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May 25, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-25

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See Page 4

Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy with chance
of thundershowers in afternoon

VOL. LXX, No. 168




House Considers
Construction Bill
Rabaut Sees 'U' CyclotronaRequest
'As Safe as Can Be' for Passage




'P roblem





The House of Representatives considered the public works bill
yesterday and "the University cyclotron appropriation request looks
as safe as can be," Rep. Louis C. Rabaut (D-Mich.) indicated.
The bill was not voted upon yesterday as had been expected,
Rabaut added, because a motion was made requesting a, roll-call vote
to recommit the bill back to the House appropriations committee to
reconsider the Kensu Dam request.
"It will not go back to committee; the chances are too slim," he
said. Rabaut expects that the bill will be voted upon and passed by
noon today. The bill will be sent
to the Senate appropriations sub-
committee immediately.
"Chances are very good that the
cyclotron proposal will be passed
by the Senate this term, if it al-
ready has been passed by the
House," Sen. Dennis Chavez (D-
N.M.) said.
If Congress approves the cyclo-
tron proposal, the University will
begin construction of a $1 million
building to house the new medium
energy-cyclotron along with the
cyclotron that is now in use.
The Regents approved the ask-
ing of bids at their monthly meet-
ing Friday. The bids will be con-
sidered at the July meeting.
Three years ago plans had been
made to move the present cyclo-
tron and a synchrotron to a new
building where these devices could
be used with less chance for radia-
tion hazard. The physics depart-
SIR GEOFFREY CROWTHER ment then decided to stop using
...commencement speaker the synchrotron and decided to re-
quest appropriations for a new
lan S pcyclotron from the Atomic Energy
alSDeeelh Commission.
The request for $1.8 million to
build the cyclotron and its instru-
B row tl er mentation was originally given to
the AEC in January 1958. The re-
quest was favorably received by
Sir Geoffrey Crowther, former the physics division. The request
editor of "The Economist," will did not go any further because the
be the principle speaker at the state Legislature had failed to
one hundred sixteenth annual provide funds for a building for
June Commencement exercises. the cyclotron.
"Two Heresies" will be the title This year indication was given
of his speech during the exercises that building funds would be pro-
on June 11. vided by either the state or by the
At the exercises, the University University. However, the AEC
will honor Crowther, chairman of budget committee dropped the
the Central Advisory Council for idea because the President was
Education in England, with a doc- putting a squeeze on government
tor of laws degree. appropriations.
Crowther, who became editor of Last month, University repre-
the newspaper while only 31 years sentatives and Rep. George Mead-
olh, nsapherEonystr ersmer (R-Mich.) went to the House
l,00 irThe Economist riseun appropriations committee and re-
h0,000acirculioquested that the cyclotron pro-
Ceebrated Paper posal be added to the AEC budget.
CTh e bonmte unerSi


Air Force
United States launched an experi-
mental Midas "spy-eye" satellite
into orbit yesterday, opening a new
chapter in the race for space.
The 2.5 ton satellite will test the
feasibility of using orbiting space
stations to provide almost instant
warning of a ballistic missile at-.
The satellite, first of its kind In
the world, was boosted aloft from
this missile test center at 12:37
p.m., (EST) by a powerful 88-foot
Atlas-Agena rocket.
Reaches Orbit
Two hours later, shortly after
United Nations reconvened to re-
sume the U-2 spy debate, the Air
Force announced the mammoth
Midas was spinning around the
It was unable immediately to
give the precise' position in orbit
because of a malfunction in track-
ing computers at the satellite test
wing at Sunnyvale, Calif.
The data from the satellite radio
was hand-computed and officials
announced later that Midas was
in a near - circular orbit that
ranged from an apogee of 316
miles and perigee of 300 miles. It
circles the earth every 94.34 min-
Transmitters Work
Lt. Col. Henry Riepe, Midas pro-
ject director, said radio trans-
mitters in the 22-foot long space
messenger are working perfectly.
The "spy - in - the - sky" was
equipped with an infra-red scan-
ning device capable of instan-
taneous spotting and reporting of
the launching of a hostile ballistic
The first test satellite was not
aimed at a course which would
take it over Russia. Its path covers
all territory 28 degrees north and
south of the equator.
Midas' practice mission is to test
its equipment with giant sodium
flares to be ignited at Edwards Air
Force Base, Calif., and on rocket
launchings at Cape Canaveral and
Vandenberg, AFB, Calif.
The first flare will be fired on the
ground within a few days.
Begins Series
Within two years, a series of six
or eight Midas satellites parading
and flying through space are ex-
pected to provide complete and
constant scanning of the earth's
By flashing the alam at the
blastoff of enemy missiles, they
would give the United States 30
minutes to prepare for nuclear
bombardment, to send retaliatory
rockets on the way and to get per-
sons into shelter.
The launching is almost certain
to make its mark in the United
Nations, where Russia seeks con-
demnation of the United States
as an aggressor for spying on So-
viet territory with the U-2 plane
downed on May Day. America de-
fends such flights as necessary to
detect Soviet military buildup be-
hind the Iron Curtain.

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-David Giltrow
Tom Turner, Daily Editor

City Editor
Daily editor Thomas Turner
leads two rather disorganized
Sitting amid scattered papers
at the table in his apartment
eating a hastily-prepared din-,
ner, Tom does not. appear to be
the same neatly dressed, suave
Daily editor who visits Regents
meetings periodically.
Behind his Daily desk littered
inches deep in memos to him-
self, newspaper clippings which
have caught his eye and letters
from college editors across the
country, Tom spent the year
directing the operations of the
On the Run
His typical 10-hour day had
him running, from class to the

Student Publications Bldg. and
around campus to visit student
leaders, administrators and fac-
ulty men. Within the Daily it-
self his time was spent answer-
ing letters, solving , the small
crises which arose every half-
hour or so, answering a myriad
of questions, and attempting to
formulate policy amid the chaos
around him.
Tom held the unusual view
(for a Daily editor) that it was
the editor's job to run the news-
paper. Most of his time was
spent doing just that. Inside
the building, he served as the
appellate court for the staff,
supervised the content of each
issue and kept the total opera-
tions of the paper firmly under
This concept of the editor-

Low Appropriation
Offset.b Fee Raisc
Increased Budget Provides for Ris
In Faculty Pay, Library Spendin
University administrators yesterday considered the mE
jor problems and questions faced in the past year-amor
them admissions, growing space and the legislative apprc
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehu!
named the "inadequate" legislative appropriation and tb
University budget as the most pressing problem of last yea
But the University now has an operating budget "w
can live with,", Niehuss added. The student fee increasi
approved by the Regents at their last meeting, boosted th
University's operating budget, -

ship cut down Tom's visiting
time - he was not in the Ad-
ministration' Bldg. as often as
his predecessors. But he still
found time to discuss the future
of the University with Univer-
sity Vice-President Marvin Nie-
huss or the foreign student
problem with ISA president M.
A. Hyder Shah.
Voting a consistently liberal
ticket as an ex-officio member
of SGC, Tom strongly supported
the Southern Negro students
who lined the lunch counters to
gain the right to equal service.
His motion to send letters of
protest from the Council to
Southern governors brought the
Council nation - wide publicity
and helped to increase the
strong national student sym-
pathy with the strikers.
See TOM, Page 2

composed basically of the leg-
islative appropriation and stu-
dent fees, to $46.2 million for
This is $3.6 million more than
last year's budget.
The extra amount allows a
"little loosening up on the bud-
get," Niehuss said..
"It is not by any means a
growth budget, but it does pre-
serve our position."
More than 60per cent of the
$3.6 million added to the budget
will be used for faculty salaries
on "an individual, selected, though
widespread basis," Niehuss said.'
To Buy Book
Part of the amount will be used
for books and cataloguing.
The University has been spend-
ing approximately $2 million an-
nually, just under 5 per cent of
its total budget, for the libraries;
and books and services "have not
been what they should," Niehuss
Approximately $100,000 of the
additional $3.6 million has been
set aside for improved plant
The University's need for more
space also was and is a serious.
"We did finally get a start on a
building program (the Institute-
Physics-Astronomy Bldg. for which
plans are being drawn up). It's
not a very big one, but it's im-
Admission a Problem
Another "troublesome, pressing
and difficult" problem in the past
year has been University admis-
The University can expect the
largest freshman class in its his-
tory this fall, Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis
The class should number ap-
proximately 3,200, which is 100
more than this year's.
The admissions question ob-
viously become increasingly dis-
turbing not only on a national but
on a University level, Lewis said.
The tuition increase set at Fri-
day's Regents' meeting will .apply
to the summer session of 1960,
Harold Dorr, dean of state-wide
education and director of the
summer session, said.
The previous summer session
fee of $70 for instate students
and $150 for outstate students
will be increased to $80 and $195

"The Eooituder Sir
Geoffrey became a paper cele-
brated, for its exposition of the
economic facts of the day that
was clear, precise and ruthless,
and for its forceful advocacy of
the policies its editor thought
were right," The London Observer
In spite of the fact that he won
an honors degree in two subjects
at Cambridge University, the Ob-
server added, "he did not pre-
tend to be an academic economist,
choosing to apply economic prin-
ciples to political problems of the
. week."
Board Director
A director on the ,Board of the
Encyclopedia Britannica, he has
written five books, including an
analytical study of the New Deal,
in cooperation with the other edi-
tors of The Economist.
After his education at Caim-
bridge, Crowther also studied at
Yale and Columbia Universities as
a Commonwealth Fellow from
1929 to 1931.
He has been awarded honorary
debrees by Nottingham College
and the University of London and
is the author of a 20-year educa-
tion expansion plan for English

To Request
Liquor Vote
Twenty-four Ann Arbor tavern
owners will begin a door-to-door
canvass of the city June 1 seeking
a vote on repeal of the prohibition
against sale of liquor by the glass.
These members of the Ann Ar-
bor Licensees' Association need
5,762 signatures on petitions to
put the issue on the November
(The figure 5,762 represents 35
per cent of the number of electors
who cast votes for all secretary of
state nominees in the last Novem-
ber election-a figure determined
by state, law.)
The 24 licensees will concentrate
on one city precinct, "getting their
'baptismal fire' there," and then
become captains in the city-wide
drive, William Lolgs, spokesman
for the association, said.
The association has received
many letters so far which indicate
a favorable reaction to the pro-
posal, he added.

Human Relations Board Outlines Plan.



The work of the student Human
Relations Board for the past year
and plans for the future were out-
lined at the Board's banquet last
The Board, which works with
students, student groups, business-
men, the Ann Arbor Human Rela-
tions Commission and the Ann
Arbor Council of Churches, to re-
move discrimination in many
Notes Progress
Ellen Lewis, '60, past chairman
of the Board, noted the progress
made in the last few years in-
cluding integration of the resi-
dence halls, off-campus housing,
and the Student Government
Council motion to end discrimina-
tion in recognized campus organi-
"We have a greater responsi-

bility now than ever before," Miss
Lewis explained, "because the
variety and number of students
interested in the area of civil
rights have increased greatly. The
Human Relations Board has the
job to be a leader in demonstrat-
ing to others ways to implement
"This year the Board has be-
come a central body to which
problems are brought by individu-
als and groups asking for advice
and aid," Miss Lewis added.
Explains Functions
In explaining the Board's func-
tions, Miss Lewis also noted that
"although the University may at
times not move as quickly as the
Board would like, they are willing
to be pushed, and this is our job."
Chairman James Seder, '61, said
the Board plans to continue much
of its present work next year in

such areas as off-campus housing,
studying ways to better integrate
international students in to cam-
pus life, working with the Ann
Arbor Human Relations Commis-
sion and continuing the Board's
test case program.
Seder noted that the entire area
of human relations has been
changing. He explained that while
in former years integration in
housing and other steps to elimi-
nate discriminations were unex-
plored areas, now routine methods
for dealing with these problems
have been developed.
"The situations we must deal
with in the future are less appar-
ent on the surface," Seder said.
One important function of the
Board therefore will be an educa-
tional one to inform students and
the public as a whole of latent

Say Beeine
Due for U.S
The "law of evolutionary po-:-
tential" calls for under-developed
countries to surpass the United
States and other Western cuf~
tures, two University professors
Their recently - published book
"Evolution and Culture" explains
this "new law." The book is editedr
and Written by Prof. Elman Serv-
ice and Marshall Sahlins of the
anthropology department with .
Prof. David -Kaplan of the Uni-.
versity of Oklahoma and Univer-
sity teaching fellow Thomas Hard..
Forms Adapt
Cultures and, forms adapt to
their environs, 'both organic and
super-organic, and thus form new
characteristics which maybe
viewed as progress,' they say. On
the other hand, be becoming well
adapted, they lose their potential
for change.
Nationsevolve in the same
manner. Therefore, the United
States has 'already become stab-
ilized by its adaptation and other,
less-developed countries have a
potential for surpassing it.
The country with the best pos-
sibility for doing this, the book
says, is not Soviet Russia (which
had a "premature revolution"),
but Red China.
Strict Organization
This country has virtually noth-
ing but strict organization in gov-
ernment and undeveloped human
and natural resources. It is like a
blank sheet of paper which can
borrow the best of existing cul-
tures and write it down.
Greece and Rome have, illus-
trated this law of evolutionary
potential in the past as both rose
to cultural dominance and then
were conquered and surpassed by
less developed socities which had.
greater potential.
Why has the world developed
through chaotic revolution in the
recent century? "The Western
nations have failed completely to
comprehend the' nature of the
revolution and spread of indust-
rial civilization."
No Annihilation
The United States will not be
annihilated or overrun by this rise,
of the lesser nations of today, the
authors predict. The, possibilities
of a planned total war are slim
f or neither side would have any-
thing to gain.
Therefore, we must adjust our-
selves to helping these less fortu-
nate countries 'as much ,and as
rapidly as possible, rather than
continue to impede the industri-
alization of the rest of the world."
The United States should be-
come aristrocratic, wise, "the
teachers and models of ethics, sci-
entific reasoning and dignified
manners," the book says.
"If we share in the interests of


Becomes Adviser
Shortly after his formal educa-
[on, Crowther became economic
dviser to the Irish Bank's stand-
ng committee in 1932, the same
,ear that he joined' "The Econo-
By 1938, Crowther had become
ditor. During his editorship, he
dvised the wartime Ministries of
nformation, Supply and Produc-
layden WinS
ilver Award
The Alice Bogdonoff Silver Ed-
orial Award has been given to
cting Daily Editor Thomas Hay-

Lewis, Hunter Trace Careers in Show Business

"The effectiveness of films as contrasted to live theatre differs in
certain areas," Kim Hunter decided.
She was drawing on her experience in "Streetcar Named Desire,"
the Tennessee Williams' drama which she played on Broadway and
in Hollywood.
Panoramic scenes, such as fights, were more effective, on stage,
she said. The film was also a little inadequate in the scene in which
Blanche appears under the bare hanging light bulb, because it was
unable to capture the "rawness" of the scene.
Communication Effective
But communication of emotion through facial expression, for
example, was much more effective in close camera scenes, she added.

"I attended the University because it was far from my home in
New York," Robert Q. Lewis said.
A more important reason, he added, was the University's excellent
radio department, under the direction of Waldo Abbott.
Lewis got much of his experience broadcasting special University
programs over regular Ann Arbor and Detroit stations because "when
I was here there was no WUOM or University radio station."
Reminisces About U'
Lewis reminisced about his University acquaintances when he
was a student in the speech department about 19 years ago.
He mentioned Richard McKelvey, now in the English depart-
ment, who used to ran the Children's Theatre. He also remembered
Prof. William Halstead who is still in the speech denartment. and

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