Seventieth Yetar of Editorial Freedom
:43 a t I
VOL. LXX, No.11
Q -- -°- -- - (i:-
Charge One Here
With False Entry
Governmental' Action Surrounds
Question of Financial Responsibilty
University student Chien-sen Liu, Grad., is the first of 200
Formosa-born students to be accused of fraudulently entering the
United States.
Liu, who came to the University two years ago, is charged with
falsely proving himself "financially responsible" to attain entrance
Into the country.,
He and the other involved students allegedly presented bank
deposit books showing various loans from "sponsors" to gain ad-
mittance by the American embassy in Formosa and immigration
Los Angeles
Ties Series,
On 4-3 Win
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO (R) - Two towering'
home runs by slender Charlie Neal'
and a pifich-hit homer by Chick
Essegian brought the Los Angeles
Dodgers squarely back into the
World Series today with a 4-3
victory over the Chicago White'
Box. The victory tied the series
at one game each.
But long after Nellie Fox had'
grounded to Neal for the final
Chicago out the argument waged'
whether the result would have
ben the same if White Sox
catcher Sherman Lollar had not
attempted to score from first on
Al Smith's double in the eighth.
rTwo Homers'
Neal, a willowly second baseman
with a zing in his swing, ham-
mered two home runs off Bob
Shaw, the 'White Sox's 18-game
winner. The second, a two-run
blow, came in the seventh after!
Essegian had come through with
a tremendous 400-foot plus pinch
blast. The three runs gave the
Dodgers a 4-2 lead.
Then the White Sox struck back
as they did so often during the
regular season. Singles by Ted
Kluszewski and Lollar put White
Sox on first and second with none
out. Al Smith lashed a double
off the center field wall. Earl
Torgeson, running for Kluszewski,
scored easily.
but Down at Plate
Lollar, far from being a speed
merchant, was cut down at the
plate with the pbtential tying run
on a fine relay from left fielder
Wally Moon ;to shortstop Maury
See DODGERS, Page 3
officials. As soon as the students
entered the country, they paid
back the money and depended on
scholarships, loans and employ-
ment to finance their university
Explaining that some of the,
sponsors loaned money to several
students, Luther Buchele, execu-
tive secretary of the Inter-Co-
operative Council, called it "sort
of a racket."
He estimated that nearly 200
Free Chinese students have en-
tered the country each year by
"some subterfuge or the financial
responsibility clause."
After Liu's case was brought to
the Immigration Department, all
Chinese students in the United
States were questioned and more
than a fifth of the approximately
1,000 were implicated.
Liu, who reported a bank bal-
ance of $2,400 to the immigration
officials, said he intended to be
self-supporting through his sum-
mer employment and through Uni-
versity scholarships.
Robert B. Klinger, International
Center Counselor, said Liu is not
self-supporting. He noted that he
owes the University five hundred
dollars in loans.
Buchele is currently conducting
a campaign for. students to send
letters to the Immigration Depart-
The University's Orientation
Program may undergo some major
changes as a result of a statement
issued by Assembly Association
and Inter-House Council yester-
The combined groups' "Orienta-
tion Week Analysis and Policy
Statement" suggests that many
all-campus social activities should
be eliminated or postponed until
after Orientation, in order to keep
social orientation on a housing
unit basis:
The rationale behind the rec-
ommendations, according to the
report, is that "a crowded orienta-
tion program consisting of large
scale activities does not accom-
plish the purpose for which it was
intended, namely, helping the new
student to become an effective
member of the University com-
Ask for House Mixers
A greater concentration on
house mixers, big sister and broth-
er programs, and some time to
simply become adjusted to Uni-
versity living would be more re-
warding to the incoming student,
the association presidents felt.
"We feel that the freshman can
make more contacts on the house
level than by roaming around the
Union or the League," Boren
Chertkov, '60, IHC president com-
"The housing programs have
been thwarted by these all-cam-
pus activities," Joan Comiano, '61,
Assembly president, added.
Among the activities to be elim-
inated according to the statement
are Union Madness, the Freshman
Mixer, and the Orientation Dance,
all Union-League'sponsored func-
Control Orientation
The Union and League control
all Orientation activities, academ-
ic as well as social.
League 'Orientation Chairman
Ronnie Posner, '61, suggested that
because the University is so large,
that it is very important for the
new student to become acclimated
to the University as a whole, and
that this larger adjustment is
easiest before the pressure of
schoolwork is turned on. All of
the organizations involved stressed
that they do not wish to be in
competition with each other.
They unanimously stated their
primary aim as planning for the
best interests of the incoming stu-
State Favored
In Annual Classic
'M' To Seek Victory before 101,001
In 52nd Renewal of Long Rivalry
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan and Michigan State's football teams meet here
at 1:30 p.m. today to decide which one will rebound from its
season-opening defeat last week.
The 52nd renewal of the intra-state grid rivalry will draw
the customary sellout crowd to the Stadium. Spartan and
Wolverine elevens have played before capacity throngs here
and at East Lansing for theo
--Daily-Robert Kaplan
ROLL 'EM UP-George Genyk, '60Ed., captain of Michigan's football team, introduced some of his
teammates at last night's pep rally. Sponsored by the Wolverine Club, the parade began at the Union
and continued to Ferry Field, where a program was presented. Participants in the event also included
the Trinidads; the Fiji, Anderson House and Michigan Marching bands and coaches "Bump"
Elliott and Wally Weber,
Pep-- Rally Draws 7,000
ment for a
Oct. 12.;
postponement of the
action scheduled for
Approximately 7,000 students'
alternately cheered and grew quiet
during last night's parade and pep
rally for the Michigan-Michigan
State game.
Drawn by the yells of the cheer-
leaders, the crowd gathered in
front of the Michigan Union. Fol-
lowing several fight songs by, the
Phi Gamma Delta and Michigan
Marching Bands and group cheers,
the trek began toward Ferry Field.
With people lining the windows
and porches along State Street,
the students marching - some-
times in step and sometimes not-
to "Hail to the Victors" made
their way slowly to the stands at
Ferry Field.
Emcee Joel Jacobson, '62, be-
gan the program by following in
the long standing pep rally tradi-
dition by turning up his pants as
the crowd chanted, "Roll them up,
roll them up."
Jacobson introduced head foot-
ball coach Bump Elliott, who com-
plimented the large number of
students for coming out to cheer
the team on. He added that he
could not promise the Wolverines
IH"C Plans
IMSU Mixer
Inter-House Council will hold a
mass mixer for both Michigan
State University and University
students from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m.
For the 400 expected to attend
the event, South Quadrangle will
open its four dining rooms and
Club 600.
would win but that they would
make a "proud" showing.
Wally Weber, freshman football
coach, commended the crowd on
their enthusiasm which "gathers
momentum" as it increases. He
called the rally the "greatest we've
had here in 25 years."
Introducing some of. his fellow
players, Team Captain George
Genyk, '60Ed., promised a good
game today. He said the Wolver-
ines would do their best, if not to
win, to at least put a dent in
"Sparty's" helmet.
Next on the program were the
"Trinidads," a Sigma Phi Epsilon
fraternity singing ensemble. A
professional group, the "Octives,"
were scheduled for the rally, but
were unable to come at the last
minute. The rally ended with the
traditional bonfire on the field.
As some students were devoting
their time to looking for other
cars with MSU stickers, others,
members of quadrangle housing
units, gathered by the important
landmarks of the University in an
effort to protect them from being
This year the plan named "1p-
eration Foil" called for each house
to guard its position until morn-
ing. By 10:00 p.m. last night the
lions in front of the Museum's
Building and the League were al-
ready being guarded.
Prof. welch'
Prof. Paul S. Welih, 77 year old
professor emeritus of zoology died
of a heart attack Thursday night
at his home.
Prof. Welch, whose research won
him national eminence as an en-
tomologist and limnologist had re-
tained and office in the zoolo'gy
department since his formal retire-
ment in 1952. He recently com-
pleted a revision of his textbook.
"Limnology," considered one of the
top works in its field.
A graduate of James Millikin
University and the University of
Illinois, Prof. Welch joined the
University faculty in 1918 as an
assistant professor of zoolog3
last 14 years of the series.
Umbrellas and raincoats will be
in order for the 101,000 paying
customers and about 3,000 ush-
ers, concessionaires, and news-
papermen who will be included
in the overall attendance figure.
The weather bureau has pre-
dicted showers or thundershowers
beginning about mid-afternoon
Slipped to Eighth
Last year Michigan, with Ben-
nie Oosterbaan in his last year as
head coach, slipped to eighth
place in the Big Ten with a 2-6-1
overall record. Duffy Daugherty's
1958 Spartans plummeted to the
Conference basement, although
winn4ng three non-league con-
tests for ar3-5-1 showing. The
teams played to a 12-12 tie last
Last week's defeats only served
to aggravate each side's thirst for
a victory here today, and the com-
petition on the field is expected
to be keen. Nonetheless, the East
Lansing team has been installed
as a "medium-heavy" favorite to
win its 19th game in the series, in
which Michigan has won 35 and
tied four.
Such favoritism is based pri-
marily on MSU's speedier back-
field and more reliable defense.
MSU To Test Defense.
Michigan State's first-string
halfbacks Herb Adderley and
Gary Ballman, ansi fu11back
Blanche Martin are all fast, pow-
erful runners who will provide a
severe test for Mcihigan's ground
defense today.
Adderley, the Philadelphia speed
merchant, personally accounted
for half the Spartan rushing
yardage against Texas A&M last
week. He picked up 78 yards in 15
Ballman, former All-State play-
er from East Detroit, and one of
State's best sophomores, was
pretty well stopped last week, but
only because Texas A&M revised
its defense just to prevent Ball-
man from breaking away.
See SPARTANS, Page ?
Infant Gets
Kidney Tube
A four and one-half month old
baby suffering from acute kidney
failure at University Medical Cen-
ter yesterday became the youngest
patient to undergo treatment by
an artificial kidney.
The infant, whose only chance
for survival lay with the apparatus,
emerged from a three-hour run
on the artificial kidney slightly im-'
proved, though still in critical con-
University urologists and pedia-
tricians had conferred with other
major centers in the nation before
deciding to submit such a young
child to the possible danger of
shock or abnormally rapid blood
movement that could follow the
fluctuations in blood volume pro-
duced by the artificial kidney,
Previously the youngest known
patient to be placed on the ap-
paratus was a 16 month old. A six
year old girl, treated last March,
was the youngest Medical Center
patient to receive the treatment.
Now that the tiny infant has
gained a slight lease on life, doc-
tors will continue their program of
treatment and rest for his natural
kidneys in an effort to cure the
The artificial kidney replaces the
blood-cleansing function of the
patient's natural organ, removing
body wastes and poisons from his
system in a process usually lasting
not more than four hours and re-
peatable, if necessary, after about
a week's interval.
The patient's blood is forced
from 'his leg artery through a cel-
lophane coil immersed in 'a steel
tub filled with a special solution,
then back into his body through
an arm vein.
While moving through the coils,
the blood is purged of poisons and
unwanted chemicals. The treat.
ment is particularly useful in cases
of kidney failure, but is also ap-
plied to poison victims since it .is
20 times faster in removing poi-
sons than the normal kidneys.
*Although the artificial kidney,
cannot cure a patient, the rela-
tively new apparatus has produced
some striking improvements in pa-
tients' conditions, Medical ,Center
officials explained. A recent ex-
ample was the man who was
placed on the University's machine
in a deep coma only to revive dur-
ing treatment asking for a bologna
Steel Officials
Agree To Hold
MHorning Talks
PITTSBURGH UP)-- Steel nego-
itators agreed yesterday to hold an
unusual Saturday morning session
in their efforts to end the 80-day
Dearborn Prepares To Grow into 'Rich Addition to 'U'
Special to The Daily
DEARBORN-Faculty, students, administrators and ground
crews are hurriedly nourishing the University's branch at Dearbor
At present, classrooms and surrounding grounds are alme
barren. But the builders, both of minds and lands, agree the Dear
born Center will grow with speed.
The feeling is expressed in different ways.
Prof. Louis Crafton, coordinator of Dearborn's work-study pro
gram in business administration, says, for example:
Grass Appears
"It's not big now, but it's going to be. The Dearborn concer
is an addition to education and I'm convinced it's going to be a ri
addition. If I didn't believe this, I wouldn't have left my job
Tufts of grass show here and there, while bulldozers prod moun'
of dirt and crews create reflecting pools and boulevards.
Four buildings-two totally empty and two slightly alive-wa
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