3W 0.. A View o the Growing University What New Problems Will Be Cr Continued from Page Three the same time a result'of such a f breakdown. This lack of commit- ment is expressed in a general lack of interest in the Faculty Senate, and in a faculty value-system. which places departmental affairs well above all-campus affairs. The Place of Alumni at the How Great Is Their Influence and How Is Their Value Shown? eated ? By Robert Junker It would appear that the extra- classroom life of the student pro- vides the most fertile field for the development of a philosophy of the University that c r o s s e s college lines. Housing and student activi- ties are organized on a University- wide basis. But student life does not seem to ieflect a pervasive educational goal, primarily be- cause it is often administered on a day-to-day basis rather than on a long-range, self-conscious plan. The educational effects of the Michigan House Plan for residence halls are dubious, largely because the majority of these halls were built under pressures for space rather than in response to a com- prehensive notion of their poten- tial learning value to those living in them. Affiliated housing is, be- cause the individual character of its units, less susceptible to a per- vasive educational goal. Student activities function with- out a coherent policy from faculty { and administration regarding their educational role. Though adherence to a unified :>}w educational program in both hous- ing and student activities, the Uni- versity can affect the student in his role as student rather than as1 a member of a specific school. In order to function successfully, the University must utilize the extra- curricular life of its students to promote goals that are related to its academic ones. WI LKINSON Daily 9 to 5:30, Monday 'Tit 8:30 Metal Covered Lockers IN THE last analysis, a univer- sity is not a college. It is by defi- nition much more, and the educa- tion which it provides its students .:-. . ... ought to be more than a highly specialized, limtedone If the University-its students, t. faculty, administrators-is content ... to remain only a collection of de- partments, schools, and colleges (which in themselves may be ex- cellent) it has lost all right to call itself a university. If colleges and schools are not taken into the pat-" tern of an all-University educa- tional purpose, they too may suffer the consequences of isolation in a decline in their own quality.: To energize the elements of the University into a functional en- tity,. all members of the com- munity must make a determined effort to establish and articulate the bases for comprehensive uni- - versity education. Only if this self- conscious examination is under- taken, will the University retain and improve its standing as a eat . educational institution. Men's Honoraries at Michigan: Their Values and Drawbacks WHAT GOOD are alumni, any-i way? "The. value, the real measure of1 an institution, can be seen in its alumni," Harold M. Wilson ofN the Alumni Association declares.I "Alumni are its product. The good that they are doing for the world is what counts; they shouldt not be viewed by an institution as dollar signs." .- "Their most important job isI influencing the public's view to-1 ward the University," Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A.7 Lewis says. "This influence ex- tends to prospective students, legislators and the public at large. "T E PREPONDERANT alumni viewpoint is concern for the University in an academic sense. They take great pride in the tra- dition and standing of the Uni- versity. By and large, their con- cern is not with the fringe things like football." "We have the greatest alumni I've ever seen," Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisler declares. "They have a wholesome interest in athletics, enthusiasm and loy- alty. "Our alumni don't cause much trouble; they're not hell-raisers. Their criticism is generally con- structive, and welcome. Alumni are a lot less trouble here than they were at the other three schools at which I've worked." "Alumni are a great help to the University; they are the grad- uate members of the University community," Dean of Men Walter B. Rea declares. "There is quite a family spirit in the alumni group." T E ALUMNI are pictured as a helpful group and are consid- ered by the University as mem- Robert Junker is outgoing Daily city editor. He is a sen- ior in the literary college ma- joring in English. -0 NO W is the time to STORE your WINTER GARMENTS Returned fresh and clean at the end of the season. bers of the Michigan community. They are a large group-185,000 living, 5,000 being added per year. They are scattered all over the world, and in all professions and walks of life. And as a group they have been successful: the University has the third highest number of graduates in Who's Who; has produced three times the number of leaders in the automobile industry (source: "Au- tomotive News") as the next high- est school, Harvard; numbers five current United Senators and 13 Representatives among its alumni. The University has an interest- ing task in dealing with this group, for they must be made an integral part of the University while at the same time control of the University is kept firmly in Ann Arbor. The problem: How do you get alumni to contribute time and money to the University with- out allowing them to take' control away from the responsible Uni- versity bodies. THE ALUMNI have their own organization, the Alumni As- sociation. This group has its head- quarters in Alumni Memorial Hall, which it shares with the Develop- ment Council, a group operating directly under the Regents, which is in charge of fund raising from alumni sources and corporations. Alumni are tied to the University through a series of 900 alumni clubs throughout the United States and several foreign c a u n t r i e s. Membership in these clubs has de- clined in recent years, John Tir- rell, general secretary of the Alum- ni Association, notes. Tirrell believes that alumni in- terest, especially in athletics at the University, is vastly overrated. He points to conclusive evidence on this point: their reaction to the Big Ten's decision to drop out of the Rose Bowl. The "aroused" alumni communicated their feel- ings to The Michigan Alumnus, the alumni publication, or at least four of them did. Tirrell cites this as evidence that the old pennant- waving stereotype of the past is no longer characteristic of these people. They are not the aroused, fiery students of the 1920's; they are substantial businessmen or pro- fessionals, many of whom have lost interest in their institution. Tirrell emphasizes that the Alum- ni Association has to interest them in Michigan, to bring them back into the University community fold. THIS, TOO, is the job of the Development Council, both in- teresting alumni in their school and soliciting contributions. Much of this money goes into the Alum- ni Fund, which finances student scholarships, research and other local projects. I'he recent cam- paign to raise two million dollars for continuing Phoenix Project research was also handled by the Development Council. James K. Miller, assistant direc- tor of the Development Council, said that the Alumni Fund, which started in 1953, has been successful and is getting more so. Each year over 120,000 alumni are solicited for contributions to the fund. Last year, 16,302 alumni gave the Fund $389,825.48. Non-alumni gifts from corporations and individualsswell- ed the Fund to $1,598,882.18. The Development Council is attempting to broaden the base of alumni contributions. No long- er is a single donor like William Cook (the Law Quadrangle and Martha Cook dormitory) or Ar- Continued on Page Twelve With dustproof Valance. With tray. Heavy draw bolts with hasp, trunk lock. Two cowhide leather handles. One on top and one on side. 30" x 16" x 12". $795 FIBER LOCKERS Three plywood veneer box con- struction, divided tray, covering, $1 95 hard fiber, tacked fiber binding,T Sizes 31 x 17 x 13. SPECIAL JUNIOR LOCKERS For Vacations and Camp 30" metal covered with tray, draw $ 95 bolts, lock and cowhide handles .......... 32" FULL SIZE METAL PACKING TRUNKS $15.00 . plu$ tax USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN OR CHARGE ITI Also $1.00 weekly Budget Plan No Charges for Initials !L!U u G UA. 327 South Main St. Phone NO 3-4013 Convenient Rear Door Entrance From City Parking Lot Continued from Page Five Some even foresee the campus in years to come without Michi- gamua. While the latter is still con- jecture, some honoraries 'are on the way out. This is especially true of the junior honoraries. "They are completely without direction, and other than drinking and good times, they are good for nothing," an administrator says. "As it stands now they do noth- ing but perpetuate themselves." Many members of junior honor- aries have expressed discontent with. the organizations. It is be- coming increasingly difficult to keep members' interest as the year progresses, according to members' reports. Eventually these groups will cease to exist, whether it is in 10 years or 25 years. BA R R I N G a change in the trends of the past several years, honoraries in general will be los-_ ing prestige as a greater part of the students' time is occupied with study. The rah rah college days of+ the '20's are over, and honoraries will have a much more difficult time holding their place in an in- creasingly sophisticated campus. Yet the decline of honoraries will not be without loss to the Uni- versity and the student body, ac- cording to a great many observ- ers. Michigamua is reputed to have a great influence in certain areas of student affairs. It is re- ported to have either initiated or greatly aided in pressuring for a Student Activities Building, the formation of Student Government Council, student aid in raising funds for the Phoenix Memorial Project and obtaining student rep- resentation on the Development Council. The group is also said to work with the athletic department in such areas as aid for athletes. Vulcans, the senior men's honor- ary of the engineering college is said to have originated the idea for the Engineering Honors Coun- cil and Engineers Weekend. THESE groups cannot acknowl- edge or confirm these reports as it would break the traditional secrecy of their meetings. In ad- dition, these groups avoid publici- ty as much as possible, and prefer to work quietly, with as little no- tice as possible. It is only fair to believe that honoraries have done much more .w than has been reported here. The projects mentioned have taken place during the last decade. A great deal undoubtedly went on during the years before. The honoraries, then, remain an enigma. It is certainly unfair to judge them only by their contro- versial Initiation and tapping pro- cedures, for they work through the school year with no general pub- lic recognition of their existence. The two-day splurge of brick dust and cold water cannot be said to outweigh weeks and years of hard and useful work and service to the University community. Jut this does not mean that they should not improve where they now fail. The timeless beauty of - A.R"EMI Riviera stripes make exciting news in this waltz gown of Magicale batiste. Round and round they go in wavy ...x . pastel streaks to highlight one of the p'rettiest waltz gowns ever. No-iron blended batiste of Dacron-polyester .,, fiber, nylon and cotton, with nylon lace at s neck and hem for added - t " o femininity. Pink-on- - I white, blue-on- "y"' $s white; sizes 32-36 , 8 Nickels Arcade NO 2-2914 ..........-.. k fi:{ 'v 'i Viz. r Y'' t f };'. + , :+ l:' S :" "a + :% 97 $,iA .'" fyy77+ r":3 ti v v fi y,' +. w 4 ,t( 4-5 ? 1 J:} I.M "14 . !f .%I { }; G os :+? i^ :"," rot ij .. "Y 7 :;: "?' :;: i ti ':: " iu ..; t s .z - a ' :fit ' : . . BE Combines city sop with country casu< the sandal success vr."}ir{