f- 40431 14 Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrIY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 China Marks 10th Year, After Revolution "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevailr Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1959 International Center Loses Prestige in Deportation Case AFTER TWO YEARS at the University, Chien-sen Liu has received an official notice of his forced deportation Monday. He has been accused by the immigration authorities of fraudulently entering the United States by falsifying the proof that he was "fi- nancially responsible." To provoke this drastic action, the first de- portation since a rash of similar cases at Har- vard University in the 1930's, Liu "borrowed" $2,400 from several so-called sponsors in Tai- wan, the mainland-born student's home. This he deposited in four different banks in this country, exhibiting the bankbooks as evi- dence of financial responsibility to the Ameri- can consulate in Taiwan, the immigration authorities and University officials. As soon as permission was granted, and he arrived in this country, Liu intended to refund the loans and earn his necessary funds by summer and part-time employment. During this time he re- ceived $500 in University loans, $500 in schol- arships and $200 in grants-in-aid. LIU RAN into the first hitch in his plans when his counsellor at the International Center informed him of a federal law that all foreign students were required to get a working permit before they could seek employment. In this ap- plication the student must explain how his fi- nancial status has changed since he entered the country, which has forced him to seek em- ployment. As soon as Liu filled in the necessary infor- mation, his counsellor discovered his violation of the law and the immigration authorities were notified by the International Center. Al- though Liu did get his work permit; an in- vestigation ensued and . all Chinese students in the United States were questioned. At least 200 other cases of sneaking by the "financial responsibility" immigration clause were discov- ered. In December 1958, Liu obtained legal assist- ance as the International Center recommended and appealed his case to the Detroit immigra- tion authorities. His efforts were to no avail, 'however, and he received a letter Sept. 25 no- tifying him of his deportment. DURING his two years at the University, Liu has gotten average grades in the engineer- ing college, although he explains that he has not been able to study as much as he would have liked due to the emotional tension caused by the investigation. He lives in a cooperative house and is highly regarded by his fellow students. He explains that he never intended to ac- tually defraud the government by his action. He is quick to point out that he merely pre- sented his bankbooks to the immigration authorities and was waved on by them. Never did he falsify information; he actually did' have the necessary amount in the bank. To a man who was earning $17 a month in Formosa, the United States was almost a para- dise where poor, deserving foreign students could earn more than enough money for their education. To him, the honorable way was to refund the money he borrowed from friends and work his way through school. Difficulty arose when he couldn't make enough to pay his expenses and had to ask for help from the University. THEE ARE several principles called into question an Liu's case. First, the position of the International Center in relation to foreign students seems to need defining. Naturally, the Center cannot condone illegal activities and it is required by law to report such things if only to protect its own status and that of the Uni- versity from government censure. But the fundamental problem emerges in a counsellor's relationship with the student and with the legal authorities as James Davis, di- rector of the Center pointed out, counsellors do not have legal immunity, and may be ac- cused of being accessories after the fact in case they learn of a crime or of a student's intention of committing a crime. They must therefore reveal illegal activities to the author- ities, even if told to them in confidence. Davis quickly noted, however, that no personal con- fidences are ever revealed. The curious part of the situation, however, lies in the fact that the Center notified the authorities of Liu's case without telling him what they were doing, although he had been warned that he would have to explain his fi- nancial situation on the working permit appli- cation He also had been advised previously by his counsellor to leave the country to avoid prose- cution. 'It seems that the International Center was somewhat dishonest in first notifying the De- troit immigration authorities that an anony- mous Taiwanese students had violated immi- gration laws. Since the notification was given immediately before they received his applica- tion for a work permit his identity obviously would have been discovered anyway. The evi- dence indicates that the Center was trying desperately to remain in the good graces of everybody concerned. ANOTHER problem is In the immigration law itself. Obviously, since so many, other stu- dents have violated it to come to America, it must not have been too stringently enforced by the authorities. As Liu explains, he saw so many of his friends come to the United States in even more financial difficulty than he, that he decided to join the crowd. After "winking" -whether in fact or in appearance-at the rules in admitting him to the country, it seems unfair for the government to jump on him now that he has been here for so long and is a respected citizen at the University. He should have been warned at the time of his applica- tion for admission. If the law is necessary to keep hordes of pen- niless foreign' students out of American uni- versities, then it should at least be thoroughly enforced. It seems that Liu is being used by the authorities as an "example" for the rest of the students who have already or are contemplat- ing sneaking around the rules. Liu himself does not want to remain in this country. He realizes he cannot study here any longer and does not want to remain after his two years of tension. But he would like to leave of his own accord without the forced de- portation stamp on his passport. THE WHOLE ISSUE 'is a very complex one. There is no specific focus for the blame and probably not too much can be done for Liu at this late date. The unclear area of the whole affair lies in the International Center's rela- tionship with Liu and its revealing of his in- formation to the immigration officials. There is no quarrel with the fact that the Center has to stay in the good graces of the legal authorities, and no one would advocate that they harbor criminals in their midst. But they do have a definite obligation to those who seek their counselling. If a person has commit- ted an unlawful act, it is no more than right that he be reported to the proper authorities. But as it now stands, the foreign student should at the same time realize that anything he says to his counsellor is subject to be turned in to the authorities and not for his ears alone. -JEAN HARTWIG By MARC PIUISUK Daily StaffWriter THE INFANT Cuban Republic was recognized and accepted into the family of nations within ten days after its corrupt Batista government had fled. The youthful Chinese People's Republic is cele- brating its tenth birthday since the flight of a corrupt Chaing Kai Chek regime, but the United States is still energetically pre- tending that this new nation has never been born. Notwithstanding the blind spots in the vision of elder Western nations, this gigantic youngster of the Orient has been developing at a miraculous pace. Unfortunately, ignored children tend to become quite bratty. This child in particular has inherited an immense set of problems to begin with and has lived under sole tutelage of a Soviet neighbor. Understandably, such a child shows signs of defying its elders and, perhaps, of kindling the flames which may someday destroy the f amily of nations. IN ATTEMPTING to ignore Communist China, the West has remained ignorant of Chinese achievements and intentions. Op- position to Communism has "justi- fled" our non-recognition policy, but blind hatred cannot rehabili- tate the juvenile delinquent. The new Communist China must be looked at. Since United States reporters are kept out of China (by our own State Department) visibility is foggy. Still, certain conditions stare at us most per- sistently. Ten years ago overpopulated China was a semi-feudal society. Its primitive agriculture combined with a propensity for natural dis- asters to make China known as a land of famine. The large jobless population in the cities brought China still another international reputation-the land of the beg- gar, the prostitute and the opium peddler. Diseases in epidemic pro- portion were manifest amongst a largely illiterate Chinese popula- tion., * * * NOW, ONLY ten years later, this charm is gone. Gone too are many of the major evils-even though a new set of sins may be replacing them. The coolie-cart has yielded to transportation by air and rail. New buildings, factories, bridges and dams have sprung up. Seven hundred thousand Chinese are now enrolled in Universities while a hundred million younger children are attending Chinese schools. The provision of free communal restaurants, nurseries, bathhouses and old age homes have been an aid to the emanci- pation of women. Everyone is employed (if not overworked). Wages are low by any standards, but health services, sanitation, and mechanical equip- ment are increasingly available without individual cost. In fact, the abolition of the wage system is one goal of the new communes which have replaced the earlier collectives. If we care to look we are witnessing the fastest and most phenomenal industrialization of a society eyer to take place. PREVENTED by the State De- partment from getting first hand information, American reporters were largely unaware, until re- cently, that anything worth re- porting was occurring in China. The truly fantastic changes have now called forth from American editors a flood of hasty and some- times equally fantastic explana- tions. Building upon those half-truths which are available, the general tone of editorial commentary fav- ors the "slave labor" theory. One correspondent has called the rise "the greatest mass sacrifice of human heritage, human comfort, and human effort of all time." Is the sacrifice greater than that of sweatshops in 19th Century Eng- land or of Negro Slavery in the US.? One doesn't know. * * * ACCORDING to one French correspondent, popular support for the Communist regime has been steadily waning. This he sees de- spite the strict censorship and continuous barrage of propaganda. Yet, one leading sinologist from Cambridge University writes of his trip in 1958: "My outstanding im- pression of China this year was of the unreality of the idea so cherished in the West that the population is dragooned to per- form its tasks." Instead, on the contrary, one sees spontaneity (sometimes out- running government planning), enthusiasm, pride, and such high morale that there is little cheating from the communes, despite the absence of any external surveil- lanQ or coercion. Paradoxically, both our British and French informants may be right. For the peasant living on the commune, a meal once a week instead of once a yearw(asewas the rate in Old China) may be sufficient lubricant to ease diges- tion of state propaganda and in- crease satisfaction with' the re- gime. * * * IT IS WITH the intelligentsia and the former bourgeoisie that resentment has been smoldering. In its infancy in 1949, the less totalitarian regime with staunch ideological leadership sparred openly with Western educated Chinese scholars who looked to the West for much of their program. Who knows whether American recognition at that time might have aided this pro-Western fac- tion, and perhaps have averted the futile Korean conflict. However, short-sighted United States foreign policy ignored this opening, and the struggling. re- gime, highly vulnerable to the slow-downs resulting from free criticisms, slammed the door on )eonvnetional civil liberties and defied Western ways. Still, the relaxation of the "hun- dred flowers" period led to an out- burst which showed that concealed opposition to governmental poli- cies is present in the cities. Per- haps the Russian path of a very slow and gradual change in re- laxation of suppressive measures is in the offing. * * e CHINA HAS endured many mis- takes and failures in its ten years, and even with a perfect record it would still be facing the world's greatest population prob- lem. This year, her irresponsible foreign policy has lost much of the good will in Asia that it had built up during nine preceding years. But whatever its failures and achievements, the orphan child has flexed its muscles in demand for recognition. By closing our eyes to China ten years ago, we missed a chance to play a major role in shaping the Chinese fu- ture. We may yet be able to play a minor role in such guidance by bargaining for clear border defi- nitions before recognition. AT THE STATE: Gladiator Gloomy IN 217 A.D. Xnoba, -queen of Palmyra, decided to revolt from Roman rule. She planned to send her ill-trained army against Roman legions. She had a chief minister who was a traitor. He planned to send, Persian legions against Xnobia after she defeated the Romans, thus taking over Palmyra. Xnobia, however, was a woman. She fell for a Roman commander who was serving as a spy to lure her army to defeat. He succeeded, but in the bargain killed her chief minister and thus staved off the Persian invasion. This plot is unspectacular and so is "Sign of the Gladiator." With Dyaliscope (translated as Color- scope), a screen process remark- ably akin to Cinemascope, and often-washed-out-color, even the physical presentation leaves much to be desired. The sets follow the recent Italian tradition of being as obviously cheap as possible. THE MOST distracting aspect of this film is the dubbed voices. Obviously the cheapest actors available are hired for the dubbing jobs, and thus the European stars all sound like bit actors, no matter how good their original job may have been. "Sign' of the Gladiator" thus falls into the "cheap spectacular" tradition so well displayed in last summer's "Hercules." Nothing about the film is very good except the advertising, which is so obvious, so spectacular, that crowds flock to see the third-rate import. Only Anita Ekberg, Scandina- via's buxom beauty, keeps this film out of the strictly boring category. Her assets are obvious to any viewer, but an actress she isn't The advertising far oversells this flick. It lacks the quality or ex- citement of American spectaculars, but manages to hit all of the excesses. The best part of this bill is the Walt Disney short on Antarctica, which shows beautiful color pho- tography work and has the fine Disney touch. Totaling the results: The picture is basically, dull, colorless, and poorly photographed and acted. But there is some interest gen- erated by the Ekberg presence, and as the old saying goes, "Virtue is its own reward." Caveat emptor. -Robert Junker 1I =i ' MAO TSE-TUNG--The leader of Communist China works with' workers on a reservoir near Peking. Travelers In China report that Western ideas about "forced labor" being used to build the country up are exaggerated. NEA ISSUES REPORT: Delinquency Fight Should Begin in Schools (EDITOR'S NOTE~ - This is the first in a series of articles from the' Associated Press dealing with con- structive efforts to fight juvenile delinquency.) By G. K. HODENFIELD Associated Press Education Writer rHE NATION'S battle against juvenile delinquency must be fought in the classrooms of its schools. It will be a long battle, and ex- pensive. But nowhere are condi- tions more favorable. Nowhere is there greater chance for success. That is the essence of a report just issued by the National Edu- cation Association (NEA) follow- ing a year-long study of the prob- lem. Although it called the school a powerful and pervasive force in fighting delinquency, the report emphasized that the school can't do the job alone. A successful pro- gram, it said, calls for close co- operation with the family, com- munity agencies, and law enforce- ment agencies and the courts. William C. Kvaraceus of Bos- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO. 13 General Notices An intensive 8-hour course on "FOR- TRAN Programming for the Type 704 Computer" will be given on Tues., Oct. 6, 13, 20, and 27 from 8-10 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Natural Science Bldg. This course is available to all persons in the University who are in- terested in the use of the computer f a- cilities in the Computer Center. Please call Mrs. S. Brando, Ext. 3091 for fur- ther information. International Student and Family Exchange, Rms. 103 and 528 in the base- ment of the Student Exchange Bldg. on Wed., Oct. 7 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. and on Thurs., Oct. 8 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome to at- tend, Graduate Students expecting to re- ceive the master's degree in January, 1960, must file a diploma application with the Recorder of the School by Fri., Oct. 9. A student will not be recom- mended for a degree unless he has filed formal application in the office of the Graduate School. Engineering Seniors and graduate students: Free copies of the "College Placement Annual" for 1960 are avail- able to engineering seniors and gradu- ate students at the Engineering Place- ton University, director of the NEA project, said the schools have these strategic advantages: They get the youngsters early, and maintain close contact with them for years. They have pro- fessional personnel, trained to work with children and youth. They have a natural relationship with the parents, much more so than the police, courts, and wel- fare agencies. Finally: "The modern school has accepted a responsibility . . . for the personal and social growth of children, as well as for their aca- demic training and acquisition of knowledge." * * * ON THE OTHER hand: "The school's primary function is not that of a hospital, institu- tion, or warehouse to store children -good, bad or indifferent. As a school, its major concern remains that of instruction and learning. "The school cannot become all things to all pupils. When it de- flects from its original and unique function, or when it lacks ade- quate financial support, it is apt to misfire on all fronts." The report stressed that the school's responsibility to the de- linquent is the same it has to all children, or to other handicapped children-the blind, the deaf, the crippled: the mentally retarded. But, it said, of all the excep- tional children needing special help, "the delinquent is the one most likely to get the back of the hand, rather than the helping hand, from adults." It quoted many youth workers as saying that the misbehaving de- linquent or pre-delinquent is ,the one youngster with whom they least like to work. THE 350-PAGE book, "Delin- quent Behavior - Principles and practices" is the second of two volumes stemming from the pro- ject. The first, "Delinquent Be- havior - Culture and the Individ- ual," was published last spring. The first volume, based on the research of experts in six different fields, exploded a number of popu- lar myths about delinquency. Most delinquents, it said, are normal youngsters, and their delinquency is a way of life rather than a manifestation of emotional dis- Max Lerner BEGINNING tomorrow, The Daily will present an inter- pretive column written by Max Lerner. Lerner was born in Minsk, Russia, and educated in this country at Yale University and Washington University of St. t . turbance or the result of broken homes, working mothers, bad com- panions, heredity, or a low I.Q. There is no pat solution to the problem of juvenile delinquency, the first report said. It called for more and better research, an ex- pansion of community and school efforts to identify the delinquency- bound youngster before it is too late. The report just issued presents some time-tested principles to be used in fighting delinquency, some guidelines to be followed, and some community or state projects that have shown value. MORE THAN 500 experts con- tributed their ideas. The programs of scores of big cities and small hamlets were weighed and com- pared. Basically, the school's task was outlined this'way: Try to spot, just as early as possible, the youngsters who show signs of a serious and persistent pattern of misbehavior. In this re- gard, extreme care must be taken that normal high spirits aren't mistaken for potential delin- quency, and that no youngster is branded a delinquent in front of his classmates. Help the student as much as possible in the regular classroom. Provide special classes as needed, and the services of qualified, trained psychologists, school nurses, doctors, etc. Use an in- dividualized curriculum that en- ables the student to achieve a measure of success appropriate to his learning capacity or potential. Study the student's homelife, and work closely with the parents. If the student's actions involve him with the police and the courts, work side by side with those agencies to help the youngster. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 'U' Kappa Sigs Defend Fraternity INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Cloud over China By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE COOL atmosphere which surrounded Nikita Khrushchev's visit to Peiping leads naturally to speculation as to whether the years-long predictions of an eventual split may be coming true. Ever since the Communist conquest of China, students of Sino-Russian affairs have discussed the possibility that Titoism might eventually find its greatest converts in Peiping. Not only did the Chinese Reds set up their own school of Communist theoreticians. Hold- ers of the theory of eventual separateness relied heavily on tendencies which were more Chinese than Communist. They did not believe Russian and Chinese cooperation could be maintained permanently in the light of traditional differ- ences. The theory did not seem to be standing up well, however, as the Reds followed more and more the early economic practices of the Soviet Union, and as a pattern of alternating initia- tive seemed to develop in their testing thrusts against the West, tering peaceful coexistence, they have been re- newing their pledge to take Formosa by force if necessary. They have continued their mili- tary activities on the Indian border, an area of dispute where the Soviet Union specifically asked for negotiation instead of force. KHRUSHCHEV was received in Peiping with little fanfare, and departed without any. When he spoke of the peace offensive, he did not even pretend to speak for the entire Com- munist sphere, as usual, but only for the Soviet and the Soviet people. Mao Tze-Tung and Chou En-Lai joined him in a statement of joint purposes. Whereas once the talk of an eventual sep- arateness between Moscow and Peiping was cheering to the West, it is now ominous. At a time when Russia is seeking at least a tem- porary armistice, a cloud of prospective aggres- sion throws its shadow all across Asia. If separateness does occur, it will not be Titoism, which displays no aggressive ten- dencies. The whole business could be merely a Com- To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to the article of the September thirtieth issue of The Michigan Daily entitled "USC Greeks Give Details," the Kappa Sigs at Michigan would like to add one important fact. It is true that. the chapter at USC was suspend- ed from the University in connec- tion with the tragic death of pledge Richard Swanson. How- ever, on the same day the chapter was also suspended from the. Kappa Sigma Fraternity because this type of hazing is in direct vio- lation of Section 11.4 of the Code of the Fraternity. Not only was the death of Dick Swanson tragic, it was stupid and unnecessary. C h i l d i s h hazing practices on the order apparently carried on at USC have never been in vogue here at Michigan. In fact, our chapter; taking cognizance of the superior type of individual at Michigan and of hazing's destruc- tion of the dignity of the individ- ual, has recently culminated a three-year drive and has outlawed all forms of hazing,\sweat sessions, paddlings, and hell weeks. We feel that this is a forward step for awareness which Michigan and Kappa Sig and the fraternity sys- tem and is a product of the fraternities build. Alpha Zeta of Kappa Sigma To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to the article in Wednesday's Daily concerning the late Kappa Sig chapter at USC, I would like to draw atten- pranks are harmless, most are po- tentially dangerous, all are pretty juvenile. All of the tragedies con- nected with fraternity initiations stem from these local pre-initia- tion pranks. In contrast to this is the formal initiation which all our chapters practice in common, for which there is no prerequisite but a pledging-period of a semester with passing grades. The formal ritual is a symbolic embodiment of the ideals upon which the fraternity was founded: the scholastic tra- ditions of the University of Bo- logna in Renaissance Italy. This ritual, like the formal rituals of other fraternities, is no more physic ally dangerous than a church service, 'nor is it juvenile, except in the sense that man's love for formal ritual to symbolize his highest ideals may seem ju- venile to certain "sophisticated" minds. While this discussion will not return life to Richard Swanson, it may clear away the confusion in the public's mind. The cause of this and other senseless killings is an informal local prank, and not the formal ritual that is the only initiation. With this distinc- tion made perhaps the fraternity system, aided by an informed pub- lic, may proceed to put its houses in order. -Ellis Davis, '60 Alpha Zeta of Kappa Sigma. Bookstores * To the Editor: not always immediately, and what more do you want than that? In the last analysis, we get the facil- ities that our book purchases sup- port, no more, no less. More than that, what do we need? A com- bination clothing store (selling K o ll e g i ate Kut Klothes, of course), grocery-delicatessen and book dispensary? ALSO, a comment on the latest Gargoyle: no one expects a very high level of humor from the Gargoyle tradition is against it, and when tradition speaks, even kings listen. We suppose, too, that knifing our Neighbor to the North is legitimate -- tradition, again. But when the magazine has to sink into vulgarity and outright obscenity for its humor, it would seem to imply that the editors of Gargoyle don't have a very high opinion of campus intelligence. Certainly vulgarity and obscenity are funny - they are hilarious in an adolescent. But we are sup- posed to be adults - at least that was what we were told as Fresh- men. The examples of Michigan humor -in the latest Gargoyle are too often the sort of "daring hu- mor" you expect from the hand- written, mimeographed effort of a bright but uncultured twelve- year-old. -Robert Troester -Alex Panshin Musea? . . To The Editor: T HA7VE gwSE' rnM in An i 'v I "I I 2' 4