Assets Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN: Local 'Anne Frank' Competent, Sensitive When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Preval" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SAY, OCTOBER 2, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN HARTWIG Jews Pause To Celebrate SRosh HashonabTonight +""4 A f 'T S ' " i Yiw r ,f' "N. j ' A " / ' .:# TONIGHT the 10 million Jews of the world will pause to celebrate Rosh Hashonah, Day ofJudgement. The holiday which signals the start of a new year - the 5,720th in Judaic history - marks the beginning of a 10-day period of penitence ending on Yoni Kippur, the Day of Atonement. According to the liturgy which has developed for this holiday, man's name is "inscribed in the Book of Life for a new year" ,on Rosh Hashonah, and on Yom Kippur his fate is sealed. What an individual's position will be in the eyes of God dependsupon how faith- fully he atones for his transgressions during, the past year. %Y THE.DAY of Judgement man reviews the events during the past year and ascertains where his Muistakes were made. While individ- pally judging their activities, Jews will also focus on the future and seek Divine guidance for the. days that are to follow. Throughout the course of these prayers is evident the sense of necessary humility to the Force that fashioned the entirety of existence and being. According to scholars of the me- dieval period, Rosh Hashonah is the day of awe on which the fates of not only men but nations are decreed. Basically, these are the elements from which the service evolved. The additions to the liturgy, the expansion and development of new ex- pressions of faith were composed by prophets and scholars during the years after the de- struction of the Second Temple in 586 B.C. WHEN THE JEWS were dispersed to various parts of the world, new influences inter- vened and caused religious leaders to express their emotions in different ways. In the context of a modern society, the no- tion that prayers of such complete submission to a Higher Authority were composed by schol- arly people seems a trifle incongruous. The deeply-felt sincerity and humility of a people intimately connected with their religion is something that seems to be absent today. Religion, during the days when most of the Judaic liturgy was composed, occupied the major part of the life of a people almost en- tirely isolated from the rest of the world. To be pious, in the definition of an Eastern European Jew, was not only to follow the pre- scribed laws and rituals but to lead a. contin- ually moral existence. The ultimate aim was "the good life" temporally. RELEGATING religion to a restricted part of existence was inconceivable. Belief in God, learning His ways, respecting His laws, obeying His commahdments were integral parts of life, -if not life itself. The liturgy grew up about these concepts. Rosh Hashonah was the period for examina- tion; the time to work emphatically for for- giveness occurred during the 10 days of peni- tence from Rosh Hashonah until Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Many religious commentators regard that day as the holiest one of the year. For certain Jews it is the last chance to obtain. forgiveness. MONG THOSE of a more orthodox orien- tation,. Yom Kippur is the one day when Jews devote themselves entirely to prayer. Fasting was not uncommon as a means of doing penance and is still practiced among many Jews throughout the world. On the eve of this Day of Atonement a prayer heard only on that day is chanted. Com- posed in the eighth century, the Kol Nidre prescribes a formula through which an indi- vidual may redeem himself. In this prayer, an individual recognizes that certain vows he had made were violated. But along with the knowledge that his oath has been broken, man communicates his desire to. be at peace with God and his fellow men. DURING THIS weekend and for the next ten days, Judaism as a religious way of life takes stock of the past and gears for the fu- ture. With few exceptions the ostensible man- ner< of prayer is quite uniform. But unless the words have meaning, unless the individual"is sincere in his evaluation of himself and desire to choose a correct course in the year to come, the holiday and what it supposedly stands for becomes a mockery. Judaism looks to Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur as important cross roads in life. Re- fleeting on the past, one can be guided to a proper future. It is a 'new year. -CHARLES KOZOLL Personnel Director 1. "IN SPITE of everything, I do still really believe that people are good at heart." After two years in hiding from persecution and possible death, a fifteen year old girl can write these words. "The Diary of Anne Frank,"" produced by the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, is an incredibly touching mixture of hope, tragedy, and in- spiration in the midst of horror at the evil that men do. Such a wide span of exlotion is difficult to portray, especially since there have been so many professional productions of this p o i g n a n t drama. , In the face of such competi- tion and despite the handicaps imposed on any company by the almost infinitesimal stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the amateur cast did a highly com- petent job. AS HIS FIRST stage appear- ance, Zeke Jabbour portrayed Mr. Frank, the ever patient, sever gentle father. Jabbour handled this difficult role with admirable stage presence and ease, although some of the nuances of the role were not conveyed. His first appearance failed to convey the sense of the disillu- sioned, almost defeated man that is necessary as a backdrop to the following scenes of gay, near-ad- ment, As Anne, Raeburn Hirsch, for- merly of New Zealand, appeared at first to over-act and be too consciously using "theater voice." However, as the play progressed, Miss Hirsch gained a better bal- ance between the character of an adolescent and the highly pro- found thoughts of a girl as re- markable as Anne Frank. * * THE FINAL SCENES between Anne and Peter Van Daan (Thad Curtz, Jr.), are touchingly tender. The irony of young people discov- ering a meaning for life just be- fore they are to die is skillfully conveyed. Perhaps, the two greatest scene- stealers were the selfish Mrs. Van Daan, whose flirtatious advances to Mr. Frank are equalled only by the vehemence of her "discus- sions" with her husband, and Fred Cullette's portrayal of the dentist Dussel. One flaw in the entire produc- tion was the emphasis on the comedy aspects of the script. In "The Diary of Anne Frank," the value of the comic scenes and lines are primarily as contrast torthe seriousness of the situation or as revealing the basic conflicts in personality which plague the Jews in hiding, Whether this was the fault of direction or of the inability of particular actors to manage the nuances of their roles, a very fine production would have been greatly improved had all the subtleties and ironies of this' com- plex play been fully conveyed. --Jo Hardee DAYIA OFFICILAL ,, A. Herblock is away due to illness c i S Lous Post-Dispatc. SGC IN REVIEW: Changes in Council Plan Gratifying The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1959 VOL. LXX, NO. 10 General INoices Regents Meeting: Fri., Oct. 23. Com- munications for consideration at this .meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Oct. 13. Political Science 271, presently of- fered in Rm. 2446 Mason Hall on Fri., 2-4, has been relocated in Rm. 3409 Mason Hall. An Analysis of the Science of Cul- ture" will be the topic of the discus- sion held as a part of the Summer Reading and Discussion program Fri., Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. in the Honors Study Lounge of the Undergraduate Library. Prof. Leslie white of the Anthropology Dept. will lead the discussion. The program is open to the public. The American Baptist Student Fel- lowship is having a "work party" at a an Ypsilanti Church. "Wear old clothes and meet at theBaptist -Student Cen- ter at 7:00. Summary, of Action taken at meet- ing of Student Government Council, Sept. 30, 1959. (Continued on Page 5) By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Daily Staff Writer THE OUTCOME of the SGC meeting on Wednesday was both surprising and gratifying. As the meeting started with both the new SGC plan and the Regulation Booklet on the agen- da, an eight or nine hour session might not have been a too unrea- sonable estimate. But at 12:30, the meeting was over and a rational approach to the new plan had been made. As David Kessel, Grad., pointed out there are many small things in the plan that are objection- able to one member of SGC or an- other, but to ask that they all be changed would be largely hope- less and self-defeating. By mere- ly recommending 'one or two changes as was done, the chances are much better they will be con- sidered in a favorable light by the University Regents. OF THE TWO changes, by far the most important is the one dealing with the Committee on Referral. Though the Committee's members can never be assumed to be impartial, at least with the rec- ommendations made by SGC there ommendations made by SGC it is far more likely that they will be. One could never expect people such ascthe president of SGC, the Vice-President for Student Affairs and the Deans of Men and Wo- men to take a strictly unbiased viewpoint toward actions that in many cases would involve either themselves or the functions of their office. It-would not be fair to set up a situation in which their decisions could be questioned as to impartiality. With the composition as ap- proved by SGC, representation from all parts of the University is still assured. In reality the members of the referral commit- tee, as recommended by the Coun- cil, would be more representative of the University community than the old group. If the referral committee Is, adopted as recommended by SGC, it would be able to serve the best interests of not only student gov- ernment, but other sections of the University community as well. THE OTHER amendment would delete a rather meaningless func- tion of SGC. This was the func- tion, giving SGC the right to "re- activate and deactivate student organizations." As was explained in the meeting, the reactivation part is really nothing more than the recognition of a new student organization - a function which is already SGC's. On the other hand, the deactivation of a stu- dent group merely happens when it allows its.charter to run out. The deletion of this function might help to clarify the plan. But it must be also taken into consid- eration that the Regents will have to weigh both this change and that of amending the composition of the referral committee. They might feel that both should not be done. SGC could have helped its cause more by merely amend- ing the referral committee compo- sition . and throwing all of its weight behind it. WHEN THE recommendations are sent back to the Plan Clari- fication Committee for a final re- view, there is no way of knowing how they will be regarded. SGC has already acted in good faith by accepting many sections that they did not favor in the interest of having some kind of a plan. It would provide a good start for th new plan if the faculty and ad- ministrative members of the Com- mittee go along with the two changes which were recommend- ed. This would demonstrate the good will that is going to be need-' ed if SGC is to perform a signifi- cant service to the students and not merely to be a group to sched- ule dances and occupy offices in the Student Activities Building. A plan, no matter how perfect, can- not hope to work if a group con- cerned with it feels it has been done an injustice by one of the others. And, of course, it is hoped that the composition of the referral committee as recommended by SGC will be accepted by the Re- gents. CINEMA GUILD: 'I A m a Camera' Light Hazing Shouldn't Hurt WITHIN THE past two weeks, fraternity hazing incidents have made headlines all over the country. A University of Southern California student pledging Kappa Sigma fraternity, choked to death while trying to swallow a large piece. of oil-soaked'raw liver. Although fraternity members denied having misinformed the ambulance crew at the recent inquest, police said the pledge's life might. have been saved if the crew had not been misled. Members, they claimed, told the rescuers the boy had suffered a spasm; they mentioned nothing about the meat. "all the cases directly related to physical stresses or symptoms brought on by fraternity hazing." Consistent with Cornell policy, the names of the students and the fraternities were not re- leased. It was reported, however, that at least three houses were involved. Cornell's Vice-President for Student Affairs issued a statement saying "Cornell University will not tolerate. hazing which results in in- dignity or injury to students." Nevertheless, one student has died and six have required medical treatment because of careless and uncalled-for hazing requirements. With men's fall rush starting Sunday and pledging following soon after, the University needn't add its name to the infamous list. -NORMA SUE WOLFE IN ADAPTING JohnVan Druten's highly successful "I Am A Cam-. era" to the screen, director John. Collier has provided us with an amiable and agreeable motion pic- ture. Consider the delightful scene be- tween Lawrence Harvey and Julie Harris in a Berlin cafe; Mr. Harvey is a struggling young writer and Miss Harris is some sort of naive femme fatale who has taken up residence with him. Together they do not even have sufficient funds to pay for the next month's rent. However Miss Har- ris, who has had a bit too much to drink that evening is gaily sam- pling' the most expensive caviars while guzzling an additional seven or eight champagne cocktails. And when it comes time to pay for this delightful extravagance Miss Har- ris gaily proceeds to seduce some. AT CORNELL University, six students re- quired medical attention as the result of fraternity hazing. A report issued stated that AS OTHERS SEE IT: Apartment Regu (Editor's Note: In the spring of 1958, students at Cornell University rioted, partially because of regulations on apartment living contemplated by University officials. The problem of off-campus living, however, has apparently not yet been solved, as this exchange editorial from the September 29th issue of The Cornell Daily Sun reveals.) ONE OF THE major spurs to student discon- tent over the, past two years has been the apartment regulations imposed by the Univer- sity. They were fundamentally involved in the rationale behind the student demonstrations during the spring of 1958. The philosophy behind the apartment regula- tions is confusing. The University believes it owes some responsibility to the parents of any Cornell coed. Parents send their daughters to the University evidently on the assumption that the' Administration will endeavor to protect them from the consequences of immorality. The University has encouraged this attitude by es- tablishing rules governing the use of apart- ments and informing parents of these rules. MALE STUDENTS view the situation from an entirely different point of view. Privacy is a much sought after yet rarely found delight at Cornell. The dormitories provide little privacy, what with the large number of students and the inevitably close contact involved. Fraternities provide little better accommodations. Men who seek primarily the enjoyment of a little privacy, therefore, often seek apartment living as their only recourse. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Writer Condemns Khrushchev's Talk of Peace wealthy nearby gentleman into picking up the sizeable tab for her. * * *' THIS SEQUENCE is rapidly fol- lowed by another of equally reck- less abandon. While Mr. Harvey suffers from a bothersome -virus, Miss Harris conducts some sort of wild brawl to which a number of guests have been invited for the express purpose of trying to cure Mr. Harvey with their homemade remedies. One guest firmply believes that the only cure involves dumping him alternately into tubs of boiling and freeezing water. This failing, another guest promises results by strapping Mr. Harvey into a make- shift electric chair for a bit of ~stimulation. Although this does not cure the gentleman, the devastat- ing explosion which follows puts an end to the evening's orgy. Although a good deal of the film is quite entertaining, it should not be implied falsely that "I Am A Camera" represents a fine example of high comedy. Unfortunately there are a number of moments in the proceedings when the action becomes remarkably dull. * * *. INDEED, THERE is very little in the first third of the film that is especially amusing. Besides, there is a bit of unnecessary mor- alizing in the final reel which con- tributes only an uneveness to t1f film. Miss Harris is an irresistable actress on the screen, and brings alternating tartness and warmth to her role to give the film to pos- sess the necessary buoyancy and titillation. Mr. Harvey's perform- ance also is commendable and he sustains the airiness of the piece. Although "I Am A Camera" bs its shortcomings, on the whole it is a film well worth seeing. -Marc Alan Zagoren la tions Confused that the University can do nothing about en- forcing its own rules. This is a paradox. The apartment regulations, however severe they may be, can not be en- forced. A survey taken by the Women's Student Government Association last year revealed that more than half the women surveyed admitted they had violated the apartment regulations during the .previous academic year. Approxi- mately one half of the women polled believed that women "should be allowed to visit men's apartments under any circumstances." THE WOMEN, then, disregard the apartment regulations. And the University cannot en- force them; for it would require at least a 200 man police force, assigned only to inspecting apartments, to enforce the rules at all. What's more, the women who visit apartments, as well as the men who live in. them, believe that they are responsible enough, at this point in their lives, to decide the course of their social life. Whatever evil can come from a relaxation of the apartment rules can not be stopped; the resulting good would be enormous. What is (the solution? Regardless of the de- sirability of assuring the parents that. their daughters will be protected, the Administration is incorrectly implying to every parent that this job can be done. And yet the Administration knows full well that no program of enforcement will ever work. The obvious result is that To The Editor: , WE WISH to welcome the Soviet Mr. Nikita K. on his trip through the United States, a land symbolic of liberty and of famous men, successors of Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson. We are pleased that the American people have received him with restrained 'interest and above all subdued hope. We are thankful that no disagreeable incidents have be- fallen him, and that he has been received in a courteous and re- spectful manner befitting the dig- nity usually afforded to foreign Chiefs of State. This greeting of Mr. K. by the American people is justified by common norms of etiquette usual- ly accorded diplomats and offi- cial guests. In addition, it is a recognition of the power of the Soviet Union which cannot be wished away. Since the start of the century the Soviets have achieved great material progress especially in the scientific field. The Soviet Union which Mr. K. represents, apparently does not want war because it knows that war will only lead to mutual de- struction. It professes an initerest in solving its problems with the rest of the world, provided it is on the terms of skillful demagogues like Mr. K. MR. K. ARRIVED in the United he is being shown this country, 'in a closed car, surrounded by cops,' arguing that a free passport does not imply such restrictions. He has carried his mission as the champion of liberty to the very threshold of the United Nations. On the American scene he has 'called us 'comrades' and has said that the only wish of the Russian people, unexcelled in the conquest of space, is to share this achieve- ment with their American brothers and to shake hands with them on the moon. Now we ask ourselves: can we trust in the sincerity of such statements? Can we, by, any chance, believe in the Communist societies behind the Iron Curtain, where the leaders of any opposi- tion party such as Trotsky, Beria, Bulganin, Malenkov, etc., have been exterminated or forced into public 'confession' of 'errors' and degraded? According to Mr. K. life seems to be better in his country, but may we call a coun- try' free where thousands upon thousands of persons are cross- ing the frontier daily in search of refuge in the Allied zone, and where many more would probably cross if they were not stopped by the fire of machine guns and Red bayonets? Can we possibly be- lieve in the sincerity and honesty of the Soviet Union, a nation that does not permit opposition, and. that liquidates opposition through to emerge victorious in the Russian political struggle. These qualities of his are indeed deceiving, but we cannot trust ourselves to fall prey to his demagogy. That is not the way to deceive a civilized and democratic country. We ,consider it an indignity to profane the meaning of the word 'liberty' be- fore respectable institutions such as the United Nations and we rer pudiate it, as many conscientious people did before when represen- tatives of Batista, Rojas Pinilla, Peron, Perez Jiminez and Trujillo is really interested in bettering its Congress of Panama . . . If Russia tried to talk about liberty in the relations with the rest of the world it should use other more convinc- ing and more adequate means such as cultural exchanges, liberty of press and radio, commercial trade, artistic performances, etc. By facilitating the entrance of tourists in its territories, Russia would allow them to admire the great freedom which the Russian people enjoy, if indeed they can point to any tangible freedom at all! There are thus many real means of contributing to a better understanding between people. We are pleased also to know that Mr. K has observed some of the weak spots in our social or- ganization - such as integration, juvenile delinquency, the high percentage of divorcies and even historian of the French Revolu- tion, Lefebvre: "Liberty is by no- means an invitation to indiffer- ence or to irresponsible power; nor is it the promise. of unlimited well-being without a counterpart of toil and effort. It supposes ap- plication, perpetual effort, strict, government of self, sacrifice in contingencies, civic and private virtues. It is therefore more diffi- cult to live as a free man than as a slave, and that is why men so. often renounce their freedom; for freedom is in its way an invitation to a life of courage, and some- times of heroism, as the freedom of the Christian is an invitation to a life of sainthood." --Publio Gonzalez-Rodas, The Seige Line