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October 04, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-04

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Seventieth Year


Sci ita


When Opinions Are Free
"Truth With Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan baily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
IE EMPHASIS in the future of the Univer- Davis-Merrill-Wintersole "World of Carl Sand-
sity falls on quality as opposed to quantity burg" may not be too bad. Sir Donald and Lady
ucation. Since financial and other limitations Wolfit's Shakespeare may also prove worth-
event great improvements in the faculty or while.
the physical plant, two general areas are What seems morelikely to have occurred
ming under close scrutiny as to their contri- than a decision based on the merits of the two
Lton to the education students are receiving approaches is a reorientation by expedience.
re. Some of the public-affairs programs of recent
The first of these areas is of course reform of years have not been very well-attended. This
ucational technique. The quarter - system, cannot however be interpreted merely as a sign
ided honors programs, changed major-minor that students are not interested in the subjects
quirements and a reading period are all discussed. Too often "canned" speeches by pub-
)rth consideration in this area, lic figures have scared away following audi-
The second area is that of extra-curricular ences.
,ograms and activities, through which stu- Still more reprehensible is the apparent atti-
nts can add to their own education by hear- tude shown by the Lecture Committee, that
,g ideas either of members of the University audiences should see what they want, or rather,
oulty Ie er of emersoftheiniversity..that they should not be asked to consider seeing
culty or of outside speakers of significance. things they might not care to see.
AWO CURRENT projects, both supposedly de-
signed to provide intellectual stimulation STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council's Reading
tside the classroom, vary widely in approach and Discussion Program is a much more
d thus in value. These are the "Platform At- modest venture, financially, than Platform At-
actions" and the "Reading and Discussion" tractions. But n at least two counts it is su-
perior to the latter.
"P atform Attractions" are sponsored by the For one thing, it preserves a distinctly intel-
iversity's Lecture Committee, the avowed lectual orientation while being entertaining.
rposes of which are the presentation of For another, it utilizes the resources of the
arthwhIle speakers and the screening of University faculty, which is not only as an eco-
eakers proposed by other segments of the nomy measure but because it makes clear to
,keruspparticipating students the quality of tht faculty,
The "Attractions" *ere once known as the and thus the possibility of getting greater
cture Series. But in the past two years the stimulation from their classes
ogram has evolved from one concerned pri- Congratulations are in order for SGC mem-
drily with domestic and foreign issues to a ber Roger Seasonwein, who first conceived of
&pourri of "culture" and 'entertainment. the Reading Program, and nursed it through a
disappointing first year to much greater success
S RECENTLY as 1957-58, for example, Sena; this fall.
tors Hubert Humphrey and Thruston Mor- O DANGERS in the future of the program
a debated foreign policy, John Bricker and arW DANR S int, fuur.e of
bert Gore debated use-of nuclear energy, and ine alfaddmishefeced eueof
ulH.Doglswas questioned by three tp intellectual faddism is reflected in the use of
uitical Douglaswcorrespondents. some of the books selected. "The Affluent So-
n addition USIA director Arthur Larson ciety" and "Dr. Zhivago" are particularly sus-
Saton,urIA irctolRelathurn r pect, as is' perhaps "The Lonely Crowd."
ke on "Our International Relations." The seminars using these books as takeoff
'he series also included an excellent pre- points seem to have been successful, however,
oadway production of "the Rivalry," an so the danger is rather potential than ac-
iusing Dylan Thomas program done by actor tualized.
ilyn Williams, and an evening with Georgie More disturbing was Seasonwein's recent pro-
sel which can only be described as "typical." posal to extend the seminar program to include
But the emphasis was definitely on issues. sessions with people like an advertising execu-
Last year's series included Anthony Nutting, tvie, a lawyer and a stockbroker. He said he
anor Roosevelt, Sir John Glubb and Norman would ask the Council for $450 to pay expenses
usins. While perhaps a less provocative slate for each of these gentlemen, about whom he
an that of the year before, it puts to shame could say little other than how alert and ques-
e current one. tioning they are.
The only conclusion his fellow council mem-
NLY JUIIEN BRYAN, "photographer of Po- bers could reach was that Seasonwein was ask-
land," deals remotely with important issues, ing SGC to invite three family friends in for
d there is reason to suspect his approach will seminars.
as emotional or esthetic as intellectual.
In one way or another, the Lecture Commit- HOSE DANGERS are less likely to be real-
has abdicated responsibility. Perhaps it has ized, however, than those which had been
n decided that promotion of cultural events apparent in the Lecture Series and which have
a more worthy aim than stimulation of come to fruition. For SGC seems to have a
ught. faculty for self-analysis through its divergent
But the gain in the cultural area from this personalities, which the Lecture Committee ap-
r's series as compared to that of two yars parently lacks.
o is negligible. Hal Holbrook's "Mark Twain For this reason, the open student seat on the
night" has received excellent reviews, and the Lecture Committee assumes great importance.

Research Facilities
Vast and Sprawling

GRILLWORK IN CHEMISTRY-Hidden behind a maze of test tubes, a University faculty memb
seeks the answer to a vital question in his field. His work is aided by the University's provisions b
financial support, a necessary prerequisite to any kind of research activity.
Offeringfs Cover Wide R ange

Cultural Beat
THE CULTURAL life of any
community can only reflect the
intellectual complexion of the
community itself, complementing
the tastes and contributions of its
spectators and participants.
The many inclinations and in-
terests of Ann Arbor's population
increases the range of its cultural
offerings, contributing to in ex-
tensive and organic artistic ac-
The town is overrun with art
groups of every kind, ranging from
metropolitan-oriented theatrical
organizations promoting Broadway
comedies to, say, lesser known
groups like the Ann Arbor Re-
corder Society. In music and the-
atre particularly, the offerings of
university and civic organizations
appears inexhaustible.
To get a more accurate idea of
the nature of thisactivity, the
purposes and functions of the
sponsoring organizations might be
examined. For, one popular mis-
conception (and a contributing
factor in much criticism applied
to University offerings in the field)
is the notion that all cultural or-
ganizations exist merely to provide
the musically sophisticated student
with highly professional enter-
' * * *
ably Drama Season and May Fes-
tival - the professional standard
applies; their interests are largely
promotional and commercial. They
add glitter to the year's offerings,
and bring well-publicized people
like Charleton Heston and Manto-
vani to town. Furthermore, with
only a few'exceptions, they sell all
their tickets.
The stated purpose of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, a non-
profit group, is "to advance musi-
cal attainment and taste to the
highest possible standard." To
achieve this rather didactic end it
presents an annual array of con-
certs, beginning with Choral Union
and Extra Concert Series in the
fall, May Festival in the spring,
and, scattered somewhere in the
middle, an assortment of chamber
music and vocal presentations. It

Science Beat
HAT LOOK like an eventful
year has already gotten off to
a booming start for the Univer-
sity's sprawling research activities.
And sprawling they are. Nearly
every academic consideration and
all sorts of intricate laboratories,
Campus nooks and crannies attract
the active 'minds of scholars,
teachers and laymen bent on the
search for the unknown.
Tracing and organizing the out-
lines of this maze of diverse ac-
tivity and filling in some of the
details is a difficult, f not im-
possible task,but the University
took a decisive step in this direc-
tion last week.
It added to its administrative
staff a new Vice-President for Re-
search-someone who will concen-
trate first on drawing up a com-
posite picture of the directions
local research takes. With this
perspective, he may be instru-
mental in opening up new areas of
er financial support on the state and
for national front
INTERNALLY, his attention will
turn to coordinating the research
institutes' programs, assuming
some of the mass of administrative
detail that surrounds any kind of
research and keeping University
moguls supplied with facts on his
area of concern.
He may even be able to focus
a little more of the public's atten-
tion on projects in the humanities
and social sciences, like those of
the professors who are studying
international politics or compiling
middle English dictionaries.
* * *
DESPITE the probably well-en-
trenched missile-mindednessof
publicity, research, at least here,
remains varied. One reason may be
the University's provisions for re-
cruiting researchrsponors-work
is handled mainly by what is
known as the "research institute."
Although each institute's system
works a little differently, they hold
in common some basic traits.
An institute is essentially a
group of administrators who aid
theprospective researcher in his
hunt for funds, may provide' him
with laboratory facilities and as-
sistants and takes over much of
the busy work and red tape of
printing project plans, progress
In this way, the institute often
a guides the professor toward
ia. sources of funds, the existence of
;o which he would probably never
know of otherwise and tries to re-
lieve him of,time-consuming trivi-
ions alities once he begins his work.
bute * * *
the CONTRASTING techniques and
the fields of specialization are to be
found among three of the Uni-
iave, versity's major institutes - the
and brand-new and slowly-growing In-
oirs, stitute for Science 'and Technol-
tun- ogy, the atoms-for-peace Phoenix
nce- Memorial Project and the Univer-
an- sity Research Institute.
unc- IST is starting life with a bang,
dent although it may remain homeless
ech- this year. State appropriations will
le in cover its half-million dollar oper-
able ating budget, but it is nervously
dy- awaiting the Legislature's verdict
ance on its request for $140,000 with
y or which to build housing. Even so,
or a the institute is piecing together a
per- program of ways to choose and
support proposals "liberally inter-
preted" as relating to space,
tiv- science and technology.
but The new program will also focus
sive, attention on attracting outstand-

ing scientists from al over the
country hoping about IST's ability
to support research independently
of either teaching budgets or re-
search contracts.
ALTHOUGH, unlike the other
two institutes, it has no immediate
plans for weaving an educational
program into its scientific fabric,
IST officials' hope the mere pres-
ence of top men in science will
encourage increased interest in
this field. Funds will be provided,
too, to allow top students to work
with scientists, learning informally
from them.
A slightly more direct influence
on the University's educational
programs is exerted by UMRI-the
service agency in the research
field here. Because the unusually
large graduate student population
at the University who must of
necessity be involved In research
work in their degree programs,
UMRI makes it a point to provide
them with opportunities to partici-
pate in projects it has helped set
up. Last year, such attracted 500
graduates and 550 undergraduates,
with 32 completed doctoral dis-
sertations based on project find-
UMRI's close connection to the
University and its minimal tech-
nical interference and maximal
administrative assistance to indi-
vidual researchers make it a
uniquely successful system for
sponsoring handling ;contract re-
RATHER tian supply funds di-
rectly to faculty members, UMRI
helps them search down private,
federal and state government
funds, then advising them on how
to prepare proposals for approval
by the sponsors. It makes no tech-
nical suggestions at all.
Again, a large part of the re-
search handled through UMRI is
in the physical sciences and engi-
neering, partly because the organi-
zation was known as the Engi-
neering Research Institute until
last year. It is now expanding its
program into such fields as medi-
cine, and lately all requests for
funds from members of the liter-
ary college faculty have been
directed to UMRI.
* * *
THE PHOENIX Project is in a
way both more and less restrictive
than the others. Dedicated only to
atomic research, the Project in-
sists that faculty members seeking
its support be interested in a prob-
lem connected to the atom-but
the connection can be as direct
as nuclear engineering or as in-
direct as how splitting the atom
affects man's psychological well-
Begun as a "pot of money and
an idea" ten years ago, the Project
raised enough funds for general
use to last through this year, at
which time it was to be disbanded.
Its contributions to knowledge in
the fields studied, however, proved
so vital that dissolving it now be-
came unthinkable. So a new fund
campaign began a few weeks ago
to insure continued life.
Research in all areas, excluding
none, plays a tremendous role in
the University's life. Major break-
throughs in science have stemmed
from its endeavors; it has pro-
duced, much stimulating thought
in the humanities and, not the
least of its accomplishments, it
has been instrumental in adding
prestige to the name of a large
and important state university.
This year looks to be no exception.


SPEECH DEPARTMENT -- The speech department presents
varied bill of fare, taking their repertoire from all types of dram
They also present operas with the music school, such as "Rig
letto," shown above.


is to the credit of such a non-
profit organization' that it can
successfully import many of the
country's major symphony orches-
tras. Now in its 81st year of ele-
vating campus taste it presents
supplementary programs too. This
year's scheduling of Noah Green-
berg's Pro Musica Society seems a
bit more likely to meet the taste
elevation end than do many offer-.
ings of past seasons.
* * *
PERHAPS because the University
offers so much in the realm of
plays and concerts, students tend
to overlook the variety of civic
production. Ann Arbor has its
Civic Theatre (an extremely active
and ambitious association), Ballet
and Symphony. Student participa-
tion is encouraged in all of these.
And student participation re-
veals another facet of Ann Arbor's
cultural scene. The above activi-
ties attract mainly the passive

Gaulle a
De Ga
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Pand Aerian Peace
By J. M. ROBERTS Regardless of the formal French position,
Associated Press News Analyst there is some communication provided by go-
)US OUTSIDE forces are now at work betweens behind the scenes.
ng to find a bridge on which Charles de Count Gerard d'Hauteville, World War II
and rebel leaders in Algeria may meet to officer with friends on both sides, heads a team
peace. from the Moral Re-armament Movement which
aulle caused at least some surprise in the is publicly reported to have established two-
y hewing so closely to democratic prin- way contacts in Switzerland.
a his effort to find a solution. Now he The government of Tunisia has formally
to the old wartime De Gaulle, standing offered to act as go-between.
ocol and refusing to answer rebel state- H
Since there is no such thing as a gov- HERE IS NO evidence that the United States
t of Algetia he won't deal with the rebel and Britain are taking any part, although
about Algeria, both welcomed De Gaulle's plan for an eventual
t unusual position for governments to election, amply safeguarded as to its freedom,
by which Algeria could choose between inde-
pendence and autonomy within the French
EVEN IF the rebel leaders cannot speak Union such as that now enjoyed by some other
Algeria-and there is considerable evi- former colonial areas.
hat the whole idea of the rebellion is The rebels have held out for independence--
y by a minority even of the Arab popu- a complete break from France-despite the fact
they do speak for the war which France that some say that Algeria could not alone
to end. maintain independence if she had it.
Algeria's economy cannot stand alone. France
picks up a big tab there all the time. She buys
Algerian products at .prices higher than could
, . be obtained in the world market. She even buys
the Algerian wine which she does not need.
EditoialtaffA N INDEPENDENT Algeria would immedl
EditoralStafID EDately become another unstable area and De
THOMAS TURNER, Editor Gaulle had reason when he predicted such a
Diretor ROBE dTUKER situation would invite Communist conquest.
KOZOLL...............Personnel Director But France desperately needs to stop the
ULATZ .A ..............Magazine Editor fighting. Devotion of so much military strength
UTH WAITE.... ....... Features Editor to this area is responsible for her position in
iAGH.. ......... .....Sports Editor
AWAYA....... Associate Personnel Director relation to the United States, Britain and Ger-
OLTZE.......Assciat Editoral Ditor many with regard to the defenses of Europe,
AWSON ...........Contributing Editor about which she complains.
. . "Associate Sports Editor The rebels are responsible for the fighting,

' spectator element, but producti
based on student talent contri
much to the organic quality of
artistic- efforts presented in
Music and drama students h
in speech department plays
Music school orchestras and ch
unlimited participation oppor
ities for performing experie
But their productions serve
other, and equally important fu
tion. They motivate the stu
audience to overlook certain t
nical imperfections unavoidab
amateur productions, and en
it to benefit fully from the
namic qualities of a performs
in the making. For a symphon
play is not a static thing o
finished product. With each'
formance it alters a little.
IT IS OFTEN said that crea
ity is basic to artistic effort;
the contributions of a respon
creative audience are somett
adequate rapport betweenf
former and observer has incre
the energy of and the enthusi
for such things as the speech
partment Playbill and series
one-act plays, its production o
original Hopwood play, as we
performers by the University C
and Symphony and Bach Choir
It almost seems that ther
too much cultural opportunity
Ann Arbor rather than too litt
too much only so in the sens
the ubiquitous student comp
of too little time to see andb
everything. 'For there exists ai
mass of material afforded theI
Arbor audience: play progr
(Shakespeare, Greek tragedy, m
ern drama and comedies), mi
(28 Musical Society concerts,:
merous School of Music preser
tions and a couple of operas),
Lydia Mendelssohn and Hill A
torium calendaring committ
confronted with this prob
must have at least as many
ganizational difficulties as R
government-and an influx of f
jazz and other "popular" artis
Ann Arbor has now a Folk
Jazz Society. Born this year, it
big plans and high hopes and
already presented two progra
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