The Social Democrats' Dream of a Classless Society: h Will Swecden Make It a Reality? BS JAMES SERER - V ~ -.: - ~.- - ____ Visitor Par fcipaloes in Student Life- German Style at Munich University By DOROTHEA STEUDLE HAVE an expression that' seems like it would cover your situation, 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink'," suggested an Amer- ican visitor. "Yes, that's exactly our prob-; lem," answered a leading theorist of Sweden's Social Democratic La- bour Party, which has been in power for nearly 40 years. The. Social Democrats are attempting to eliminate Sweden's class struc- ture by knocking out the economic props of that structure. Although they are having remarkable suc- cess in their economic reforms, they have not, as yet, made much progress toward their final objec-' tive. In fact, the class structure may even be growing more rigid. Originally the Social Democrats hoped to achieve their classless society through a policy of wage equalization. Through minimum wage reforms and steeply progres- sive taxation -- even to the point where it becomes confiscatory - James Seder is an assistant night editor oni The Daily. He spent the summer in Sweden as part of the Experiment in International Living. the Social Democrats have made1 substantial progress in this field.1 Also, most of the more ostenta- tious symbols of class cannot bea found in Sweden. For example, there are few or no mansions, fleets of limousines, or liveried3 servants. THERE appear to be three rea- sons for this: the Swedes tend to prefer simple living; because1 of the government's wage equali- zation polcies, few Swedes can afford a great deal of ostentation; and theawealthier families are afraid that any ostentatious dis- plays might provoke new as- saults on what wealth they do have. Nevertheless, a visitor to Swe- den, particularly to rural areas of Sweden, is immediately struck by the elaborateness of the class con- scious behaviour. For example, one greets cordially an acquain- tance of one's own class; one for- mally shakes hands with a person of an adjacent class and one only waves to a person at the opposite end of the social scale. Perhaps the most obvious status symbol, at least to an American whose knowledge of Swedish is decidedly limited, is the ability of the people to speak English. This is particularly true of the genera- tion educated since the war. Upper class Swedes speak fluent English. Middle class Swedes speak some English. The few lower class Swedes who know any Eng- lish generally refuse to use it. Exceptions to this are the middle class teachers and middle class people engaged in tourism who speak fluent English. But other than these exceptions, a Swede's degree of fluency in English is an extremely accurate test of his class. THE USE of English as a status symbol focuses on a larger ques- tion: the place of education in Swedish society. The Social Democratic Party realizes that in order to achieve its goal of a classless society, it must provide equal educational opportunities for everyone. Originally they thought they could easily arrange this. The first step - universal, free, compulsory public schools - had already been taken before- the Party came to power. Students must go to school until they are 14 years old and may continue in the free public schools until they graduate from the gymnasium at 19 or 20. However, children of lower class Stockholm - Government Headquarters ": r.". vrs": ..z. :: ; . ::c';; ,. a'ikv::' .. 'Y% ... :"}'" :":... ti«'.' : .. i ..i e" . r . ..................r ... er:4: :r :. :":" :"'. : ir"':L :":"aiv..":v. ?'"a :"r'i'.: ::..t.',........3° «7:L.": '{{+....'::vr:"i::":":" :... : ^' "tw..1w. " ":" ". AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT families tended to drop out of school at fourteen. The Party as- sumed that everyone wanted to continue their education, but economic pressures forced the stu- dents to"'go out and earn money. The Party tried to eliminate this problem by providing stipends for all students continuing their education after the age of 14. The Social Democrats now re- alize that even this stipend has not solved the problem. The upper class, which comprises ten per cent of the population, supplies 50 per cent of the university stu- dents. The lower class, which comprises 50 per cent of the pop- ulation, supplies only ten per cent of the university students. THE PARTY now faces a di- lemma. They have, the horse at the water hole (the lower class student can afford advanced edu- cation), but he isn't drinking (he's not continuing his education). There are three commonly ad- vanced explanations of this: 1) A young person makes high- er wages in industry than he does from his stipend. And he is se- duced away from education by the glamour of increased spending money - even though his long- range income potential would be increased by further education. 2) There is an increasing attl- tude among all young Swedes that "the rich don't get richer and the poor don't get poorer" - a phrase used by several young Swedes. Thus neither fear nor ambition provide incentive for hard work in any sphere -- including educa- tion. 3) Pressure against further edu- cation is brought on the lower class student and his family by friends and neighbors who resent "putting on airs." Although the Swedish people in general don't seem acutely aware of it, the Party recognizes the crisis confronting it. It has pro- vided the lower class with an op- portunity to raise its status. If the lower class is unwilling to take advantage of this opportunity, how can the government bring about a classless society? THE PARTY is attempting to meet the challenge by increas- ing the student stipend. This seems like a simple step, but the philosophy behind it is a radical departure from previous socialis- tic, practices. They, are now at- tempting to bribe students to con- tinue their education, instead of merely providing an opportunity to do so. If this plan does not work, its failure will open up a new path: of political development which is sure, to have significance beyond itatively - particularly after a short visit-it seems unlikely that the reform will succeed. In the first place, the Party seems to have made a mistake in discounting the degree of apathy among Swedish youth (which is at least partially the result of the Party's highly socialistic program). A lower class Swedish youth seems to lack the motivation to continue his studies. He finds working easi- er and more glamorous. It seems doubtful that even an increased stipend can overcome these ten- dencies. Also, the Party probably has badly underestimated the social pressure exerted against a person attempting to rise out of the working class. Swedes just do not seem to share the American "rags to riches" dream. And finally there is a factor which may force a slow-down in a few years of all the Party's so- cial welfare programs. There seems tq be increasingly bitter op- position to these programs, i.e., the wage equalization policies, by the educated youth. Each year, more and more of these people WALKED into the huge amphi- theater, raced for the only vacant seat, just as a rumbling of knuckles upon desks announced the entrance of the Herr Profes- sor: My first lecture at the Lud- wig Maximillian University of Munich. As a member of the Junior Year in Munich program (JYM), spon- sored by Wayne State University, I went with 65 American students, representing 35 American universi- ties and colleges. With two years of college German as a back- ground, we enrolled in philosophy, science, political science, history, literature and psychology courses and now it was November 1. Let- ters from home told of our friends crar Ing for mid-terms. We had toured Paris, the World's Fair, Cologne, had taken the ro- mantic steamboat ride down the Rhine River - site of old castles and vineyards, and arrived in Mun- chen (Munich) just as the tradi- tional Munich Okoberfest reached its climax. Situated in a huge meadow, the many breweries set up mammoth tents, where thou- sands of Muncheners, students and tourists gathered about long tables to sing, philosophize, and listen to- the traditional Bavarian oom-pa-pa bands, complete with national dress of Lederhosen and Alpine hats. And, of course, every- one was there to sample the beer and eat from the open barbeques. Dorothea Steudle partici- pated in the Junior Year in Munich program last year. She is now completing her senior year at the University. This festival and trips deep in the Bavarian mountains were our only occasion to see the old conception of Germany, which many Ameri- cans hold. MUNICH TODAY is a modern, flourishing, cultural center of over , million in population, ad- dicted to the Wirtschaftswunder, economical wonder, as the Ger- mans critically refer to it. The Munich of the turn of the century, which enjoyed its peak of artistic, musical and literary groups has been completely rebuilt. The de- stroyed, beaten Munich of the '40s is nonexistent, as the revived interest and optimism for opera, concerts, art, a democratic gov- ernment and a higher standard of living stand as evidence. The Okoberfest over, I now sat in the lecture hall and saw the academical side of Munchen. Lis- tening very closely, I could not quite comprehend the lecture--the language being elevated and com- plex. After 20 minutes of confu- sion, I peeked at my neighbor's notes and suddenly the realization came to me-this was not German Literature of the 20th Century, this was the Philosophy of Law! With a new if somewhat dis- torted view of legal philosophy, I concentrated upon the language and my studies, hoping such mis- takes would not occur again. They did, but with the help of Junior Year in Munich instructors and tutors, who held sessions in con- junction with our university courses and administered examina- tions, we soon felt at ease with our second language and enjoyed stu- dent life, German style. ERMAN students must pass a state examination called the Abitur before entering a univer- sity. Since the high school or Gym- nasium education was an intensive nine years, they enter the uni- versity at the age 19 at a level of+ junior standing, according toI American standards. No counselors advise courses; the student en- joys "academic freedom," may at- tend courses at will, but to gradu- ate, he must qualify for another '" 4+ .,. k y Y . ... "e 'tC .,fxrfx+ v,: ,r 1r". .: ,v:, xrr. s{i:,J{s rf:.yk', Y.:. '.o ti :{ +.{9,y s;,?s} s. K Fau r ., y; r ,:..,v ..'" .:c?,.e t'.5s. : a.JJk' r>;'s'4s 4. ,irr."..... rr'rlx:s.Faials r...:.r.,.,.ir. r.u: er? ..s.,..s.; 1 ? w ^' , The Crowded Streets o IA Re Staatsexam, and must there use his, own discretion. A total of 12 seminar certific must be earned-six in the m field of concentration and ti in two minor fields. Towvard end of his studies, the student s mits an outline of his perspec thesis to the desired professor, upon acceptance from the 'T tor-Vater," as he is called, completion and publication of thesis, the passing of an ambit P Gs L A- N- N* N LET TAEBRAI* t. the inimitable k il t $1495 Headquarters for National Advertized Brands s Catalna Swim Wear " Manhattan Shirts " Alligator and Baracuta Rain Wear -- to mention a few! City Streets R P t1313 S. University} HANDLE ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS LADIES' CASU AND ACCESSO 1212 SoUTH UNmVERSIrY-Campus 72k -11 TICK & WREN Cothe3/iMen 1107 SOUTH UNIVERSITY -Across from Ann Arbor Bank STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. to5,P. M. contemplate emigration - either to Western Europe or the United, States. Someday this might de- velop into a serious problem. But the Party seems liked to go through with this reform. The Social Democrats are putting their dream of a classless society on the CALL. I NO 2-5587