Fac ty Senate: Its Plac By Joan Kaatz and Peter Dawson NINETY YEARS ago the Univer- sity Senate had social and literary meetings in professors' homes every fortnight. Now it has 1500 members, 200 of whom come to meetings held twice a year, and committees do most of its work. Today questions arise about the Senate: Is it effective, or is it too big? Should it be replaced with a smaller group? And, more gener- ally, does the faculty have enough voice in University policy? FIND some of the answers to these questions, a dozen pro- fessors, most of whom are active in Senate affairs were interviewed. Some of them are now members of the Senate Advisory Commit- tee, some are past members, and others are on its subcommittees. Still others are too busy with re- search and departmental business to participate at all. Most of the professors seemed to believe the Senate and faculty in- fluence on policy in general is good. They seemed to think the administration is very much inter- ested in faculty opinion. Many thought the channels for faculty expression are not being- used fully-that the Senate and its committees could be more active. Two thought it needs real reor- ganization; others took more con- servative attitudes toward this. THE SENATE, whose regular meetings are held twice a year, has a membership of all Univer- sity professors, the deans, and the executive and central administra- tive officers. Its executive commit- tee, the Senate Advisory Commit- tee on University Affairs, has 17 voting members elected by the fac- ulty from the Senate membership and meets every month. The SAC, in turn, has 15 sub- committees, each concerned with a specific subject-for example, tenure, athletic policy, medical in- surance, campus planning. These subcommittees make continuing investigations of their subjects, and submit reports and recom- mendations to the SAC, which takes them to the larger Senate meetings. Senate committees have worked actively in several areas. After the Nickerson-Davis dismissal cases in 1954, the Senate subcommittee on faculty tenure recommended sev- eral gvisions in tenure procedures and severance-pay policy, which the Regents have accepted. ANOTHER subcommittee of the SAC recently developed a new faculty medical - insurance plan that will go into effect soon. And the Educational Policies subcom- mittee provides chairmen for four subcommittees that are studying four areas of major concern: main- tenance of student quality, main- tenance of staff excellence, im- provement of instruction, and proper role of the University of Michigan in the educational sys- 'e in 'U' tem of the state. These committees' started work last fall. THE SENATE Advisory Com- mittee itself seems to be re- spected and often consulted by the Administration. Several people spoke highly of the cooperation between it and the Administration. Prof. Wesley Maurer, chairman of the journalism department, who served on the SAC for two years, commented: "The Administration considers the Senate a vital arm of the Uni- versity and draws heavily upon faculty opinion and interest. If this experience of cooperation could be shared more widely with the faculty as a whole, many fears and misunderstandings would 'be dissipated." Prof. Howard McClusky of the education school also praised the cooperation, as did Prof. J. Philip Wernette of the business adminis- tration school and departing chairman of the SAC. Some Senate committees are quite active, Prof. Arthur Eastman of the English department said, and others rarely meet. He is a member of the SAC, and is chair- man of its Educational Policies committee. The major criticism seems to be that committee members are just too busy to devote time to Senate work; : the important committee work then suffers. About 100 professors serve on Senate committees, and attend- ance at Senate meetings is usually about 200 out of 1,500. SEVERAL REASONS seem to ac- count for this small attend- ance. For one thing, Senate busi- Affairs ness is limited primarily to policies and decisions involving the whole University. Decisions close to schools and departments are often made by the units themselves, making it unnecessary for Senate to participate in them. Departmental and college com- mittee work takes a lot of time, "but we all do it since it has to be done," one professor said. "We're first of all department-cen- tered, then college-centered, then last of all University-centered." This work, together with duties of research and teaching, makes it impossible for some people to go to Senate meetings regularly or to work on Senate committees. If the University were not being run well, several people said, at- tendance at Senate meetings would soar. People would come to, pro- test about budget decisions, tenure, athletics-whatever they thought had gone wrong. "FOUR OR six hundred mem- bers wouldn't be surprising if there was a really controversial issue," said Prof. Ferrel Heady of the Institute of Public Adminis- tration, present secretary of the Senate. But, as Prof. Wernette said, "This is a well-run Univer- sity." And, finally, not everybody seems to know what the Senate's Continued on Page Thirteen Joan Kaatz is Daily maga. zine editor and a journalism major. Peter Dawson is a his- tory major and outgoing Daily associate city editor. Both are seniors in the literary collegf. Duties of he University Pre A Changing Concept of Administration Continued from Page Nine the daily functionings of all facets of the University which enabled a President Angell to exert such a powerful force in activating the University. None of this is intended to say that those in the University who deal with administration are una- ware of this problem. They are worried about it and have taken steps to try to solve it, but their efforts are faced with a continual- ly expanding University and the physical limitations of the human being. But no one man, unless a genius both as a thinker and as a man of action, can now handle effectively all the demands made upon the University President. T H E R E F OR E the important question becomes: How can the President's job be defined such that the necessary functions of a modern president are assured, yet such that the intellectual and moral leadership which the Uni- versity needs so badly is not sacri- ficed. In answer to this question, the University has embarked on a "decentralization program," in which many of the responsibilities once historically associated with a President are delegated to the deans of the several schools and colleges. For example, the deans are largely responsible (with the advice of their faculties) for the selection of new faculty members. They usually make their request for money to the President, but once they receive the allocation, they are largely free to do with it as they wish.- And most important, today much of the moral and intellectual leadership in the University, once entirely the preserve of the Presi- dent, is now largely to be taken over by the various deans. IS IS not to mean that now1 there is no overall, University- wide leadership. For the President meets continually with the deans, both as individuals and as a group, and there he can exert the not inconsiderable force of his personality, position and outlook to give the deans collectively a fluence on the deans and in over- all policy formation, evidences of it-in definite statements or pro- grams-are infrequent. ALL THIS leaves the University still in a real quandary: how to obtain the overall leadership need- ed to energize the entire University to an awareness of its goals and a committment to them, in an in- stitution 'which is becoming so large and intricate that such lead- ership may be impossible to attain. One possible solution is to de- velop a method by which the, deans could address or meet informally the students in their schools. Ad- dresses to an individual school by its dean have not, except for the more rigidly professional schools, been much explored at the Uni- versity. Such direct, personal con- tact might well be the first step toward a more pervasive guidance and leadership than the deans are presently showing. Unless there is considerable change in the near futur'e, it ap- pears that decentralization offers at best only a partial solution to the problems of the University's Presidency. It might even lead to increased fragmentation of leader- ship if the deans continue to limit their functioning to the more nar- rowly defined spheres of adminis- trative leadership and do not more fully reflect to the students and faculty the pressures of the Presi- dent's overall leadership. IN ANY case, it is clear that the problem of leadership in a het- erogeneous and large University community is still far from solu- tion. The existence of the prob- lem is the fault of no one save time and the passage of events. Its solution may well be a neces- nity for continued excellence at the University, and rests directly in the laps of the present adminis- I tration. . . . and then there is always publicity UI general orientation which they in turn should pass on to the stu- dents and faculty. "The President must multiply himself by means of the deans," according to President Hatcher. "The President can't be the only educational leader in the Univer- sity, because the job is just too complex. I see myself as a sort of presiding director over a board of presidents (deans) of each of the separate schools and colleges." Generally, University-wide poli- cy is determined by the President, in communication with the deans. Then it is the deans' function to give to their separate schools the leadership once characteristic of the University president. Only in such a way, is it asserted, can any direct leadership be extended to the average student or faculty member, while stome degree of University-wide continuity of goals is retained. IN THEORY, this system sounds fine. But in practice certain problems appear. PLAY iT CooL-" PLAY IT SMART In cool, Smart Today it seems that either the deans are generally unaware of their functions in this sphere of moral and intellectual leadership or they have not selected the most effective ways to exert it on the students and faculty. For students almost universally have very little personal contact with their deans. When asked whether he felt his dean offered any of the personal leadership t h e decentralization plan was expected to provide, one student answered, "Personal lead- ership, hell. I don't even know the guy's name." Such a comment appears to get to the real crux of the matter of deans, for the average student sees the dean of his particular school not at all during his academic ca- reer. The only time he goes into the dean's office-and then usual- ly to see an assistant dean-is when he gets into some sort of trouble. And the degree of lead- ership a dean can give to the stu- dent body through such means is limited. Rare indeed is the dean who makes a direct effort to make per- sonal contact with the students of his school. Instead, the deans seem more content to act like small scale University presidents, busy- ing themselves in administrativ duties that are often impersona (except where the faculty is con- cerned), and which, because of pressures of time or lack of inter- est, make the normal and intellec- tual leadership the deans are sup- posed to exert largely non-existent And if there is to be any degre of University-wide orientatior emerging from the President's in- U.S. KEETTE S Fashion-wise, fun-loving American beauties delight in U.S. KEDETTES-top favorites for smart style and fabulous fit. And this season's new U.S. KEDETTEs are so captivating, colorful, chic, you'll want a whole wardrobe full. Cool, oh-so-comfortable. Completely washable, of course. All in M and N widths, and a wondrous variety of styles and colors. See them today! -- - KT Sleek, classic shell distinguished by an exciting multi-color screen print. (Lis The Faculty Senate's Place In the Campus Community >i f, s. f i I e .l f ;. e . 529-531 MichigonI I 6 t avaulAme colors. j STEP UP to spring and summer in a smart, cool, comfortable wash and wear suit. BE SURE it's 75% Dacron, 25% Cotton C a 3 995 F O'LtINE A sleek, flatterin pump of crisp sailcloth, with a Jaunty straw bow. (List available colors.) Beige, white, blue, yellow. .. $3.98 Tan, orange and multicolor stripe . . $3.98 FOOTWEAR 516 EAST LIBERTY STREET Continued from Page Four activities are. One professor said with a grin, "You're writing about the Senate? I'd love to know what it does!" To get more professors involved in Senate affairs, many means can be tried. Prof. Edward L. Page of the engineering school made a suggestion in the December issue of Senate Affairs, a newsletter de- voted to discussion rather than news. PROF. PAGE suggested that no classes be scheduled between 4 and 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Then, he said, there could be committee meetings one week, college faculty meetings another week, Senate meetings a third, and so on. This would probably help reduce peo- ple's conflicts with meeting times, but there are some professors who would still use this time for aca- demic and departmental work. More frequent use of marl vot- ing has been suggested as a way to get a better representation of faculty opinion. It would be well to supplement this plan, perhaps with debates .at college faculty meetings, since debate at Senate meetings" often changes people's minds. Another professor said he wished there was a really good, "spirited" faculty club. With a pleasant fac- ulty club and real interest in it on the part of professors, informal I communication would probably in- crease considerably. The Administration has shown a willingness to cooperate in es- tablishment of this club if the professors would indicate they'd invest in bonds to build the club and then support it with dues. Continued on Page Fifteen Continued from Page Twelve alumnus wants the boy on his block, or his son, to attend the University and lobbies for him. These requests for admission are turned over to the Admissions Of- fice and are handled along with all the other cases. No alumnus can get or keep a bad candidate in the University,,it is claimed. But, at the same time, this does not keep them from trying. Rec- ommendations from well-known alumni can be the deciding factor in admitting a student, one ad- ministrator said. It is expected that alumni pressure in admis- slions will rise if enrollment, es- pecially out-of-state enrollment, is further limited. As fewer stu- dents, proportionately, are ac- cepted at the University, children of alumni, or the kid down the. block, will be among those to suffer. Alumni pressure in athletics is also claimed to be small. Crisler said. he is given much help and- little trouble by alumni. There are few attempts made by alumni to force coaches to play certain men on their teams. Extra-legal foot- ball player payola is unknown. WHAT CAN happen when alum- ni are allowed to get out of hand in the athletic realm is shown in the recent turmoil at Indiana. The school received a four year penalty from the National Colle- giate Athletic Association. This was partially caused by over-zeal- ous alumni who illegally boarded or transported athletes, against KCAA rules. Alumni at the Uni- versity are either poorer, nicer, or Continued on Page Fourteen ';1 The Place of the Alumni At an Expanding School I . 1i I State Street on the Campus (SEE OUR FLOOR DIsPLAY EACH NIGHT) I THE MICHIGAN. DAILY MAGAZINE WEDNESDAY, MAY2, 1960