THE MICHIGAN DAILV SUNDAY, MAY 22f THE M!CRIE~AN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 22, 'REDHEAD': Northland To Open Season with Musical GEORAMA: Museum Adds Exhibit Of Land Formations By BEATRICE TEODORO Kenneth Schwartz, founder and producer of Northland Playhouse, has announced its 12-play sum- mer schedule. Stars scheduled for Northland include Shelley Winter, G y p s y Rose Lee, Joan Fontaine, Don Ameche, Sam L e v i n e, Vivian Vance, Paulette Goddard, Darrin McGavin, and Diana Dors. For the first time in five seasons, musicals will be presented on the Northland stage. The first, "Red- head" starring Gretchen Wyler, will inaugurate the s e a s o n on Monday June 13 and run until Sunday, June 20. The comic mystery ran a record of 453 Broad- way performances with Gwen Ver- don as star, and won the "Tony" award as the best musical of the 1958-59 season. 'Lucy' Star "There Goes the Bride" starring Vivian Vance of "I Love Lucy" television fame, will open the sec- ond week, June 21 through June 26. The comedy by George Op- penheimer was originally titled "Here Today" when it was pro- duced in New York in 1932. At the time it was produced, it was gene- rally accepted that two of the principal characters were modeled after Dorothy Parker and the late Robert Benchley. Oppenheimer has also written thirty scripts for the television "Topper" series. Joan Fontaine stars in "Susan and God," which will play June DIAL NO 5-6290 THREE 28 - July 3. The comedy was written by Rachel Crothers, one of the most successful women play- wrights in American theatre. She wrote 30 plays in 31 years, includ- ing "East" in 1919, which intro- duced Tallulah Bankhead to Broadway, and "Nice People" in 1921, Miss Bankhead's first Broad- way hit. The comedy - farce which left Ann Arbor last night, "The Golden Fleecing,". will play July 5-10. It will star Darrin McGavin, the "Captain Holden" of television's "Riverboat." The author of the play is Lorenzo Semple, Jr., who also adapted Jacquese Deval's "To- night in Samarkand" for Broad- way in 1955. Gypsy Rose Lee Gypsy Rose Lee will appear in one of her two summer engage- ments when she stars in "Auntie Mame," July 12-17. The comedy ran a total of 639 performances on Broadway and has been produced in most of the leading capitals of Europe. Rosalind Russell was the original "Auntie Mane in both the stage and film versions. Still to be announced is the pro- gram for July 19-24. Paulette God- dard will star the next week, how- ever, in "See How They Run," by Philip King, a London author and actor. The play ran a year in Lon- don and there is the possibility that it may be produced on Broad- way. "The G a z e b o," starring Don Ameche, will be featured August 2- 7. The film version recently ap- peared in Ann Arbor, and the Drama Season production with Robert Q. Lewis is coming soon. 'Remains To Be Seen Two of the most celebrated American comedy writers, Howard Lindsayand Russel Crouse, wrote "Remains to be Seen," which will run August 9-14, starring Diana Dors. The play has appeared on Broadway with Jackie Cooper and Janis Paige as stars. August 16-21, Sam Levine will star in "Make a Million." Levine will play the role he created on Broadway where the play ran nine months during the 1958-59 season. Academy Award winner Shelley Winters will star in "Two For the Seesaw," August 23-28. Written by William Gibson, the play ran 750 performances in New York. It is a two character play, the original actors being Anne Bancroft and Henry Fonda. Final Musical Concluding the s e a s o n is the popular "West Side Story," based on a Jerome Robbins theme and the book by Arthur Laurents. The music by Leonard Bernstein and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim have acclaimed as contemporary clas- Organization Notices Early Registration Pass Committee, SGC,, Now accepting requisitions for early registration passes for Fall, 1960 from organizations, forms available, 200 Student Activities Building. Gamma 'Delta, Lutheran Stud. Club, supper-Program, 6 p.m., Film "The Deep Well," 6:45 p.m~, May 22. Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, May 22, 2 p.m., Meet in back of Rackham (NW entrance). Life Guard Corps, Meeting, May 24 7:15 p.m., Women's Pool. Mich. Christian Fellowship, May 22, 4 p.m. Lane Hall. Speaker: Dr. H. Brandt, Clinical Psychologist from De- troit, "Foundations of Happy Living." Scabbard & Blade, Initiation Dinner, May 22, 5:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3KLMN. ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS... T1i PULITZER PRIZE AUTHOR ...AND NOW THE SCREEN IS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING: sics. The musical ran for two years in New York and returned to Broadway this year. This season will bring many im- provements on the N o r t h l a n d theatre layout. The first summer theatre to use the now-famous Geodesic dome, it will also be the first of this type to use a pros- cenium stage. Until now, the stage has ex- tended completely into the dome, limiting seating capacity and stage space. The stage now extends only six feet into the dome, allowing al- most 100 center seats to be added to the theatre capacity. All plays, with the exception of "Redhead" will open Tuesday and run through Sunday. "Redhead," the opening production, will open Monday, June 13 and continue until Sunday, June 20. Curtain times are 8:30 p.m., except Satur- day, when there are 7 and 10 p.m. performances. SUNDAY: 'U' Opens Telescope, To Public The University's 85-foot radio telescope will be open to the pub- lic Sunday, May 29. The open house for the para- bolie antenna was scheduled to give those who did not see the instrument in the fall an oppor- tunity to do so. The" first open house, at which the telescope was dedicated, met with an overwhelm- ing response. The structure was built to de- tect faint radio signals from space. Such signals may emanate from stars and galaxies and may re- veal those which as undetectable by visual methods. Admissions (EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol- lowing is a statement by James A. Lewis, vice-president for stu- dent affairs, concerning the University admission policy.) On April 26, the Daily car- ried a story in which By ro n Groesbeck, assistant director of the admissions office, discussed certain aspects of the admis- sions problems facing the Uni- versity, and particularly those which concern the admission of students from outside Michigan. It has come to the attention of the Office of Student Affairs that the student body and some members of the faculty have concluded that there has been a change in University policy with respect to admissions. This is not the case. For two years now the liter- ary college has had to limit its enrollment. Each year there has been a steady increase in the number of highly qualified stu- dents from Michigan H ig h Schools who have sought admis- sion. Groesbeck was reporting some of the questions that come to the Admissions Office as a result of steadily increasing numbers of applicants- rather than a change in policy. Other units of the University are rapidly approaching the time when pressures for admis- sion will create new problems which will need s t u d y and analysis. These considerations make it necessary that the Uni- versity examine its role and re- sponsibilities. Any basic change in University admissions policy will emerge from extensive dis- cussions betweens the various schools and the University Ad- ministration of the problems in- volved. By ROBYN McMILLAN Land formations from the blue shimmer of a tropical lagoon to the sun-blasted deserts of Death Valley, from the shadowed fjords the origin of the earth's rocks and their changing form, another of fluorescent rocks which glow under ultraviolet Ii g h t s and a third on the physical properties of minerals. of Norway to the white shimmer of a continental glacier are shown on the newest addition to the University Exhibit Museum. The .,"Georama" exhibit, which is having its first showing this weekend, shows all possible types of land formation-some 400 in all. The great geological features of every land are represented three-dimensionally. A front cross-section extends) the view into the depths of the folded into the base of moun- tains, how a volcano is fed, and how .the Palisades were formed along the Hudson River. The land formations are easily identified through a topographic map which extends across the top of the 18-foot exhibit. The Georama was laboriously created over a year's time by Museum artist George Manchard. Irving G. Reimann, d i r e c t o r, planned the Georama and re- lated exhibits in the museum's new Geology room. He said that the new exhibit contains as much basic geological information as the average introductory course in the subject might provide. It is based on A. K. Lobeck's "Pano- rama of Physiologic Types." The Georama may be seen on weekdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Visitors will see three related exhibits in the same area: one on the origin of the earth's rocks and their changing form, another of fluorescent rocks which glow under ultraviolet lights and a third on the physical properties of minerals. comprising 350 outstanding Boys, Girls, Brothir-Sistet a.Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New England. NI dl Atlantic StaUes and Canada. ... INVITES YOUR. INQUIRIES concerning summer employ. ment as Counselors, Instructors or Administrators. .... POSITIONS in children's camps, in all areas of .ctIvIi.s are available., 'Write, Phone, or Cat In Peron Association of Private Camps - Dept. C 55 West 42nd Street, OX 5-2656, New York 36, N.Y. i THE OLD TOWN SCHOOL OF FOLK MUSIC 333 West North Avenue CHICAGO 10, ILLINOIS SUMMER SESSION America's first permanent school devoted to the study of folk music and folk instruments THIRD ANNUAL, FOUR-WEEK INTENSIVE, DAYTIME, SUMMER COURSE July 5th-July 28th Taught by head of faculty FRANK HAMILTON America's leading folk instrumeptalist Write for brochure for summer day and evening classes. I .. .= AV/ TONIGHT AT 7:00 and 9:00 Rodgers and Hammerstein's: TheHappy Time.. (Directed by Stanley Kramer) with CHARLES BOYER, BOBBY DRISCOLL, LOUIS JOURDAN, LINDA CHRISTIAN SHORT: FACE OF THE SOUTH (color) ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents STARTING DIAL TODAY NO 2-6264 ~) .E~O08~~ Like 8 e PiI s: luhrocket0 na1 , e >r >, rr___ - pare: ,__ oeYensp DEAN toJ1 THMAS says: 1A , A ra'of a comedy"'It 2aM~VMFfV £ MRVN fR* P~ourno" o 4 ,1hathha d ni-Int e i-arettes. from Winston 's tamous Alter-Dienct-