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October 03, 1959 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-10-03

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Seventieth Year


'hen Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. T his must be noted in all reprints.



CouselngShould Educate
he IniGviduals C onsciousness

R EEVAILUATION of the University's coun-
seling program holds a major place among
the working goals enumerated by the Literary
College Steering Committee Thursday after-
Counseling as such merits attention, for it
has proved to be one of the most urgent areas
for consideration in the University,.
Qualified counseling can and ought to be
highly effective in giving the student a bal-
anced perspective of the University and of
himself in relation to it.
FRESHAN-sOPHOMORE counseling has as
its first function the mechanics of getting
r'equirements fulfilled, sequences completed,
and-last but not least-a major chosen.
However, there is a second ands equally
Important purpose for freshman-sophomore
counseling. After the first two years, the stu-
dent will be sharply limited by his concentra-
tion program; his electives should be selected
Terefore, in his freshman and sophomore
years, a certain amount of exploration of
University course offerings is appropriate and
feasible. The student will gain from this a solid
baais for choosing his area of concentration;
be will at the same time develop a sense of
direction to guide his choice of electives as an
TT IS A responsibility of the counselor to
equip himself with all available information
on the nature of Introductory courses in a wide
range of academic areas, as well as to know
the ins and outs of distribution requirements.
And to pass this information on to the student.
Junior-senior counseling gives a great deal

more leeway to the individual in planning his
studies. It is unfortunate that many choose
to get by with their minimum requirements
and to elect other courses more or less at ran--
However, the student who has never opened
a college catalogue because he picks his courses
straight from the time schedule cannot expect
to lay a strong academic foundation on which
to build his concentration and eventually, his
The failure of counseling to attain its poten-
tial standard of effectiveness devolves only in
part on lack of interest or enlightenment on
the counselor's part; it is up to the student to
protect his own Interest.
DISTIBUTION requirements aren't terribly
difficult, to figure out; certainly it Isn't
asking to much of students and their advisors
that they familiarize themselves with the ma-
terials available for achievement of mutual
Byhis junior year, if not before, the student
has usually managed to provide himself with
a fund of information of dubious value: which
courses not to select under any circumstances,
what to take in order to pad that average, and
finally, which course heasolutely must tak
in order to graduate with hish frieds.nlo-
ception of the college experience lacks the
sense of order and purpose which distinguishes
the educated man from the college man.
Counseling, In Its highest form, ought to
adopt the r'ole of developing in the individual a
consciousness of his unique privilege and duty
as a member of the University community.

Gargoyle Starts Of f
New Year in Good Style
SURPRISINGLY ENOUGH, a new Gargoyle has recently come out;
~'with format and style more closely aligned with magazines of the
1952-57 period than one might have expected
Of course, a few curious details may be observed on close (micro-
,copic) examination: pages are numbered up to 40 but only 24 can be
found; the inside front cover is as blank as a stare from a Health
Service physician upon hearing the symptoms of pellagra; some lines
of type are parallel only with the walls In a fun house.
But no matter-Gargoyle for 1959 is well worth one-fourth the
pie of a dollar student special,and considerably safer, too.
ART WORK IS jolly good, especially a fold-out about football
games. Otherwise, Garg has always used preposterous photographs
from obscure magazines, reproduced with grim captions. This Is again
done, to the dismay of MSU, which bears the brunt of the issue's satire.
Advertisers will be sad to see, on facing pages, ads for two book-
stores or restaurants, but Garg advertisers have always taken their
lives in their hands when they signed those parchment contracts, so
they should not be surprised. Readers who fail to read Garg ads are
missing the best of the magazine, especially the ad in the lower corner
of page 37. What is the story???
SOME STUDENTS, especially those who have studied the Intel-
lectual History of the Philosophy of Applied Criticism, may wonder
about the value or purpose of a review of this nature. MWainly, It's to
help sell the magazine, but in this case, note should be taa~en that the
reviewer was once editor of Garg (1956-58).
Usually, when a one-time editor reads a later copy of the magapzine,
his face is a mask of contempt. In this instance: a faint smile. Gar-
goyle is definitely off and running (lacking only humorous copy to be
completely hilarious).
Summing up: Light up a Gargoyle-it satisfies.
--David Kessel
Swedish Double Feature
Satisfying Comb iatioTn

Ilerbiock is away due to illness C Ler s Post-Dis ctc

Aong the Inter-A mer ican Highway

Panhel Takes Mature Step

PERHAPS the most obvious solution to the
problems created by Panhellenic pre-rush
contact rules would be to do away with spring
rush and hold It in the fall. This would at
least limit to two weeks that uncomfortable
period when affiliated and independent women
restrain their personal relationships to a
"pleasant hello."
But Panhel's stand on this issue was de-
feated last spring by SGC's vote retaining
spring rush. So Instead they have done away
with contact rules and replaced them with an
honor code.
Past experience has shown that contact rules
have created an unnatural boundary between
affiliates and independents-a boundary diffi-
cult to break down.
A further disadvantage of these rules has
been their difficult enforcement. That they
complicate many personal relationships and
often makes things awkward is well known to
every affiliated woman and prospective rushee.
BUT EVEN worse, these rules have frequently
defeated their own purpose by creating un-
necessary social tension during the pre -rush
Te .new mode of pre-rush behavior adopted
by Panhellenic is a philosophy rather than a
lis ofrules. Personal relationshipsnobetween

By this code Panhel hopes to bring about a
deemphasis on rush, in the two weeks before
rush starts. Newly enrolled women, it feels,
should get an overall view of college life, I
whereas contact rules serve only to focus the
perspective rushee's attention on the pending
rush period.
THE CODE also aims to encourage new coeds
to become academically integrated members
of the University. Panhel feels, then, that
eliminating pre-rush rules should alleviate the
tension and the distractive influence of the
pending rush period that could imipair a fresh-
man's grades.
Should the honor code actually help to
encourage newly enrolled women to acquaint
themselves with many aspects of the campus
and to academically establish themselves here
in their first semester, then Panhel will have
perhaps unwittingly justified some of the ad-
vantages of spring rush.
For those against fall rush have argued that
It immediately diverts the freshman's attention
to just one aspect of college life, and that her
academic life is thus begun on the wrong foot
'by embarking immediately on a harrassed two
With the honor cde Panhel has taken a
positive and mature step toward reconciling
themselves to and making the best of spring

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Barton Huth-
aite Journee downy te Iner
this past summer. He was acconi-
panled by three other University
RAEFeatures Editotr-Ae
T RAE onteItrAei
can Highway is for the most
part a dream. It can be done-if
the tourist has a lot of stamina, a
high resistance to dysentary and
a complete set of spare automobile
sAltho0ugh under construction
ternational Highway is still un-
southern Panama as yet hav to
be fully explored. Some $253 mil-
lion has been spent since initial
construction some 26 years ago.
The United States alone has con-
tributed $171 millions.
When and if finished, the high-
way will link two continents. But
today most of the highway is a
rough 3,179 mile stretch of as-,
phalt, mud, dust and gravel begin-
ning in the Mexican border town
of Nuevo Laredo in northern Mex-
icbumping acros si historial
and abruptly ending in the town
of Chepo in southern Panama.
* * *
| WHAT can the motorist expect

on a trip down today's Inter-
Americani highway? He can
wander among ruins of the once
powerful Aztec nation in Mexico,
search through the remains of the
Maya civilization in northern
and photograph ancient Spanish
churches throughout Centr al
America- dating to the early days
of the Spanish Conquest.
He can see the poverty of the
countryside sharply contrasted to
the modern conveniences of the
Central American city. Much of
Central America is virgin territory
for tourists and natives are as
curious of Americans as Americans
are of them.
But the motorist will also have
to brave the sometimes mud and
dirt, sometimes paved roads of a
mostly backward Central America.
Road signs are almost non-ex-
istant below the Mexican border
and whitewashed rocks are substi-
tuted for the American white line
signaling a curve.
* **
way runs from sea level in niorth-
emn Mexico to some 14,000 feet at
one point in Guatemala. Some
parts of the road are smoothly
paved two lane highways. Other
sections, especially in Guatemala

and Nicaraugua, are merely one
lane paths through the towering
Accommodations designed for
the tourist are almost nonex-
istant. The best comfort for the
nigt is a jungle hammock or a
* * *
THE FAVORITE time for Amer-
ican travel, during the months
from May to September, is the
worst time for Central American
travel. Every day at approximately
three o'clock in the afternoon,
towering thunderheads sweep over
the mountains, turning the roads
to a sea of mud.
Several United States senators
have labeled the highway a waste
of tim and a drain on the treas-
ury. But if the views of these few
statesmen are overridden, the
American tourist will one day be
able to journey from New York to
Theno a"anana republics" of
Central America will almost over--
night turni into booming tourist
countries. Foreign aid will prob-.
ably. be sharply reduced and as a
result lift the burden that has
long been an irritation to the
United States. Today's rough In-
ter-American Highway may pro-
vide an answer to part of the
United States' foreign aid head-

A DOUBLE BILL by one direc-
tor is generally something of
a strain. The two Ingmar Berg-
man pictures now at the Campus,
however, are good enough and
dissimilar enough to make up a
thoroughly watchable program.
"The Seventh Seal" presents a
knight, returning from the Cru-
sades, who is miet by Death - a
tall figure in black. The knight
,delays Death with a challenge to
moves continues an old earh o
spiritual knowledge. At one point
he tries to learn of God from the
devil, but neither the devil nor
God can be found - only Death,
who has no secrets to tell. -
This is a film that will provoke
all sorts of interpretations. But
the action is so striking in itself
that only those who reduce it to
pure allegory are likely to be dis-
ALL THE ACTING is competent
and the part of the knight's
squire, a talkative fellow who
hardly quiets down even for
Death, is exceptionally well played.
The same actor, looking very
different, appears as central char-.
acter in the second film. "Smiles
of a Summer Night" is a very
funny sex farce. The moral, as
stated by one, who seems to know,
Is simple: "When you are thrown,
remoun atonce."
The two most hilarious scenes
are a game of Russian roulette
and a despairing man's attempt
at suicide, which ends with suc-

Vast Changes Occur Behind Bamboo Cur tain.

cess in something much more
picture -bth he Swe d
dialogue - is bad at times. This
censorship has, for instance, de-
prived anyone who does not know
Swedish of certain precise details
of Petra's earlier experiences.
More often, though, whet is not
clear verbally is apparent fromi the
action and whatever is not stated
G oee minutes late and miss
the 1937 Mickey Mouse.
-Bernar' Waidop
C ONSIDERING te fact ta
three of Hollywood's most
gifted artists collaborated their
considerable talents on the new-
ly ar'rived "Man Who Understood
Women,"' the least that one would
expect is' a film of bette tan av-
isg not so wi the current teniant
at the Michigan.
Probably the basic reason for
the film's failure to generate a
high level of interest was writer-
directorprdue Nunnay John-
son's iability to decide whether
his film was to be basically a com-
edy, melodrama or romantic love
Women he akesa defitatir
tempt to fuse all of these facets
of the draa
UNLIKE Hitchcock's delightful
and highly successful "North by
Northwest," "The Man Who Un-
derstood Women" is burdened by
a weighty scenario which is cli-
maxed by an extraordinarIly In-
effective chase sequence.
Fresh from his successful trka
umph in "Two for The Seesaw" Is
Henry Fonda in the title role of
a brilliant director who attempts
to give celluloid immortality to
his talented actress wife. Mr. Fon-
da's acting for the most part Is
wooden and asaresult he stifles
hae originally possessed.
Leslie Caron as the wife is ade-
quate but certainly not as con-
vincing as she was in her earlier
films. Her portrait of an actress
fighting desperately for the love
ofher husband leaves a good deal
Marc Alan Zagofen
The Daily Official Bulletin Isan
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edI-
tornal responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
ig, before 2 pm. the da receding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
oyn1 v wn ii


Daily Staff Writer
C HINA, ten years after her revo-
lution, remains a void for most
Americans. Outside of the times
when she has expressed herself in
the international arena in neigh-.
borhod conflicts, China seems to
be much further away from us
than only the other side of the
This condition has been helped
by the State Department's prohi-
bition to travel to China, even by
newspapermen. Today, this issue
is before the Supreme Court.
The fact is, however, that China
does exist despite the fact that
she still is not on the UN and is

still unrecognized by the United
States. In her land mass resides a
quarter of the world's population,
almost 600,000,000 people, a figure
difficult to ignore.
Militarily speaking she has the
largest standing army in the world
next to the Soviet Union's. Al-
though inferiorly equipped, It was
still able to match the combined
Western powers during the Korean
action eight years ago. This too
is difficult to ignore.
* * *
THE COMMUNIST government
which took over in 1949 has come
a long way in ten years. It has
been the first modern government
to unite China. The aim of build-

O N SEPT. 16 Mr. K. had just arrived in Wash-
ington and it was impossible for most of
us to pay serious attention to anything else.
Yet on that date Gen. de Gaulle made public
his policy and plan for dealing with the Al-
gerian question. We can now pay serious atten-
tion to what he said, and it is quite evident
that It will be long remembered.
For In his address he took the decisive step
without which there could be no hope of put-
ting an end to the bitter and bloody civil war.
He accepted the principle of self-determination
by an open and equal election to be observed by
the world.
In these elections the Algerians will have
three choices. They can secede and set up as
an Independent state. They can vote to become
an Integral part of metropolitan France. Or
they can choose autonomy by departments,
more or less In the manner of the Swiss can-
tons, within the economic, financial and poli-
tical structure of the recently formed French
Community. This Community now consists of
France itself and twelve republics in Africa and
Maagascar. .
It is this third choice that Gen. de Gaulle
hopes the Algerians will make. But the Al-
gerians are free to choose either of the other
two options. And It is freedom to choose in-
Aarndpn,'i wxhiph hn trannmi i z-ieinn1

States to give public support to the Algerian
policy of the preceding French governments.
The best we could do in our desire not to offend
the French government and French opinion was
to abstain when the issue was put to a vote
in the United Nations.
This situation has been altered completely
by Gen. de Gaulle's offer to self-determination.
From now on our position is bound to be, while
we avoid meddling, to encourage the effort to
work out practically the program he has pro-
posed, and to use what influence we may have
to support the Arabs, who, like Mr. Bourguiba
of Tunisia, are working for a policy of modera-
tion and conciliation.
It would not be proper for the United States
government to give official support to any of the
three options on which the Algerians will vote.
But Americans can in their private capacity
say what they are sure to think: that the best
future lies in the third option-autonomy with-
in the French Community. It is best for the
European settlers in Algeria, for the Moslem
masses, for the neighbors of Algeria in Tunisia
and Morocco, for the stability and prosperity of
North Africa and of the Western Mediter-
ranean. For Algeria alone does not have the
resources and the technology to provide a
- decent future for its excessively large popula-

Ing a powerful nation has led to
side effects that have benefitted
the Chinese people far more than
any other Asian governments dedi-
cated to serving the people.
From a Western point of view
the Chinese live in absymally low
conditions suffering especially
from their lack of freedom under
the Communist regime. But the
Chinese regard this matter from
a different point of view. To eat
and not to speak is better than to
be free and to starve in the streets.
And the Chinese are reaching a
point where they will soon be able
to eat. The vast projects in indus-
try and agriculture, the hydroelec-
tric dams and steel complexes, the
roads and railroads are all con-
tributing to the development of
that country which stood a short
time ago as one of the most back-
ward In the world.

A Box Office Flop

but the peasants are still in the
koikhoz today.
* * *
THE POINT THAT must be ac-
cepted is that the regime in con-
trol of China can tolerate a large
amount of popular discontent and
remain in power. With agents
everywhere indoctrinating the
people and supervising their ac-
tions therei little possibility that
The eChinese work hard, too
hard. But this has always been
their condition. Before commun-
ism, tradition, famine and the
wrlords kept the peasant at
hiswork. Today there is the prom-
ise of a better life even though it
will be a long time coming.
The Soviet Union is in its forty-
first year. It can be expected that
the Chinese Communist regime
will last at least that long. This
means that the United States will
have to deal with them sooner
or later. The death of Dulles ended
the power of the old China lobby,
which has spent the last ten years
convincing America that Chiang
Kai-Shek had the potential to
return China to the free world.
This has proven to be untrue.
* * *
WHAT IS TRUE is that the
facts must be faced. We ignored
the Soviet Union for almost twenty
years and got nowhere. The same
prospect holds true for China. If
the United States is to begin to
solve some of our problems in
Asia there will have to be an
exploration of new paths in our
inndpvntgnding the situation.

** *
Sleap forward" with its fantastic
'production figures has proved to
Sbe a fake; instead of hundreds of
Apercentage gains there are only
'tens. But these gains do exist. The
Scapital investment in Chinese in-
dustries exceeds that of the West-
ern industrial countries. The
scanty agricultural harvests of the
past are being Increased by the
use of fertilizers and more scien-
tific farming techniques.
During the last decade the re-
gime has made many mistakes.
The announced liberalization of
the "hundred flowers" period was
~. . . ,tA 'T'h nu nt'

i~4 ~I If25 ~i f~'*'~

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