-
Be alert to the danger of label-
ing a youngster "predelinquent."
for there is a constant hazard of
the youngster acting out the role
he has been given. A
Utilize all available sources of
information and guidance, includ-
ing professionally trained people.
Distinguish between those acts
of misbehavior which reflect eco-
nomic deprivation (stealing and
selling a classmate's sweater) and
those which reflect personal mal-
adjustment (cutting that same
sweater to ribbons).
* * *
DON'T MISJUDGE every act of
misbehavior as an indication of
potential delinquency.
Recognize that the pupil's home
life may be source of friction and
frustration, causing him to "take
it out" on the school, the teacher
and his classmates.
After the potential delinquent is
identified, refer him to the best
source of help. But use extreme
care: Don't send him for help he
doesn't really need, and avoid the
other extreme of holding on to
him beyond the time when he may
profit by that help.
Recognize that any pattern of
misbehavior may be altered by
changes in the pupil's background
or personal development.
A Detroit report, for instance,
said that, in dealing with the
troublesome youngster, "coopera-
tion between the high school
nurse, parent and teacher is abso-
lutely essential."
It suggested the teacher make a
careful inventory of the child's
physical, emotional, mental, com-
munity and family status.
"Above all, try to appraise his
emotional life. Has he a feeling of
inferiority, of not being wanted?
Has he many fears? Is he con-
stantly feeling frustrated? Does he
cry easily?"
The Daily official Bulletin isan
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 14
General Notices
Language Exam for M.A. in History
will be given Fri., Oct. 16, 4 p.m. in
Rm. 429 Mason Hall. Dictionaries may
be used. Sign the list in the History
Office, 3602 Haven Hall.
History Make-up exams will be given
Sat., Oct. 10, 9-12 a.m. In Rm. 429 Ma-
son Hall. See yor instructor and sign
list in History Office, 3602 Haven Hall.
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in January,
1960, must file a diploma application
with the Recorder of the School by Fri.,
Oct. 9. A student will not be recom-
mended for a degree unless he has fied
formal application in the office of the
Graduate School.
International Student and Family
Exchange, Rms. 103 and 528 In the base-
ment of the Student Exchange Bldg.
on wed., Oct. 7 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
(Continued on Page 6)







Magazine Editor
"HATE STATE'--and four little
boys ran around the stadiun
Saturday, waving their banner on
high and proclaiming their dislike
for our competitor.,
Perhaps their enthusiastic pro-
clamation was just an effort to
raise the University's spirit against
MSU's football team (a job better
done by the Wolverine Club) and
probably it was done merely to rile
"the agriculture college."
University students have yet to
concede that Michigan State often
excels us on the football field, as
was demonstrated Saturday, and
they are even further from ad-
mitting that the school to the
north is beginning to equal us
Long derided as the 'cow col-
lege,' MSU has begun an enthusi-
astic drive to build their academic
standing both in East Lansing and
throughout the state.
THE MOST recent demonstra-
tion of. State's academic effort
came with the opening of their
new Oakland County branch. Ap-
proximately 500 students have en-
rolled in the freshman class and
the University expects the enroll-
ment to rise rapidly as it draws
students from the "booming sub-
urbia" in which it is located.
The goal ofthe program is "to

develop the intellect" and all stu-
dents are required to take liberal
arts courses, iost of them having
to study both a foreign language
and a foreign culture.
The reception MSU-O has re-
ceived from the general public
stands in stark contrast to the 33
students enrolled in the Univer-
sity's work-study program at the
Dearborn Center.
ON THE motler campus in East
Lansing, the spirit which formu-
lated the goals for the MSV-O
branch is actively at work to at-
tain higher academic standards at
In its agriculture program, State
has been recognized as one of the
finest schools in the country. Its
comprehensive program may be
sneered at by the liberal arts stu-
dent, but for the interested agri-
culture student, MSU' is perhaps
one of the best schools he can
attend in his field of study.
Likewise, Michigan State's hotel
administration school is well-re-
spected by all those connected to
this field. Their own Kellogg Cen-
ter, a student-run hotel, offers the
student excellent practical experi-
ence and is well - patronized by
state officials visiting in Lansing.
MSU is no longer the road to
college for the not so bright high
school student. Enrollment figures

have essentially been stabilized,
making it more difficult for just
anybody to enter the school.
* * *
THE VARIOUS departments
have been rapidly expanding their
curricula and improving their
standards. State's journalism de-
partment and education school
stand as examples of this improve-
ment. One need only scan the
catalogs of these departments to
realize that their program is
equally as comprehensive as the.
Also in the planning stage is the:
establishment of graduate schools
in medicine and law-the lack of
which may be related to students'
refusal to accept the university
title for MSU instead of calling it
the 'cow college.,
"Hate State" banners, Gargoyles
devoted to poking fun at the 'cow
college,' and painting 'M's on the
East Lansing campus may be
funny and may arouse school
spirit. But the.real humor inherent
in these demonstrations is their
own ludicrous character. They are
poking fun at what in reality are
relics of the past.
Perhaps these spirited cam-
paigns are part of the tradition of
the MSU - Michigan game - but
isn't it time to direct them specifi-
cally toward football contests and
not toward a non-existent situa-



New Revolution in Asia


NE DELHI - Americans may weigh the
chances of tensions between China and
Russia as an interesting intellectual game, but'
here in India it has an urgent reality about it
because China is still pushing against India's
Of the two Communist giants, Russia gets a
far better press here than China. Khrushchev's
visit to Peking does not diminish the wide-
spread belief here that the shadow of Chinese
power worries the Russians almost as much as
it does the Indians.
There is a report that at a meeting in Moscow
several months ago, the Russians and Chinese
parceled out between them the jurisdiction over
the world Communist movement, and that the
Asian parties belong under Peking. This does
not help the hapless leaders of the Indian Com-
munist Party who are agonized about whether
to support their country or their party in the
boundary crisis,
They form not a minor party, like the Ameri-
can or British, but a major one-in fact, the
chief opposition party. Their hopes of some day
capturing national power through elections, as
they did in Kerala, have been all but destroyed
by their Chinese overlords, who have roused In-
dian opinion, and created that rarity in India--
a real consciousness about foreign policy.
THE COMMUNISTS ended their party confer-
ence at Calcutta with a doubletalking solu-
tion saying that Indian boundaries must be
protected against aggression, but that Commu-
nist. China could not possibly be an aggressor.
It was like a husband telling his wife that he
would protect her forever, but that the armed
intruder in their bedroom bent on rape was
clearly a gentleman.
Five of the Indian party executives are now in
Peking, presumably to help in the celebration,
but also to implore the Chinese party bosses to
go slow on their border aggression, at least until
after the coming Kerala elections. But it is
worth adding that the Indian party secretary,
Ajoy Ghosh, paid a recent visit, ostensibly med-
ical, to Russia. In the long-range struggle for
the allegiance of the Indian Communists, I
should not write off the Russians.
It has long been an American fallacy to be-
lieve that the Communist world presents a mon-
olithic front while the Democratic world is di-
vided. The truth is that both of them have

the Communists made in their Kerala govern-
ment has disproved both.
BUT THE CHINESE present the Russians with
a graver problem even than they present to
the Indians. To be sure, China still depends on
Russia for help in its industrialization. But with
every year of Chinese advance that dependence
decreases, and the challenge to Russian power
grows. True, the Chinese will need Russian help
to back them up if they start a war over the
Indian frontier, for such a war would quickly
become a world nuclear war.
At a London briefing during the Eisenhower
visit, I recall Hagerty insisting that the Presi-
dent's chat at tea with Mrs. Pandit was purely
personal, but in India news circles it is under-
stood that she sent back assurances of Ameri-
can military support in a crisis. Khrushchev
must know this, and he must surely have told
the Chinese that Russia will not risk a world
war over a few miles of the McMahon line or
the geopolitical stakes of Chinese power in Laos.
The Indian leaders and intellectuals have been
been passing through the valley of the shadow
of disillusionment with China. At the Congress
Party Conference at Chandigarh, Nehru made a
passionate speech against the violence which
Communists have used in Kerala, and in the
Calcutta riots, and in the free-for-all session of
the West Bengal legislature where they threw
shoes across the room at their non-Communist
colleagues. There can be no truce with these
people, he said.
But when the Congress executive tried to
frame a mild draft resolution on the Chinese
violence across the Indian border, the rank and
file leaders protested and the final draft had
some iron in it. It points out that the Panch
Sheela, the famous five principles of peaceful
coexistence, have been ignored and by-passed
by the government of China. Nehru has in
many ways earned the right to be called the
conscience of the people. But on this score the
people are proving the conscience of Nehru.
TH IS IS a revolution in Indian opinion that
may prove one of the landmarks of Asian
history for up to now the intense anti-Colonial-
ism of the Asian intellectuals and masses has
equated the enemy with the West and the
whites. Now for the first time they are coming
to understand that the true imperialists may


Discuss Homecoming Petition Procedure

To the Editor:
WE, THE residents of Henderson
House, would like to register
a grievance against recent actions
by the Homecoming committee re-
garding petitioning procedures for
Homecoming displays.
The case we wish to make con-
cerns our petition in particular.
At a general meeting for all
campus Homecoming representa-
tives on Sept. 24, the Homecoming
Central Committee announced
several rules for the petitioning
Among these (quoting official
rules handed out at the meeting)
"Petitions: they are to be com-
pleted and returned, accompanied
by a careful sketch and detailed
budget, to the Homecoming office
on Thursday, October 1 from 3-
5:30 p.m. They will be filed ac-
cording to the exact time they are
turned in: priority given to those
first received."
The central committee empha-
sized both rules.
* * *
tative was aware of these proce-
dures and arrived at the central
committee's office at 2:20 p.m.,
Oct. 1, with the intent only of pre-
serving priority for our Homecom-
ing theme.
. At 2:35 p.m. an official from the
Central Committee told our rep-

"early birds" consisted of accept-
ing only those petitions they "felt
would win." In cases of duplica-
tion among the early entries, pri-
ority was disregarded.
OUR FIRST knowledge of our
petitior's fate came when an offi-
cial representative of the Central
Committee telephoned us to say
that the petition had been reject-
ed. Prodded by questioning, the
representatvie said we were elim-
inated because of duplication.
This would have been plausible
had we not known that our rep-
resentative was first to arrive at
the Homecoming office.
Puzzled by the lack of consider-
ation for priority, we probed a,
little further. But, only by "pull-
ing a few more teeth" did we find
out about the "special" attention
the early petitions had received.
Our criticisms of the Homecom-
ing Committee and the rejection
of our petition are two-fold:
FIRST, if the petitions accepted
early were out of order, we feel
that said entries should be totally
rejected or that all early petitions
should be accepted in the order of
their presentation.
We feel thatithe responsibility
for the illegality of the acceptance
of early petitions lies with the
Central Committee and not with
those representatives who submit-

ginal contest rules. This is our sec-
ond objection.
What had been promised, as
stated in the official rules, was
priority for those ideas submitted
earlier than their duplications.
Exactly who prejudged the en-
tries? We were told by the Home-
coming representative, "The core
committee, including me and, you
know, the people around."
* * *
WE ASK, from whence came
the legality of a special judgment
accorded to those petitions turned
in early? Can a committee judge
who will produce the best display
from a mere sketch or budget?
If a committee can totally re-
ject those rules which they have
endorsed for a code "appropriate"
to the occasion, then we must
question the integrity of those stu-
dents on the committee.
Or does this action only serve
to strengthen the theory that stu-
dents areunable to administer
even student activities without
the watchfulness of a higher, par-
ental authority?
We invite student opinion.
-The Residents of
Henderson House,
1330 Hill St.
Choice . ,,.
To The Editor:
MOST OF THE so-called advice

question, "What can you contri-
bute to Gamma Delta Iota?"
To those of you entering the
rush process for the first time,
might I say: Well-manufactured
propaganda to the contrary, your
decision as to pledging or -not
pledging essentially makes very
little difference.
Your important decision lies in
setting out the ground rules with
which to make and carry out your
choice. When you are asked what
you can contribute to Gamma
Delt you must be thinking of what
you want to contribute to Gamma
JOIN A fraternity or do not.
But however you choose, have the
guts to pay the game by your own
rules. And in formulating these
rules perhaps you might remember
the serious job entrusted to you at
this university: that of becoming
an educated human being.
Any organization on this cam-
pus exists for the benefit of the
individual. Many of the leaders
of these organizations have for-
gotten this fact. It is up to you to
remind them of it.
Organizations, especially, be-
come stereotyped. This is inevi-
table. This does not mean that the
individuals within these organiza-
tions must live up to these stereo-
types. Every fraternity on this
campus may have an exam file full

It is tempting to escape from
being one in 24,000; it isn't pleas-
ant. But being one of forty or fifty
can be ghastly if you're not care-
--Roger Seasonwein
An Affiliate
Come Down . .
To the Editor:
I GUESS YOU were so busy with
unfinished summer reading that
you neglected to READ the cap-
tion under the cartoon concern-
ing SGC. For your belated benefit
the caption read, "When are they
coming back down to earth?" -
i.e. When is SGC going to do
something of primary importance
for the student.
I'm sorry that the cartoon
scotched again the wound of
SC's failures; this reference was
not intended. I can only observe
however, that these failures must
be rather apparent to you also, to
have elicited such a hurried de-
fense of the organization. I offer
that perhaps your love for SGC
was so great that in your passion
you overlooked the caption.
I wish you continued success in
what I know to be shelfiess devo-
tion and modest toil on behalf of
the Summer Reading Program.
But, I ask that when the seasonal
work is completed. please come


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