"Well, Those are Outside the Country" l. Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 AT THE STATE: Captivating Crime Foundation of Gazel hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, FEBRUARY 5, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER AS I SEE IT' . By THOMAS TURNER ;TUDENTS ARE beginning to take stands on significant issues,. Allan Brick of Dartmouth otes in a recent "Nation"' article. He mentions specifically the current furor ver compulsory ROTC, dramatized by fresh- aan Frederick Moore's hunger strike at the niversity of California and now showing itself i student petitions, demonstrations, front- age editorials and other signs of protests by aany young people on many campuses. Concern with moral values lies behind the gitation concerning ROTC, according to Brick. What is perhaps more significant about rick's statements, however, is not his obser- ations on the rise of anti-ROTC, anti-military eling, but his indictment of faculty members and clergymen) for refusing to take stands n moral questions. Without leadership, the students who are i Brick's opinion "ready to be challenged" ill grope far more than is necessary in try- ig to relate themselves and their ideas to the orld around them. On this camps, however, and on many oth- s, a more fitting indictment would be of the dministration, which - in such an enor- ously complex institution - the only single oup which could exercise moral leadership the sort Brick is talking about. There is, it must be noted, a paradox of rts in- Brick's arguments. While students are acting to the absence of moral leadership, ey cannot do very effectively without some oral leadership. Pointing out an alternate sources of moral adership is essential if the reaction is not be wasted energy. "ONSIDERATION of "student issues" such as compulsory ROTC and the National De- nse Education Act loyalty oath and affidavit esupposes a "student community," with com- on goals. Give a seriet of student bodies across the country, each beginning to overcome the leth- argy and self-concern which has characterized 'the American campus of the past decade, most of them lacking moral leadership from faculty and administration, there is need for a feeling of identity between these student bodies. This is particularly the case since the ad- ministrators and.faculty members with whom the isolated student bodies come in contact are themselves part of a tight little world. Faculty members belong to the same societies and read the same publications, administrators are in contact with the counterparts on other campuses regarding the ever-tighter teacher- market, the problem of appropriations and so on, and the result of all this Is the appearance of a national academic climate. When condi- tions become restrictive on one campus, this spreads to other schools. Faculties and administrations, bound up as they are in a relatively tight national commu- nity, have two other characteristics which make group consciousness on the part of stu- dents particularly desirable: this community tends to be conservative and at the same time extremely sensitive to publicity. The latter characteristic ordinarily dovetails neatly with the former, making change next to impossible on many campuses. But if students protest ac- tively, either through a national voice such as the National Student Association, or through a spontaneous wave of protest, or both, the administrations and faculties of in- dividual schools may be moved into action. Congress may also heed a protest thus voiced. THE MOVEMENTS to eliminate the oath and affidavit, and to make all ROTC voluntary, may serve to give students a sense of identity which will serve them in good stead in the future, and which will dramatize the extent to whichfaculties, and particularly adminis- trations, are derelict in their duty. .X MDOI AKOUT7 p, FvSE TIMALMOST T 1N 7HE A-ye w1 .. . . L 1 t. * / / R I '+.1. .'t .t ZZ4 YA f% rE~ e-y,47~-4 ' i..,,, A GAZEBO is just what every, well - dressed home should have. But one with a corpse be- neath its lacy metal exterior is not in the best taste. For those who, are not ac- quainted with 18th century garden furnishings (or previous reviews of the film), a gazebo is a sum- mer house. It is very handy for giving summer teas - but not so handy for hiding bodies., Possibly the most preposterous premeditated crime in the history of comic - mystery films, "The" Gazebo" concerns a young, rather nervous (average pulse rate, 105) TV writer-producer who decides to stop murdering people on tele- vision long enough to kill just one in his own living room. * *' * IT SEEMS the young man (Glenn Ford) is being black-' mailed which is inconvenient and expensive-"you can't even take it off your income tax." With the ex- cellent advice of the New York City District Attorney (Carl Rei- ner) and, of all people, Alfred Hitchcock, he deftly disposes of one blackmailer - saving $25,000. For a man "sentimental about money," this is killing two birds with one bullet. And then the fun begins. The District Attorney, ordinarily in- quisitive only about the liquor. cabinet, starts asking questions like - where's your gun?, and where were you last night; but mostly what's wrapped up in the shower curtains you buried under your gazebo last night? * * * THE CAST of this curious comedy agilely skips through some of the most awkward moments a flustered murderer and his frantic accomplices could face. But through it all, two characters re- mnain calm-Debbie Reynolds, be- cause she doesn't seem to know any better, and Herman. Herman is a pigeon whose feathers remain serenely unruffled despite the antics that surround him. Ford brings Herman home one night after his taxi hits the pigeon-he was crossing against the light. Herman repays Ford's kindness by perching on his shoulder dur- ing a tender farewell with Miss Reynolds, saving Ford from the electric chair, and stealing % of the scenes. The other % of the film is stolen by a dead-pan cement con- tractor who appears at inoppor- tune moments and says ratlher in- opportune things-"yes, sir, there was a hole out there about six feet long - .- GLENN FORD as the amateur criminal is pricelessly neurotic. First on his things to do before the murder list--neatly typed-is 1) take tranquillizer. For the first 30 minutes of "The Gazebo," the audience might well wonder if all concerned with the film hadn't taken more than one tranquillizer. But thereafter each RUSSIAN STUDENTS WRITE: You Ask In What We Believe' t-W l"1 "M "9r "ryaL AM l1w*I. ,rte OJSIIVATIN POINT EORGE ROMNEY discussed Citizens for Michigan in Ann Arbor during the vaca- n. Those who heard him thought he looked ed, worried, but determined. He had ample reason to feel all three emo- ins. For at that time the Citizens movement, ended by Romney, and probably the most ginal and lofty of all attempts to solve chigan's many financial and governmental oblems, was facing the most severe crisis its short history. Newspaper speculation was rife that Rom- ' -would accept the Republican nomination r the United States Senate, leaving the Citi- is movement leaderless. And Romney's talk Ann Arbor emphasized that unless the Citi- is group could get many more members it uld be in "grave jeopardy." I OW, WITH Romney's refusal to accept any nomination and 500 new members in the t week, one hopes that the Citizens move- nt is coming out of the woods. tomney himself admits that all is not well. e group has around 2500 members, out of a jected 100,000, and has raised only $25,000 t of a goal of $75,000. 3ut on the other hand, Governor Williams, al Bagwell and both state party organiza- is have enthusiastically supported Citizens Michigan as "another effective instrument arousing citizens interest," and public in- est seems to be rising. IS TERRIBLY ironic that even now citizen pathy and an excess of partisanship should anger the success of the movement, for it exactly to fight these evils that Romney nded Citizens for Michigan. 'he premise of Citizens for Michigan is that' ;roup of citizens can organize outside of ular parties, study complex problems and ie up with rational, non-partisan sugges- is. This is the classical, idealistic demo- tic premise. Although some cynics assert contrary, for all members of a democracy lo so would be a political and psychological .. ilip Power But why is the Citizens movement having so much trouble now? The cynics might be right: apathy is nor- mal; it has hurt Michigan politics; it could kill the Citizens movement. But, practically, to accept this position would be to throw in the towel, give up hope about Michigan's future and move to some other state. Emotionally, the position is just as unacceptable. SPECIFIC circumstances, rather than any vast failure of the movement's essential premise, may be responsible for its present troubles. With the recent relaxation of the state's crises, seen in the recent (if transitory) tax settlement and progress toward a state Con- stitutional convention, people may feel that Michigan's problems are at last over and that Citizens for Michigan has lost its usefulness. This is, of course, completely unrealistic. BUT BESIDES the question of apathy, un- fortunate partisanship emerged when the question of Romney's nomination for the Sen- ate came up. Seemingly starting with a chance remark by Romney, the story was blown up to incredible dimensions by the Detroit news- papers, which carried day-by-day speculations of an increasingly extreme nature. 'This was a terrible jolt to the Citizens move- ment. People who previously had never doubted Romney's ethics and non-partisanship, began to wonder if Citizens for Michigan was actually a personal organization supporting Romney's political future. The recent publication of Romney's biography--in the best presidential candidate style-raised more doubts. Cynics began suggesting that Romney had organized Citizens for Michigan for his own benefit from the beginning and that he was planning to jump from the Citizens movement to the Sen- ate race. People stopped joining. But Romney soon announced that he would not accept any nomination, for he felt he must continue his work with the Citizens movement. This was the only ethical course. And Rom- ney's statement reassured those who had sup- oprted the Citizens group. But the doubts re- mained in the minds of some, and overall, the nomination debate has hurt Citizens for Mich- igan. WHY, THEN, did the whole thing come up? Certainly, irresponsible journalism played a large part. News was dull, and the Romney affair made a good story. One paper ran a story claiming that Romney was being con- sidered for the Republican vice-presidential nomination -- a story which seemingly had little or no basis in fact. The liberal wing of the state Republican party doubtless felt Romney had the makings of an unbeatable candidate, and what behind- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Dan Slobin, '64, spent two months last summer In the Soviet Union, where he worked as guide at the U. S. Na- tional Exhibition in Moscow. While there, he met two girls studying at the Pedagogical Institute ("Ed. school") of Kursk, a city of south- ern Russia, near the Ukrainian bor- der. They agreed to exchange letters for publication In the newspapers of their respective schools. Below is Mr. Slobin's translation of the first ofasuch Russian letters which he has received:) OUR ANCIENT city sends you and your friends its fervent greetings. Here it is winter alr e a d y, though not that winter which you Americans are used to call "Rus- sian." Mountains of snow, bliz- zards, snowstorms - all of this is still ahead. But we have frost al- ready .. In truth, we students don't no- tice the cold. Sometimes we're even very warm: the session (?) starts in a week. ** * WE ARE juniors, studying in the historical-philological depart- ment ... We study history, Rus- sian language and literature, and also, as future teachers, we study psychology, education (Pedagog- ika), etc...-- Lectures, seminars, books now take up all of our time. (In our institute, as in other institutes of our country, attendance at lec- tures is compulsory.) In addition, the students of the Pedagogical Institute visit the schools. This is practice for us future pedagogues. Right now our children are al- ready preparing for the New Year, and we must be with them as fre- quently as possible., * * * BUT WE TRY not to miss good' concerts. This season we were vis- ited by Valeri Klimov, First-Prize Holder of the Tschaikowsky Com- petition, Svyatoslav Richter, the Borodin Quartet. We regularly attend literary- musical evenings. In November we observed the Jubilee Year of Schiller, may of whose ballads and plays enjoy great popularity here. In the movie theaters, as in Ann Arbor, old and new films are shown, our films and films from abroad. (Right now your Marty is being shown.) * ' * IN THE Institute there are, of course, sports sections, and clubs of artistic self-expression. Many students are interested in scien- tific work. We have a student sci- entific society with various sec- tions, where each individual can work, under the supervision of one of our instructors, in an area which interests him. Right now, in the foreign liter- ature course, we are studying the works of Edgar (Allan )Poe and (James) Fenimore Cooper. Even. the children in our country read Cooper. YOU ASK, in what do we be- lieve. Once it was easy for people to answer such a question: "I am a Christian.' But, of course, for us there is neither god nor devil. We believe very much in the friendly hand, in the happy smile, in everything worthy and good. We are confident in our own strength, in our own future, in the fact that everything depends upon us ourselves. We believe in Man. And we still believe in the pre- diction of the great Hugo: "Peace --this is the name of the twenti- eth century." We know too well what war is, what horrors, what grief it brings to nations . . AND IN WHAT do you believe, Dan - you and your friends? Write to us about your university. We are very interested in the American educational system. In short, write in detail about every- thing. Your letter called forth great interest among our comrades. (It was printed in the student news- paper.) You may also print our letter in your paper. Allow us to wish all the best to you, to your family, to all the stu- dents of the University of Michi- gan - to all who value friendship and peace. With fervent greetings, Tamara Braginskaya Marina Shakamenis (NOTE: If any readers of The Michigan Daily would like to an- swereTamara and Marina for them- selves, they are invited to forward their replies through Dan Slobin, 101 Michigan House, West Quad- rangle.) one of Ford's grimaces is worth at least a giggle and at one of the films high points the- audience- a sophisticated Ann Arbor audi- ence no less-actually burst into applause. Perhaps it is just relief that the incredibly long run of "Operation Petticoat" ended-as the recorded voice at the State Theatre firmly put it "positively" ended Probably it is the fact that "The Gazebo" is a very funny film - after it warms up - that accounts for the animation. of the audience, -Ja' Hardee GUTHRIE: Repertor Revtalizes By CAROL LEVENTEN Daily Staff Writer PRODUCER Tyrone G u t h r i e echoed local sentiments in a recent Theatre Arts article, ."On the Critical List." "Local professional theatre is moribund," he declared, and called the number of provincial theatres that have closed and disappeared "overwhelming." Guthrie has been worried for some time about the state of the American theatre, and is particu- larly concerned by the fact that most of its activity is centralized in the New York City area. As an antidote, he plans to es- tablish a national repertory the- atre in the middle west, creating a fresh approach outside of the agent-backer-critic dominated en- vironment. Ann Arbor is one of three possible sites. * * f THE "FABULOUS Invalid" as George S. Kaufman described the theatre, "holds in its hand four trump cards," which, being i.ore potent than the negative influ- ences of mass communications and public opinion, will keep the theatre alive. Guthrie points first to the "whole body of classical drama, plays written to be produced by actors playing to a living audi- ence," only a small portion of which are ever produced. "They are national wealth, a capital asset . . . the theatre is their sole trustee and principal beneficiary." Second, the theatre is, he said, the "sole source of 'custom-made' drama, made to the measure of a p a r ti c u 1ar and discriminating audience.vYou cannot simultane- ously cover a wide target i". strike very deep into any of it," Guthrie- commented. The theatre, therefore, retns the unique position of being a practical vehicle for new ideas, not having to pay the artistic prices charged by demands of mass consumption." AUDIENCE participation - trump card number three: Guthrie makes a qualitative distinction be- tween the experiences of seeing a fabricated performance and at- tending a live production. The member of a live audience is re- sponsible for contributing to the occasion. A performance just can- not be both significant and easily absorbed, Guthrie emphasized. Unless you make an effort, the significance passes you by. Guthrie believes the theatre will attract that minority pre- pared to make such an effort and that this audience, reciprocally, "will attract the most serious writers and performers, the people whose work is too daring, too ori- ginal - too good for the media of mass distribution." Most important, only the the- atre will make difficult enough demands upon its performers. Ac- tors, authors and directors will be dissatisfied with "the comparative ease with which success can be won in other areas" and will want to prove themselves again in theatre. * I GUTHRIE'S first solution is not very pertinent to the Ann Arbor problem. He himself plans to pro- duce accepted standards and clas- sics, scattered with modern ori- ginals, in his repertory theatre. It is nice to think of Ann Arbor audinces as "particular and dis- criminating," accepting only the best of the "custom-mad, drama" but it is safe to say that only rare- ly have they been given the op- portunity of such a choice. Guth- rie, if he sets up shop here, could remedy this. Only with a new and good com- pany can local audiences be chal- lenged into creative participation and only with a director of Guth- rie's caliber will the "too daring, too original, too good" performers and writers be induced to demon- strate these qualities on the local scene. Certainly, existing facilities do not offer comparably stimulating effects. Classics produced here are somehow transformed by local talent into middling imitations, DELHI EXCHANGE: Nehru: India's Indispenstble Man (EDITORt'S NOTE:Iliza Purmialis is a University student studying a year at the University of Delhi, un- der Student Government Council "sponsorship. In this letter she in- t er pr e ts Nehru's leadership in India.) DELHI - No democratic nation in our present era has been identified so much with one man as India has been with its Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Since it gained its independence, India's policies have been Nehru's policies; India's goals, Nehru's goals. So far there has been no man in the Indian political field to seriously contest his leadership. As the Home Minister Pant com- mented on the occasion of Nehru's seventieth birthday last month, "Nehru is like a banyan tree: un- der his branches many can find shelter, but nothing can grow in his shade." This figure expresses quite well the two dominant attitudes to- ward Nehru in this country. He has been and is the unifying bond among the countless factions - political, communal, religious - that are found in India. At times it might even appear that he is the sole centrifugal force. Thus, as people look toward the future, they do so with a sense of anxiety concerning what will happen when Nehru will no longer hold his present post. "THERE IS just nobody to take Pandiji's place" is an often-heard refrain. Largely from this senti- ment has sprung another attitude --a worry that other than Nehru no Indian leader has had a chance to develop or to gain popular af- fection and trust.fi Many of the young people feel that the present leadership in India is becoming too aged. It has spent its ideas and efforts in the drive for inde- pendence and the immediate con- struction of the new sttae. Now new ideas and personalities are needed - and more dynamism than can be expected from the old leaders. The young are getting impatient with waiting. This year has been an especial- ly trying one for Nehru. The poli- tical unity created by the drive for independence has been split- ting up, since it is now twelve years since that goal was achieved and the effort is now only a mem- ory. Nehru's own Congress Party not oniy has been strained by intern- al squabbles and heavy outside criticism but has also suffered an actual split by the formation of the Swatantra Party which draws its membership from the Congress ranks. Actually it is hard to tell the real strength of the Swatan- tra Party. In the summer it re- ceived much publicity, but at present not much is heard about it. , *4* * THE improvements that have been made in India often are not fully appreciated, since the visible changes are slow. Yet to an ob- server from the outside the re- sults of the ten years of develop- ment are often remarkable. Visit- ing Prof. Basham from University of London, comparing the India of today with the India he saw nine years ago said, "In 1951, there was much hunger and some starvation; in 1959, there is much poverty and some hunger." There are murmurs that Nehru is getting too old, that he is re- maining too stubbornly idealistic, and even whispers that he is too much under certain "influences." This latter is most associated with Defense Minister Krishna Merion who narrowly missed becoming a scapegoat in the Indo-Chinese border crisis and whom Nehru has defended forcefully. Nevertheless, the fact remains that "Pandiji" still maintains the' loyalty, respect and affection of the Indian people. He still is the men who is caling India forth from what he has termed "the cow-dung mentality" to self-re- spect, self-assurance and a state of happiness and well-being for all. Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor P POWER ROBERT JUNKER al Director City Editor AES KOZOLL ... .......... Personnel Director KAATZ...... ,..........Magazine Editor ON HUTHWAITE ............ Features Editor IENAGH .....,................. Sports Editor 3 BOW. ........... Associate City Editor DAWSON .............. Contributing Editor KATZ ................ Associate Sports Editor LYON ................ Associate Snorts Editor Registration Study ._ . t reWEr.a, ~