'., h , ff DAILY O FFIC AL BU LETINor: Adult Probation Officer, Inspector -Purchasing Div. (June -1st-closing ,~date); Chief Medical Officer, Social DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETiN Worker (June 8th-final filing date). Federal Aviation Agency announces - ~ _____________________________ exams for: Electronic Technicials, GS- L ES " - """ '°" _ - and -9, for duty Mich., Id., Wise., -L00A1 lation on Membership in Student Or- regularities which have characterized on Fri., May 20, at 7:15 p.m., playing Doctoral Examination for Don Clif- Ill., Minn., Iowa, Mo., N.D., S.D., Neb., ganizations adopted May 4, 1960 and the proceedings of this organization in on the Diagonal near the General Li- ford Bailey, Far Eastern Languages & and Kansas. took the following action: the recent past; further, the Council brary. In case of inclement weather, Literatures: thesis: "The Rakuyoshu For further information concerning Postponed to first meeting in Sep- in no way relinquishes its responsibil- the concert will be in Hill Aud. at and Its Place in the History of Diction- any of the above positions, contact the tember consideration of delegation of ity to take disciplinary action because 8:00 p.m. The program will be played aries in Japan," Sat., May 21, 2021 An- Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin. exception for nationally groups. of alleged irregularities. The Council in three parts: contemporary American gell Hall, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. N. Bldg., Ext. 3371. Defeated an amendment to add under directs Irwin Dinn and other "officers" compositions, modern American the- Yamagiwa. P edes: "Whenin topid of recently selected to take the necessary atre music, and four popular marches. SUMMER PLACEMENT Procedures: When in the opinion of steps to insure that Artile II of the Open to the general public, Interviews: the Committee a particular group fails spsnto Insureuthat Aile I ot Doctoral Examination for Emy Mar- Friews: to comply or show good faith with this present constitution will be carried out iaoPsal, Education; thesis: "A leoric., The2. am toe o fCAp-r reatio n they namehogdfa th groupuntil a new constitution is approved. Doctoral Examination for Elton- Fen- Descriptive-Comparative Study Predict-Leon, Mich., The Toledo YMCA-intr- reuain h aeo hsgopdrJackson, Sociology; thesis: "Statusviwa9:0frmncusls. shall be made public by the Commit- Granted temporary recognition for ing Interference and Facilitation for equest: A"one year to the Polonia Club. Consistency. Vertical Mobility and Tagalog Speakers in Learning EnglishReus: Symptoms of Strett," Fri., May 20, 5607 Noun-Head Modification Patterns," Hotel Top-in-a-Bee, near Cheboygan Approved aCdtPo,1wdCrFuntios* pprPed pe)ti1 p1cedres addition, under Functions: Approved operating procedures. Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, G.StMy- es o ciom ack.rn ' -4 waiters and 2 waitresses, 21 or over. "To initiate investigation and inquiry 1960-1 calendar additions: E. Lenski. Sat., May 21, West Council Room, Rack- amp Fire Girls of Ottawa, 111.-Camp of any group as to possible violation." Women's Week sponsored by Women's Doctoral Examination for John Vin- ham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, Rob- Director at Camp Tuchabatchee. Ex- Approved addition, under Functions: League was calendared for DOctobero12- ctoraEamiatinonmforeunVianthireLto perience needed. Salary open. "Which fails to comply or show good 15, 1960. International Week, extended Thesis: "The Effects of Atom BombnmentElaHealJh, -.p ereeeeSalayThen. ,- faith with this regulation" to the sen- to include November 6, 1960. Radiation Upon the Growth of Children ritz, Chemistry; thesis: "The Synthesis Lak Bee Ress, is. tence "To make recommendations to Women's Rush sponsored by Pan- Present at Hiroshima ofn August 6, E N S IANatr y Hnderedinfmaidgand and Reactions of Sterically Hindered -co, oewirscbnmi n PresentdrazinH;randitheOAid-Catalyzedoffice girl. E!h A SOC as to disciplinary action against hellenic Association was calendared 1945," Fri., May 20, 2537 School of Pub- Hydranes; and the Acid-umer lacenthSere , on student organizations." from Feb. 17 to Mar. 5, 1961. Fie Health, 1:30 p.m. Chairman, G. o f . Rearrangement of Tertiary Aides, athetailsf eenequ ecot ,Considered and took the following_ Defeated motion to calendar Chal- liW lh1:0pmChianGH Sat., May 21, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at th umrPaeetSrie pn *Cniee adtokteoloig Dfae mointcaedrCa-Whipple.- 900 a.m. Chairman, P. A. S. Smith every afternoon from 1:0 to 5, and Fmi- action relating to amendments to "Uni- lenge Nov. 18, 19, 20, 1960. (conflict). day morning from 8:30 to 12, in D528 versity Regulations Concerning Stu- Approved allotment of $1500 for ad- of the S.A.B. Student Pubicatons Bld dent Affairs, Conduct and biscipline." ministration of the Student Bike Auc- Events Saturday Postponed consideration of amend- tion. This sum to be returned to the E Placem ent NoticesSt e t u la to s B d ment of (2), p. 11, Procedure for Reo- Council upon completion of the pro- The University French Horn En- 420 ognition to read: ject, which will be about Oct. 15, 1960. semble, directed by Clyde Carpenter, Summer School Registration AssistanceM n (2) "File copies of the national con- Adopted motion to request third floor will present a concert in connection More people are needed to work at stitution under which they plan to of Student Activities Building be open with the French Horn Clinic on Sat., the summer school registration, June function with the. Executive Committee for study purposes during the spring May 21 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. Ap- 16-18. Applications will be taken Thurs, of the Council for the inspection of final examination period through June pearing with the University group will and Fri., May 19 and 20. the Council." (Now calls for filing with 3, 1960, and that the building hours be a number of high school horn en- These applications must be obtained the Dean's office concerned). be extended until 12 midnight Friday sembles. Open to the public. from the receptionist in room 1020 Ad. Defeated motion to amend (3b), p. and Saturday of this period. Building during the hours of 8:00 a.mT 12 by addition of "particularly with Adopted motion to investigate the Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., May to 5:00 p.m. reference to the regulation prohibiting possibility of obtaining a 5c coke 21, 2 p.m., the McMath-Hulbert Ob- - -.-,h. kd membership selection on the basis of machine. servatory, Lake Angelus, Mich. Dr. . PERSONNEL REQUESTS race, color, religion,- creed, national C. Mohler will speak on "The Heights PELNEIRQET origin, or ancestry." of Spectral Lines in the Solar Atmos- State of Mich announces exams for:_ DeetdmtoEo mn S) . Ivents pFrrea" Child Care Worker, Road Construction Deer e moin t." amend (3c), p E en s ri a e re.n"de em 12, and (4), p. 6 by the addition of. a. "This advisor shall insure Insofar as Student Recital: Jean Austin, so- Doctoral 'Examination, for Martin- he is able that this group does adhere prano, will present a recitalin partial Richard Warshaw, Business Adminis- and will continue to adhere to all ap- fulfillment of the requirements for tration; thesis: "Gaining Promotional plicable University regulations." the degree Master of Music in Aud. A Support from Wholesalers under Dual Adopted a motion to postpone until on Fri., May 20, at 8:30 p.m. She will Channel Distribution: A Study in Man- the fall meeting further consideration be accompanied by James Fairleigh. 'ufacturer Marketing Policies," Sat., of the revised constitution of the Wol- Open to the public. May 21, 8th floor conference room, verine Club; further, that SGC notes The University Symphony Band will School of Business Administration, and in no way condones the great Ir- be heard in an outdoor band concert Chairman, J. D. Scott. FOLK MUSIC THE NE LOST CITY RAMBLERS Mike Seeger o Tom Paley o. John Cohen THE NEW LOST CITY RAMBLERS Mike Seeger-Tom Paley-John Cohen TONIGHT at 8:30-Michigan Union Ballroom --MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM Tickets $1.75 Friday, May 20 Tickets $1.75 ... On sale at On sale at: Union Desk .. Disc Shop . . . 518 E. William ... and at the Door UNION DESK DISC SHOP 518 E. WILLIAM OUR DINING PLEASURE e1TThe DEL RIO why not dine expertly servec ip The MICHIGAN LEAGUE .st exacting taste. offering FINE FOOD In aa ..o 2:00 Dinners,5:001o7:00 relaxing dining atmosphere SPAGHETTI - RAVIOLI - STEAKS - CHOPS - CHICKENR1D 2:0to3:00 ClosedMondays ,. pcalSre al S st a yo lpon PASTIES-made every Wednesday- CHIC N STEAK . EAUO Fe suggest that you telephoneorders taken in advanceCH KES1 A0 S" - ,o ervtos FREE DLVR -COE MONDAY A LA CARTE $.2f UP DINNERS $1.75 UP 122 W. WASHINGTON ST. Phone NO 2-9575 ce Corner Wouie -ayr oWashingtonin Ann Arbor TO WER HOTEL k west of Rackham BIdg.-NO 8-4456 5:00-9:00 P.M. daily 300 South Thayer Open All Day Sunday RESTAURANT SPAGHETTI HOUSE FOR THE FINEST IN I' ate Jyovo Luncheon & Dinner Daily Sunday Dinner IPIZZ Student specials featured daily SI ZA FRESH SEAFOOD Z tastetreat "SPAGHETTI " STEAK " CHICKEN * RAVIOLI ditional "Only Italian Spaghetti House in Town" h dish I4CARRY OUT and DELIVERY CU CG 301 E. Liberty at 5th, NO 3-7363 E U W1IqOPEN SUNDAY s : LUNCH and DINNERS Fine Salads 6' Sandwiches Q FAMOUS FOR ROAST BEEF serving WINES and BEERS from all over the world I~e''sk "s u Open from 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. 0 Closed Tuesdays Recommended by DUNCAN HINES and GOURMETo ; N"QTp=f BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE LEO PING SAYS Let's all buy Poppies today or tomorro 2045 PACKARD NO 2-1661 It will help some fellow Caterng at Your Home or Hall - Picnics Henry Turner, Prop, pho has done his duty we rved daily an to 2 P.M. zA ~s N to 4 A.M. ;0 LIVERY K .____ _A. _. /You know that the lobster you order ct ° ~~Enjoy the finest in,!o eclal pizza pie maker and WEBER'Sis fresh frorm our saltwater tank n ovens to give yoytefns Cantonese and Cantonese and We make these special preparations to P ZZQ in.Amariueu' ps .Fngu. I i