04r mtrgan 4Bat1s Seventieth Year L7! EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. RIDAY, MAY 20, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN FARRELL "We Said We'd Soon Have a Man in Space" {a r. -'~ A SIDELINE ON SGC: Calendaring Function PerformedQuel By PHILIP SHERMAN Daily Staff Writer LAST WEEK Student Government Council' quietly performed one of its most important functions: it approved the calendar of next year's major events. The calendaring function is a matter of infinite balancing, the idea being to distribute events throughout the year so as to offer a continuous program without.concentrating too many events at any one Medical Care Plan Means Increased Federal Spending OF ALL THAT HAS been written concerning the Forand Bill, one thing stands out more plainly every day-it is a hard bill to oppose. If you're a Congressman, how do you tell your older constituents that you are voting against a bill that would give them medical aid in their old age? How do you rationalize your decision to 'do this in the face of innumerable pressure groups that are pouring time and money into an attempt to push the bill through? Will your constituents or the pressure group accept without question your statement that "it would cost too much"? THESE ARE questions that have undoubtedly bothered a number of congressmen in re- cent weeks. Yet many of them have remained committed to a negative vote on this issue, mainly on the very simple premise that "it would cost too much." No one questions the desirability of the end -a comprehensive system of medical protec- tion for the aged. But what is involved here is the question of whether or not the Federal government can continually increase the num- ber of areas over which it has control. Newsn akers "A SPRING RIOT sent 1,000 horseplay- happy Princeton University students twirling and shouting through the campus and town early Tuesday ... ," the Asso- ciated Press reports. "The demonstration began Monday night after the school newspaper had written an editorial commenting on how quiet things had been lately," the account concluded. That's responsible journalism for you! --KATHLEEN MOORE As this coverage is increased, so too does the cost of running the government. And a very real fear of conservatives is that there is no end in sight for increasing government involve- ment and expenditures. To be sure, there are such things as public need and government responsibility. But there must also be an outside limit to such respon- sibilities. The proponents of the Forand Bill would say that the limit should be placed at "the next step" (or the next?), those casting negative votes would have a halt called now. ON THE FLOOR of the House of Representa- tives last July, a minor debate was carried on for about two hours. The bill in question was to provide for an extra day of vacation for federal employes when holidays fell on Satur- day. This bill obviously was not of world- shaking importance and its passage would not have affected the budget in any appreciable degree, and those who wished to see the bill passed pointed out this factor of minor ex- pense. At that point, one Representative took the floor and berated his colleagues for this attitude. In effect, he said that too many bills are pushed through the Congress because the cost is a "drop in the bucket," but that the drops can combine into a flood of expenses. THAT BILL passed, but the Forand bill is meeting much stronger opposition. The cost involved here is more than a drop in the bucket, but even this cost would probably be absorbed. The opposition comes from those who recognize that the flood of federal expense must stop somewhere and are trying to check it when and where they can. These are not men opposed to medical aid for their old folks or an extra day's pay for the federal employees, they are men who see government as an organization to provide for common needs that cannot be met by the individual, not as an all-encompassing, overly expensive master plan. --MIKE GILLMAN Q194s' - e .V.PHArkrcJ fVo5. '- WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Ike Holds Data on Spy Cases By DREW PEARSON time. Ideally, there will be enough i please most of the people most of the time. THE COUNCIL took a question- able decision Wednesday when it refused to calendar the "Chal- lenge" weekend for the same dates as Soph Show. "Challenge's"idea in asking for the date, a November weekend, was to avoid competition from a home football game. At the same time, the event would not be too close to exams when people be- gin to study. Soph Show felt any big events-a nationally known lecturer for instance-would offer undue competition. However, as it was pointed out, there are also intellectual purposes at the University, and since one would assume these are more im- portant than amateur theatrics, some notice should be given them. Al Haber promised "Challenge" would attempt to work with Soph Show to arrange a mutually sat- isfactory program, but this assur- ance was not enough. THERE IS CERTAINLY truth in the argument Soph Show had the week end first, but at the same time, it is disappointing the Council went along with this argument. It would be better to sacrifice Soph Show attendance to enable "Challenge" to take a big step towards permanently es- tablishing itself by staging the. weekend when it would not con- flict with a home football game. "Challenge" has a good pro- gram, and mayhnote be adversely affected, but it is unfortunate it is not considered of at least equal, importance to Soph Show. * * * THE COUNCIL held its annual Ad Wing banquet last night with little fanfare. Accolades were passed around, briefly. Many functions of this type are unnoticed by the campus at large, but in small ways contribute to student welfare, for without them the Council itself could not really function properly. The same goes for the related boards and com- mittees. The Willopolitan bus service, Cinema Guild, the Stu- dent Book Exchange and Bike Auction are nothing very big in themselves, but they make a con- tribution to the campus. It is in this area that SGC can do some of its best work. * # * A COUPLE OF significant items for next year's Council program are already becoming apparent. First is the Reading and Discus- sion Program, an exceedingly valuable service to SGC's constitu- ents, the campus at large. The other item, on the basis of recent Council discussion, will be a serious questioning of such cam- pus traditions as Homecoming. The Council has already chucked J-Hop as intrinsically unremun- erative. Some Council members seem to be loading up the big artillery fora serious examination of these traditional events. events of enough different types to MARYLAND: Kennedy Confident By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL SEN. JOHN F. KENNEDY (D- Mass.) disavowed Vatican con- trol - and the seriousness of a Presidential rival - as he tried yesterday to parlay a spectacular Maryland primary victory on an- other in Oregon Friday. Kennedy scoured the populous Portland area for- votes in a bid to make it two primaries in a row over Sen. Wayne ']Morse (D-Ore.). He was using old themes with oc- casional new twists. TALKING TO A golden age club -20 people turned out -Morse said that: "Kennedy is spending money for aid to the dictators of the world but I would rather use it to help the aged." Morse called for legislation to guarantee medi- cal care for all persons over 65 and to put an escalator clause in the social security law to handle inflation. Neither Kennedy nor Morse has injected into the. campaign the issue of Kennedy's Roman Catho- lic religion. But Kennedy was get- ting more questions about it from audiences, since the Vatican news- paper restated that the Roman Catholicechurch has a right to give guidance on social, and political activities. HE REPEATED that he upholds the Constitutional declaration for separation of church and state. And he said that "the President takes an oath to God, who is above the Popes and Presidents." Kennedy hammered continu- ously on his contention that Morse isn't a real contender for the Dem- ocratic presidential nomination and thus Oregonians shouldn't waste votes on their senator. He said in a statement he is sure Morse will "agree that the Maryland results have made it more unlikely that Morse will be- come the Democratic nominee. "The Oregon primary therefore truly becomes a national test of the relative strength of the three national candidates," Kennedy said. He was speaking there of him- self and Sens. Stuart Symington of Missouri and Lyndon B. John- son of Texas. The man who gets the Oregon delegation at the Democratic con- vention also will get 17 votes on the first ballot for the nomintion. If he manages to come~ through with 35 per cent or more of the votes on the first ballot, the Ore- gon votes are bound to him on the second also. I MAX L E R N E R mm fi- sa : nr r a r Frvg Greek Tragedy \.. ,.? a2 ... . '. v.v r vr e . ,f, r} k ir e r i cP, S ' S WAITING FOR the fateful American brief- ing in the Palais de Chaillot after the abrupt breakup of the summit, little huddles of news- papermen were asking each other the meaning of the brutal, almost incredible, Russian ultima- tum. "Is it war?," I heard one ask. The answer should have been, I suspect, "Not war but a sword." The knell has sounded for the brief idyll of co-existence between Kremlin and Pen- tagon. Its death came about through an air- man's ill-fated mission, an American leader's improvised diplomatic blunder, a Russian lead- er's relentless rigidity. It is futile to aski which of these three--Powers, Eisenhower, Khrush- chev-will have to bear the burden of guilt be- fore posterity. They have acted almost as if they were automatic, like the plastic dummy in the Russian space ship, propelled through a void by forces beyond their control. The cold war is back, more blighting and frigid than at any time, even in Stalin's era. A hot war hasw been brought perceptibly closer. Instead of co-existence we shall now have co- detraction, skating on the thin edge of co- destruction. AS YOU PIECE together the story of what happened, three dominant impressions sur- vive. One is of the mess into which President Ei- senhower and his administration have stumbled and blundered, dragging their country and its allies with them. I hasten to add that his be- havior under fire at Paris has shown a grave dignity and restraint, contrasting with Khrush- chev's bravado, bragging and bluster. But the hard fact is that America and its Western allies will have to suffer stoically the unintended consequences of actions taken hastily by a few men, without consultations. The allies must have known, of course, that the overflights were going on. They did not know of the decision to claim the right of continued overflight as a matter of policy until it was made and until it was too late to withdraw it without humiliation.' The Soviet leaders did not consult their allies either, but theirs is a totalitarian power-mass, not a working set-up of joint decisions by equals, as the Western alliance is conceived to be. Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor PHILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER Editorial Director City Editor JIM BENAGH...............Sports Editor PETER DAWsON ............ Associate City Editor CHARLES KOZOLL:............. Personnel Director JOAN KAATZ.......................Magazine Editor THIS BRINGS ME to the second overwhelm- ing impression-the spectacle of a Commu- nist leader famed for his tactical flexibility, who has become a totally rigid man, as if frozen into rigor mortis. We shall have to throw out of the window all the things we have ever thought of Khrushchev in order to fit the present picture. One almost gets the feeling of a man forced by an ultimatum from an un- known source to deliver the ultimatum he did deliver. Stalin at his worst could not have be- haved worse. It was as if the current Chinese Communist leader had taken over the Russian delegation. Certainly the Russians have em- braced the Chinese doctrine of American lead- ers as mad warmongers and of nuclear war as a permissible instrument of national policy in meeting counter-revolutionary provocation. The question arises whether Khrushchev is a free agent or a prisoner of his own extreme na- tionalist groups. The American delegation seems now to accept the theory that Khrushchev's policy was framed at Moscow before he came to Paris, that he came here deliberately in order to scuttle the summit conference, and that the Russian generals have in effect taken over the rule. HIS IS PUT in extreme form but there seems to be a hard core of truth in it. The Russian officer corps is known to resent the cutting down ofWits numbers, and having to return to civilian life as a result of disarmament meas- ures. This was one revolution Khrushchev did not get away with internally. He acts like a man brandishing his missiles with a Red Army gun placed against his temple in case he loses heart. Marshal Malinovsky may not have come to watch over him but he is a symbol of army power now within Russia. There remains the third overwhelming im- pression-that of world peace being crushed be- tween a blundering America and a power-ar- rogant rigid Russia. As you watched the un- folding of the sequence of events it was like watching a Greek tragedy. Once Herter's fate- ful words were uttered in Washington, and America adopted as a policy what should have been only an unpleasant unavowed necessity, events moved implacably. Eisenhower had one more chance, however, and made another blunder. He came to Paris with the decision to announce that America had suspended its overflights and would not resume them. This was a major concession. Had it been made immediately after the Herter statement it would have undercut the ground Khrushchev took. But if not too little, it came too late. THE CONSEQUENCES of the summit break- down for' Berlin and the German question still remain to unfold. The consequences for PARIS - One difficulty of Presi- dent Eisenhower in Paris was that he came to the so-called sum- mit conference unprepared, and kept revising his proposals until the last minute. Nikita Khrush- chev, on the other hand, had worked out his strategy before leaving Moscow and never deviated from it. He kept Eisenhower off balance. For instance, the President came to Paris with a "dossier of cases where the Soviets had been spy- ing on the United States, but his staff debated a long time whether to release them. Last week, in Berlin, I proposed to Gen. Ralph Osbourne, com- mander of United States forces, to release data on scores of cases of Communist spying on American troops in Berlin. He looked horri- fied. However, from my own files plus other confidential sources, here are many significant cases of Soviet espionage - some of which changed history. * * * CANADIAN spy ring - when the story of the spy ring operating from the Soviet embassy in Ottawa was revealed in this column in February 1946, it had almost ex- actly the same repercussions in reverse - as the recent U-2 flight over Russia. I wasdeluged with critical mail claiming I was dis- rupting Soviet - American friend- ship which then, immediately after the war, was strong. However, the WALDEN: Salvage Sy'lvan Spot CONSERVATION is so consist- ently a losing game in this country that the report of a vic- tory for the side of things as they were is a reason for cheering. In the case of the recent re- prieve for Walden Pond the cheer- ing can be hearty, for the ruling handed down by the Massachus- etts Supreme Judicial Court was stronger than even the champions of Walden had expected. The judges not only halted the Middlesex County Commissioners in the zealous efforts to turn Thor- eau's pond into a community fun spot-all parking lots, scooped out beaches and bath houses - but ordered that changes made in the last four years be undone. Trees must be replaced, the grading re- stored and the whole sylvan at- mosphere recaptured as nearly as possible in what is now a sub- urban section of Greater Boston. * * * THIS DECISION makes the commissioners look foolish; it is also likely to cost them a good deal of money (public money, to be sure, but they have to square themselves somehow with the electorate). Thus, public servants elsewhere with a passion for bull- trials held subsequently in Ca- nadian courts showed how exten- sive Soviet espionage was, and that it was responsible for stealing our atom-bomb secret. Dr. Allen Munn, a British scientist; Fred Rose, a member of the Canadian Parlia- ment, and a dozen others were convicted. Incidentally, the United States showed its tolerance later by per- mitting Georgi Zourubin, Russian minister to Ottawa during the espionage crisis, to come to Wash- ington as Russian ambassador. * * * ELIZABETH BENTLEY, another' espionage case revealed in this column Sept. 7, 1947, was the theft of blueprints of the B-29, our most valuable wartime bomber which were delivered to Jacob Galos, top Soviet spy in the United States at the time, by his mistress, Elizabeth Bentley. Judith Coplon-this pretty clerk in the United States Justice De- partment was another amateur who fell for Soviet love, not money, as so frequently happens. She be- came enamored of Valentin Gubit- chev, Soviet attache at the United Nations in New York, and got caught giving United States secrets to her Russian lover. Margarethe Pfeiffer - a big, blonde Czechoslovak girl gradu- ated from a Communist spy school in Thuringia where girls who have been arrested for prostitution can be trained as spies in lieu of a jail sentence. She tried to persuade Pvt. Robert Eicher of the United States Army to give her American tank secrets in return for her love. Instead, he tipped off the Ameri- can Army and she got four years in jail. Ingrid Jonek - another gradu- ate of the Soviet spy school who was more successful. She enticed Pvt. Robert Blevins of Omaha to desert the United States Army and go behind the iron curtain. He finally was arrested in her home and court-martialed. - * * 4' IRMGARD Margaret Schmidt- another Berlin spy who succeeded in getting battle plans for the de- fense of Berlin which she sold to the Russians for $375. She man- aged this by using her brunette beauty on an Air Force colonel and an American intelligence civilian. Both fell in love with Irmgard with neither knowing about the other. She got five years. Gertrud Mitenentzwei-a steno- grapher employed by the United States military government in Ba- varia, was caught stealing military documents. She claimed she was driven to spying by Russian threats. She was sentenced to two years in jail., Edith Dietrich - convicted of spying in Munich because, of her love for a Czech officer who head- ed a spy ring. With her were con- victed Capt. Ivan Janda, Maria Hablick and Robert Kruse. * * * KIM SOO-the most successful and amazing spy in recent years was a beautiful Korean girl who became the mistress of an Ameri- that the United States would not defend Korea in case of a Com- munist attack and this informa- tion, transmitted by Kim Soo to the Reds, helped to inspire their attack. Later she was tried and; beheaded. 4' 4 * THESE ARE only a few cases of Soviet espionage. Others in- cluded those by Konslantic Pavlo- vich Ekimon, Secretary of the Rus- sian delegation at the United Na- tions, who was deported in 1956; Col. Ivan Babchikov, an assistant military attache in Washington who was forced to leave the United States in 1956; Vassili Zubilin, caught trying to get atomic in- formation at the University of California laboratory in 1957. There is also testimony by some top Soviet spies who have defected, including Col. Siegfried Dombrow- ski who revealed that there are 60,000 agents in the Russian spy organization. Note-when international espio- nage was mentioned at the last. abortive session of the summit conference here, Khrushchev put his arms above his head and said: "As God is my witness, my hands are clean and my soul is pure." (Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Eats Union Food, Avoids Tax To the Editor: I MADE a mistake today; I ate breakfast at the Union. As I walked through the line getting my normal breakfast, I was think- ing about how nice it is that the Union is able to give students meals cheaper that they can get at the regular restaurants in town. The lady said $.98. I paid. After eating slowly I finished in five minutes and stood up (leav- ing most of the coffee in the cup) and left with a slightly upset stomach. As I walked over to the library, I slowly tried to figure out just how much I had paid. In terms of exchange, my orange juice, eggs, bacon, toast and cof- fee cost the same as one-half pound of bacon, six eggs, one-half loaf of bread, one stick of but- ter and a can of -frozer orange juice. It really isn't this bad; by show- ing my ID card I didn't have to pay three cent sales tax. -~Name Withheld Legitimate Protest .. . To the Editor: AFTER reading several articles in the Daily, I have come to notice a feeling that the recent food riot had no basis and was started only because of noisy, trouble-stirring leaders. The im- pression made by several articles was that all the "quaddies" were satisfied and that two people stirred them up to a riot pitch, Nothing could be further from the truth. cleaned, pressed, and suitable for eating quad food. FOR WHAT PURPOSE must they dress like this? They do it so they can sit at a table covered with the food and plates of about ten or fifteen people who sat there before them and so they get a chance to see if any of the food is edible. The request was not for the best food; it was just for some decent edible food without tough, tasteless third rate meat and vegetables that taste like they were broiled in brine for a week. Complaints.about this condition were countless, but nothing was done. So a demonstration was made, and instead of leaving the students to take out their anger on the plates and furniture of the dining room, the two boys took over to lead them in a peaceful demonstration. But I guess I am forgetting that American students are sup- posedly apathetic. _We must sit quietly and take whatever is given to us, and if we stand up and complain about the school, we must be expelled. -Bruce Laidlaw '63 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Adminsitration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1960 VOL. LXX, No. 172 General Notices Attention June Graduates: College of Literature,'Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, and School of Business Administration: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely im- perative, the Work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-u1 ra de not later than noon. lomas for all graduates except those of the ;School of Dentistry, the Medical School, and Flint College will be dis- tributed from designated stations un- der the east stands of the Stadium, immediately after the exercises. The diploma distributionhstations are on the level above the tunnel entrance. If the weather is rainy and the exercises must be held indoors, all diplomas ex- cept those of the School of Dentistry, the Medical School, and Flint College will be distributed from the windows of the Cashier's Office and the Office of Registration and Records in the lobby of the Ad. Build. Following the ceremony, diplomas may be called for until 9:00 p.m. Commencement Instructions to Mae- ulty Members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in the first floor lobby in the Ad. Bldg. Buses will be provided in front of the Bldg. on State St. to take you to the Stadium or Yost Field House to join the procession and to take the place assigned to you on stage, as directed :.: