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February 16, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-16

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Quad Group
The Inter-House Council structure may soon be radically altered.
Under the proposed plan, the organization of the IHC which is
now based on the individual house would be replaced by one based
on the quadrangle. Such a setup, possibly called the Inter-Quadrangle
Council, would be comprosed of nine members. The composition would
be the three quad presidents; one additional representative from each
quad and the three officers of the organization, the president, vice-
president and the secretary-treasurer.
The report, prepared by a re-evaluation committee appointed by
IHC, gave several reasons for the proposed change. In essence, they
believed that the Presidium of house presidents had grown weak and
inef'fective while the three quad councils had grown in strength andI
student support.
Criticize Presidium
In criticizing the Presidium, they said it was,".. . a large un-
related group with few common interests ... a rubber stamp for the
executive cabinet." For these reasons they said that legislation had
been practically non-existent. Under the new plan the conferences of
house presidents would be continued mainly for the experience and
knowledge derived by the presidents in such meetings as held this fall.
The committee stated their belief that the proposed revisions
would permit the existence of an all-quad council without compromis-
ing the relatively strong position of the individual quad councils. As a

May .

Rep lo

.. . . . . . . . .


I *


rce Inter-House
further justification for the new structure, the committee said they that he is not pos
thought the "IQC" would be a logical extension of the corridor; house to elect officers.
council, quad council ladder now existing. Early in the
When the presidents met on Sunday for an informal discussion slate system was1
of the report the portion receiving the majority of discussion was from a single qua
the election procedure. The committee now proposes that slates of on the council. T
candidates be selected for the executive offices rather than individuals to feel that a per
for the various offices. The committee thought that the present sys have students fro
tem had two inherent problems: the position of president involves a base of his suppor
lot of politics; there has tended to be excessive friction between the One president
officers of IHC. liam Townsend,I
To Submit Slate withdraw from all
Under the proposed system, a student wishing to campaign for He said that
president would submit his name and the names of two others to run dale would probab
for vice-president and secretary-treasurer in the spring. These three hiam Anderson, '6I
would cmprise his slate. In the election, each quad would cast its 16 said, "The credita
votes for the person it felt was best qualified to be president. The mittee reveals ser
person elected would carry his entire slate into office. of IHC and the n
The report stated that this system would cause more harmony The report wi
and assure the residence halls of competent people running its gov- day. Chertkov sai
erning organization. The concept of slate elections was the focal tee will be set up
point for the dissention over the election procedure. After the constitu
The president of IHC, Boren Chertkov, '60, said the proposals the Board of Gove
of the committee comply closely with those in his platform. He said new organizationc

itive that the slate system would be, the best meth
Sunday meeting Chertkov said, opposition to t
based on the fear that a slate would come sole
d. This would give this quad five of the nine vo
bward the end of the meeting; however, many car
rson wishing to become president would be likely
m other quads running on his ticket to widen t
rt. Still not all of the presidents were sataisfied.
t who found the slate system ob.jectionable was W
'61E, of Hinsdale. Hinsdale last spring decided
l1 ICfunctions.
he felt if the revised structure was adopted Hin
bly decide to return to active IHC participation: W
1E, president of Hinsdale when they renounced II
ble report submitted by the IHC re-evaluation cor
ious and objective consideration of the present sta
eed for a revision in residence halrl government."
ll be considered at the Presidium meeting on Thur
d that if the presidents accept the report, a commi
to write a constitution in the ensuing two weel
tion is written it would need to be approved by IH
ernors and Student Goverdnment Council before t
could go into effect.

jN j jV OVA t OS',
REVISED-The old structure of the Inter-House Council is shown
by the dotted lines while the proposed new system is indicated by
the solid lines.

See Page 4

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Warming, with southwest winds;
little change tonight.

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VOL. LA.X, £NO. 89

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To Discuss Rights

leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas
outfoaxed southern members yester-
day to bring before the Senate a
House-passed bill 'on which to
hang civil rights amendments.
With only a handful of his col-
leagues in attendance at the time,
Johnson got unanimous consent to
call up a minor bill involving a
Missouri school district.
The maneuver went unchal-
lenged by Sen. B. Everett Jordan
(D-N.C.) who had been posted as
a sentinel by southern opponents
to rally them to fight against
Call Defense
leaders of both parties agreed yes-
terday that national defense i
too vital to be made a political
football-and got in a few politi-
cally angled remarks in the pro-
Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.) told
his colleagues no matter how they
feel about it, defense is going to
be discussed by presidential can-
didates and others in an election
year. And Sen. Thruston B. Mor-
ton of Kentucky, the Republican
national chairman, gave point to
Gore's words with release of a
"fact memo" saying "selling
America short is the democratic
In an hour and a half of de-
bate Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon-
tana, the assistant Democratic
leader, said Senate Democratic
Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Tex-
as and Sen. Stuart Symngton
(D-Mo.), two potential candidates
for the Democratic presidential
nomination, have been criticized
for playing politics because they
said they do not believe the ad-
ministration's defense program is
Senate Republican Leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois retorted
that Symington has made harsh
charges that the administration
is more interested in balancing
the budget for political campaign
purposes than it is in an adequate
"I cannot believe that the com-
mander in chief .. . would try to
convert this into a political issue,"
Dirksen said.
Mansfield said criticisms of the
defense program by Johnson and
Symington were "not made for
political gain." He said defense is
too important to become involved
in politics.
"I emphatically endorse that
statement," Dirksen said.
Contending better use of avail-
able funds is needed, Mansfield
cited a statement by Vice Admiral
Hyman G. Rickover that Polaris
missile submarines could be pro-
duced faster if some of the mili-
tary brass in the Pentagon was
TO Circulate
NDEA Petition
A petition protesting the loyalty

bringing up any civil rights meas-
Keeps Promise
Johnson, who appears to be
staking his chances for the Demo-
craticpresidential nominationon
his promise to get civil rights
legislation passed, thus carried out
a commitment he made last year
to bring the issue before the Sen-
ate in mid-February.
Using his power as majority
leader, Johnson stepped into the
political limelight as the man who
opened the way for Senate action
while other Democratic presiden-
tial hopefuls were only clamoring
for it.
Johnson's move involved a cal-
culated political risk that he could
attract Northern support and still
hang on somehow to the Southern
delegations who'll be at the na-
tional Democratic convention in
Choice Kept Secret
The Texan kept his choice of
the vehicle bill so secret that even
his opposite number, Senate Re-
publican leader Everett M. Dirksen
of Illinois didn't know what was
Johnson's swift strike left the
Southerners without the chance
to talk at length on whether the
Senate should consider picking an
unrelated bill to carry civil rights
legislation. But they had plenty of
other opportunities for talk com-
ing up.
When the majority leader an-
nounced quietly that the Missouri
school measure would be the civil
rights vehicle, the storm broke.
Democrats Maneuver
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-
Ga.) denounced the maneuver as
opening the way "for an outpour-
ing of every conceivable type of
legislation that may be labeled
civil rights."
He was surprised and chagrined,
the Georgia senator said, that
Johnson had chosen, for his civil
rights maneuver, a minor bill
passed by the House last Aug. 31
and approved by Russell's own
Senate Armed Services Committee.
The bill would excuse the citi-
zens of Stella, Mo., from paying
$6,200 yearly rental on quarters
in Fort Crowder, Mo., to replace
their burned-out country school

Russell told Johnson there had
been a lot of talk about minority
rights "but the only minority in
the country not supposed to have
any rights at all are the Southern
Democrats who are trying to pro-
tect their people."
South Has Rights
He said the people of the South
have the right to know whether
"we are going to be boiled in oil,
burned at the stake, fricasseed on
some new kind of wheel or maybe
just bayonetted a little."
Russell announced he would file
a motion to postpone action on the
school bill. But even though he
was supported by Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Oregon), an advocate of
strong civil rights legislation, the
Georgian seemed unlikely to mus-
ter a majority vote for a delay.
Morse said he thought the
maneuver to hook civil rights rid-
ers on the school bill smacked of
Space Biology
To Be Subject
Of Lectures
"Space biology" will be featured
in a series of 13 lectures sponsored
by the Institute of Science and
Technology during March and
Space biology or "exobiology"
(meaning out of earth's environ-
ment) studies how living organ-
isms may be affected by space
Among the 13 biologists who
will speak are British Nobel Prize
winner Sir Sans Krebs of Oxford
University and American Nobel
Prize winner Prof. Arthur Korn-
berg of Stanford University. They
were awarded prizes in physiology
and medicine in 1953 and 1959,
Each lecture will be at 4 p.m. in
the third level amphitheatre,
Medical Science Bldg., and will be
open to the public. As in the two
preceding Institute - sponsored
series ("Trajectory Analysis, Guid-
ance and Control of Space Vehi-
cles" and "Space Astrophysics,"
both in progress), the lectures will
be published in book form after
they are completed.

U.S. Wheat
For India
Like 'Dole'
CALCUTTA, India (P)-Nikita
S. Khrushchev yesterday criticized
United States shipments of wheat
to India as nothing but a dole.
He said the Soviet Union be-
lieves in and only to build in-
dustries. The Soviet premier did
not mention the United States by
name, but his meaning was clear.
"Certain other countries (be-
sides Russia) want to throw in a
little wheat, and a little tinned
meat they have in excess, and
which once you eat, you are hun-
gry again," he said.
"That's notaid--that's a dole."
Speaks at Banquet
Khrushchev spoke at a ban-
quet on the last night of his In-
dian tour. He is scheduled to fly
to Rangoon, Burma, today for a
two-day visit and then tour In-
The Russian leader rejected pro-
posals for Soviet participation in
joint assistance programs for un-
derdeveloped countries, saying:
"Certain states plundered their
colonies and grew rich while their
colonies grew opor. And now we
are asked to render aid on behalf
of these pools of nations.
Render Own Alid
"Well, no thank you. We will
render our aid ourselves."
Khrushchev arrived yesterday
in Calcutta from Bhilai in cen-
tral India, the site of a large
steel plant built by the Russians.
In two speeches at Bhilai,
Khrushchev attacked Western aid
as given only in fear that newly
independent nations might turn
Communist. He said the West's
aid is intended only to keep new
nations in "capitalist slavery."
Khrushchev held out a promise
of further aid to India and other
underdeveloped nations if world
disarmament is achieved, but made
no specific pledge.
The crowds that welcomed the
Soviet leader in Calcutta were a
fraction of the two million that
turned out for his last visit to the
city in 1955. On that trip a police
van had to rescue him and the
then Premier Nikolai Bulganin
from adoring throngs.

Nixon Promises Religio

Not To


Election ISSu(

-David Giltrow
PRESS CONFERENCE--Vice-President Richard Nixon started his activities in Detroit yesterday with
a morning press conference. Later he addressed three non-partisan groups, and attended a GOP
reception. The Vice-President said religion would not be an issue in the November election, and
defended his tie-breaking vote which scuttled the latest federal education aid bill.
Israel Attacks Closing of Suez Canal

Backs Vote
OnA .id Plan
For Schools
Defends Capitalism;
Gives Three Talks
During Detroit Visit
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-Religion; will not be
an issue in the 1960 campaign, "a$
far as I am concerned," Vice-
President Richard Nixon told a
press conference here yesterday.
"Nothing could be more damag-.
ing to the country, or personally-
reprehensible to me than to raise
the issue."
In Detroit for a whirlwind
visit, including three non-political
speeches and a GOP party huddle,
Nixon said, in his view, religion
would not have::2the same impact
as it did in 1928, when Catholic
Democrat Al Smith ran into huge
sectarian opposition, since the na-
tion has a better understanding of
the problem.
Will Not Reply
He said he would not at' this
time directly reply to any Demo-
cratic charges, but would comment
on reporters' paraphrases of them.
The Vice-President explained
his vote which broke the tie on
the bill for Federal teacher-salary
aid, defeating the bill.
The Administration, he asserted,
while realizing higher teacher sal-
aries and prestige are an im-
portant question, believes one of
the "great strengths for freedom"
is local control of education rather
than "remote control of a central
bureaucracy," either in Washing-
ton or in state capitals.
Can Aid
The Federal government can aid
education without interfering with
local control; sharing of con-
struction costs are an area of
cooperation. '-
These federal funds would re-
lease local money for teacher
salaries, rewarding communities
making extra educational efforts,
and the specter of federal control
would be avoided.
Speaking at the Detroit Eco-
nomic Club, Nixon challenged the
remark of Nikita Khrushchev that
the capitalist econoiy is a worn-
out horse, and the socialist, full of
"There is no reason for lack of
confidence in our ability to win
this race, provided we stay on our
horse and don't get on his."
To counteract the socialist
threat Nixon suggested the federal
government can maintain fiscal
stability, adopt. growth fostering
tax policy, "remove artificial props
to inefficiency and artificial bar-
riers tn onwth and nro arqq " tare

JERUSALEM, Israeli Section (R)
-"We are not going to accept the
Suez Canal being closed to us and
we have no intention of acquiesc-
ing to President Nasser's perform-
ance in this international water-
way," Israeli's Foreign Minister
Golda Meir said yesterday.
She was commenting on the an-
nouncement that the Danish
freighter Inge 'Tbft has left Port
Said harbor after discharging Is-
raeli cargo originally consigned to
the Far East and now confiscated
by President Gamal Abdul Nasser's
United Arab Republic.

She declared: "The world should
realize what Nasser is now doing
against Israel he may do against
any other seafaring power.
Interprets Policy
"He has interpreted the policy of
appeasement applied to him as
similar rulers have interpreted ap-
peasement policy.
"It does not make them more
considerate. It makes them even
With the sailing of the Inge
Toft after it was tied up for nine
months at the Suez Canal entry,
Israel is concentrating efforts on
getting another ship through: the
Greekfreighter Astypalaea, which
with its load from Israel has been
held in Port Said isnce mid-De-
"We have no doubt of Mr. Ham-
marskjold's good will to solve this
problem," Mrs. Meir said.
Visits Nasser
UN Secretary General Dag
Hammarskjold recently visited
Nasser in Cairo on an African
"We know he takes a special in-

Urges Moral Attitude in Radiation Use

has been sent by us under such
conditions as will make it possible
for Mr. Nasser to let the ship
through without his prestige being
Mrs. Meir asserted that Nasser
claims the Suez boycott against
Israel is justified because his coun-
try is still at war with Israel as a
consequence of the 1948 Palestine
She added: "No member of the
UN has a right to such permanent
I-am-at-war declarations - not
even Egypt, unless Egypt has spe-
cial privileges under the UN char-
Bach Concert
To Be Given
At Auditorium
A concert will be given by the
Bach Aria Group at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium. This
group, which has won acclaim
through concerts, recordings, ra-
dio broadcasts, and films, is being
presented by the Choral Union.
Organized by William H.
Scheide, director, in 1946, the
group is composed of world-fa-
mous instrumental and vocal solo-
ists. Members of the group are
Julius Baker, flute; Robert Bloom,
n 'n"ilIa.n '.rre. 'nnrs nn-.

Prof. James V. Neel, chairman'
of the department of human ge-
netict, yesterday urged a "consis-
tencyq in our approach to moral
values" with regard to attitudes
toward increased use of radiation.
Speaking in the public health
school auditorium, Prof. Neel
warned that the present rate of
exposure may feed undesirable
genetic changes into populations
more rapidly than can be elimi-
nated by the system of natural
selection, but that increased radi-
ation contact was necessary for

dent that we should take an after-
' look" at its effects.
Quotes Bad Effects
On the debit side of the ledger,
Prof. Neel cited reports from na-
tional committees which have
traced increases in leukemia,
cataracts, malignancies and a
shortening of life not due to these
other disorders, to increased ex-
posures to radiation. The increase
in leukemia has been noted in
radiologists,adults and children
treated with radiation and atomic
bomb survivors, he said.
As for the mutation effect of

is a limit at which the small
amount of radiation is not harm-
One of the vital questions now
faced by scientists studying this
problem is not whether radiation
will produce mutations in man
but whether science can detect
and attribute these mutations,
Prof. Neel said.
Leukemia has been found to be
the highest in percentage of the
effects of radiation. National back-
ground exposure has been charged
with a responsibility for 10 to 20
percent of the total cases and an-
other 1 2n 90 nr nnt may he

terest in the

Astypalaea, which

Voters Deny

Annex Move
Voters yesterday turned down a
plan to annex a 117-acre area in
Pit++il rn wn rhmin t+ Ann Arnram

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