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May 25, 1960 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-25

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THE "araa aha(t AN LlATT.

egents To Get Faculty Promotion Recommendations

Promotions for 182 members of
ie University faculty will be
commended to the Regents at
ieir June budget meeting, Uni-
rsity President Harlan Hatcher
Included are 53 promotions to
le rank of fulliprofessor, 64 pro-
.otions to associate professor and
5 to assistant professor.
Appointed to professor in the
terary college were: Richard K.
eardsley, Albert C. Spaulding
idJames. N. Spuhler of the an-
iropology department; William.
Benninghoff and Elzada U.
lover of the botany department;
ichard B. Bernstein of the chem-
try department; Harvey E. Bra-
r and William B. Palmer of the
onomics department; Kenneth
. Rowe and Robert H. Super of
e English department; James H.
umberge of the geology depart-
ent; Frank X. Braun and Clar-
ice K. Pott of the German de-
Also named were Gerald S.
Town of the history department;
ames M. Plumer of the Far East-
n studies department; William J.
wveque of the mathematics de-
wtment; George F. Hourani of
.e Near Eastern studies depart-

Y _

ment; Inis L. Claude, Jr. of the
political science department; John
W. Atkinson Robert L.Kahn, Wil-
bert J. McKeachie and Daniel R.
Miller of the psychology' depart-
ment; Robert L. Politzer of the
romance language department;
Thomas G. Winner of the Slavic
language department; Leslie Kish
of the sociology department; and
Robert R. Miller of the Zoology
Those named to professorships
in the engineering college were:
Guiseppe Parravano, Jack A. Bor-
chardt, Louis F. Kazda, Joseph
E. Rowe, Philip O. Potts, Herbert
H. Alvord, and Paul F. Zweifel.
Proposed new Medical School
professors are: Saul Roseman of
the biological chemistry depart-
ment; Dr. Winthrop N. Davey and
Dr. Ivan F. Duff of the internal
medicine department; Samuel J.
Behrman and Dr. Tommy N, Evans
of the obstetrics and gynecology
department; Dr. Stuart M. Finch
of the psychiatry department; and
Anatol Rapoport of the mathe-
matical biology department.
In the architecture college,,
James D. Prendergast was pro-,
posed for a professorship.l


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R. Lee Brummet of the account-
ing department and Stewart H
Rewoldt of the marketing depart-
ment were named for professor-
ships in the business administra.
tion school. Other faculty mem-
bers proposed to professorship
were: Dr. Paul Gibbons and Dr
Joseph T. Hartsook ,of the den-
tistry school, Warren A. Ketchar
of the education school, Joseph J
Firebaugh of the Flint College
English department, Alva C. Case
Robert Courte and William H
Stubbins of the music school, G
Robinson Gregory (George Willi
Pack Professor of Resource Eco-
nomics) and Alva A. Marra of the
natural resources school and Edith
G. Morgan of the nursing school.
Named to associate professor in
the literary college were: George
R. Anderson and Eva L. Mueller of
the economics department; James
R. Squires of the English depart-
ment; Martin Dyck of the German
department; Russell E. Bidlack of
the library science department;
Donald J. Higman, Nicholas D.
Kazarinoff, Robert K. Ritt, Allen
L. Shields, Charles J. Titus and
Oscar Wesler of the mathematics
department; Andrew S. Ehren-
kreutz of the Near Eastern studies
Also proposed for the literary
college professorships were George
W. Ford, Lawrence W. Jones, Rob-
ert R. Lewis, Jr., Richard H.
Sands and Kent M. Terwilliger of
the physics department; Robert L.
Pealy of; the political science de-
partment; Ward D. Edwards and
William L. Hays of the psychology
department; Jack E. Bender and
L. Lamont Okey of the speech de-
partment; and John M. Allen of
the zoology department.
In the . engineering college Joe
G. Eisley, Edward O. Gilbert, Rudi
S. B. Ong, M. Rasin Tek, William
M. Brown, Harvey L. Garner, Ed-
ward A. Martin, William B. Dick-
ens, Clyde W. Johnson and Terry
Kammash were proposed for asso-
ciate professorships.
Richard t. Potter, Dr. Keith S.
Henley , Dr. Robert D. Currier, Dr.
Jurgen R. Wolter, Theodore M.
Brody and Irving B. Fritz were
named for medical school associate
In the architecture college, Al-
bert P. Mullen and Guy J. Palaz-
zola of the art department and
Leonard K. Eaton, Herbert W.
Johe, Joseph T. A. Lee and
Stephen C. A. Paraskevopouos of
the architecture department were
proposed as associate professors.
In the dentistry school, Dr. Frank
W. Comstock, Dr. Arthur H. Cra-
ven and Dr. Herbert D. Millard
were named for associate profes-
In the education school, Stew-
art C. Hulslander was recom-
mended for an associate professor-
Alfred C. Raphleson of the psy-
chology department of Flint Col-
lege; Lelie Bassett, Robert Hord,
Alice M. Kern and Albert Luconi
of the music school; Angela J. Del
Vecchio, Norma K. Marshall and
Ruth C. Parmenter of the nursing
school; and Newton C. Loken
Dennis Rigan and Ruth E. Harris
of the physical education depart-
ment were proposed for promo-
tions to associate professor (or the
equivalent rank of supervisor).
In the public health school,
Kenneth W. Cochran, who also
was named to assistant professor
in the Medical School, Robert A.
Bowman, Benjamin J. Darsky and
Nicholas A. Milone were proposed
for associate professorships.
Proposed assistant professors in
the literary college were: William
E. Howard III of the astronomy
iepartment; Richard S. Berry,
Andrew G. Derocco and Adon A.
Gordus of the chemistry depart-

ment; Edward Engelberg and
Charles R. O'Donnell of the Eng-
lish department; Ingo E. Seidler
of the German department; Wil-
liam S. Hanna of the history de-
partment; James W. Snyder of
the history of art department;
Wilfred M. Kincaid of the mathe-
matics department; James A.
Bellamy and James Stewart-Rob-
inson of the Near Eastern studies
department; Carl Cohen of the
philosophy department; Samuel
H. Barnes and William R. Gable
of the political science depart-
ment; Robert A. Hefner, L. Rich-
ard Hoffman, Robert L. Isaacson,
George C. Rosenwald, Gerard H.
Rothschild of the psychology de-
partment; Roy J. Nelson and Ken-
neth S. White of the French de-
partment; and James N. Cather of
the zoology department.
In the engineering college, Rich-
ard V. Evans and Herman Merte,
Jr, were named for promotions to
assistant professor.
Those recommended to assistant
professorships in the Medical
School were: Maynard M. Dewey,
Donald F. Huelke and Charles L.
Votaw of the anatomy depart-
ment; Delna W. Garrison of the
bacteriology department; Dr. Flor-
ante C. Bocobo of the dermatology
department; Dr. Lee E. Bartholo-
mew, Dr. Nancy E. Furstenberg,
Dr. Robert A. Green, Dr. Josip
Matovinovic of the internal medi-
cine department; Dr. Brian F. Mc-
Cabe of the otolaryngology de-
partment; Dr. Edward J. Cafruny,
Kenneth W. Cochrane and Ger-
ald A. Deneau of the pharmacol-
ogy department; Dr. Frederick J.
Conway of the physiology depart-
ment; Dr. David W. Bostian, Dr.
Henry L. Burks, Dr. Robert A.
Moore, and Dr. Jack C. Westman
of the psychiatry department; Dr.
William Martel of the radiology
department; and Dr. Earl F. Wolf-
man, Jr., of the surgery depart-
Others named for assistant pro-
fessorships include: Irving Kauf-
man and Arthur P. Opperman of
the architecture college, Dr.
Charles B. Cartwright of the den-
tistry school, William H. Mills
and Geraldine T. Scholl of the
education school, Frank C. Rich-
ardson and Elston W. Van Steen-
burgh of Flint College.
Also listed for assistant profes-
sorships were: Wallace T. Berry
and Charles Fisher of the music
school; Lucille Cole, Wanda
Crouse, Barbara J. Horn, Doris E.
Moser, Rebecca P. Rogers and
Margaret. A. Sammick of the
nursing school; George L. Phillips
of the pharmacy college; Bettye
B. Myers of the physical educa-
tion department; and Paul M.
Giever, Hunein F. Maassab and
Francis E. Payne of the public
health school.

Board Fills
'61 Offices
Junior appointments for the
1961 Michiganensian have been
announced by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Appointees are Wanda Westrate,
'63, features editor; Susan Salter,
'63, schools and colleges editor;
Ann Hannon, '63, and Claudia
Rattner, '63, house groups co-edi-
tors; Jean Seinsheimer, '63, and
Susan Shapiro, '63, organizations
co-editors; and Tony Barnard,
'61, sports editor.
Also appointed were Paul Kry-
nicki, '62, photography editor;
Caroline Robinson, '63, house
groups copy editor; Rosalind Gans,
'61, schools and colleges copy edi-
tor; Marlene Michels, '62, organi-
zations copy editor; Joy Olsen, '63,
associate copy editor; Pat Luszke,
office manager.
Dominie Shortino, '61, is Asst.
house groups editor; Richard So-
kol, 62, Asst. organizations edi-
tor; Carole Junker,'63, and Nancy
Artinian, '62, Asst. organizations
copy editors; Merry Brown, 63,
and Fred Nahabedian, 62, Asst.
house groups editors.
Others appointed were Linda
Joel, '62, Asst. schools and colleges
copy editor; Bonnie Kleinman,
'63, assistant sports editor -- wom-
en's' division; and Michael Wilson,
'63, assistant sports editor-men's
SIBX To Hold
Book Drive
The Student Book Exchange will
collect books in the men's resi-
dence halls on June 1 and in the
women's residence halls June 2,
Fred Riecker, '63, manager of SBX
Books will also be collected dur-
ing the exam period in the base-
ment of the Student Activities
Payments will be made in cash
and students will get 90% of the
proceeds from the sale.
The books will go on sale the
week of registration and the first
week of school in the fall.
i '

Men Need
on -
"Undergraduate men who wish
to live in apartments must first
get permission from the Dean of
Men's office," Assistant Dean of
Men William G. Cross said yes-
"Practically all applications- are
approved if the landlord from
whom the applicant is renting is
approved by our office. This is to
the benefit of the student since it
assures him of an apartment
which'is certified by the Ann Arbor
city housing code.
If 'the apartment is uncertified
then permission will be denied.
If the student still wishes to rent
then the University cannot be
responsible for any, problems which
may occur.
"We also urge men, when they
sign their leases, to sign only for
their own share, so that if a room-
-mate moves out, they will not be
responsible for his share of the
rent," Cross said.
for BIKE
Bring to S.A.B. loading dock
May 23-27
4-6 P.M.

Read and Use Michigan Daily Classifieds

{ (Author of "IWas a Teen-age Dwarf","The Many
.Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.)


Today I conclude my sixth year of writing columns for the
makers of Marlboro and Philip Morris cigarettes. It has been
my custom during these six years to make no attempt to be
funny in this final column. (I have achieved this objective
many times during the year also, but never on purpose.) The
reasons for the lack of levity in this final column are two: first,
you are preparing for final exams and, short of holding you
down and tickling you, there is no way in the world to make you
laugh at this time; and, second, for many of us this is a leave-
taking, and leave-takings, I think, ought not be flippant.
If I have brought you a moment or two of cheer during the
past year, I am rewarded. If I have persuaded you to try
Marlboro or Philip Morris cigarettes, you are rewarded.
Let me pause here to express my heartfelt gratitude to the
makers of Marlboro and Philip Morris. They have given me
eomplete freedom in the writing of these columns. There has
not been the slightest hint of censorship. They have never
changed so much as one comma in my copy. I wish to take this
occasion to state publicly that I am forever grateful to these
enlightened tobacconists and I hereby serve notice that if they
find it in their corporate heart to engage me for another year
of columning, I shall require a substantial increase in salary.
The money is not what matters-not as money, that is, but
only as a token. I want to be assured that they love me as
much as I love Marlboro and Philip Morris. And what, indeed,
is not to love? Marlboro is a cigarette which proves beyond
cavil that flavor did not go out when filters came in. Philip
Morris is a cigarette that is pure mildness from lip-end to tip-
end. Both of these estimable smokes come in soft-pack or
flip-top box. Neither is ever sold in bulk.

To Feature
Award Films
Beginning tomorrow and run-
ning through Saturday, the Dra-
matic Arts Center will present a
program of avant-garde films
which have won awards at inter-
national film festivals.
Included on the program will
be "Interplay" by Peter Weiss;
"Motif" by Carmen D'Avino;
"L'Opera Mouffe" by Agnes Varda;
"Inauguration of the Pleasure
Dome" by Kenneth Anger; "The
Wonder Ring" by Stan Brakhage,
and "A Man and his Dog Out for
Air" by Robert Breer.
The program will be held at
8 p.m. in the Ann Arbor Public




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The summer lies ahead. For underclassmen summer will be
a hiatus, a breather in which to restore yourselves for next
year's resumption of busy college life. For seniors there will
be no more college. You must not, however, despair and abandon
yourself to idleness. There are other things to do in the world
besides going to school-basket weaving, for example, or build-
ing boats in bottles, or picking up tinfoil, or reading "War and
Peace." Many graduates fall into the erroneous belief that their
lives are over when they leave college. This is not so. It is
possible to make some sort of life for yourself with a bit of
ingenuity ... or, if that fails, dye your hair, change your name,
and'enroll at some other college.
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