ROSH HASHONAH: A NEW YEAR See Page 4 YI Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :4Iaitii FAIR, COOL High-68 Low-5Q Continued all day with increasing cloudiness Saturday t1Vk UENT~ ...+... VAT. E NV. Nn 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1995 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PA YV LA.LSASl a. 1 . 'ivL Steel Negotiators Meet Twice) In Attempt] Early Settlement Appears. Un-likelyDespite Pressure PITTSBURGH (P) - Steel negotiators, feeling the pressure of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's request for an early settlement of the 79-day-old steel strike, met twice yesterday but gave no signs of nearing a solution. There was some speculation that the industry may have softened its position on a one-year wage freeze, but nothing said or done by the negotiators tended to confirm such optimism. ro Break Deadlock) Macmillan' A nticipates Clear Road Asks Voters' Support For Summit Meet LONDON (A') - Prime Minister Harold MacMillan said yesterday "The way is now clear for the summit" and appealed to voters to send him to such a top level meet- ing with a strongly Conservative House of Commons behind him. In a campaign speech in the Yorkshire city of Pudsey, the Prime Minister declared: "We are approaching the most dramatic moment in the life of Dockyard Strike Idles Major Ports Stevedore Walkout Ties-Up Ships, Entire Atlantic and Gulf Seaboard NEW YORK (A)-Nettled over contract negotiations, dock work- ers handling ship cargoes on Atlantic and Gulf coasts struck yesterday despite pleas of the government and wishes of their leaders. As a result, shipping on two thirds of the American coastline was virtually brought to a standstill. Hundreds of dry cargo vessels were tied up. Fuel tankers generally were exceptions because they were handled by other unions. Means More Wars The strike meant further woes for a nation already suffering eco- nomic effects of a record strike by steelworkers. Previous strikes of iongouraion y te iuig~ui'e SOX TAKE OPENER 11-0: Kluszewski- Leads Chicago in Rout The four-man negotiating and the nation's 12 biggest steel Strikes Idle one Million r'Across. U.S. WASHINGTON (P)-The nun ber of workers on strike or idl by strikes is estimated to ha soared beyond one million. Official figures were lacking bi reliable sources said yesterda morning's surprise walkout of 85 000 dockworkers in East and Guk Coast ports shoved the strik caused manpower loss past ti million. mark by a conservatih count. Major strikes already were u der way in the steel, meatpac ing, ship repair, glass and no ferrous metal industries. Small Strikes Occur Beyond these, officials sal there is the usual rash of sca tered small strikes over the n tion. For example, several thou and miners have been idle sin early March in a coal indust dispute in Kentucky. Biggest of the strikes by far the continuing steel stoppage, no in its 12th week. An estimat 500,000 steelworkers are idle the basic steel industry as w as 200,000 other workers in i dustries dependent on steel. Second longest of the big strik is in nonferrous metals - t copper, lead and zinc mines a processing - fabricating f i r m mainly in the West. More than 30,000 are idle nonferrous metals. Meatpaekers Strike In meatpacking, over 17,000 e ployes of Swift & Co. have be on strike since Sept. 2. About 15,000 workers have be out over a month in ship repa yards from the San Francisco B area north to Canada. - In Detroit, Chrysler Corp. sa a strike at its' Tinesburg, C stamping plant will halt almo all its automotive operations t day, including production of t new Dodge Dart. Chrysler es mated some 45,000 of its 71,0 production workers will be laid c in seven states. investigators- Reach Laos Headquarters SAM NEUA, Laos 3P)-A Unit Nations fact-finding team reach this mountain-surrounded nort ern headquarters yesterday f an on-the-spot investigation of a leged aggression by Communi North Viet Nam. The team's twin engine Dako was greeted by refugees in th rebel-infiltrated area, 200 m north of the capital of Vientiar Brig. Gen. Amkha Soukhavor northern military command briefed the team on the Laoti charges. The team was then interview refugees from the to of Arcas near the North Vietnar ese frontier and Communist pi soners captured by the royal arm A United Nations spokesm said the team did not know Laos planned to go ahead with i plans to fly the group to Muo Het and Sam Teu in the Nam l, valley, a refuted staging area f the Communist Pathet Lao reb on the north Vietnamese border. Wednesday, the defense minist said Laotian troops had captur the valley, but that the Muon S teams for the United Steelworkers producing firms met for an hour and ~ a half before lunch and then resumed talks in mid-afternoon for another two hours. Negotiators Fail To Talk sessions held in New York, when In contrast to earlier negotiating each side often issued statements critical of the other, the negoti- ators yesterday were reluctant to comment. At the end of the afternoon - session, USW President David J. ed McDonald, head of the union ne- ve gotiating team, and R. Conrad Cooper, a United States steel ex- ecutive and chief industry negoti- ut ator, met briefly with. newsmen ay and issued this joint statement: "We have considered our prob- lf lems and will meet again at 10:30 'e- a.m. today. We do not desire to he answer any questions." Decline To Say More n- After that brief statement, which k- was read by CGooper, the two left n- the newsmen, declining to say any more about the day's activities. Yesterday's morning session was one hour late in beginning be- d, cause some of the industry nego- tiators were late in arriving from a- Washington where they held con- s- tract talks Wednesday after Presi- ce dent Eisenhower had spurred them ry on. McDonald and Cooper seemed in is good spirits. They exchanged jokes w with newsmen before getting down ed to business against the backdrop in of some of the nation's largest ell steel mills. n- Attend Meeting Attending yesterday's meeting es wtih McDonald for the union were he Howard R. Hague, USW vice-pres- ad ident; I. W. Abel, USW secretary- s, treasurer; and Arthur J. Goldberg, the union's general counsel. in Representing the industry at yesterady's meeting in addition to Cooper were R. H. Larry, a United n- States Steel Corp. vice-president; en H. C. Lumb, a Republic Steel Corp. vice-president; and John H. Morse, en Bethlehem Steel Corp. general iir counsel. ay This was the first bargaining session in Pittsburgh since the id 1959 contract negotiations got un- Sder way May 5. st d New York had been the negoti- st ating arena heretofore. he, Other Workers Idled ti- While the steel industry talks 00 are going on, close to 200,000 off employes in other industries have been idled. Even as yesterday's session started, the city of McKeesport, Pa., announced the layoff of 63 municipal employes - nearly 201 per cent of the payroll - because of a revenue due to the strike. Among those furloughed' were eight policemen and six fire- men. President Eisenhower strongly ed implied yesterday that he might ed invoke the Taft-Hartley Law next h- wek unless the strike ends. CHICAGO (A)-Muscleman Ted Kluszewski, a refugee from the National League, drove in five runs with two homers and a single for Chicago's hitless wonders yester- day while Early Wynn and Gerry Staley blanked Los Angeles in an 11-0 opening World Series victory. Big Klu, obtained on waivers from Pittsburgh Aug. 25, knocked out both starter Roger Craig and relief man Chuck Churn with drives into the right field stands. The Sox, who usually depend on speed, clobbered Craig and Churn, two recalled farmhands from Spo- kane, for seven runs in the third. . They started hitting in bright sun- shine. When they finally finished dark clouds had rolled in, obvi- ously dispatched from the West Coast. Opens with Right Kluszewski opened his assault on Craig with a single to right in* the first, knocking in Jim Landis with the first of two Sox runs in the inning.. During the big third he finished Craig with his fly ball that just barely made it into the lower. stands in right, once again scor- ing Landis. His second homer ws a 400-foot power smash into the upper deck in right in the fourth with Landis once more trotting home in front of him. This eye-opening performance by a man no National League team wanted, tied the series record for runs batted in, held jointly by Tony Lazzeri and Bill Dickey. They set the mark on the same day, Oct. 2, 1936 when the New York Yankees were thumping the New York Giants 18-2. Look for Shutout As the score mounted, the press box authors thumbed busily through the record books, looking for the most lopsided shutout. They had to go 'way back to the seventh game in 1934 when Dizzy Government To Circulate New Tax Form WASHINGTON ()-The Inter- national Revenue Service yester- day introduced a new income .tax form designed to make taxpaying easier, if no less costly, for 17 mil- lion Americans. This is the first all-new tax re- turn in five years. Called .form 1040W, it can be used by anyone whose income con- sists of wages and salary-regard- less of amount - plus not more than $200 of dividends and inter- est. Plans for the new return were announced several weeks ago but its format was kept secret until yesterday. Form 1040W has just two pages and asks fewer questions than the four-page form 1040, which is the standard tax return. According to Revenue Service calculations, it should simplify in- come reporting for 17 million tax- payers. Copies of the new form will be mailed to these 17 million soon after Christmas. - i SHERMAN LOLLAR ... joins in slaughter PEIPING: Chinese IExhibit Strength TOKYO WAT) - Mao Tse-Tung paraded his tanks, guns and war- planes before Nikita S. Khrush- chev at Peiping yesterday in a th'underous celebration of Red China's 10th birthday. The site was the great plaza named the Square of Heavenly Peace. The visiting Soviet premier, who has called for avoidance of force in setling disputes, witnessed a display of Chinese instruments of force that . Radio Peping called the biggest military parade since the Communists took over the China mainland in 1949. T Khrushchev had another closed- door talk with Mao, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, be- fore they headed to the reviewing stand. Radio Peiping announced they met with their top aides for the second such session in as many days. The broadcast gave no details of what they discussed. It was presumed Khrushchev gave Mao a briefing at their first meeting on his historic talks with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The parade was the highlight of the anniversary celebration. Rumbling across the square were 144 big artillery pieces and 99 tanks, all described as made in China. Overhead flew 155 jet planes-bombers and fighters. Khrushchev joined Mao in ap- plauding 700,000 men and women from all walks ofwthe life in China who Joined in the parade. Khrushchev, who is seeking closer Soviet-American ties, is be- lieved trying to persuade Mao to adopt a less hostile attitude to- ward the, United States. was that Wynn's right elbow had stiffened slightly and Manager Al Lopez did -not want to risk any further damage. With Gerry Staley. his old de- pendable bullpen ace all heated up, Lopez was taking no chances on not having Wynn ready for a start in Los Angeles later in the series. Dodgers Err The Dodgers played like they were the old Brooks of the Babe Herman era in the third when 11 men went to bat. The White Sox had two singles, three doubles and a homer in the inning and the Dodgers chipped in with three errors. In the big inning, Duke Snider set a world series nark for errors in an inning by an outfielder when he was charged with two on a dropped fly and a wild throw. Second baseman Charlie Neal also errednwith a wild peg to the plate on an easy chance. Chicago had scored two on Craig in the first inning on a walk to Nellie Fox, the first of Landis' three singles, Kluszewski's single and' Sherm Lollar's 400-foot sacri- fice fly to deep center. There was one gone in the third when the sky began to fall on the Dodgers, to the vast entertainment of most of the capacity crowd of' 48,013. The White Sox fans who had waited 40 years for a series, chanted "Go-Go" like a college cheering section as the score mounted. See WYNN, Page 6 Herter Says e e i U.S. Up-holds, Berlin Stand WASHINGTON (A)-The United States assured Italy yesterday that President Dwight D. Eisenhower will firmly uphold basic principle in negotiating with Russia over the fate of Berlin and Germany. Secretary of State Christian A. Herter gave this assurance to Italian Prime Minister Antonio Seni during a discussion of the outlook for a Berlin settlement. Informed diplomats said Herter made it clear that Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's talks with Eisenhower in no way caused a basic change in American policy toward Germany's future. Eisenhower was reported deter- mined to accept only a Berlin set- tlement which genuinely protects the freedom of West Berliners while maintaining the goal of a united democratic Germany. Segni and his Foreign Minister, Guiseppe Pella, asked questions of Herter about Berlin as a followup The Italian Prime Minister was reported convinced after yester- day's talks that Eisenhower has no intention of making one - sided concessions to Khrushchev in order to promote easier relations with Russia. HAROLD MACM5ILLAN . . discusses summit Europe and of the world since the war. We have now succeeded in replacing fear and ultimatum by discussion and negotiation." llope for Announcement , Conservative circles hoped an announcement of the summit date would come before Britons vote for a new Parliament Thursday. Such a development, they felt,' would insure a Conservative vic- tory. But diplomats thought any sudden announcement unlikely, although British newspapers were predicting the summit meeting wouldo come before Christmas, with Geneva the likely site. Macmillan's Conservatives and: Hugh Gaitskell's Laborites stepped up the pace of their campaigns. Public opinion polls usually very close to the mark in Britain -- showed the two parties now were running almost neck and neck, but with 18 % per cent of the elec-. torate reporting itself undecided. Switches Emphasis - MacMillan switched the empha- sis in his campaign back to f or- eign affairs. Labor countered with a bid for the housewives' vote. Labor party headquarters is- sued a statement saying a govern- ment under Gaitskell would"abol- ish purchase (sales) tax on essen- tials such as clothes, furniture and many household goods." These taxes already have been whittled down in eight year's of Conservative rule.s MacMillan will represent Brit- ain at the summit if the Conserv- atives win a majority in the 630- seat House of aCommons. A Labor victory will send Gait- skell there. And if the two parties finish in a dead heat - as cur- rent public opinion samplings in- dicate they might - the small Liberal party would hold the bal- ance of power. The Liberals could give the pre- miership and the summit seat to either Macmillan or Gaitskell de- pending on which way they threw their strength. e I1 Dean threw an 11-0 clincher the eighth after leadoff man' for the St. Louis Cardinals. Junior Gilliam singled. It was the; Wynn, top winner in the majors sixth Dodger hit. The losers got' with 22 victories, was removed in eight in all. Word from the dugout 3 t J a t 1 i 1 l 1 7 1 I long duration by the iongsnore- men have turned many major ports into ghost harbors and pro- fL A duced severe hardships for much business and industry. There seemed to be no immei l A a ate chance to halt the new walk- Picks Areas out by the independent Interna- tional Longshoremen's Association, which was kicked out of the AFL- To D iscuss CIO years ago for alleged racketeer domination but was recently in- vited back to the fold. By JEAN SPENCER Developments Follow Curriculum and counseling were Developments came fast. Among outlined as areas fqr future dis- them: cussion and investigation yester- 1) Railroads halted movement of day afternoon at a meeting of the most freight to the two coasts to literary college steering committee prevent huge pileups on unmanned Chairman Phillip Zook, '60, piers. Excluded were a few items, opened the meeting by pointing such as milY agoods. balked out topics for consideration cen- at attending a hastily called nego- tering around curriculum evalua- tiation session set up by a federal On. mediator. The employers assailed One function of the committee, the strike as illegal and angrily he mentioned, will be to investi- demanded that the union call it new course ed evntua y ftoe Employers End Bargains up in ctors f dardCourses 3) These employers said they As well as developing new cour- wouldn't do any more bargaining ses, Zook continued, the committee until the ILA leadership demon- can seek to improve small issues strated it could control its men. in standard courses. 4) The ILA's president, Capt. Members of the committee were William V. Bradley, an old-time then asked to contribute sugges- New York tugboat skipper, de- tions for topics of concern. clared that "As far as I am, con- Lynnel Marg, '61, commented cerned, the men will not go back that she would like to see students to work until we get a full agree- represented on University curricu- ment (on a new contract)." repsnnnverityeei. 5. Bradley called in all union kum planning committees. officials from the two coasts to Seeks Independent Study make a decision on any new con- Independent study for honors5d tract offers. It was expected to concentrators in fields outse takesevralday toconenethetheir concentration was proposed take several days to convene the by Patricia Petruschke, '60. Credit groupT given for outside reading programs Talks Could End Strikes would encourage the qualified stu- Ironically, Bradley and the New dent to augment his departmental York employers had been on good study, she felt. terms only .a few hours previous- Douglas Vielmetti, '60, added ly. In all quarters it was expected that this would be especially feas- that a strike upon expiration ofh'ble in fields nt requiring a, Wedne dconacd b a ted nd- #pecialized background, such as Wednesday coudbeaveredPend- lassica studies. He also sug- ing more talks. ,;ested extending the summer Secretary of Labor James P.'eading program for honors stu- Mitchell had appealed for a strike ,ents to all University students. dffect the nation w seriously t Zook suggested that the com- Bradley and Company eresen- *nittee evaluate its relationship tatives for this area then agreed .with the Honors Program Steering to a 15-day contract extension, ardommittee and with Student Gov- to rnment Council, in order to fur- ther cordination and recognition 1 , I-among these groups. 'orl d B ank , To Consider Education i Miss Petruschke asserted that Plans To Create , s curriculum, the ommittee + 3oul cnsiereducation as- ,posed to classwork. Many courses n any of a number of depart- New Agen y ments cover much ofthe same' WASHINGTON (A)-_Without a material,so that time is wasted dissent from any of its 68 member in reviewing, she said. nations, the World Bank yesterday Strict requirements for a con- ordered creation of the Interna- centration program, she wenton,. tional Development Assn. (IDA) to would be preferable to compulsory make loans on easy terms to poor- generalization of material. er countries. Sanford Holo, '60, brought up The bank's governors, in annual the possibility of mandatory minor meeting here with the Interna- concentration instead of cognates. tional Monetary Fund, approved a Will Evaluate Methods resolution-offered and pressed by He suggested an evaluation of the United States-to set up the methods rather than teacherse billion dollar agency. with consideration of lecture This nation agreed to put in 320 classes versus discussions and a million dollars, more than any study of the effectiveness of semi- other, but Congress must first ap- nar courses. prove United States adherence and Vielmetti then introduced the provide the money. IDA may start University counseling program as making loans next year. a subject for discussion, stressing No Individual Committed the fact that competent counsel- Yesterday's note did not com- ing could be invaluable in helping mit any individual country toji students to round out their Pro- the new agency. IDA will come in- grams. to existence when a specified ma- Too often, he asserted, the stu- jority of the bank's members vote dent must carry the responsibility to adhere. for making selections where prob- The resolution instructs th lems are involved that could be bank's 18-man board of directors handled on a 'counselor level. to draw up a charter for IDA as a Can Use Counseling bank affiliate, specifying how the Associate Dean of the literary new agency will make and admin- college James Robertson com- ister loans for industrial projects mented that a proposal that jun- in underdeveloped lands. iors and seniors be allowed to sign They will be "soft" loans of a their own selection cards had been type which the 21-billion-dollar tabled on the grounds that upper- world bank cannot itself make. classmen may make whatever use The credits will have long repay- they choose of the counseling ment schedules and possibly low available to them. interest rates, and will be repay- able, at least in part, in- the na- tional currency of the borrower. tD ead lne Set Many Have Doubts Tjpgn4'P th, on uihelnine sun- E'r~aw i-.~i L~l l1 .. ,... _._"" __,_. .. .. ..... ..., V..... 'BOOP-EE-DOO-DAH': Co-ed and Friends Rock with New Record By NORMA SUE WOLFE Things are sparkling bright blue for a University coed who wrote part of the lyrics and sings in the chorus of a newly released rock 'n' roll record. Marilyn Marsh, '61, was instru- mental in helping with the lyrics of "Sparkling Blue" and chimes in with "Boop-ee-doo-dahs" on the flip side, "I Want Back My Ring." "It's a funny thing how we got started,' 'Miss Marsh said. "Jerry Paul, the soloist, has lived down the street from me all my life. mria o -.r-1-n Everyone in the chorus had a summer job, but they still man- aged to get together and practice four times a week for one straight month, spending three hours at each session. "All the neighbors used to stop eating dinner or doing dishes and would cone over and listen to us sing the same' two songs over and over," the pert brunette said. Paul and the chorus took the song to their agent at the end of the month, but he wasn't pleased with the lyrics. So Paul and Miss record was sold to a national com- pany. Lists Audience "It's hard to realize that our buying audience is composed pri- marily of 13-year-old girls and that we have to appeal to them," Miss Marsh asserted. After the tryout period, the suc- cess of the record can be deter- mined. Presently, .it is sixth on the hit parade in Santa Rosa, Calif. and the number 58 song in Miami, Fla. A Cleveland, 0., radio station has selected it as "Hot Prospect" :M5. 0I