"What Are You Doing? You Don't Seem To Realize Who I Am!" ~bgAli4'wn Bally Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AN OPEN LETTER: Students of Michigan: Can You Be Bought hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER Constitution Revision Won't Alter Apathy in IHC HOUGH THE structure of the Inter-House Council is being changed, there is still doubt as to whether the basic problems inherent in the residence hall government can be so re- solved. The residence halls to most students on cam- pus serve the same purpose as hotels, in a new city; they are a nice place to stay until you find a permanent place to live. Most students remain in the quadrangles only for the required one year or possibly two before leaving to live in apartments or fraternities. As long as this picture exists, the structure of the residence ball government will have to deal with the main problem of apathy caused by the dis- interest of the temporary dwellers. Many of the sophomore house presidents and many other officers are biding their time until they can move out. And at the lower levels of the organization, such as committee chairman and corrider representatives, the situation gets progressively worse. Of course, not all people in office are inex- perienced and unqualified, many are qualified and diligent In their work, but as shown in the present organization there are not enough of them to fill available positions. The proposed revisions, in having fewer people running the organization, is taking a step in the right direc- tion. Their solution is if you don't have enough qualified people for the positions, reduce the number of positions until it seems more likely that there will be enough. IN THC REPORT the committee said much the same thing but in a more optomistic vein. They admit that their plan will not auto- matically bring about the revision of IHC, but that a "will to work" on the part of the par- ticipants is also needed. They seem to overlook the obvious fact that in the old system no one showed much enthusiasm for work, and it is doubtful whether any system can change the apathy that seems to be deeply rooted in the residence hall government. Many of the suggested structure revisions are aimed at correcting faults which now exist in the IHC. The Presidium of house presidents which is currently the body designed to govern IHC, is ineffective and nearly worthless. A body, for the most part comprised of a large number of primarily bored house presidents, did little more than merely act a rubber stamp for the executive committee. This was admitted in the committee's report. Here too the underlying problem of apathy was found quite evidently. The new structure should be more workable if for no other reason than its smaller size- only nine members. But its composition also appears to contribute to more worthwhile legislation. With two representatives from each quadrangle, including the quad presidents, and the three executive officers of the organization, a more informed group is almost insured. While it was possible to elect a house president for almost any reason including "just for a joke," a person selected for either the post of quad president or executive officer, will be more in- volved and interested in the organization. BUT WHILE the new proposal will serve to have more informed and experienced peo- ple serving in the top positions, the basic prob- lem of apathy will remain. Now the apathy will not be found so much in the higher levels as in the lower ones. As it stands the plan has no direct effect on the positions of house offi- cers or on committee chairmen. These positions are now filled by disinterested students, with some exceptions, who are merely in the game because of high school offices held or because they like the idea of being in charge of some- thing instead of being completely lost on a campus of over 25,000. These posts serve as a proving ground for those who are interested in house government, but more importantly, they take care of the small uninteresting jobs which form the ma- jority of the functions in house government. Merely the passing of a document which sets up a ruling body of nine men instead of 20 will have no effect on the interest of a freshman in charge of decorations for a house dance. In these important areas of committee work, apathy will still remain. But possibly nothing can be done in these areas regardless what is passed because of the very transitory nature of the students. Going under this assumption, the proposed quad-run government seems to be the most effective type that can be hoped for. While this form of gov- ernment is satisfactory, the method of selecting officers for the executive committee seems deficient. THE COMMITTE in making their recom- mendations said that in the past a lot of friction had existed between officers and, sec- ondly, the president's position involves too much politics. To resolve these difficulties, the committee proposed that the three officers, president, vice - president and secretary be elected on a slate basis. Under this system, a person running for president would choose two others to run for the remaining positions. Each quad when it cast its 16 votes would only vote for the presidential candidates and the winner would carry the rest of his slate into office. The committee claims this system would add harmony to the work of the officers and also assure the organization of competent people. While possibly more harmony would evolve, the conviction that competent people would be elected seems completely unfounded. It is hard to see just how a slate system can insure com- petent people running and being elected. Merely the fact that the quads are only allowed to vote for the office of president and must accept the others on his ticket make it very possible for students of little experience and qualifica- tions to be elected behind a highly qualified candidate for president. BUT THIS IS not the only objection to the system. Under the present system, the most qualified person is supposedly elected president and then the other posts are filled by the re- maining qualified candidates. Under the pro- posed system, all losing candidates for presi- dent, are completely eliminated from any posi- tion. Theoretically, these candidates would be ones with slightly less qualifications than the student elected president. Instead of choosing their candidates from the remainder, the quads must accept the re- maining students on the president's slate, re- gardless of their experience or qualifications. Another fear, perhaps not quite as well- founded, was brought up in the Presidium meeting on Sunday. Several of the presidents feared all the officers elected would be from one quad, giving it five of the nine votes on the committee. Of course, as was pointed out in the meeting, a candidate for president would be much more likely to select the rest of his slate from the other quads in order to insure himself of a wide base of support. Of course there is no insurance that this will always be the case. IF THE SLATE SYSTEM is retained when the final constitution is approved, the least that could be done to eliminate this last fear would be to require that each slate represent all quads. While the proposed changes are a definite improvement over the present IHC constitu- tion, the inherent problem of apathy still re- mains, Apathy can not be destroyed by merely changing structure or representation but will remain as long as the majority of students find conditions in apartments and fraternities markedly superior to those found in the resi- dence halls. -KENNETH McELDOWNEY !94i-zt wAser~l e s'PZ es CHEATING AT MICHIGAN: What Is To Be Done? (This article is taken from an open letter which will be distribut- ed to University housing units within the next few days.) STUDENTS of Michigan: can your loyalty be bought? Would you compromise your constitution- al rights to accept a federal loan? Under the National Defense Ed- ucation Act, the Federal Govern- ment grants large sums of money to colleges and universities for student loans. However, it is stated in section 1001(f) of the Federal law:. "No part of the funds appropri- ated or otherwise made available for expenditure under authority of this act shall be used to make pay- ments or loans to any individual unless such individual: 1) Has executed and filed with the Commissioner of Education an affidavit that he does not believe in, and is not a member of and does not support any organization that believes in or teaches the overthrow of the United States Government by force or violence or by any illegal or unconstitu- tional methods, and 2) Has taken and subscribed to an oath or affirmation in the fol- lowing form: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States against all its enemies, foreign and domes- tic. * * * SECTION 1001(f) was originally slipped into the NDEA without attracting attention. When col- leges discovered it, a tremendous protest was raised, and Senators Kennedy and Clark introduced a bill to repeal the entire section. After a heated and confused de- bate in the Senate, the bill was finally shelved. Spurred on by the official re- fusal of twenty colleges to partici- pate in the program, and by the protesting participation of forty others, the Senators are reintro- ducing their bill within the next few weeks. If passed, it will repeal the affidavit of disbelief in section 1001(f). The chief objections voiced by colleges, universities, educational associations, members of Congress, and the press are these: 1) This section is unconstitu- tional. The phrase requiring stu- dents to swear that they do not "believe in" violates the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of thought and belief. 2) It is prejudicial. The affidavit imposes on students a special oath not required of any other class of persons receiving Federal loans or grants. 3) It sets a dangerous precedent. While the act itself disclaims any intention of imposing Federal con- trol on higher education, the sec- tion appears to many to be an "entering wedge" of Federal con- trol. 4) It is futile. No Communist would hesitate to take the oath, and Communists can already be prosecuted under the Smith Act. * * * WHEN THE bill (S.2929) comes up for debate and voting in Con- g-ress, its chances will be about even in the Senate, but the fight in the House will be tough. Though many students have op- posed section 1001(f) and especi- ally the affidavit of disbelief, few have written in their opinions. "It is certain that there must be a .,clearer and more articulate student voice on this issue," Sen. Kennedy said recently. Thousands of letters from students all over the country supporting Bill S.2929 would have considerable effect in the upcoming Congressional battle. The writing cost is four cents By PHILIP POWER Editorial Director FACULTY, administration and students at the University all agree that the problem of student cheating at college is an incred- ibly complicated one, both to ex- plain and to solve. But it some- how must be explained and solved. Recent cases of cheating on exams at the University have aroused much thought in refer- ence to the examination system. "Shouldn't we ourselves examine the kind of exams and tests we give?" asked Prof. Arthur East- man of the English department. * * * CRITICISM has centered espe- cially on the objective or "mul- tiple guess' type exam, favored in some courses. Critics of the sys- tem claim that it offers a clear in- vitation for the student to cheat. Some professors it is claimed change the questions in such an exam little or not at all from year to year, and if an exam somehow gets out of the examina- tion room all the dishonest stu- dent need do is memorize it - if he can obtain a copy. One pro- fessor reports that he has heard that the going price on one of his last year exams was $6.50, and similar reports are common. On the other hand, other pro- fessors assert that a tremendous amount of work goes into the writing of a thoughtful objective question, and to re-write entirely from year to year an objective ex- amination containing 100 or 200 questions would be impossible. * * * OTHER criticism centers on the University's own rule that exam- ination grades must be sent to the appropriate authorities with- in 72 hours (48 for graduating seniors) after the completion of an exam. For a professor with a large course and a desire to grade his own exams, this deadline is impossible to meet if a full essay examination is used. Some profes- sors thus are forced by - or ca- pitulate to - expediency and use an objective exam. Another defect of the objective examination-realistically speak- ing - is that it is easy to cheat when taking it. It's far simpler to copy one mark on an objective question than to take down an entire essay. Thus often-conflicting factors of faculty expediency, administra- tion pressure and student dishon- esty sometimes combine with the existing examination structure to produce a situation conducive to cheating. . * *. SUGGESTIONS for changing ing the examination system have been made by many professors and students. The professor who does not change his multiple choice exam- ination at all from year to year, it is agreed, is just asking for trouble. "Such an exam, calling for little more than the exercise of memory hardly corresponds to what an exam should be," said one faculty member. "If exams are to be given in such a way, why not forget about all class periods and lectures, and make the en- tire course the exam?", What about more proctoring in the examination room? This is largely unacceptable to all con- cerned. "There is something un- congenial to an academic man to be a proctor all the time,' re- marked Dean of the Literary Col- lege Roger B. Heyns. "We all would like to assume that our stu- dents don't need close proctoring all the time," Closer controls on examinations to prevent theft. The consensus seems to be that exams are close- ly guarded now, and increased ef- fort would likely yield little bene- fit. Cut down on exam files and re- constructions of exams, especially in the fraternities and sororities? Not likely, say both students and faculty. Human nature being what it is, and small group living being what it is, any progress along these lines is unlikely. SOME HAVE suggested that all exams be printed at a central, tightly controlled U n i v e r s i t y printing-house and that all blue- books used in examinations be furnished by the University, sealed and distributed in the examina- tion room. Some feel that such a plan might be effective: others think it too restrictive and not in keeping with a responsible atti- tude toward the student body. But cheating on exams is not the only area of intellectual dis- honesty. Reports of students pay- ing others to write term papers for them and of outright plagiar- ism are hardly unknown. At least two professors report that term papers have been dis- continued in their courses because the level of plagiarism was too high, in several cases approaching 10 per cent of all papers turned in. THE LAST STRAW for one professor was a term paper, di- rectly plagiarised from one of the professor's own books. Others, including Prof. Inis Claude of the Political Science De- partment, suggest that often pla- giarism arises out of student ig- norance of exactly what it in- volves and of the serious nature of the action. An education pro- gram, to be handled through the freshman English courses, might correct this. Although many feel that college students should be responsible enough to realize the implications of their actions, some faculty members feel that pro- fessors might regularly devote a short part of one class period to a discussion of intellectual dis- honesty and plagiarism. BUT ALMOST all such practi- cal answers to the question, What can be done about cheating? suf- fer from three difficulties: no one really knows how much cheating of what kind is going on today; no one seems to know whether there is more cheating going on now than in the 'past; no one knows what exactly makes people cheat in the first place. Before an adequate solution is determined, Dean Heyns says, the University must find out the real extent of the problem. "It's silly for us to determine solutions be- fore we know the true extent of the problem." The literary college has discussed the problem of cheating at intervals in the past, Dean Heyns said, and is working on the problem now. For one thing, "I don't have any real basis for knowing that cheating is greater than in the past," Heyns remarked. Increased admissions pressures, increased grade emphasis and increased concern for the social and status effects of a college education may have increased the level of cheat- ing. But no careful study of the problem has been done, though some talk of such a need now. S* * IT IS DOUBTFUL whether the literary college will a b a n d o n grades altogether, as some schools such as Reed College have done. Administrators doubt whether and ten minutes of your time-a cheap price. Write your own Sen- ators and Representatives and address the Senate, or ouse, Office Building, Washington, D.C., enclosing your home address. It is vital that letters be written soon. Remember - every letter will count. -U. of M. Student Committee for Repeal of 1001(f) Sara Weeks, '82,,Chairman Edward Germaine, '61 David Golden, '63 Susan Hershberg,'6Z Helen Karlan,'60 John Dwyer, Grad. LETTERS to the EDITOR An Apology*... To the Editor: IN REPLY to Mr. Katz's letter concerning the "Nicholas Bour- bali" article in the January, 1960, issue of the Michigan Technic I would like to make the following statement: Several weeks after publication of the article allega- tions similar to those of Mr. Katz were brought to my attention. Up- on checking the two articles I found these allegations to be es- sentially correct - much of the material in our article was almost identical to an article in Scientific American. Although I am sure the author did not intentionally use this iden- tical material, I immediately wrote a letter to the publisher of SA explaining the situation, apologiz- ing for the author and for our lack of foresight in not checking the article previous to publication, and offering to make any neces- sary, restitution, including the publication of an apology in our February issue. ** * SHQRTLY thereafter I received a telephone call from the assistant to the publisher of SA. He agreed with us that this incident, al- though illegal, was certainly un- fortunate. It was his feeling that any further publicity of. the matter would do more harm than good and suggested that no apology be printed and that the author write a personal apology to the publisher of SA. We agreed to follow their suggestions. However, Mr. Katz's letter has changed this situation somewhat. Therefore, let me state the gist of the statement which was origi- nally scheduled to appear in the February Technic: "The Michigan Technic has always prided itself on the thorough research of its authors and the originality of the editorial material appearing in the Technic. Although we are ex- tremely sorry about this recent in- cident it must be mnade clear that such practices have not been in the past, nor will they be in the future, the policy of the Michigan Technic." -Barry L. Peebles Editor-in-Chief Michigan Technic DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 101 General Notices Final Examination Makeup, Econom- ics 51, 52. 53, 54 will be given on Mon., Feb. 22, 7-10 p.m. In Rm. 103 Economics. All students wishing to take this make- up examination should leave their name with their instructor or with the de- partmental secretary before Fri., Feb. 19. Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, Natural Resources,. Nursing and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, S, or 'no re- port' at the end of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of 'E" in the course or courses unless this work is 'made up. In the Schools of Music and Nursing this date is by March 7. in the Schools of Business Administration, Education, Natural Resources, and Public Health' this date is by March 8. In the School of Nursing this refers to non-nursing courses only. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond these dates should file a petition with the appro- priate official, of their school. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in June, 1960, must have at least three bound copies (the original in a "spring binder") of their dissertation in the office of the Grad- uate School by Fri., April 22. The re- port of the doctoral committee on the final oral examination must be Sled with the Recorder of the Graduate School together with two copies of the thesis, which is ready in all respects for publication, not later than Mon., May 23. I Protection Needed FTER VIEWING last Tuesday's Michigan- Michigan State hockey game, it appears at a protective screen all the way around the nk could be a safety factor for fans and ayers alike. One spectator had his head gashed by a gh-flying puck and the incident wasn't the st of its kind in the past few years. Although e University has never faced a law suit for lack of this safety factor for fans, it could 14r M31A44wn t ath* Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER. Editor ILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER itorial Director City Editor ARLES KOZOLL............ Personnel Director AN KAATZ......... ........... Magazine Editor d BENAGH....................... Sports Editor TER DAWSON ..........., Associate City Editor RTON HUTHWAITE .. Associate Editorial Director rHARDEE . ...........:.... Contributing Editor ED KATZ ........,...... Associate Sports Editor iUV LYON .................Associate Sports Editor happen; the suits have been successful against professional hockey and baseball teams. THE SECOND reason for the screen is to let the athletes play unobstructed by those radicals in the stands who like to harass them by grabbing hockey sticks and poking at them as the players scrabble on the boards. A Tues- day night situation had a Michigan fan tug- ging with a Spartan for the stick as the puck was in play. Another Spartan took a couple of well-deserved slashes with his stick at the agitator, but was jeopardizing other spectators in the section. Some of the other teams around the league and in college hockey have the screens. Maybe now is the time for Michigan to improve its situation before a major catastrophe arises. --JAMES BENAGH Sports Editor New Books at the Library Holbrook, Stewart H.-The Golden Age of ATOMIC ENERGY EXPERT: Nuc lear Arms Race: Balance of Terror (EDITOR'S NOTE: fs there a way out of the nuclear balance of terror? Yes, says Thomas E. Murray, former member of the Atomic Energy Commis- sion -- through a bold new approach involving destruction of hydrogen bombs in United States and Soviet stockpiles. In the following article Mur- ray, consultant to the Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee, explains his dramatic proposal and tells how it would work.) Former Member, Atomic Energy Commission Written for the Associated Press By THOMAS E. MURRAY 'fHE PAST DECADE has been the era of terror because over it has hung the threat of violence - uncontrolled, unlimited, both poli- tically and morally absurd. Our immediate and urgent purpose, therefore, must be to effect i I i I i I I i i I I i i i I FAVERTY: Offers Elementary Approach YOUR LITERARY HERITAGE: by Fred- eric E. Faverty, J. B. Lippincott Co., New York, 1959, $3.95. "YOUR LITERARY Heritage" is a series of brief comments on literary works from "The Odyssey" to "Doctor Zhivago." The author, Frederic E. Faverty of Northwestern University, origi- nally wrote them for the Chicago Tribune's literary section, which goes far toward explaining their elementary approach. The book does not, however, pretend to be more than it is. Clearly, Faverty cannot in two pages present more than a few ideas on "Moby Dick." And these ideas, though presented, cannot be substantiated. It is important to distinguish Faverty's book from items of the "Masterpieces of World Litera- ture" ilk. The latter are plot-. an orderly dismantling of the era of unlimited violence. An agree- ment with the Soviet Union to stop the perilous and irrational ffnr+ f+ t rointain the halance nf of terror by dissipating the threat pense with the use, or at least the threat of force any more than hu- m-n rnniett vsn n ienen with law.