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May 19, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-19

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Sunny and pleasant
with chance of showem


L. LXX, No. 163




Labor, Industry
Agree on Politics
Union, Management Leaders Urge
Familiarization with Government
Labor and management agree on one thing: Their respective roles
in politics are to familiarize the people with their government.
Lucas Miel, director of the National Association ofManufacturers
and President and General Manager of the Commercial Steel Treat-
ing Company, outlined five areas in which business should participate
in politics:
"1) To motivate the people and get them interested in politics
and the workings of their government.
"2) To bring the candidates before the people so that they may
really know who they are voting for." Miel commented here that "one

Russia Requests'rgent Action









Nations Ask
In Decisions#
LONDON (JP)-Pleas for a new
approach t, the cold war crisis
mingled last night with recrimina-
tions still rolling around the world
in the wake of the shattered sum-
mit conference.
Several neutralist nations sug-
gested the world's fate could no
longer be entrusted to the big1
powers alone,.,
Acting Foreign Minister Johan-
nes Lemena of Indonesia said "A
new forum, more representative
and with greater guarantees should1
be held in order to solve the in--J
ternational problems."
'Situation Alarming'
Ghana Premier Dwame Nkru-
mah called the situation alarming
and said the voices of smaller na-
tions must now be heard.
"It is wrong," he declared, "that
the rest of the world should sit
idly by and allow the fate of man-
kind to be decided by the political
maneuvering between four pow-
Uncommitted nations were di-
ided in placing the blame for the
breakdown of the four - power
Direct Barrage
Communist countries continued
to direct a barrage of denuncia-
tion toward President Dwight D
Eisenhower. Red China joined in
the condemnation, labeling the
President a warmonger.
But America's allies issued new
words of support for Eisenhower
while blasting Soviet Premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev.
Australian Prime Minister Ro-
bert Menzies attacked Khrush-
chev's action in Paris as "a shabby
Soviet maneuver."
Soviet Aim
Britain's Deputy Prime Minister,
R. A. Butler, charged that "it has
always been the aim of Soviet pol-
icy to attempt to create a rift be-
tween Britain and the United
States. In this it has never su-
Indian Prime Minister Nehru
said in Cairo the summit failure
made him "very unhappy," but he
declined to point blame at either
Most Indian newspapers criti-
cized Khrushchev for an over-
rigid attitude. Several, however,
followed the Times of India line
that the United States had been
"persistently in the wrong" over
the spy flight issue.
Protest Flights
In Pakistan, which has pro-
tested to the United States over
intelligence flights from its ter-
r tory, Foreign Minister Manzur
Qadir expressed hope summit ne-
gotiations might be resumed later.
Newspapers in Singapore blamed
Khrushchev for the summit col-
lapse but heaped criticism on the
United States for the U-2 flight.
Papers throughout non-Commu-
nist Asia expressed bitter disap-
pointment over the ill-fated Paris
meeting but expressed hope there

of the candidates might be a rhi-
nocerous in a zoo, but if his name
was Joe Murphy he'd get a lot of
votes -in Detroit.
Aid Selection
"13) To helpthe peopleselect the
right candidates.
"4) To show the people that
they may have a voice in the,
formulation of the policies of their
"15) To inspire people to take
the initiative in government and
Miel concluded in saying that
the overall role of business was to
get people into action.
Thomas Downes, national rep-
resentative of the AFL-CIO, also
advocated motivating political in-
terest. However, he was much
more specific.
Know Legislators
"We want people to know how
their state legislators voted on
important issues," he said.
Downes said that one of the
main objectives of labor had al-
ways been more benefits for the
people, such as "free public edu-
cation. You name it; we support
He hastened to point out, how-
ever, that labor was mainly for
their own survival.
"We are the only organization
north of the Mason-Dixon line
which had had their right to or-
ganize questioned," he said. "We
do not ever deny that any organi-
zation has the right to organize,
and all we ask is to have that
right ourselves."
Miel countered with the charge
that "the issue is not whether one
has the right to join a union. That
was settled in 1935. The question
is whether a man has a right not
to join."
Miel then pointed out that labor
was "spending far too much of
the members' money on politics'
under the guise of using it for
Downes retaliated by pointing
out that independent electric
light and power companies used
subscribers' payments to run ads
knocking the TVA. It was further
pointed out however, that the two
situations were not synonymous.

... students give support
Ieke Backed
By Parade
By The Associated Press
RALEIGH - More than 1,000
North Carolina State College stu-
dents demonstrated here last night
in support of President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's refusal to apolo-
gize for the U-2 plane incident.
The students, some afoot and
some in cars with blaring horns,
paraded to the state capitol.
Chants of "We like Ike" resounded
along the line of march down
Raleigh's Main Street.
On capitol square, the students
burned an effigy of Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev, sang college
songs and flashed posters support-
ing the President.
"Ike, we're behind U-2," said,
one poster.
"To sum it up, give 'em hell,
Ike," said another.
Police used tear gas to disband
one group of exhuberant students
gathered around a restaurant near
the capitol building.
Campus observers said the dem-
onstration sprang up spontane-
ously to show student sentiment in
support of the President's refusal
to apologize to Russia for the spy
plane incident.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Sen.
Styles Bridges (R-NH) also de-
fended the U-2 flights saying that
spy plane flights should be con-
tinued over the Soviet Union "or
equivalent intelligence measures
should be instituted."

'U' Regents
To Consider
Fee Raises
The Regents will discuss pro-
posed fee increases for both in-
state and outstate students at
their meeting tomorrow.
Failure of the recent legislative
appropriations to meet the "mini-
mum needs of the University" has
led to consideration of such a step.
"The amount we will have for
operation this year will depend on
whether or not we are able to sup-
plement the legislative appropria-
tion with fee increases," Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss said.
Increase Necessary
"I'm afraid a fee increase is
necessary in view of the Univer-
sity's need to keep its staff and
maintain present levels," Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said yesterday.
"But I'm basically opposed to
raising fees any more than is
necessary because I always worry
about pricing some students out."
The student share of the cost
of the University has traditionally
been one - fourth, Lewis added.
There has been no fee increase for
the last two years and since ap-
propriations from the Legislature
have increased, the student 'share
has actually dropped.
Increase Not Serious
And in view of this, "my feeling
is that a small increase at this
time will not seriously hurt the
students," Lewis said.
Unofficial speculation was that
the increase would range from $50
to $75 a year for instate students
and up to $100 for outstate stu-
Similar action is being con-
sidered at Michigan State. Presi-
dent John Hannah said yesterday
that student fees probably will be
discussed at the June meeting of
the MSU Board of Trustees.
Issue Offers
Variety of Art
In its first day of sales, the
spring issue of Generation sold
about 400 copies, Ann Doniger,
'60, editor, said.
"I consider this one of the nicest
looking issues we have had," she
commented. "We have tried to ex-
periment with different effects in
general layout, art and size."
Miss Doniger added that this
issue of Generation includes a play,
music and art work, making it a
true inter-arts magazine.
Generation is on sale again to-
day, its new smaller size accom-
panied by a drop in price to 35

ASKS URGENT ACTION-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
yesterday brought the U-2 spy plane case before the United
Nations Security Council.
Big Ten Conference
May Punish Indiana
Possible punitive action against the University of Indiana will
highlight the agenda of the Big Ten meetings opening today in East
Commissioner Kenneth L.,"Tug" Wilson's report on the Confer-
ence's investigation of the alleged recruiting violation will be the basis
for action. The NCAA placed Indiana on four years' probation last

Soviets Say Flghts
Upset World Peace
Hammarskjfold, Corea To Confer
On Plans of Security Council
UNITED NATIONS (M-The Soviet Union brought the
spy plane case to the United Nations tonight, declar
American flights over Soviet soil threaten world peace.
The Russians demanded urgent action by the U.N.
curity Council to stop all such flights.
In Paris this week President Eisenhower said the fligl
over Russia had been ordered stopped as of last Thursda3
The Soviet move to the United Nations from Paris as 1
arenia of Premier Khrushchkev's loud protests came quic

month for recruiting violations by'
football coach Phil Dickens and
his' staff. At that time Wilson an-
nounced that the Big Ten would
take separate action at these
This action by the NCAA was
the first time that it has penalized
a Big Ten school before the Con-
ference itself had acted.
Extra Meeting
The meetings are usually two
days in duration but the amount
of business before the group has
led to today's meetings which
were not originally scheduled.
Besides the Indiana question
the Conference agenda includes;
1) Vote on the proposal to ban
Conference schools from competi-
tion in post-season events.
2) Vote on the Rose Bowl par-
ticipation on an individual school
Start Schedule
3) Map the 1965-66 football
schedules. These two schedules
start the controversial round-robin
schedule in motion.
,4) Discuss sovereignty of the
Big Ten in its relationship to the
5) A general overhauling by the
faculty representatives of the Con-
ference eligibility rules.
In the Indiana case Wilson will
report his findings before the joint
group of athletic directors and
faculty representatives (most like-
ly on Friday morning). The re-
port will be followed by a recom-
mendation which will be acted
upon by the faculty representa-
tives alone.

Group Holds
'u' Primary
Sen. John Kennedy (D-Mass),
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
and Adlai Stevenson were the vic-
tors in yesterday's campus pri-
mary held under the auspices of
the Young Republicans.
In the mock election, Nixon was
paired against. five Democratic
contenders for President. Both
Kennedy and Stevenson defeated
Nixon in their individual races.
Nixon won the other three races.
Write-in votes were scattered
with Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of
New York receiving 62, Senate
Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson
of Texas, four; Rep. Chester
Bowles (D-Conn), 12 and former
President Harry S. Truman, eight.
University President Harlan Hat-
cher also received three votes.
The breakdown of the 1,527
ballots showed Kennedy over
Nixon, 630 to 506; and Stevenson
defeating Nixon, 621 to 526. In the
races won by Nixon, he beat
Humphrey, 674 to 404; won over
Symington, 657' to 399 and de-
feated Williams, 753 to 302.
Larry Sampson, '61BAd., vice-
president of the Young Republi-
cans and chairman' of the Ann
Arbor Youth for Nixon said that
"he was gratified by the wonder-
ful turnout and the large amount
of student interest.

than American and other dip-
lomats had expected.
It came while both Eisenhower
and Khrushchev were still in Paris
after the stormy breakup of the
Big Four Summit Conference over
the U2 incident.
The next step here comes to-
morrow morning when Ceylon's
Sir Claude Corea, council presi-
dent this month, confers with
Secretary General Dag Hammar-
skjold on arrangements for a
council meeting.
'Early Stages'
Normally such a case 'In the
early stages, at least, would be
handled by the regular Soviet,
American and other delegations in
the council.
Under the rules, however, the
highest officials, such as Eisen-
hower and Khrushchev, could in-
The council president must call
a meeting on request. He sets the
date by agreement with the other;
10 national delegates, and if agree-
ment should come quickly the
council could be convened Friday.
But there were no indications
when it would be convened. '
Beat U.S.
In effect the Russians beat the
United States to the draw here.
The announcement of the So-
viet maneuver came as diplomatic
sources disclosed United States
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
is going to Washington for urgent
weekend conferences with. Presi-.
dent Eisenhower on the United
States course now in the U.N.
Diplomatic informants said the
Washington -talks would prepare
Lodge's presentation of an Eisen-
hower plan for international aerial
surveillance in the wake of the
summit-wrecking U2 incident.
Requests Consideration
Khrushchev had threatened to
request consideration of the U2
case here but had been expected
to wait until his return from the
Paris Summit via Communist
East Germany to Moscow.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko cabled the request
from Paris, where the Summit
Conference broke up Tuesday over
the U2 spy plane incident of May
1. He said the American Flights
were "aggressive acts."

Bias Rulig
Student Government Council
continuing work on the recentl:
approved regulation on discrim
nation in student organizations.
At "its meeting last night,
named a: six-member committ
to select members for the Col
mittee on Membership Practic
the watchdog group to be set i
to administer the non-discrimini
tion regulation.
SGC President John Fedkamn
'61, will be chairman, and oth
members will be SGC Executi
Vice-President Nancy Adams, *'
Acting Daily Editor Thomas Ha'
den, '61, Interfraternity Cbun
President Jon Trost, '61, ai
Council members Al Haber, '
and William Warnock, '61.
To Select Members
Members of the members
committee itself will be select
next semester.
Last week, the Council appr
priated $1,000 for the committee
operations. It also added amen
ments to the repulation last nig
Haber moved power Ito initi
investigation and inquiry of a~
group as to possible violation"
given to the committee. 'The mi
tion -passed, and sohsupplemer
already granted authority to r
ceive and investigate charges
Accepted Motion
The Council also accepted a pr
cedural move by Haber to direci
specify that the membership eor
mittee can recommend to t
'Council disciplinary action agair
student organizations violating ti
regulation or showing bad fail
toward the committee.
A third motion by Haber to pe
mit the membership committee
make public the names of grou
failing to comply with the regul
tion or showing bad faith w
decisively voted down.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, agu
the purpose of the committee reg
lation is to eliminate discrimin
tion. "The more the comitte
deliberations are kept out of t
limelight, the better," he adder
No Purpose Served
'frost said no positive purpo
would be served by making t
names of groups known, as t
regulation's intention is to ass
campus groups.
Haber replied the "campus y
lose interest" if public reports a
not made when the commiti
sees fit. Hayden added that "pt
lie awareness is often helpful"
such cases as it puts pressure
the organization.
Table Consideration
The Council tabled until nm
semester consideration of a fou
motion by Haber to remove fr4
the regulation the exempti
presently granted to national
groups. "We want to mainti
contact," Haber said when
originally offered the motion l
week. "We want all groups o;
to all people who share in intere
and goals of the groups."

Halsey Lectures on Role
"Higher education is concerned with the preservation and expan-
sion of the most highly prized skills and beliefs of society," Prof. A. H.
Halsey of England, visiting professor at the University of Chicago
said yesterday.
Prof. Halsey's talk, entitled "The Changing Functions of Univer-
sities," was given at Rackham Auditorium yesterday as part of a
series of a sociology colloquium.
"Higher learning presupposes cer- ~vb TAuTb~ F
tai conditions," Halsey continued. PREPARATION
"A sufficient economic surplus


must be available in a society to
have, higher education. Many peo -
ple must be supported by their so-
ciety until, in some cases, they
reach their late twenties or early

would' be renewed
the cold war.

efforts to endI

Tourists Drop
Summier Plans
To See Russia
NEW YORK (JP)-Growing ten-
sion with the Soviet Union has
prompted many tourists to cancel
proposed summer visits to Russia,

Limited Scale
"Earlier trends of higher learn-
ing must start on a limited scale.
more advanced programs involve
more people.
"The educational system of a
country exists to transmit skills
and values from one generation to
another. Since the nineteenth cen-
tury, researchhas been becoming
more and more a function of the
universities, and the knowledge
gained in this research must also
be transmitted with pre-existing
Citing other changes in the
functions of higher institutions,
Halsey noted the difference in the
role of the university.
Trained Top Strata
"In earlier times, up to the

Wayne Discusses Actor s
"This is the first time I've played on a college campus, and I
certainly wish that students made up a greater part of the audience
than they do," David Wayne said last night.
Eyebrow pencil, jars of makeup, a neatly folded Navy uniform,
and the sound of an electric razor from a nearby dressing room lent
to the general backstage atmosphere, as Wayne prepared for his per-
formance in "The Golden Fleecing," which is now being presented at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Discusses Preparation
As he smoothed on the grease paint, Wayne commented on his
preparation for all his roles. The "depth of the character" depends
on the depth of the personality of the actor, he said. He may refer
to personal acquaintances who resemble the character, but more often
he uses a "conglomerate" personality of people he knows.
On stage he loses his identity as David Wayne, the actor, and
becomes absorbed in the role and its relationship to the entire play.
He thinks of his next lines, his stage position, and the position of
the members of the cast. Having been a professional for 26 years, he




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