Illinois . . . . 20 Minnesota . . . 24 Northwestern . 14 Oklahoma .
Army. ......14 Indiana .... 14 Iowa .. ....10 Colorado
. . 42 Georgia Tech. 16 j SMU
.. 12 Clemson . . . . 6 Navy
* . . "
*. . . .
. 20 Purdue..... .28 Clarion.... .10
7 Notre Dame.. 7 Slippery Rock 6
See Page 4
Sir iAau
:4Iad I4
Mostly cloudy, turning cooler.
Winds N-NW from 10-15 mph
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
* *
* * *M
Soviet Platform
To Circle Moon
Multi-Stage Rocket Lifts 601-Pound
Payload into Orbit in Outer Space
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Union yesterday successfully launched
a cosmic rocket carrying "an automatic interplanetry station," Tass
The announcement gave no details but said only:
"Under the program of outer space exploration and prepara'tion
for interplanetary flights, a third cosmic rocket has been successfully
launched in the Soviet Union on Oct. 4, 1959. The rocket carries on
board an automatic interplanetary station,
Multistage Rocket
"The launching was effected by means of a multistage rocket.
The last stage of the rocket after it attained the necessary speed put
the automatic interplanetary station into the required orbit.
"The orbit for the automatic interplanetary station will ensure
the passage of the station near the moon and its flight around the
"The automatic interplanetary station will pass .at a distance of
about 10,000 kilometers from the moon and after flying around the
moon will continue its movement
Seeks Truce
In far East
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
apparently is trying to find some
formula for a cold war truce in
fthe the Far East as well as in
United States officials doubt tha
he can succeed-if that actually is
his present purpose in Red China
-but they are impressed with the
<way he has publicly lived up to the
spirit of Camp David on his trip
to Peiping.
His warnings to his Chinese
Communist allies against upset-
ting his efforts to ,develop more
, peaceful relations with the United
States and the Western powers
have been taken in official quarters
here as further proof of the Eisen-
hower administration's view that
Khrushchev needs at least a
breathing spell in the East-West
Watch Khrushchev
His public performance in Red
China has been a kind of test in
the view of the United States
government of his followup atti-
tude toward his talks with Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower last
weekend. Appraisals of this cannot
be definitive yet because no one
here knows what Khrushchev and
the Rled Chinese leaders have been
talking about privately,
But the conviction is growing
that Khrushchev may be trying to
use his influence to try to get the
Chinese Reds to take some stepĀ§
toward improving their own rela-
tions with the United States.
Whatever his ultimate intentions
may be, Khrushchev obviously
needs the cooperation of Chinese
Communist leader Mao Tze-Tung
and Premier Chou En-Lai. This
would be true whether his real
purpose is to end the arms race
and avoid an atomic war or
whether-as many skeptical au-
thorities here believe--it is to lull
the West into a sense of false
security and cause it to reduce its
own armaments while he keeps
Russia's strong,
Follows Word
The first test of Khrushchev's
intention to carry out the letter
to the area of the earth. The chosen
-1orbit makes it possible to observe
the station from the earth's north-
ern hemisphere.
Third Cosmic Rocket
"The last stage of the third
Soviet cosmic rocket weighs 1,553
kilograms without fuel (3,323
"The automatic interplanetary
station was installed on the last
stage of the rocket. After orbiting
t the station was disengaged from
the rocket. The last stage of the
rocket is moving over an orbit!
closely approximating the orbit of
the station. The automatic inter-
planetary station is designed for
a broad range of scientific studies
in outer space. The station carries
scientific and radio equipment,
s also a system for automatic tem-
perature contrdl. The scientific
and radio equipment is powered by
solar batteries and chemical
sources of electricity.
"The station weighs - a total of
278.5 kilograms (about 601 lbs).
Moreover, the last stage of the
rocket carries measuring equip-
ment with power sources weighing
156.5 kilograms. (About 343 lbs.).
Thus the aggregate payload
amounts to 435 kilograms (about
958 lbs.)."
The movement of the satellite'
twill be traced by the transmission
of radio signals within the device.
One of the signals will be used to
control the elements of the orbit
of the missile. The missile is con-
trolled by equipment based on
Seek End
To Strike
PITTSBURGH (A)1-Maneuver-
ing in the 81-day-old steel strike
took on a note of urgency yester-
day as negotiators tried to beat
possible Taft-Hartley action to get
the 500,000 strikers back in the
The United Steelworkers sum-
moned its powerful Wage Policy
Committee to meet here tomorrow
David J. McDonald, president of
the USW, also summoned the un-
ion's International Executive Board
to meet in an unusual Sunday ses-
sion this afternoon.
Some observers were optimistic
over the developments. But others
saw no concrete moves leading to a
quick end of the strike which is
playing havoc with America's eco-
The 170-man Wage Policy Com-
mittee can either reject or accept
a new contract. The Executive
Board makes recommendations to
the Wage Policy Committee.
There are widespread but un-
confirmed reports the industry is
willing to give the USW an eight-
cent an hour annual package in a
two-year contract -- provided'the
union permits management more
control over local working condi-
tions, These conditions vary from
company to company.
The reported offer would give
eight cents for pension and welfareI
benefits for one year with no pay
raise as such. In the second year
eight cents would go for wages.
McDonald and R. Conrad Coop-
er, the industry's chief negotiator,
would not say if any offer is on the
contract table. They met for one
hour and 20 minutes yesterday
morning, maintained a news black-
out and went their separate ways.
The negotiators said they were
"on call" for a second meeting
later in the day.
Although McDonald and Cooper
refused comment one industry
source close to the negotiations
said there was no money package
put on the bargaining table.
While there was a glimmer of
optimism, some persons close to
the scene pointed out that the
USW's Executive Board and the
Wage Policy Committee have met
several times during the strike.
However, at these meetings
nothing has happened to shorten
the steel strike.
State Gets Early
Lead To Rout'M
Michigan Scores in Final Period
To Destroy Spartans' Shutout
Sports Editor
A pair of supposedly-crippled backs and a "pony line" of Michigan
State combined to make the 1959 edition of Michigan Wolverines look
like a replica of the-58-ers as the Spartans stunned Michigan 34-8,
here yesterday.
The backsywere comeback kid Blanche Martin, who preserved his
all-victorious record in three games against Michigan teams, and Dean
Look, who was reportedly far from his peak due to injuries.
Martin, a senior honor student from River Rouge, set, up two
touchdowns and scored another as he had Spartan Coach Duffy
Daugherty comparing him to "the
Blanche Martin of old." The speedy
fullback sat out last year with an
injury that doctors thought would ourt Order,
end his career.
Look Aids Spartans O n fD u P n t,
Look, showing little effect of the
injury that was supposed to keep
him benched yesterday, stepped in Cal msf ar
at quarterback on just three oc-
casions, but led Spartans to a pair
of touchdowns. CHICAGO (')-A federal court
The Spartan pony line, reminis- order severing corporate ties be-
cent of the famed MSU "Pony tween Du Pont and General Motors
Backfields" that dumped Michigan without forcing a mass stock sale
on four straight outings in the calmed fears in the financial world
early fifties, romped with Look, yesterday.
Martin and Herb Adderley in one The government, which had
of the finest showings of team asked sale and distribution of Du
speed that Michigan Stadium has Pont's 63 million shares of GM
witnessed. A light first-string line stock, hasnot said whether itwill
also weighed only ,205. appeal the decision. Its attorneys
Just as important, the Spartan said they are studying the long
line shot the gaps they created on decree.
defense and threw Michigan backs Say Ruling Favorable
for heavy losses throughout the First reaction in financial circles
game. was unanimous that the ruling was
Injure Wolverines favorable to both sides.
They also blocked and tackled Government attorneys had asked
in such a devastating manner that distribution of the GM shares,
they sent Michigan backs Bennie worth some three and one-half bil-
McRae, Brad Myers, Darrell Harp- lion dollars, as a means of ending
er, Tony Rio and Wilbur Franklin a Clayton Antitrust Law violation.
ONLY TOUCHDOWN-Michigan quarterback Stan Noskin (27) crashed across the goal line midway
in the final quarter to tally the Wolverines' only score against MSU yesterday. Noskin's plunge was
set up by three thrusts by fullback Tony Rio which advanced the ball to within inches of the goal.
Noskin then passed to end Bob Johnson on the next play for the conversion.
Graham -To Speak at 'U' Next Year
Special to The Daily
WHEATON, Ill. - Rev. Billy
Graham, winding up what he calls
a "highly successful" Crusade for
Christ at Wheaton College has
been invited to speak at the Uni-
versity during the 1960-61 year.
Details of the University trip
have not been worked out, Graham
said yesterday.
Graham spoke at a layman's
banquet last night in Wheaton,
where he graduated in 1943.
Criticizes Schools
He criticized Harvard, Yale and
Columbia for wandering from their
original "commitment to the faith
of our fathers." Those three east-
ern schools, like Wheaton, were
founded on Christian principles.
Wheaton, celebrating its 100th an-
niversary this year, is dedicated to
"Christ and his kingdom."
Faculty membersare committed
to the Christian religion and teach-
ers and students generally agree
not to smoke, drink, gamble or at-
tend movies. Classes and athletic
events are begun with devotions.
"Wheaton has maintained its
academic and spiritual ballast bet-
ter than any college in the United
States," Graham declared. He
blamed progressive educators for
"brainwashing" America and turn-
ing once - religious schools away
from their Christian foundations.
Must Hold to Ideals
It is important for Wheaton to
hold to its ideals "in this age of
despair" he said. "Our only hope
today is in a person and that per-
son is Jesus Christ," the Evangelist
declared. "He is the Lord of history
and He is going to come back in
the Flesh and set up His Kingdom.
I believe this is where history is
moving." Graham said that "Christ
offers a challenge to which ad-
venturesome youth will respond."
"If young people don't have a
philosophy, a challenge, a flag to
march under, they will do all kinds
of things." He warned that "Jesus
is not calling you to a picnic or a
playground, but to a battleground
-- _ - --
Concession Fire Attracts Fans
where there is death and suffer-
The Evangelist will close his
crusade with a speech this after-
noon. Up to 30,000 people are ex-
pected to attend.
Cubans Force
Plane to U.S.
HAVANA (R)-Seizure of a Cu-
ban airliner by grenade-toting pas-
sengers who forced the pilot to, fly
to Miami brought on a new security
drive against anti-government ac-
tivities here yesterday.
Air force chief Juan Almeida
issued orders prohibiting night
flights of private planes over Cuba
without prior government clear-
Air force headquarters author-
ized police riflemen to open fire
last night on two unidentified light
planes flying over suburban Ha-
The action forced the control
tower at Havana airport to detour
a Cubana Airlines turbo-prop plane
making a landing run over the
May Search
If the normal pattern is fol-'
lowed, government authorities will
reimpose personal searches of
passengers flying Cuba's internal
airlines in order to prevent indivi-
duals seeking to flee Cuba from
carrying arms aboard the planes.,
The routine search for all pas-
sengers on internal flights has
been imposed several times since
Prime Minister Fidel Castro took
over the country Jan. 1. Seizing
commercial airliners was one of the
favorite tactics of Castro support-
ers during the revolution and has,
been adopted by anti-Castro
Not Known
It was not known if the three
Cubans who forced a Cubana Air-
lines plane to fly to Miami Friday
were Castro fugitives. However,
they asked United States immigra-
back to the bench with crippling
injuries at times.
For Michigan there were no ex-
cuses. No one even tried to make
any. Its line was outplayed and its
backs were outrun.
The game compared closely to
the 35-6 triumph scored by the up-
staters two years ago. State now
See MSU, Page 6
Predict Win
LONDON (A') -- Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan predicted yes-
terday his Conservatives would
win Britain's boiling hot election
But latest public opinion polls
show the outcome nearly a toss-
up between the Conservatives and
"I have become more and more
confident of the result," Macmil-
lan told a news conference.
With only five days left, the
polls showed 39.5 per cent of the
voters behind the Conservatives
and 38 per cent for Hugh Gait-
skell's Labor Party.
A little more than two weeks
ago -- when Macmillan called the
election on the crest of a popular-
ity wave and in the flush of Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit
here-his Conservatives appeared
a sure thing to win an unprece-
dented third term and run Brit-
ain for another five years.
At that time the polls, usually
accurate in forecasting elections
in Britain, gave the Conservatives
a 7.5 per cent margin as against
the present 1.5 per cent.
The supreme court held such a
violation resulted from Du Pont's
possession of the shares, compris-
ing 23 per cent of the outstanding
GM stock.
Says Government 'Harsh'
La Buy said in his 101-page
printed order the government plan
was "unnecessarily harsh and pu-
His solution to the problem was
a ban on voting rights for Du Pont
on its GM stock, and other bars to
influence by Du Pont interests up-
on GM management affairs.
La Buy's order retained Chicago
District Court jurisdiction for en-
forcement of the order and re-
served the right to review and
amend the court's terms if future
justification should arise.
Du Pont Head 'Gratified'
Crawford H. Greenwalt, Du Pont
president, said in a statement that
Du Pont was gratified that the
stock distribution was not ordered,
However, he said, the decree
"leaves the door open" for future
moves to compel the stock distribu-
tion of legislation now pending in
Congress to mitigate tax penalties
on involuntary stock distribution
is enacted.
Greenwalt said Du Pont will
push for legislation to avoid the
antitrust implications of large
stock interests by one firm in an-
Generally, Judge La Buy sup-
ported Du Pont's views on how its
GM interests should be handled.
Call Seina
Group Today
Pronf.Kenneth TBouldin orf the'
Farm products held the day at yesterday's game.
More than five hundred hot dogs were extra well-done as flames
swept a concession stand under the Stadium.
Harry Hogen, director of Investigations of a security service,'
explained that the blaze was caused by a leak in the propane gas
tank. supplying fuel for the grill. The explosion took place at ap-
proximately 1 p.m. and the fire department arrived to turn off the
tank 15 minutes later.
Toasted Buns
One of the stand's attendants, smothering the last few flames
on a package of charred buns, said he was busy serving the hot dogs
when the tank "flashed up all at once."
Another worker indicated a dismembered cash box surrounded
by blackened coins and explained that some money was also lost in
the fire.
With a rousing chorus of. "Old McDonald Has a Farm" and a
few scattered, but melodious "Moooooos," home fans welcomed Mich-
igan State to the land of the yellow and the blue as the game began.
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