:.. The Explosive Caribbean: w f- a.---V -&- . ..* - J. -..-. , Long Exploited and Underdeveloped, The Greater Antilles Awaken By THOMAS TURNER OVERPOPULATED, underdeveloped, ex- plosive-these are the Greater An- tilles. Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico are volcanic islands, forming a chain 1300 miles long. Fifteen million people live there. Each island has central mountains and coastal plains which are used for grow- ing sugar cane. Once prize colonies of the European powers, the five countries are now experimenting with a variety of governmental forms. The Dominican Republic and Haiti, which divide Hispaniola between them, are two of the four genuine dictator- ships in the hemisphere. Jamaica and Puerto Rico are complet- ing constitutional evolution from colonial status to autonomy within the frame- work of the mother country. And Cuba has gone from rightist dic- tatorship into the most important Ameri- can social upheaval' since the Mexican revolution of 1910. ISLAND-HOPPING from capital to capi- tal-Havana, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, Ciudad Trujillo, San Juan-the visitor can see the changes and pressures to change which could bring about realiza- tion of each island's potential, or which could provide problems for years to come. Havana is the largest of the Caribbean cities, and the most cosmopolitan. Her hotels rank with those anywhere in the world, and so reportedly do her houses of prostitution. Tourism is big business. But during the first eight months of the revolutionary regime the flow of tourists dried up almost completely. Taxi drivers circled the city without passengers and the re-oliened casinos had more em- ployees than customers. Now the atmosphere of fear in Havana seems to have dissipated. City residents come out again in the evening to stroll along the Malecon, the ocean drive. And the tourists have returned, Labor Day's total being the highest in a year. MOST PROMINENT signs in Havana of the revolution-if one disregards the bearded rebel soldiers-are the canisters, posters and farm equipment displays of the agrarian reform. Castro's face appears on huge billboards which ask all Cuba to support the reform actively. Cubans call the reform program the heart of their revolution, without which it will die. Talking with them on the streets and in the stores, the visitor can feel for himself some of the enthusiasm which -can make possible the revolution's success. Kingston, 500 miles southeast, is very similar to Havana, and at the same time in a different world. The tropical sun and the tropical vege- tation are the same. Jamaica's main product is sugar, as of course Cuba's is, and both Kingston and Havana are com- mercial centers grown far richer than the remainder of the island. But Kingston is unmistakably Brit- ish colonial, in her architecture, her cus- toms and in her institutions. P OLICE on the corner, in Kingston wear white sun helmets and gloves with their blue and scarlet uniforms. Streets bear names such as "Glen Lane," "Duke Street"' or "Aintree Avenue.". Jamaica is now part of an immense political experiment, the West Indian Federation. The British have opened the door to autonomy for citizens of the former West Indian colonies,- but little allegiance to the new body has yet been shown. Jamaicans declare the federation to be very important, but show little real interest in any specific aspect except that of Jamaica's share in the legislature. Since Jamaica has half the federa- tion's people, they argue, she should hold as many seats as Antigua, Barba- dos, Dominica, Trinidad and all the oth- er islands put together. While Jamaicans show compartively little interest in their new form of in- ter-island government, they more than compensate with enthusiasm for local politics. In the July election in which People's 'Nationalist Sir Norman Manley won, re-election over Jamaica Laborite Sir Alexander Bustamente, dead men voted and party officials were accused of giv- ing lessons in removing ink stamped on each voter. PORT-AU-PRINCE, capital of the Re- public of Haiti, is so backward it makes Kingston seem cosmopolitan. Few cars are seen on the dusty streets, for few Haitians can afford them. However, the streets are crowded with pedestrians except during the blistering hot noon periods. Much of the city is made up of shanty- towns, condoned by the government be- cause it cannot build housing relief fast enough. A conspicuous exception to the city's rundown appearance is the presidential palace, a beautiful old building in which president Francois Duvalier lives in fear. Duvalier fears assassins' bullets, just as he fears use of his country as a bridge by Cubans wishing to get at the neighbor- ing Dominican Republic. As the president is afraid, so too are his subjects. Brash guides mumble and change the subject when asked specific .questions regarding the dictator and his government. The mountains rise steeply above Port- Au-Prince, and provide a key to the island's poverty and instability. For Hai- ti's share of the island of Hispaniola is covered with rocks and ridges, making impossible large-scale agriculture of the sort which has brought money to Cuba, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. Thus any agricultural reform program in Haiti is limited. HAITI HAS turned to the United States in increasing quantities, despite some American objections to Duvalier. While the major portion of the moun- tains are in the western or Haitian end of the island, the tallest mounutain in the Caribbean is in the Dominican end, quite visible as one flies between the two coun- tries. Its name, appropriately enough, is Pico Trujillo. Flying on into the capital, Ciudad Tru- jillo, one sees rows of olive-colored jet fighters on 24-hour alert. Coming through customs in the air terminal, each visi- tor is X-rayed. Ciudad Trujillo itself is a quiet, pros- perous city which lacks both the poverty of Port-au-Prince and the bustle of Havana, or Kingston. The hotels are fancy, the restaurants adequate, but the city is dull. For the tourist, there is the palace built by Columbus' son and rebuilt and refurnished by Trujillo at the cost of millions. Beyond seeing this, and taking a look at the new government center built for the recent (and unsuccessful) Domini- can Exposition, there just aren't many interesting things to do. IT'S QUITE POSSIBLE to rent a car and travel across the country on the modern highways the Trujillo government ,.,> :1 ''3 a i .._ . - ' By FRED SCHAEN Trulillo's Statue Everywhere hias built, of course, but there are check- points every 20 miles, at which every- one must present his identification. Most tourists and businessmen express relief on leaving the Dominican Republic. San Juan, Puerto Rico's capital, is sec- ond only to Havana in population, pros- perity and interest. Since the average Puerto Rican lives better than any of his fellow Latin Americans, the gulf be- twen the city and the rest of the island is not as great as that in Cuba. Puerto Rico's economy depends more heavily on sugar cane than on any oth-. er single source of income, but the island is more heavily industrialized than any other in the area. While much of this industry is, of course, in and around San Juan, a more healthy balance has been achieved in Puerto Rico than elsewhere. PUERTO RICO, like Cuba, has been bothered by huge land holdings which kept sugar money coming in but left thousands of farmers little better than serfs. But over a period of years a dormant law limiting holdings to 500 acres has gradually been enforced, and now only two companies own both sugar mills and aly substantial amount of caneland. Both these companies are the subjects of court proceedings at the present, which will force them to sell their excess land to the commonwealth at a fair price. With the landholdings divided up, there is in Puerto Rico a problem regarding introduction of mechanized methods, but cooperatives are being established (as they are in Cuba). Puerto Rico's industrial and agricul- tural progress has been possible largely- because of the internally autonomous commonwealth status she enjoys. While there is currently a lot of agitation for Puerto Rican statehood, and while state- hood may well come within the next 15 years, the commonwealth has given and is giving a lot to the island, STRONG, autonomous island govern- "' nient within the American union has made possible benevolent statism and wooing of stateside industry. Puerto Rico sets the pattern for many of the underdeveloped over-populated por- tions of the world. Whether or not she will serve as a model to her Antilles neigh- bors, and whether indeed they are or will be free to follow, remains to be seen. Thomas Turner is Daily editor and a senior in the literary college. He gathered the material for this article during several trips from is home in Puerto Rico to the various islands. JAPAN-and for that matter, the entire Orient-has always been regarded by the Westerner as the essence of the ex- otic, a place where strange people in the Westerner as the essence of the exotic, a place where strang people in strange costumes do inicomprehensible things. One can still, if one desires, see beyond the paper-thin homes and the sea- weed drying in racks in the inlets, a vision of the pervasive politeness that Marco Polo could not understand or even a pic- ture of Admiral Dewey's fleet of ships of "dark and evil mien"; however, such vis- ions require a great deal of imagination. The dominant impression of the Orient today is one of extreme modernity. Since the war, the rate of change in living hab- its in the East-and particularly in Japan --has probably been greater than in any other portion of the world, so great in fact that it would be totally bewildering to any native who lost the current of develop- ment for any short time. Shino, a student from Tokyo who studied in the United States from 1953 until 1957, remarks, "I left a land of rickshaws and traditional homes and returned to one which had more taxicabs than New York and more modern apartments than Chicago-and I found an entirely different people." This is not to say that Japan is no longer Japan. Traditions are conserved, and the exquisite beauty that has long characterized Japanese civilization is con- tinued, one is happy to note, as some- what more than meretourist attraction. The church-in this case Buddhist and Shinto and to a certain extent Christian -plays its usual role as conservator of traditional beauties. In the temples and shrines are preserved architecture and art dating back for centuries: the torii, or sacred gateways; stone and bronze sculp- tures of the gods and goddesses; the buildings of either simplicity pushed to the limits of ascetic beauty or the or- nately decorated and colorful festive tem- ples such as those at Nikko--all these set among towering trees and luxuriant growths of bushes tend to produce a feel- ing of meditational awe even greater than that of the stone-silent cathedrals of Eu- rope and America. There are those who would more hur- riedly and violently change the tenor of life in Japan: the youth who set fire to "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" in Kyoto, so well discussed in Yukio Mishi- ma's novel of the same name, is perhaps characteristic of this group. However, the majority of the modern Japanese, like the moderns of other nations, realize that pro- gress, as-fcadence, must maintain the past, the civilization from which it is to decay. Only on more figurative ashes than those of the burned temple is the phoe- nix allowed to rise again. Fred Schaen visited Japan and Hong Kong this summer while sta- tined there as a member of the United States armed forces. He is a graduate student at the University. RESPECT for tradition is still strong in Japan, though perhaps less constric- tive than in the past. The feeling for the Emperor and his family, now resting as a figure in an artificial democracy similar to Britain's constitutional monarchy, was recently demonstrated at the wedding of Crown Prince Akhito-and the new role of the Emperor was reciprocally noted in the Prince's choice of a bride. Even the stone-thrower at the wedding parade was not without the sin of having a sense of the past. Japan's present democracy, with its orderly demonstrations upholding or re- jecting any political standpoint, is still in its formative process-and as such it is probably closer to Thomas Jefferson's idea of democracy as a constant process of re-evaluation than is our own system. The Japanese have not yet developed the lack of concern with government which has infiltrated America; they still are open to Ibsen's possibility that truth itself changes about once a decade. The change in customs and manners is. noticeable in nearly every field: in sports, baseball has achieved the tremendous popularity once occupied only by sumo wrestling, and on every open space, dozens of sandlot teams - all in some sort of standardized baseball uniform-are prac- ticing. Down busy streets early in the mn'ing young men in track suits prac- tice for marathons or bicycle races; and the one mile stretch of open water be- tween the mainland and the shrine island of Miyojima is used as a speedboat race- way. The Kabukiza Theater is still -abun- dantly filled for each performance, but the newer kabuki plays have a certain de- gree of soap-opera quality characterized by sentimentality and lachrymal :scenes: death-bed forgivenesses and tubercular faithful lovers. This feeling for soap-opera is also evident in television productions-- but a Japanese soap-opera has an artistic quality unknown to CBS. The phenome- non of television in Japan is as much an indication of the new age as it is in any other country-and it is watched as ad- dictively. Evening hours previously spent in polite conversation are now devoted to drinking Asahi beer and watching the. fights. HE K6KUSAI Music Hall, one "of sev- eral Tokyan counterparts of Radio City Music Hall, is more modern tech- nically than New York's center of lower middle-class culture, and shows at least some concern for art: the legginess of the "Atomic Girls" is counterbalanced by dra- matizations of folk tales and considerably elaborate . folly dances. Appiuse in the Japanese theater, too, is more than a. proper closing to a number; it is given only after particularly well-done and in- tricate maneuvers. The new Orient is evident in the new coffee-houses throughout the nation of Japan-very small houses, and intimate- replacing the teahouses of the August moon, and in the various ginzas where western clothing shops outnumber kimono stores in a three-to-one ratio. Kimonos, when worn on the street, are worn chiefly during the evenings and on special occa- sions rather than as everyday clothing. And only once in a six-week stay is a woman seen walking the traditional six paces behind her husband. The change is producing an enormous amount of construction in the Far East. In Hong Kong, whose disregard for paint and whose love for garrets and rooftop apartments is perhaps second only to Paris's, three or four new buildings are rising on every mile of skyline. This is due in large part to the fact that .since 1949, refugees from the Chinese main- land have been a major factor in doubling the Colony's population: refugees must be housed, as they must be given work to do. So the refugees are given-jobs build- ing government apartments where they themselves will be housed upon comple- tion. One thing that has not changed in Hong Kong, however, is the fact that it is the world's chief bargain paradise. Even hand-tailored clothing is less expensive than in Britain-for the fabrics cost the same, til British pensive. 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