Ask Russia for Return Of Air Force Army Head Takes Up Negotiations Nine Occupants Safe In East Germany BERLIN ()-The United States asked the Russians yesterday for the immediate return of nine Americans and their United States Air Force C-47 that strayed Fri- day into Communist East Ger- many. The Russians had announced the plane was forced down by the Soviet military. Gen. Clyde D. Eddleman, United States Army Commander in Eu- rope, took up the case with Gen. x. X. Yakubovsky, Commander of Soviet Forces in East Germany. Hours later, there still was no Russian response. Lands Safely TLe Soviet liaison mission re- ported the plane landed safely and that the occupants, eight men and a woman who, were flying from Copenhagen to Hamburg, West Germany, were in Russian hands. A Soviet embassy spokesman said he could give no details as to how the plane was forced down - whether by jet fighters or ground gunners. It was the second time in three weeks that Soviet sources an- nounced the downing of an Amer- ican plane behind the Iron Cur- tain. The first was United States pilot Francis G. Powers' Lockheed U-2, whose ill-fated May Day re- connaissance flight deep into the Soviet Union led to the collapse of the Paris Summit conference. Khrushchev's Explanation The C-47, according to Soviet authorities, was forced down just as Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev was getting ready for a new ex- planation in East Berlin of what happened in Paris over the U-2 incident. News of the second plane per- mitted Khrushchev to mention it in an offhand way Friday after- noon before a yelling and ap- plauding crowd of East German Communists. He said the Ameri- cans had sent many planes over Soviet territory "and they are do- ing it right now." Morale Flight The plane was carrying Air Force personnel on what the Air Force called a morale flight, a rest and recreation trip. Previous flights had gone to Italy, Germany and such places; this was the first to Copenhagen. The C-47 took off from Copen- hagen for Hamburg at midday Friday on a route close to the Iron Curtain. Air Force weather- men reported thunderstorms in the Baltic, though a spokesman for the West German. Navy Air Rescue Squadron said the weather was clear at the time. AGGRESSION CHARGES: Herter Calls Strategy Parley WASHINGTON (M)-Top United States policy makers yesterday shaped up a defense which they predicted would shatter Russia's charge that the United States is guilty of aggression by its plane flights over the Soviet Union." Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, flying in from the ill- starred Paris summit conference, promptly .called a strategy session on how to combat the Soviet alle- gations which will be laid before the United Nations Security Coun- cil tomorrow. Among those sitting in on the U.S. Navy Calmly Evaluates Soviet Submarine Threat n (EDITOR'S NOTE: While most of the current defense debate has centered on ballistic missiles, there is growing alarm in and out of Congress over the apparent Russian underwater threat to United States control of the seas. Here's an as- sessment based on a series of Inter- views with top naval strategists in the Pentagon.) By BEM PRICE Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer WASHINGTON - The submar- ine road to Russia is a two-way street. Belated realization of this is focusing increased attention on the fact the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are no longer great de- fensive barriers. They provide hidden highways for potential enemies. Much also has been made of the fact there are more submar- ines--450-in the Russian fleet Farley Hits Stev..enson NEW YORK MP) - James A. Parley yesterday called upon the forthcoming Democratic national convention to "condemn and re- pudiate" Adlai E. Stevenson's crit- icism of the Eisenhower Adminis- tration over the U-2 spy plane incident. Parley, former Democratic Na- tional Chairman, accused Steven- son of "attempting to use the incident to 'sledge-hammer and crowbar' another disastrous nomi- nation for himself as the apostle of appeasement out of the Demo- cratic Party." Stevenson, the party's presi- dential nominee in 1952 and 1956, had said that Premier Nikita Khrushchev of Russia wrecked the summit conference but -that the United States gave him the sledge- hammer and crowbar to do it.' Parley said "the unwarranted attack" by Stevenson "on the President's conduct of the summit negotiations in my opinion in no way represents the thinking of the Democratic Party." Parley called on Democrats "to keep the symbol of our party the Democratic mule and not Steven- son's umbrella." than there are active warships-- 383--in the United States Navy. Implicit in the alarm these con- siderations generate is the specter of the United States isolated and beset from the sea. Is this alarm justified? Calm Observation Perhaps the best answer is that the United States Navy views the threat with considerable calm. There are two major factors in the Navy's lack of nervousness over the apparent Russian ad- vantage: 1. The Russian Navy as it now stands was built to World War II standards and designed to fight a conventional war of defense and attrition. 2. The United States Navy can- not now forsee a situation in which the surface ships would be pitted against submarines as they were in World War II, except in limited war situations-and these would not involve Russian man- ned submarines. Limited War At the moment, the United States Navy is far more concerned over its ability to meet simultan- eous, limited war crises in two oceans with an overage, steadily shrinking fleet. Seven years ago the total United States fleet consisted of 1,129 ships. Now there are 817--and no guarantee against further reduc- tions. Eighty per cent of the Navy's ships were built during or prior to World War IL The Navy places the useful life of a ship at be- tween 16 and 20 years. At the present replacement rate, the United States Navy will be about half its present size in 10 years. Increase Needed These facts worry top Navy of- ficers because as the character of the Russian fleet changes-and intelligence reports indicate it is acquiring a thermonuclear war capability - the Navy's defense capabilities must be greatly in- creased with new ships and new equipment. As experts unofficially see it the missions of the two navies, Russian and United States, axe different. With her present fleet Russia seeks nothing more than control of adjacent waters while the United States needs to main- tain control of the seas. I'" 94P Efri1mx Mi Second Front Page Sunday, May 22, 1960 I I Page 3 r DIPLOMAS DAZZLE ? us f!l' "M .Al I f I tLike "old grads" everywhere, Commencement Day makes our soirits soar. To celebrate we've i 11'11 "'rY" II i I