Netmen in Title Defense; Nine Faces Irie - Favored To Capture Wolverines Seek Split Second StraightCrown In Short Season Serie: on Indiana toner Ken- By FRED STEINHARDT By BRIAN MacCLOWRY in the conference. When off form, Dave Brown and Gene inducted a Michigan opens defense of its he has been somewhat less than With their home run bats still the spring Big Ten tennis title today at spetacular smoking, Don Lund's baseball team zewski share the home rui Evanston. t m.*. travels to South Bend today to ship along with Wayne K idiana and Coach Bill Murphy will present The tournament will give the m4e, otre Dame in the first of a Minnesota, with four acidtes toMichigan's new me or aeI h~is faMneoa ih fu . through- a balanced team which has lost doubles teams. Lat eek Murphy four-game road trip which closes Brown also paces the co only one match since the spring J wee the curtain on the 1960 season, in - total bases with 23, iour's away trip, and that a hard-fought 5-4 one I play with Dable and drop- On Friday the Wolverines re- deadlocked with Dave Pfl a proposed loss to Notre Dame last Monday. ped back Mike to combine with turn to conference play when they Minnesota for top honors ie problem. The Wolverines are favored to Fulton. These combinations have meet Northwestern at Evanston. scored, each with ten, win theif fifth conference title in Saturday they will meet Wisconsin have the six years. Chief competitors are been fairly successful, especially in a doubleheader at Madison. Has Most Bite may to East in 'the quadrangular meet at - expected to be Northwestern and Seven Homers Wilbert Franklin has c ho control Michigan State. Evanston last weekend. How well - th they will stand up under the pres- Notre Dame will be trying to 16 hits in conference play hat oftTop Singles Men.. sure of championship play re- cool off the home run happy Wol- in that department, a: Northwestern's hopes rest large- mains to be seen. If Wiley and verines, who have belted seven Roman leads in doubles w 1Y on the shoulders of its brilliant Duble click and th' usually con- in their last three games. When Roman is also tied for tl NCAA. number one and two men, Denny sistent Fulton can be a steadying the two teams met May 3 on stolen bases with four. coach Konicki and Gay Messick. The force on Mike, Coach Murphy will Ferry Field, the Irish exploded for Struczewski is also ti r that Spartans also have a fine first be a good prophet. six runs in the last three innings Howard Nathe, of Minnes man in service veteran Brian Eis- to defeat Michigan 8-4. Frank Felichio, of Illinois, ner. Eisner and Konicki will prob- MacDonald and Tenney form In conference statistics released honors, - each having nix tition. the teams' only unbeaten doubles -.ngĀ§ ably fight it out with the Wolver- yesterday the Wolverines are well workhorse Al Koch leads en the ines' Gerry Dubie for the number combination. They should do well BRUCE MacDONALD represented. lings pitched with 31. e con- one singles title. Michigan has in the race for the number three ... number six singles basis, defeated Northwestern 6-3 and title. Michigan State 7-2. else seems Michigan should get points from chics nme the, i Tneyat lgajndiln Clash Stud e nt Art PrC in t Loa r nise ruling its whole lineup. John Wiley at tudean ariPrI Loar ble choices numbe rthree, Jim Tenney at hic bock numbertreJi Tneyaadatnumbr sixsngesal have Il 'D ual' Conference M eet Prinsts A ra Due e measureexcellent chances to win their he Confer- respective titles. Thursday, May 19- Noon-5:00 P.M. etsbecuse None of 'them have lost since By BILL PHELPS ts becauseh spring trip. Wiley, a seniorBys iLLPhe ldo in two divisions - Indiana's Reg-' Prints are to be returned to the S.A.B., Room 528A te Pushed and two-year veteran from To- The s in te ' Field Hose gie Shepard and the rest of the Only during those hours. il e unised ado-asyear t ernsfromTocker room read "Big Ten in 8 field. rd e abe ledo, has yet to be pressed. Last days-Michigan vs. Illinois" and Hurdles Tgt Overdue prints will be subject to a fine and r -. year he combined with Frank Ful- the team dressing near it was gh the withholding of credit [ ton, this year's number two man, anxiously preparing. Dave Odegard from Minnesota ayes would to win the number three doubles Today the bulletin board points has been topping the hurdles in action or title.out "Days left good time outdoors this season ng body is Tenney, also from Toledo and that reads it is ready to go. The and will be hard to beat i the n on such only a sophomore, has racked up meet which Coach Don Canham 120 highs. Bennie McRae .andgA they must the most impressive victories on bills as a "dual meet with a few teammate Dick Cephas will be in ould be. the team. He is probably Michi- others thrown in" starts at 3:00 similar positions in the 220 lows A F -IC gan's best bet for a conference P.M. tomorrow at Ralph Young and could come through in the mprobable' singles title. Field in East Lansing, highs. Story of a Black Man destroyed ons, failed MacDonald, a junior, has out- Two Contenders Canham admitted "I'm not con- ons il hustled and outplayed every op- Although their will be more than fident of our winning, but I am by raciaI oppression ities in an Antohhheimllbeorr.nconfident ,that our boys who get ponent he has met so far, two teams in the meet, none ofprtyouhitebgmesae Other Singlews Spotsi the temtt e lerinesnd pretty tough in the big meets are Secretly filmed in Johannesburg, S. Africa rip, though Other Singles Spots the ten except the Wolverines and dy to go again-that'll make it deep look into the private nightmare ofa nl unques- Fulton and Detroit sophomore the Ilhini have a chance for the hard fo a -t al . . aybodyt during a Kenny Mike will handle the other team championship. Illinois is the with the meet " and the social desperatior of a nation. two singles spots, Fulton at two defending outdoor titlist and Mich- witstheeet."-TIME Magazine and Mike at five. Fulton will have igan has taken the last two in- the Conference meet Canham for isagreeable to beat highly-rated Messick of door crowns.hpro enaeyeeadhas Northwestern for his title. Joe Since this year's whole crew is boys proved that they are ready as 3r se would Epkins of Illinois will also be a in good shape, Canham hopes ithey swamped Purdue and Ohio Woodward and Kirby lly set up strong contender for the number will win for Michigan its 23 out- State in a triangular meet at La- Friday and Saturday evenngs, May 20, d for rules two crown. door championship and leave Illi- fayette. The Wolverines piled up y in college Mike has been very erratic all nois with only 21. eight firsts and tied for a ninth 8:00 and 9:45 P.M. season. When he is on form, he However, the team from Chain- scoring the huge total of 89 points Students $1.25 as been up is capable of providing a tough paignwill be fielding six men who to 38 for the Buckeyes. Purdue had match for any number five man won their indoor events with many_34. dicate sub- others hot on the trail of a first ecided they Gthis time. Leading them will be George Kerr, half mile champion O ioles G et) at last summer's Pan American ridual con- Games. Jim Bowers will be after e to police another win in the mile as will ld seem to Ken Brown in the two mile and s 'ning body. Bill Brown in the shot putt. ndiana on Varsity Records sportsm ezi. e directors KANSAS CITY M)-Hoyt Wil- Canham pointed out that "Both helm's fluttering k n u c k 1 e b a 11 Michigan and Illinois boast mile oup's own pitches have caused too many relay teams holding their respec- t the same passed balls and cost the Balti- tive varsity records and they should will show more Orioles too many runs, says provide a great finish to the meet the new lengtl manager Paul Richards. So yester- in that last event." day he came up with a remedy. The 440 will be one of the most ,pulsion of Richards and pitching coach closely - contested races in the r hvWI likely one Harry (The Cat) Brecheen colab- meet. With either Kerr or Michi- in si}tu t orated in developing a catchers' gan State's versatile Willie Atter- at Bloom- mt 0prcn agrta hs bury as the favorite, there are .ults in thenoIss. more possible winners than therer>h~'x{ THE HAWAIIAN .. sponsbility Richards was quick to point out are lanes on the track. Purdue's a square-leg trunk that the over-sized mitt doesn't Dave Mills, Indiana's Reggie La- a give him a violate any Major League rules. coni, Illinois' John Lattimore and 9.........Y ~.. The ule spcif tht th mit <, R4 }reaching to a midway Terlsseiytath mitEd Houston as well as Michigan's length .. is preferred use ircum- may be of any size provided it is Tony Seth are all extremely cap- l " d3by Bob Couasy, because nion is on of leather and of one piece. able over the one lap distance. The mitt, now in the process ofit s himthat oblem was being manufactured by a Chicago Tm contended sporting goods company, will have where Kerr and Seth will lock.... w .. ri peaac adi [tots cyan i ruggedenough for the it carry on slots for all fingers and will e horns with Illinois' Ted Beastall g} made of lighter, more pliable and Bowers, Michigan State's .*most active swimming. e informa- leather so it won't be too cumber- Brian Castle and possibly Michi- heCne-some. gan's Ergas Leps. e Confer- sThe production of the giant The high L $600 mitt is under the direction of one- Te'jump will probably be: e meetings, time major leagues Rip Collinns. Ltter Intra- Richards and Brecheen agreed on against something had to be done when "TOPS In COLLEGIATE such receivers as Gus Triandos to dismiss suffered as many as four passed HAIR STYLING" balls in a single game when Wil-H helm was on the mound.H Last year big Gus and Joe Gins- Air-Conditioned 7 E. Liberty St. *oup, What burg set an American League rec- (NexttoMThe udy of the ord for one club with 49 passed The Daseola Barberstt Michigan Theatre) nd a com- balls, 38 of them with Wilhelm Near Michigan Theatre pitching. r wishes to thank the University Administration, students, alumni, and the residents of Ann Ar- 11 11