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February 17, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-17

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Little change in temperature
today turning colder tomorrow

See Page 4

VOl LXX, No. 90





No R



Asks Grant
For Foreigi
Mansfield Propose
Less Outright Gif
More Joint Effort
Dwight D. Eisenhower's $4
000,000 new foreign aid re
went to an election year Con~
yesterday and, as expected,
immediately into a cry of
much money, too little chan
In his 5,000-word special
sage, Eisenhower said the U1
Security Program is , essentii
peace and to world progre
freedom in the face of the "
mous power bloc of Comm
"Collective security is not
sensible - it is essential," he
The request for new funds
divided two billion dollars
arms aid to America's allies
$2,175,000,000 for economic
technical assistance for the
year starting next July 1.
One Billion More
The total, announced in
President's budget message
month, is almost one billion
lars more-than the 3.2 billion
lar Congress voted after a
dcbate last year.
The first volley in perhaps
a stiffer fight this year was
by Sen. Mike Mansfield of I
tana, the assistant Senate D
cratic leader. He made the re
about too much money and
little change in administr
and said:
"Where Is the joint foreigi
effort, with the other free na
assuming their share of the
No Improvements
"Where are the plans for a
gressive reduction in grant
distinct from loans? Where is
progressive shift from milita
non-military emphasis? Whe
the drastic tightening up
streamlining of Admiinstrs
"Congress wanted these i
done; this message suggests
little if anything has been
to bring about the neces
In outlining his request
urging Congress not to cut
funds, Eisenhower mentioned
11-nation tour in Decembe
Asia, the Middle East and Eu:
"My recent travels," he
"impressed upon me even r
strongly the fact that free
everywhere look to us, not
envy or malice but with hope
confidence that we will in the
ture as in the past be in the
guard of those who believe in
will defend the right of the i
vidual to enjoy the fruits of
labor in peace and freedom.
Petitions Ope
For Position
On Joint Jud
Petitioning is open for a I
tion for one woman on Joint J
ciary Council left vacant by

resignation of Carolyn Ost
Applicants must have comply
60 hours at the University by
close of last semester.
Petitions are available 1
Friday in the Office of Stu(
Affairs, 2011 SAB, and are
Monday. Interviews will take r
at 7 p.m. Tuesday. The Stu'
Government Council Interviev
and Nominating Committee
recommend a candidate for
proval by the Council.
Four more students have to
out petitions for the Student C
einent Council position left o


Eduction s

Army. Modifies ROTC Courses.

WASHINGTON--The Army an-
nounced yesterday modifications
in its training courses at colleges
and universities, but held to its
belief in a compulsory Reserve Of-
ficer Training Corps.
Schools make their own deci-
sions whether to participate in the
program and whether service is
compulsory or voluntary.

Most land-grant colleges have a
compulsory program. The law of
the last century under which they
received Federal assistance re-
quires that they "offer" courses
in military tactics. A vast ma-
jority of such colleges have con-
sidered that they have an obliga-
tion to require compulsory service.


The recent attitude of the De-
fense Department, expressed at
the request of land-grant colleges,
is that the compulsory question
should be left to the schools.
The question of compulsory ver-
sus voluntary service has become
a subject of debate at several of
the 168 institutions where ROTC
is compulsory. It is established at
248 schools of higher education.
The modification will be ef-
fective in the 1960-61 school year.
It permits advanced ROTC cadets
to take about 20 per cent of their
military instruction courses in
academic subjects, such as science,
psychology, communications and
political science.
Taught in Summer
Military subjects such as crew-
served weapons instructions will
be taught during the six-week
summer camp, normally attended
by cadets in their junior and sen-
ior years.
At Michigan State University,
where the ROTC has been com-
pulsory, the faculty voted last Sat-
urday to make military training
an electiye course. A decision is
pending at the University of Wis-
Opponents of a compulsory
ROTC have charged that it is an
undue burden on students who
are not interested ir it, hamper-
ing them in regular studies. These
students generally go through the
motions in military training and
finish as quickly as possible. Thus
the Army is said to waste money
on them.
Instill Interests
The Army feels that the courses
instill interest where none exist-
ed before. Admitting that some
some students build resentments
against compulsory training, Army
officials note that the retention
rate of ROTC graduates on active
duty is 25 per cent and increasing.
The Army said it expected the
change to stimulate "increased in-
tellectual attainment" on the part
of cadets. Such attainment is
"most important in this age of
sophisticated weaponry," it added.
The change will also lessen the
work load on students, particular-
ly those pursuing technical de-
grees, and "make the over-all pro-
gram more attractive," the Army
(Copyright 1960 by New York Times.
Reprinted. by special Permission)

Army Blasts
Of Monies
Nike Zeus Missile.
Retarded by Action
spokesmen said yesterday produc-
tion of the only potential defense
against enemy missiles is being
held up for lack of money, j
They told the House Space Com-
mittee that funds appropriated
last year for the Nike Zeus system
have been withheld by the De-
partment of Defense and money
promised by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower for next year has been
The Army's losing fight for more
money for Nike Zeus was described
by Secretary of the Army Wilber
M. Brucker.
Brucker said 137 million dollars
appropriated last year by Con-
gress for the specific purpose of
pushing the anti-missile system
has never been released by the
Defense Department.
"We asked for the money last
October at the time the budget
was being submitted," Brucker
said. "On Dec. 1 we were told the
137 million dollars was being
placed in the 1961 reserve funds
and no production funds would be
available to the Army for Nike
For fiscal 1961, Brucker said,
the Army sought 287 million dol-
lars for research and development
of the Nike Zeus system but the
figure was cut to 253 million.
"The President has said that the
Army should go ahead full scale
with this project," Brucker said,
"but we now have been told that
instead of 253 million, only 200
million is actually going to be re-
leased to us.
"We are striving to get the
money to carry out and implement
what the President has promised
us and what the Secretary of De-
fense has promised."
To Lecture
On Russia
Lyle M. Nelson, director of Uni-
versity Relations, will speak on
"The Three R's and the USSR,"
at 4 p.m. today in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
The lecture is sponsored by the
Journalism department.

To Report
Ont Bias
The Restrictive Practices Com-
mittee established to study dis-
criminatory membership selection
in student organizations will re-
port to Student Government Coun-
cil tonight,'
Two motions also relating to the
area of discrimination in the stu-
dent social group are scheduled.
Phil Zook, '60, will move that the
Council adopt two regulations gov-
erning membership selection in
student organizations.
Th~e first of the proposed regu-
lations is that no student organi-
zation shall prohibit membership
on'the basis of race, color, religion,
creed, national origin or ancestry,
and that evidence that an organi-
zation restricts membership on
any of these bases shall be grounds
for "disciplinary action" by the
Council. These are the bases set
forth in the November Regents'
Students Select
The second suggested regulation
is that membership selection shall
be controlled only by student
members at the Uriversity, except
in the cases where participation
by University faculty members is
provided for in the organization's
constitution. Evidence of partici-
pation in membership selection
from University students by per-
sons other than University stu-
dent members would be grounds
for SGC "disciplinary action."
Babs Miller, '60, will introduce
a motion to dissolve the Restric-
tive Practices Committee and re-
scind the 1949 ruling that no new
student organizations may prohibit
membership because of race, re-
ligion or color.
Using the Regents' tylaw as a
directive, the Council will work
toward a ruling implementing the
Bylaw under the provisions of the
motion, Miss Miller said.
Require Statement
The motion would require all
purely local student organizations
to submit a statement that they
do not discriminate on the bases
set forth in the Bylaw. Local or-
ganizations affiliated with na-
tionals would have the parent
organization endorse a prepared
statement granting the University
chapter local autonomy in respect
to selection of members on these
A committee on discriminatory
practices in student organizations'
would be set up without a rigid
tine limit to consider evidence of
restrictive membership practices
and guide the efforts of organiza-
tions in elimination of them.
Rationale for both motions in-
cludes suggestion that they not be
voted on at tonight's meeting, but
only discussed. A motion to take
action on the Sigma Kappa so-
rority case was tabled by SGC
president John Feldkamp, '61,
breaking a tie vote of the Council
at last week's meeting.

Fourteen Senators backed the
suggestion of Sen. Edward Hutch-
inson (R-Fennville). Fifteen op-
posed it.
The question of increasing the
sales tax is a carry-over from the'
1959 tax battle.
It represents the main GOP tax
objective at the present session.
Monday night the Senate turned
down a Democratic amendment
that would have eliminated alto-
gether the present three per cent
constitutonal ceiling on the sales
levy, instead of merely raising it
to four.
Unfreeze Base
Hutchinson, a supporter of the
ceiling elimination idea, said the
base of the tax should be unfroz-
en as a matter of principle.
"The power to charge the sub-
jects of taxation or to keep the
Legislature forever bound and
shackled - this is the issue," de-
clared Hu4tchinson.
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kal-
amazoo), who directed GOP
strategy in the 1959 tax struggle,
said the Hutchinson amendment
would "muddy the waters" and
serve the purpose of those seeking
to defeat the sales tax increase.
He said opponents would use the.
changed language to raise ques-
tions and engender confusion in
the voters' minds.
Scheel Seeksi
Salem Township Supervisor
William I. Scheel has announced
that he will seek the Republican
nomination as state representa-
tive from the county's First Dis-
The post is presently held by
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) who said last week that
he would not seek reelection.
Sallade defeated Scheel for the
GOP nomination in 1954 and
Scheel is the first person of
either party to announce his in-
tention to run for Sallade's post.
Scheel has been a supervisor of
Salem township and a member of
the Board of Supervisors for the
last 111 years.

-David Gitrow
BREAKING THROUGH--Michigan's Gerry Kolb (center) is try-
ing to break through three Spartan defenders to put the puck
past outstretched MSU goalie Eldon Van Spybrook.
'MU' leers WIp MSU, 5-3;
Lughamer Scores Twice
A battling Michigan hockey team, held in check throughout the
third period here last night, broke loose with two big goals in the
last minute and 20 seconds of play to break a 3-all deadlock and
overpower MSU, 5-3. r
Leading the Wolverines to their first win in four outings was the
sophomore line of Joe Lunghamer, Gerry Kolb and Red Berenson,

Republicans Asi
Higher Sales Ta3
GOP Prepares Levy Increase
For Ado ption in State Senate
LANSING M) - The Republican resolution fpr submitting a o
pey cent sales tax increase to voters in November was readied yc
terday for a vote on adoption by the Senate, probably today.
Two-thirds approval by both House and Senate will be requir
to put the proposition on the ballot. Democrats have indicated tI
will supply the necessary votes in the Senate.
The resolution was advanced after defeat of an amendment th
called for opening the way for the Legislature to exempt to
drugs pr possibly other commodi
ti4Bs. a

Of Con-Con
LANSING ()-Another inde
sive rouind was fought yesterd
in the legislative fight over a co
stitutional convention in 1961.
Organized Michigan townsh
officials urged lawmakers to r
ject efforts to get the Con-C
question on the November ball
Joseph A. Parisi Jr., executi
director of the Michigan Tow
ships Assn., told the Senate J'
diciary Committee that backers
constitutional reform actual
were working toward higher taxe
greater centralization in gover:
ment and abolition of townshil
Two Testify
He testified after the cominitt
conducted more than an hoa
grilling of a' leading support
Mrs. Howard Lichterman of Hus
ington Woods, president of ti
League of ,Women Voters.
Mrs. Lichterman was cal
back for interrogation after
appearance last week to plug ti
so -called compromise Con-C
approach jointly supported by h
group and the state Junior Chan
ber of Commerce.,-
The League and the Jay
pleaded with lawmakers to spa
them the tqi and expense of
statewide petition drive, alreat
begun, to get the issue before ge
eral election voters.
Consider Resolution
The legislature is considerir
submission of Con-Con by resol
The Con-Con cause got a ne
burst of support today from Go
0. Mennen Williams, who wro
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kli
mazoo), committee chairman:
"You can patch up an old ti
only so many times and then ti
intelligent, economic and wi
thing to do is to get a new tir
Michigan's need for a new ti
has been recognized for soil
The Governor had recalled th
in five decades since adoption t
the 1908 basic charter, 121 amen
ments had been proposed to ti
constitution and 66 adopted.
Meeting Set
Morris 'set Thursday nornir
for a third committee hearing.
that time, spokesmen for t
Michigan Farm Bureau and ti
Michigan Retailers Assn., will ha,
an opportunity to get in the
licks against Con-Con.
The chairman announced th
only groups and individuals w
ask to make appearances will t
heard-there will be no furthi
invitations extended.
Parisi said Michigan has pro
pered under the existing cohstiti
tion, and said those who wou
drastically change it were masi
ing objectionable goals.
Explains Need
For Revising
Tax Systems
State tax systems constantly fa
behind the times and need r
vamping said M. M. Chambers;
University visiting professor, at
meeting of the American Educ
tional Research Association he
in Atlantic City.
Speaking on the topic "A Sumx
mary of 1959 Advances in Stal
Financing of Education" Pro
Chambers recommended embod
ing an "escalator" into state scho
aid statutes to "keep the sums i
volved abreast of the current pric
He added that states approprit

which tallied four of the five'
Michigan markers.
The line, which had been some-:
what disappointing in their last
few outings in which had ac-
counted for only a single goal in
the recent Michigan Tech series,
came to lifewitha vengeance as
it broke down the Ice on a power
play with less than a minute and
a half left in the game,
Breaks Tie
With the score knotted at 3-3
when Lunghamer stickhanded
his way through three Spartan de-
fenders and passed across the ice
to Gerry Kolb who had been trail-j
ing in. Kolb rammed the puck
along the ice into the lower corner
of the net before MSU netminder
Eldon Van Spybrook could move
across the goal mouth.
Before the stunned Spartans
could catch their balance, the
Wolverine yearlings had driven
home an insuranbe marker.
Just 22 seconds after Kolb tal-
lied the tie-breaker, Berenson
broke into the MSU zone and
passed to Lunghamer who slap-
ped it home from 20 feet out, for
his secoud goal of the game.
2,000-Plus Fans
To the 2,000-plus partisan Wol-
verine fans, it seemed as if the
game was always on the verge of
breaking loose with a rash of
Michigan goals. Waiting for the
outburst that almost didn't come,
the crowd saw the Michigan skat-


( _

Lewis Calls World's Students Wonderful

Students are "as wonderful all
over the world as they are here,"
University Vice-president for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis, re-
cently returned from a six week
trip of the Near and Far East and
Western Europe, said yesterday.
His objective was to evaluate
the University's international stu-
dent program by meeting with
university alumni, exchange stu-
dents, and students from other
schools in the cities visited.
The "unanimous" reaction of
alumini was that "their experi-
ence here was a valuable and
happy one; they had a great feel-
ing of allegiance and debt to the
University," he reported.
Love U'
"They love the place dearly, we
found, and have lots of questions
to ask. Many wanted to be remem-
bered to individual professors,
and many wanted to know what's
wrong with our football team,"
he said.
Lewis discussed with them their,
problems of adjustment to the
TUnversitv _ adig urP,1V'D~lyrP- i

excited and interested" about
others. Student Interests in the
Far East are closely related to the
politics of their country, he said.
"The Algerian insurgents were
right on the college campus and,
in Paris, student leaders were ex-
horting the very upset students
to go to Algeria."
There is a conflict in India be-
tween student movements for a

more important role in the uni-
versity government and others,
who don't want the student influ-
ence expanded, he said.
Lewis, who had never been to
Asia before, felt "just like a farm
kid from Michigan - that's why
I think I was so thrilled."
He leafed through a program
from "Sidelights," an all-girl
Japanese musical play, which he
found "delightful."

Digressing, he said that "every-
thing we've heard about the suc-
cess of President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's trip is true. University in-
tellectuals and cabmen agreed
that he's established himself as a
man of peace, that there never
had been such a spontaneous re-
He was struck by the serious-
ness of the refugee problem in the

far East, "of which we just don't
have any understanding."
Although the governments are
doing everything they can to solve
the food and housing problems,
the problem of dislocation Is im-
'possible, and refugees arrive in
Hong Kong from mainland China
at about a thousand a day, Lewis
said. '"'hese' are difficulties we
don't appreciate here."


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