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February 18, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-18

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Yl r e

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Low- 2
Cloudy and cold with
occasional snow flurries.

VOL. LXX, No.g93




ri. rr rr r irr n r

Zook Elected Officer

Ike Claims



Phil Zook, '60, was accepted by
acclamation as executive vice-
president of Student Government
Council last night, replacing Roger
Seasonwein, '61, who resigned from
the office last week.
Per Hanson, '62, was approved
by the Council to fill the position'
left open by the resignation of
Jeff Jenks, '61. Hanson will serve,
until SGC elections March 15 and
SGC replaced the Restrictive4
Practices Committee with a proce-

dure in considering the area of
discriminatory membership prac-
tices to take place before the full
Declare Intent
In accordance with the first
procedural step, SGC declared its
intent to take action toward im-
plementing the November Re-
gents' Bylaw on discrimination in
the area of restrictive practices.
The second procedural provision'
is that the Council receive and
consider proposals for such ac-
tion without coming to a vote.

The executive committee will
collect and make available to
Council members information rele-
vant to present or past proceed-
ings in the area.
Invite Opinion
Letters inviting a written state-
ment of position, point of view or
information will be sent by the
executive committee to interested
parties who would also be invited
to participate in SGC discussion
of their statements.
Among parties named in the
procedure are the Vice-President
for Student Affairs, Deans of Men
and Women, Student Relations
Committee of the Faculty Senate,
[nterfraternity Council, Panhel-
lenic, presidents of all registered
student organizations and any
other interested parties.
The executive committee will
personally contact the Student Re-
lations Committee of the Faculty
Senate and the Offices of Student
Affairs, Dean of Men and Dean
of Women, soliciting advice,
recommendations and opinion
with the aim of maintaining "ap-
propriate communication" during
the Council deliberation.
Schedule Hearings
The executive committee will
schedule hearings with adminis-
tration officials, the faculty sub-
committee and other interested
faculty members, and representa-
tives from interested groups (stu-
dent group presidents, financial
advisers, alumni) with the full
Postponed for consideration un-
til next week's meeting were two
proposed changes in Universityy
regulations in the ariea of restric-
tive practices, submitted as mo-
tions from Babs Miller, '60, and
At next week's meeting the time
usually allotted to special business
will be devoted to discussion of
the various proposals in the area
and limited to two hours, as rec-
Sommended iiia motion by Al
Haber, '60.

DEBATE-Boren Chertkov of IHC and James Martens of IFO
debated the relative merits of fraternity and residence hall living
yesterday. They discussed opportunities for meeting people, physi-
cal facilities and "esprit de corps." The debate was primarily at-
tended by prospective rushees.
Chertkov, Martens Debate
Value of Rushig, Pledging
"Rushing is part of the educational experience at this University."
In a lively debate sponsored last evening by Gomberg house of
South Quadrangle, IFC President Jack Martens, '60BAd., defended
this statement against attacks by IHC President Tex Chertkov, '60,
on the advantages of rushing and fraternity membership.
The debate, entitled "The Pros and Cons of Pledging' a Frater-
nity," gave the audience, composed primarily of prospective rushees,

'Adequate, Strog, Re speete

Claims U.S.
Behind Reds
RICHMOND (k') -. Sen. Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.) said yester-
day he will take the floor of the
Senate next week "and give more
facts" designed to show that the
United States defense position is
inferior to Russia's.
In a full-scale press conference,
Symington answered a flat "no"
when asked whether the American
defense force stacks up as well as
"Our technology is way behind,"
Symington said, billed in some
circles as a potential Democratic
candidate for President. Psychol-
ogically, he said, "we never move
unless we're pushed. Economically
we're ahead but physically we're
Symington, frequent critic of the
administration's defense policies,
made his comments after a news-
man quoted from President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's news conference
in Washington earlier in the day.
At that time the President de-
nounced as "despicable" any critic-
who charges that the administra-
tion is misleading the American.
people on the state of the nation's
"I don't know anybody who said
the President has misled the peo-
ple," Symington answered. "I be-
lieve the American people should
have all the facts that won't help
our enemies. I will take the floor
of the Senate next week to give
more facts."
The Missouri Senator, first see-
retary of the Air Force, said he
believed "too much attention has'
been given to balancing the
budget, and too little attention to
getting the most defense for each
dollar spent." He pointed out that
he recently had written an article
setting forth four steps he said
would save billions of dollars in
defense funds. One major step, he
said, would be to reorganize the
Pentagon to face the present needs
of atomic warfare rather than
letting it drift in past traditions.
Symington, in Richmond to ad-
dress the Virginia Farmers Union
annual convention, parried all
questions about his possible candi-
dacy for the presidential nomina-
tion, and all but took himself out
of consideration for the vice-presi-
dency. Asked whether he would
consider the nomination for the
second spot on the ticket, he re-
called that former vice-president
Alben W. Barkley, when asked
what vice-presidents think of, an-
swered they "'think mostly of the
health of the President.'"


on SeCur

WINTER OLYMPICS-The eighth Winter Olympic Games will be opened by Vice-President Richard
M. Nixon in Squaw Valley today. The five inter-locking rings on the flag represent the five major
continents of the world linked together in the sporting friendship of the earth. But already the
inevitable Olympic squabbles have begun.
Winter Games To Open Toda

SQUAW VALLEY, Calif. (A) -
The threat of a snow storm and
grumbling over the condition of
the ice rinks last night cast a
shadow on the opening of the VIII
Winter Olympic Games today.
Up to 6 inches of snow was
forecast, which would mean the
ski slopes would need packing be-
fore competition could start to-

The bickering was more
monious than is usual at


s Debate
"A unicameral legislature would
be more efficient than our pres-
ent system," said Thomas Cleary,
speaker for the Young Democrats
Club at the Union last night.
Cleary, deputy to Sanford
Brown, Michigan treasurer, pre-
sented arguments for and against
unicameral legislature. He is con-
ducting an opinion poll for the
Democrats to decide whether or,
not to place a proposal for a one-
house legislature before the people
of Michigan.
Wants Ideas
"If the people do not want to
change our present system, other
'ideas for reapportionmdht will be
discussed. These include legisla-
tive action, petitioning by the
public, and a constitutional con-
"A unicameral legislature re-
duces deadlocks and friction be-
tween the houses," Cleary said. It
would also eliminate political
buck-passing, and increase the
consideration given each bill. It
would be easier to report the work
of the legislature to the public,
he added.
However, a unicameral legis-
lature would upset tradition. It
would also eliminate the check-
and-balance system and increase1
the lobbyists' power.
May Find Objections
Political feasibility is a strong
argument against the plan. It
runs into many objections from
out-state Democrats. They agree
with the need to reapportion the
legisulture, but might not approve
of this approach.
"The Democratic Party is mak-
ing no suggestions for the size of

To Discuss
Coming dTr

a chance to get the answers to
some basic questions about rush-
ing and fraternity membership in
Opposes Fraternities
Attacking the aims of fraterni-
ties, Chertkov commented that
fraternities were "in opposition to
the goals of the University," since
they were "compartmentalizing'
people from the rest of the com-
"There is very little opportunity
for fraternity men to meet people
of different backgrounds," he
added. "A man has to choose 40
or 50 friends at once to live with.
This is 'fraternity brotherhood'."
"The process of selection is
there," Martens rebutted. "But
this is necessary. People choose the
people they want to live with or
work with, even outside the Uni-
versity, Joining a fraternity does
not put a man in an environment
where he can not meet others."
Touches Discrimination
The debate touched on sensitivej
areas, such as discrimination prac-
tices and rushing incidents. Mar-
tens pointed out that IFC was
cracking down in the area of
pledge pranks and raids.
"As for discrimination in the
fraternities," Martens said, this is
greatly over-emphasized. The vast
majority of fraternities on cam-
pus do not practice discrimina-
The debate was followed by the
mass rushing meeting in the
Union, highlighting speakers Asst.
to the Dean of Men Lou Rice, IFC
Vice-President Paul Becker, '60E,
and IFC Rush Chairman Howard
Mueller, 161E. Entertainment was
provided by Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity's choral group.
U.S. Reviews
Sugar Treaty,
WASHINGTON ()-The United
States is taking a long look at its
treaty with Cuba agreeing to buy1

To Continue
Two more students, Frederick
Riecker, '63, and David Cristy,
'63, have taken out petitions for
the Student Government Council
elections to be held in March.
This brings the total of those
petitioning to five.
Petitions for the senior class
elections in the literary college
have also been taken out by Ron-
ald Siegal for treasurer, Ronald
Greenberg for vice-president, and
by Irwin Dinn for president.
Roger Barnes is petitioning in
the senior class officer elections in
the engineering school for presi-
Petitioning is also open for one
woman student for a position on
Joint Judicary Council.

international festivals designed to1
promote sportsmanship and goodt
Dislikes Rinks1
The president of the Interna-
tional Hockey Federation, John
(Bunny) Ahearne of London, took'
one look at the indoor and out-
door rinks, left watery by yester-
day's sun, and said :
"The big question is why this
place was selected in the first
place. I don't know how you can
expect teams to play on slush."
The indoor rink is open at one
Despite snow, slush or slurs,
however, plans for the opening
went forward.
Nixon To Open Games
Vice-President Richard M. Nix-
on will speak the few prescribed
words that will set in motion the
Games that have brought 740
athletes from 30 nations to this
6,000-foot high valley in the Sier-
He comes 3,000 miles from
Washington for the 15 -word;
"I now declare open the Olym-
pic Games at Squaw Valley cele-
brating the eighth Winter Olym-
Opening, ceremonies for the 20
million dollar games, following
tradition, include a choir of 2,645
and the lighting of the big Olym-
pic torch that burns throughout
the games.
The flame will be skiied down

Little Papoose Peak by Mrs. An-
drea Mead Lawrence, former
United States gold medal winner
now an assistant coach for the
women's team. She will turn it
over to speed skater Ken Henry"
See SQUABBLES, Page '7

WASHINGTON (A) - Preside
Dwight D. Eisenhower yester
pronounced; the nation's defena
strong, awesome and uivers4,
respected-and hotly denounced
despicable any charge that he
misled the people on that score.
Eisenhower announced he w
have more to say about natiot
security and-will discuss his Sou
American trips which starts nx
week in a nationwide radio-TV a
dress Sunday night.
The state of national defen
claimed a dominant spot in .t:
President's news conference.
and out of Congress, controver
and counter-claims have been e
ploding around this vital issue f
Triggers Outburst
What triggered something of
presidential outburst yesterda
was word from a newsman th
critics charge the administratF
"has been complacent in advlsia
the people of the danger we a
in the world" and that &0o000
may stand in the way of develo:
ing new weapons.
The question was whether Eise:
hower believes the administratl
hamisled the American people
any way or whether any mon
has been withheld from any ne
ed weapon. Grating out his or
the Chief- Executive :replie;
"If anybody - anybody - b
leves tht Ifhave deliberately mi
led. thee American people, I'd f
to tell him to his face what thi
about him. This is a charge th
I think is despicable, and I ha
never made it against anyone
the world, and I w'uldn't as loi
-unless he were in a bar of justi
somewhere to be tried for som
thing that was intolerable."
Reviews History
From there, ,the President we
on to review the history of Uit
States defenses since the end
World War II-o period he sE
as one of disarming, falling b
hind in almost every field of d
velopment, reversing directioi
,after the Korean War began, a
trying to build an adequate dete
rent and defensive power.
"This is what I believe we'
been trying to do with all o
might," Eisenhower said, "and
get tired of saying that defen
is to be made an excuse for wa
ing dollars. I don't believe i
should pay one cent for defer,
more than we have to.
The news conference began a
ended with defense, and touch
on that and a dozen other topi
In between.
At the outset--Eisenhower w
asked whether he plans a radi
TV address to the country -
which also might deal with d
fense - before he departs Moa
day on a goodwill visit to Bra
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay,
He replied that he plans to
on the air for 15 minutes at 6:
p.m. EST Sunday and would su
pose that such things as securit
and strength would beincluded
Defense was woven into t)
news conference also at poiA
where Eisenhower said that:
-=Never once, that he knows
in more than seven years h
Vice-President Richard M. Nix
"been at any major variance wit
SGC Receives
On Petitions
O Student Government Counc
president John Feldkamp, '81, rea
a letter he had received from t
Michigras Central Committee as
ing him to sit on the parade a

... discusses trip

... SGC appointee

Theatre Readies Streetcar' for Tonight

The cast for Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire"
performed amid much last-minute commotion and bustle for an
almost empty theatre at Tuesday night's dress rehearsal.
As the curtain went up, three Civic Theatre performers, Estelle
Gin, as Stella, Joan Martin, '61, as Blanche, and Thomas Lillaid1 '60,
as Stanley were eating a meal on the stage. Their dialogue (and
digestion) was halted by Ted Heusel, play director. "Cut and start
again." Heusel shouted, "and Stella, don't make such a pig of yourself
at the table!"
The curtain was dropped, and at Heusel's command the scene
began again with the performers conscientiously playing their roles.
Meanwhile, props and lighting crews completed last-minute arrange-
ments for tonight's production. One man hurried here and there
making final repairs with a hammer. Two hands reached out from
behind a curtain and began sewing along the hem.
Opens Tonight
The production will open at 8:30 p.m. tgday and run through
Heusel, on stage rearranging the props, hollered directions and
compliments to the performers, "Blanche, if you do go over there, turn
on the light.. . Now turn the light off . . . Hey, Stanley, make sure
we see a jerk when you push Stella , . O.K., Curtain
After a slight delay, the curtain was raised again-this time
accompanied by an uproar of technically augmented applause. People
continually walked in and out of the theatre; backstage was buzzing
with excitement. A voice from off stage pleaded for "a girl with a
book," and someone needed help with a costume. From his kneeling
position in the center front of the stage, the director surveyed his


'U' Official
Views. Trip
The achievements of the Soviet
Union's "alarmingly efficient and
well-supported" educational sys-
tem reach beyond "the three R's"
and into the country's cultural
climate, Lyle M. Nelson, director
of University Relations said yes-
Reporting on his Soviet trip last
spring to students assembled in
Rackham Lecture Hall, Nelson said
Russian education emphasizes spe-
cialization like music and drama,
and noted nearly every city and
hamlet he visited had its own or-
chestra and ballet company.
U.S. Entertainment Poor
"Books and phonograph records
are cheap," he said, "And large
crowds-notably young people-fill
to capacity halls featuring regular
programs of folk dancing and
other cultural performances."
In contrast, he pointed out that
motion pictures, radio and televi-
sion in the United 'States have
sunken to the lowest common de-
nominator of sex and. violent
crime, and are wrought with scan-
"The Soviet Union's achieve-
ments in culture are no less spec-
tacular than those In science, for
it is dedicated to becoming the
cultural leader of the world," Nel-
son concluded.
Maintain Interest

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