.n ..._ ,w ,. F . ,. ., - .....- -.. ..- .... ... _. -...~ w Y Suppressed Hope A Description of Life in Poland Today THOMAS PIATKOWSKI 'HIS SUMMER seven young Americans, of Which I was fortunate to be one, went from America, across the sea and across All the latest in POCKET BOOKS and PAPER BACKS Come in and Browse at 322 S. State NO 3-3371f Ii a continent to stay six weeks in a country - Poland - and with a people - the Poles - that we shall never forget.P Before our group reached Po- land we met several times to dis- cuss what to expectupon arrival. No amount of discussion, however, would have adequately prepared us for the things we were to see, hear and learn. Before the sum- mer was over, each of us discov- ered a great deal about the coun- try and the people. First, of -course, we saw the country only through the eyes of a tourist . . . we noticed houses, streets and people, but they were only objects to be examined, eval- uated and then filed away in our minds. Time, however, changed our point of view for by living with our Polish families, doing what they did, working with them, playing with them and when the time came, crying with them, we slowly became for a brief and wonderful moment, Poles. We ate like Poles, played like Poles, worked like Poles, thought like Poles; we were in tune with the 71- -. We have BUTTONS life, the tempo, the heartbeat, the soul of the country and its people. BEFORE OUR eyes opened a whole new stage, one a tourist1 never sees, and on it the now old and familiar houses, streets, and people took on a new and price- less quality - a place in our hearts and our-memories. Some interesting impressions of the Poles and their country evolved from the trip. Probably the most striking fea- ture of modern Polish life is the poor state of the Polish economy. An average worker earns only enough money to support one person adequately; making it very difficult for a man to support a family alone. Not only the hus- band, but the wife, too, is obliged to work and if there are children, the family income may still be inadequate. Finally, in order to survive, many take things from the government. - The reasons for this situation in Poland's economy can probably be traced to three important sources. First, all of Poland's in- dustrial capacity was destroyed during the war and, lacking any outside assistance, the country has been forced to replace and ex- pand its industries at the price of the people's welfare. Evidence of this is still dra- matically present even in the capital city of Warsaw. The re- treating Germans left the city a shambles of rubble and even to- day, after nearly fifteen years of building and reconstruction, War- saw is still dotted with bombed- out skeletons of buildings and large flat fields of brick dust where buildings once stood. SECONDLY, in the years from 1945 to 1956 Poland was ex- ploited economically by its "ally," Russia. Polish coal, Polish steel and anything else Polish of value were "purchased" by Russia at prices far-below world market values. The third and perhaps the most important reason for the poor state of Poland's economy is that practically all enterprise in Po- Thomas Piatkowski is a sen- ior in science engineering and a resident of Ann Arbor. He lived with a Polish family in Warsaw this summer as a par- ticipant in the Experiment in International Living. land, from farming to automobile' manufacturing, from candy-mak- ing to shipping, is forced by Rus-. sia to operate in an atmosphere of strict Communistic socialism. Private enterprise is discour- aged; all large industry is state- operated; competition and its ef- fect of increasing quality and ef- ficiency is absent; foreign com- merce by individuals is forbidden.; everything of high quality made in Poland is sold abroad for gov- ernmental revenue. Most import- ant, the government is obliged to pursue an industrial policy which does not take full advantage of Poland's resources or her position in the world market, btt rather has been manipulated to be al- most solely dependent upon the Russian market alone. ANY INCENTIVE in the indus- trial system is completely lack- ing; the law of supply and -de- mand is distorted so that instead of the factories making what the people want to buy, the people can buy only the limited items By PHILIP POWER of nearly every size, color, and composition. Five large rocks. YARNCRAFT HoP The Poles Await Nixon's Arrival BAFFIN ISLAND is the world's third-largest island, lying on the north end of Hudson Bay, above the Arctic Circle. A barren land of rocks, moss and lakes, it is inhabited by ap- proximately 10,000 Eskimos and, until a few years ago, a few hun- dred non-Eskimo Hudson's Bay Company men, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canadian Government field men. Recently the island has assumed a new importance in the North American defense plans of the United States and Canada, and DEW (Defense Early Warning) radar stations and Air Force land-. ing strips have started to appear. And only last year, Frobisher Bay was made a regular stop for trans- polar, commercial air flights to Europe. Such installations have radically increased the number of men in Baffin from "The Outside." They have brought wholesale the bene- fits and liabilities of so-called Western civilization to the hither- to primitive Eskimo population- a certain proportion of which is still working for previously un- heard of wages, driving trucks and bulldozers. As elsewhere in the world, the major problem being faced in Baffin Island is how the primitive -even stone-age in some cases- Eskimo culture and way of life is to withstand the impact of Western civilization without breaking down entirely. The long, sad stories of the decay, collapse and near ex- tinction of the United States In- dians and Canadian Indians (both on the West Coast and in the interior) and of the Western Ca- nadian and Alaskan Eskimos offer frightening portents of failure in parallel situations. THE PROBLEM is made even more complex by the peculiar demands made by the fearsome Arctic climate on, the Eskimos and their culture. In the past, merely the problem of survival has called forth a highly specialized -and even complex Eskimo culture, but one more than unusually open to potentially damaging influences from the outside. Newly acquired tastes for chew- ing gum and pop damage the Eskimo's teeth; attempts to buy colorful American clothes take much of his pitifully low earned income and give him little warmth in winter; and a hundred more examples of the problems intro- duced by Western culture could be cited. But the innovations of the "White man" are not all on the bad side. The modern rifle has immeasurably'increased the Eski- mo's food-gathering capacity; the outboard motor enables him to move farther and faster with less expenditure of energy than he ever could before; and the Cana- dian government's schools, supply ships and nursing stations open up innumerable roads to individual betterment that were closed a gen- eration ago. The Canadian Government is working feverishly to find a solu- tion to this many-faceted problem. For the -Eskimo's must not, the Government says, be allowed to fall to the status of second class citizens, -as have the Indians and Western Eskimos. The Government is seeking to enable the Eskimo to take advantage of those aspects of Western civilization which will help him in his fight for survival in the barren Arctic. BUT AT the same time, the Government- is' trying to pre- vent the undesirable aspects of the modern world from seeping in--aspects which would make the Eskimo's struggle for survival more difficult or which would reduce him to a mere unthinking accept- ance of all Western things. As evidence, consider the-plight of Polish aeronautical engineer- ing students, who every year. graduate in greater numbers than the limited Polish aircraft indus- try can absorb; or the fact that an assistant professor receives a salary less than the average Po- lish workman. In addition, the universities tend to favor students of peasant and worker back- ground, regardless of ability. This was especially prevalent prior to 1956. All of these conditions, linked to the necessary lack of freedom which exists in such a state, inevitably only depresses the people: INDEED, in Poland there are many things to make the people depressed, not only in the econ- omy and education but most es- pecially, in politics. For example, Poland really has only one politi- cal party - the Communist one. Freedom of speech is a privilege not to -be indulged in with im- punity. Freedom of the press is Es 'Face Modern 10 Nickels Arcade Phone NO 2-4303 a --------- - - - - - that the factories produce. Every workman in Poland can find a job but few earn enough to feed and clothe their families.. Poor as the country may be, in the field of education it is rather lavish. Every child in Poland is given as much education as he or she can handle, completely at the cost of the government. All chil- dren must finish grammar school and those that demonstrate the ability are sent on through high school and college. Any good col- lege student will receive a schol- arship that amounts to half the salary of an average worker. However, the job opportunities for the college graduate are lim- ited and there is little reward fors ability. ernment controlled. Though Po- land has the largest army of all the satellite nations, it is ill- equipped and Russian troops in East Germany, Czechoslovakia limited since all printing 1s gov- and Russia completely surround it. And again there is looming the old fear of a rearmed Germany. Still in their own way, the people are happy and optimistic --they are living, praying, and be- lieving they once again will be free. In 1956 the people revolted in Poznan, precipitating i radi- cal change for the better in Po- land's internal government. When the Hungarians revolted against the Russians, the Poles organized volunteer units of soldiers and (Concluded on Page 6) Perhaps nowhere in the Arctic is the problem being met as well as at Cape Dorset, on the south- western coast of Baffin. There in an Eskimo community whose population varies from 100 in winter to 450 in summer, James Houston, Northern Service Officer and Area Administrator for much of Southwestern Baffin Island, his dedicated wife Alma, a school teacher and a male nurse grapple with the endless problems faced by the modern Eskimo. The settlement of Cape Dorset is located on Kingmik Island (which means 'sled dog" in Eskimo). Here, the Eskimos have achieved in their daily life a surprisingly successful adaptation of Western ways to the rigors of their north- ern climate. During the summer in Baffin Island, things are easy. About the time of the spring break up of the sea ice, the Eskimos (who do not like being called Eskimos, but prefer to call themselves Inuit, "men, premenantly") who have been living throughout the winter in groups of two to five families move into Cape Dorset from their settlements by whale boats or canoes powered by outboard motors. THEY COME into the settlement mainly to trade with the Hud- son's Bay Company trading post located there. Over the winter, each able bodied man in the group has cared for a trap line, gather- ing white foxes and ermines. By the time spring arrives, the group is practically out of staple pro- visions-tea, rifle cartridges, flour Ffor bannoc (a kind of bread cooked over a seal oil lamp) and 'sugar. The Eskimo trades his white fox =pelts for these essentials, getting from $5 to $35 per pelt, the price -depending on the Hudson's Bay Company policy for that particular year. Once at the settlement, having finished the most important trad- ing, the Eskimos settle down in tents for the rest of the short arctic summer: meeting friends and relatives, undergoing medical examination for tuberculosis when the 'Government supply ship ar- rives on its once a year visit; dancing their dances-marathons which go on practically all night and end up as an endurance con- test. If the weather is bad, and no hunting can be done, the Eskimo stays near his tent (formerly made of seal and caribou skins, but now of sail cloth), perhaps carving hu- man figures and animals in soap- stone with his primitive tools. This, besides being an outlet for his creative instincts and perhaps for his magical ones too (as it is felt that the man who carves a seal may somehow gain some kind of magical control over the seal when he goes out to hunt him) is the Eskimo's second source of income. THE CANADIAN Government. 4 never improve his standard of living through trapping alone, has instituted a program, operated through the Canadian Handicrafts Guild, of purchasing these carv- ings from the Eskimos and selling them outside the region. When the weather is good for hunting, everyone who can goes out on the ocean to hunt, as fresh- ly-shot meat is the Eskimo's staple food. The staff of life in the Arctic is the common ring seal, which weighs betwen 25 and 150 pounds. Also shot is the "Ugjuk" or beard- ed seal, weighing up to 2,000 pounds, commonly used for dog food, and the walrus, also used for dogs. That the Eskimos can shoot enough seals to feed them-even though Dorset is famous for good hunting-is amazing to the outside observer, for the difficulties in- volved in hunting are enormous. First, seals only come up to breathe every five minutes or so, and their heads are about the size of a man's fist. They have excel- lent hearing and sight, and con- sequently come up for breath--a long distance away from the hunter. As the seal's head is bobbing up and down with the waves, and the canoe from which one shoots is doing the same thing, and as the Eskimos' guns often shoot 10 degrees to one side or the other, even coming near the seal is quite an achievement. most er mostly e inland, w travels ward to ibou sh contents testing' ally, bet on the But in skill ani tion, the barren c gies are simple p times sr Winte when th below 2 ,rises d ."blackou in his s through searchir THEN, lose on's was one losing h Storm Eskimo, outside t The wij credible plains. I ing with to a r caught : getting groped nothing; getting build a night. V morning amazem not thi Royal ( station. The E their li their 0' have bo ern civi them-s dered t: aware o of their in a p matchec and in which is strains ern cult "We the Esk bens," do this identity if they own par All Wool Sport Coats I I See that national shoulder,; Ivy styled suit. Suits $59.50 A large selection of colors including birnsh. brown and olive green. SAF.FELL & BUSH IN THE PAST, the Eskimos were forced to use kyaks and har- poons to catch seals, and only. their consummate hunting skill and knowledge of their prey en- abled them to survive. Now, with canoes, outboard motors and rifies, the Eskimos can eke out a living from their harsh country with much more certainty of success. Their diet consists, except for tea and bannoc and cigarettes (they all smoke about 3 nacks of aspects they fin indicatic winning Phil ial dh this su to colf meet . and I curiosi 310 SOUTH STATE ver a Quarter Cey F Two Eskimos quarry soapstone to use later in their carving. The soft stone may be cut to some extent with an axe, but becomes harder upon prolonged exposure to air. The Eskimos travel 256 miles to reach this particular deposit of the rare stone, whose deen green onlor is much pnie lbv a lcarvrs -