and South
(Continued from Preceding Page)
must be searched . . . for what
wasn't exactly clear .. . on enter-
ing and leaving.
Additional check points are lo-
cated along the road outside the:
actual customs.'
With soldiers, (some whose
writing and reading left some-
thing to be desired) doingtmost of
the paperwork, the process is long
and dragged out. Entry into Hon-
duras took us an hour and a half
... exit took the same amount of
time. All the time, a machine gun
is aimed in the direction you are
going. -
(July 23, 7634 mi.) We knew the
Inter-American Highway was go-
ing to be bad ... but just how bad
was a mystery. We have traveled
on everything from asphalt high-
ways in Mexico, to dirt ox paths
in Guatemala and finally now to1
a gravel road in the mountains.
In a jeep it isn't bad .. . the only
things you have to worry about
are fiat tires and hitting cows and,
dogs. On a motorcycle it is differ-
ent. With only two tires instead
of four, a lagre rock in the road1
can be just as dangerous as a
sleeping cow is to a jeep.
But some progress is being made
. . as much as the summer rains
w ill p e r m i t. American-loaned9
graders, bull dozers and other roadl
Poland Experiment
in International Living
Mexican .Landscape
equipment are working steadily
. . . but in most places human
labor carries most of the burden.
Mac's impression of Mexico is
beginning to look brighter.
-(July 27, 7882 mi.) We
stopped in this west coast port
town three days, ago intending to
get a banana boat bound for
California. But as luck would have
it none are expected for several
Port towns hold nothing un-
usual for seasoned sailors but to
three college boys they are some-
thing out of the ordinary. Today
we met one of the strangest per-
sons so far . . . his name is Ru-
gilio Bishops. He got aboard a
Swedish ship from his native
home of El Salvador five years
ago at the age of 14 and hasn't re-
turned since.
He left his ship two months ago
in this-port without seaman's pa-
pers, money or extra clothes. So
far he has gotten along fairly well
on coconuts, supplemented by a
few handouts from ships in the
port . .. he sleeps on the beach.
and washes in the ocean. He said
his ship is supposed to return here
in about a month . . and tale
him home.
We joined him on the beach as
we're out of money. We are go-
ing to see an American family
about a mile down the beach who
are trying to build a boat to sail
to South America. . . A real Swiss
Family Robinson. Seems about a
year ago they made it as far as
Costa Rica by truck . ,. but their
money ran out.
POST SCRIPT -- Huthwaite and
Dick McElroy left Puntareanas
two days later determined to
reach Michigan the way they had
come - by motorcycle. They suf-
fered no mishaps until they
reached Texas. After approxi-
mately 10,000 miles of travel, the
two lost one another and returned
home separately.
The student from Antioch Col-
lege, Dick Wiley, decided he still
wanted to see South America. He
signed on a tuna boat at Punta-
reanas and is now fishing some-
where off the coast of Peru.
Meanwhile Wil Porter, origin-
ator of the trip, was determined
to continue even after a second
mishap in Tuxla, Mexico. He left
there hoping to catch up with the
three others but a third accident
in El Salvador prevented him
from continuing further. After a
brief rest, he returned north to
Texas and then a tour of the east-
ern United States.
Bob Mancell toured Mexico un-
til August, suffering only one
mishap on his motorcycle, and
then returned to Michigan.
(Coritinued from Page 4)
medical aid to help them (the aid
being stopped at the Czech bor-
der by Czech authorities who were
playing up to the Russians).
A ND JUST before our group left
Poland, the people" were lining
the streets of Warsaw, cheering
and crying and throwing flowers
onto the way of Vice-President
Nixon. Only a few days -before
when Khrushchev visited War-
saw, the only people on the streets
were sent there, the cheering
came from special broadcasting
speakers and the flowers had been
supplied by the government.
And every Sunday in the
churches, the people come to pray
and sing; across the land the
houses of worship are filled as
men, women and children of Po-
land sing to their God, sing the
songs that are theirs - so much
of them and their country.
"Matko Boska, Krolowo Polska"
Mother of God, Queen of Po-
Y TRIP to Poland has prob-
ably been a turning point inj
my life. The things I have seen
and the people I have met havej
forced me to alter my feelings on
many things -not the least ofI
these are Russia and Commun-
I had heard, of course, of Hun-
gary and I knew that Hungary
and Poland an'd others were dom-
inated by Russia. But I had heard
too of pacifism, co-existence and
friendly competition.
Above all, I felt I wanted peace.
k'can no longer feel this way. Ij
have spent a summer in Poland,
I've lived in a country that really
knows Communism and Russian
Poles have tasted Russian
treachery more than once: they
were attacked from the East dur-
ing the war, deceived during the
Warsaw Insurrection and mur-
dered at Katyn. And after the war
they were occupied and robbed.
This situation is not unique to
Poland. In all of Eastern Europe
people have felt the Russian paw.
Of this the Hungarian revolt and i
the Gomulka regime serve as the
more striking evidence.
SINCE OUR group has returned
from Poland, Khrushchev has
come to our country. Khrushchev,
the man the Poles have learned
to hate, Khrushchev the man our
group has, in its own way, learned
to hate. While here, he has tpken
advantage of the vast American
communications system to teach
us and correct our false impres.
sions about peace, coexistence,
friendly competition and of course,
about misunderstood Russia.
.I hope we don't believe him, that
we realize what a foe we are up
against and prepare accordingly.
I wish we could feel even a little
of the hate for Russia the Poles
and , the other captive peoples
have and that everyone could go
as we have gone to see a country
such as Poland, for only there can
one learn what Russia really is.
But most of all I hope and pray
that we as individuals and as a
nation realize the limitations and
dangers of pacifism and that we
always believe there comes a time
when a man has to stand up and
fight for a life and a principle he
believes in.
O N ONE of my last evenings in
Berlin we gave a party. We
mixed cheap rum with tea and
served it along with thin slices of
neopolitan ice cream and little
piles of cookies. As entertainment
we offered a shoddy song-and-
dance show: Ibrahim did an Arab
dance, Anh played Chinese music
on his home-made flute, Ernesto
sang some Mexican songs, and we
all joined in flat renditions" of
"Swing Low" and "Study War No
More." In broken and sometimes
non-existent German we kept the
conversation going as well as we
could. Yet as the silences grew
-'longer and longer our guests gave
no signs of leaving, and when we
finally sent them on their way
with "Auld Lang Syne" they still
ing with paint and whitewash,
wall-paper and glue, in the poorer
homes of the area. In efforts to
make these apartments livable
again we plastered cockroaches
into the walls, burned flea-infest-
ed couches, and scraped layers of
dirt and grime from the ceilings.
We spent days on scaffolding
wielding heavy brushes full of
whitewash; we wrestled with end-
milk or some fruit for lunch as
payment. Members of our group
came from Egypt and India, Af-
rica and America, Germany,
France and England to live for
one month in Berlin and try to
make life a little more bearable
for the sick, aged people for whom
we gave the party.
One need not go as far as Ger-
many to find this kind of thing.
Throughout the year the Ameri-
can Friends Service Committee
sponsors weekend work camps of
this sort in most large cities. Sum-
mer camps may be found in the
States, on Indian reservations or
in the poor sections of the Ozarks.
Nor is Berlin the only site of a
European camp: The AFSC works
with the Service Civile Interna-
tionale and the Nothelfergemein-
schaft, as well as other organiza-
tions, to place Americans in
camps all over Europe.
Several of my friends found
themselves swinging pick-axes in
Worms, Germany, digging founda-
tions for refugee housing. One
was awarded a medal by the
Yugoslavian government for be-
ing the hardest worker in a camp
of 200. Another helped to, lay a
pipeline in the French Alps where
the temperature was freezing even
in the middle of the summer. TwoM
went to Turkey and worked in
the mountains a day's journey
from the nearest village. Several
went to Italy, two to Scotland, one
to Finland, and other, perhaps,
even farther away. I went to Ber-
GOT something of an orienta-
tion to work-camping both in
America and in France, but in
Berlin I found the real thing.
There were 24 of us from 14 dif-
f'erent countries: many from the
Hilary Smith spent the sum-
mer in France and Berlin as a
-volunteer with the American
Friends' Service Committee.
She is a senior in the literary
near and middle East, surprising-
ly enough no one from Italy or
the Scandinavian' countries. When
we walked down the street people
turned and stared at us: there was
Parvathi in her sari, Anh in his
black mandarin coat, Singh, with
his beard and turban. We were a
novelty wherever we went; after
a while we became the special
novelty of the Schoneberg sec-
tion. People stopped us in the
street to talk with us, and once a
newspaper vendor tried to give us
some English papers. When we
asked him why he answered, "You
help the Berliners; I want to help
you." Twice we stopped after work
for a beer and found the drinks.-
appearing before we had ordered.
When we looked up there was a
cheerful German gentleman rais-
ing his glass in a salute.
(Concluded on Next Page)
Youth From Several Cultures Help
For Impoverished People in Berlin
Volunteer groups of the American Friends' Service Committee
help the aged and poor of Berlin make their small apartments
liveagle again.
showed their reluctance as they
moved off slowly, shaking our
hands again and again.
Since 1956 work camps of at
least a month's duration have
been sponsored by the American
Friends Service Committee every
summer in the Berlin-Schoene-
berg district. As a member of a
volunteer -group, we lived togeth-
er on the edge of the local Sportz-
platz and spent the days work-
less strips of wallpaper; we cov-
ered ourselves with cobwebs and
paint and carried cartloads of an-
cestral trash home from work
each day.
MOST OF US paid for the privi-
lege of doing this work: the
people for whom we worked were
getting as little as 120 Westmarks
a month ($30.00) and could only
occasionally offer usa glass of
Poland's Economy
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