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May 15, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-15

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Dispute West Bank of Jordan

President, Aides,

Associated Press Feature Writer
r JERUSALEM, Jordan (1P)-That
part of Arab Palestine lying. be.
tween Jerusalem and the Jordan
River-often called the "West
Bank" of the Jordan-has been
many times a battleground be-
tweens Arabs and Israelis.
It now has become a political
battleground between quarreling
Arab states.
Nasser's United Arab Republic,
King Hussein's Jordan, and Abdel
Kerim Kassem's Iraq all have dif-
ferent ideas as to the status of
the West Bank. The problem has
caused knock-down, d r a g - o u t
propaganda brawls between these
governments lately. And endless
Arab League sessions have been
devoted to wrangling over the
status of that little piece of terri-
Claimed for Jordan
King Hussein claims the West
Bank as part of Jordan. The oth-
ers insist that Jordan only occu-
pies the area temporarily, pending
a final victory over Israel and
restoration of Arab rights in Pal-
The West Bank problem dates
back to the Palestine War of 1948.
When the Arab-Israeli armistice
agreements were signed, the Arabs
were left holding two bits of Pal-
estine territory. One was the tiny
Gaza coastal strip, occupied by
Egypt. The other was the West
Bank, occupied by Jordan.
Egypt consistently has refused
to annex the Gaza Strip and in-
sists its administration of that
area is only temporary. But Jordan
claims the West Bank as an inte-
gral part of King Hussein's realm.
Boundaries Delineated
Th West Bank lies along the
lower Jordan river and the nor-
thern half of the Dead Sea, as
shown on the map.
It stretches westward to Jeru-
salem, and two salients - one
north and one south of Jerusalem
-plunge deep into central Pales-
The area is only a hundred
miles long and about 35 miles
wide. Its population amounts to
more than half a million.
The West Bank has an import-
ance far greater than its size or
numbers. Its people are all Pal-
estine Arabs, many of them refu-
gees from the Israeli side. They
are ardently wooed by every Arab
politicianf who hopes to have a
political future.
Includes Holy Places
The West Bank also comprises
most of the Biblical holy places,
including the Holy Sepulcher in
Jerusalem and Church of the Na-
tivity in. Bethlehem. The Dome
of the Rock in Jerusalem, third
most holy place in the world for
Moslems, also lies in West Bank
territory. Those holy sites give
the area international importance.
.Iraq's revolutionary s o 1 d i e r-

prime minister Abdel Kerim Kas-
sem wants the West Bank imme-
diately severed from Jordan and
a "Palestine Republic" formed.
Kassem wants not only the West
Bank but all of what he calls "oc-
cupied Palestine" incorporated in
the new republic, including Israel
and the Gaza Strip.
Proposal Reinforced
Kassem has re-inforced his pro-
posal by offering "men, arms, and
money" to the new republic. He
also has invited Palestinians to
come to Iraq for officer train-
So far, there has been little re-
sponse to the Kassem proposal.
The former grand mufti of Jeru-
salem, Haj Amin Husseini, has
endorsed the idea of a Palestine
republic in principle. But neither
the mufti nor any other Palestin-
inian leader has made a move
toward establishing such a repub-

lie along the lines Kassem advo-
Nasser's proposals for the West
Bank are far less radical than
Kassem's. Nasser has no objection
Connote .Fired
By President
For Viewpoint
WASHINGTON () -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower is dropping
William R. Connole from the Fed-
eral Power Commission, he indi-
cated in a letter made public yes-
terday, because Connole has
become "identified with one par-
ticular point of view."
The President's letter was to
Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-Conn.),
who has described Connole as the
principal protector of the con-
sumer on the Power Commission.
At a recent news conference
Eisenhower said only that "I think
I can get a better man" than Con-
nole, whom he first appointed to
the commission in 1955 and whose
term expires on June 22.
In the letter that Dodd made
public today, the President said he
believed members of federal regu-
latory agencies should "not be-
come identified as representing
any point of view narrower than
the broad public interest."
Eisenhower added that "in no
sense should my action be con-
strued as a reflection on Connole,
for in my opinion he has served
faithfully and diligently as a mem-
ber of the Commission."

to leaving the area under de facto
Jordan control for the time be-
ing. But he wants to establish the
principle of a "Palestine entity,"
with Jordan and the U.A.R. hold-
ing segments of Palestine in trust
pending a solution of the whole
Effectively Absorbed
During the last dozen years, the
Jordanian monarchy has effect-
ively absorbed the West Bank in-
to the politicalland economic life
of Jordan. Palestinians in Jordan
are considered Jordan subjects,
and lately King Hussein has of-
fered Jordanian nationality to all
Palestinians everywhere. The King
apparently is trying hard to make
Palestinians consider Jordan as
their country.
Under the Jordan electoral law,
half the deputies in Parliament
must come from the West Bank.
Every cabinet has a good propor-
tion of West Bank ministers, and
3ne prime minister came from the
West Bank. The present foreign
minister, Moussa Nasr, is a West
Needled by propaganda from
Baghdad and Cairo, King Hus-
sein this spring offered to conduct
a neutrally-supervised plebescite
on the West Bank to determine its
future. So far, nobody has paid
any attention to his offer.
What would happen if such a
plebiscite were conducted?
Frequent trips to the West Bank
have convinced this correspond-
ent of this: in a popularity contest
between Nasser and Hussein, Nas-
ser would win easily. But in a
vote on whether to secede from
Jordan, Hussein probably would

To Support
Open Skies
Allies To Hold Talks
To Agree on Strategy
WASHINGTON (P)-In an at-
mosphere of official silence, Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower left
last night for East-West summit
talks in Paris ready to uphold the
need for intelligence checks on
Russia's war potential.
Accompanied by a handful of
aides, Eisenhower is due to arrive
in the French capital this morning
for last minute strategy talks with
Britain's Prime Minister Harold
MacMillan and French President
Charles de Gaulle.
No Relaxation
Despite the official silence, there
appeared to be no sign Eisenhower
intends to relax his determination
in the face of probable new pro-
tests from Khrushchev about
American aerial spying.
Authoritative officials said Eis-
enhower hopes to convert the in-
ternational furorover the Ameri-
can spy plane downed in Russia,
into a positive asset at the con-
ference table.
If challenged, they said, Eisen-
hower is ready to cite the spy in-
cident as an argument in favor
of his plan for "open skies" in-
spection of defense potentials.
To Avoid Battle
The President is reported hoping
to avoid an open propaganda bat-
tle with Khrushchev over the
issue, which admittedly threatens
to overshadow the avowed purpose
of the Big Four top level parley.
But officials acknowledged that
the fate of the serious talks in-
itially contemplated is up to Khru-
shchev. Eisenhower will reluc-
tantly'reply in kind of Khrush-
chev seeks to turn the meeting
into a giant propaganda circus,
aides said.
A slight toning down of anti-
American remarks from Moscow
in the past two days has slightly
raised hopes that Khrushchev may
choose to play down the incident
and stick instead to serious talks
about disarmament, Berlin and
Negotiating Advantage
Some diplomatic authorities be-
lieve Khrushchev's denunciations
of spying are intended to give him
a negotiating advantage toward
winning more favorable terms for
an interim settlement of the Ber-
lin problem.
Officials said international row
over spying in the past week has
not, however, weakened Eisenhow-
er's determination to avoid any
Berlin deal which imperils the
future of the West Berliners or
hopes for eventually uniting Ger-
Authorities conceded also that
t he embarrassing spy incident has
not improved prospects that
Khrushchev will accept any open
skies inspection. In the past,
Khrushchev has bitterly denounc-
ed any such system as a thinly
disguised Western effort to spy on
Hopes Weakened
The plane incident also appears
to have weakened previous hopes
that Khrushchev would join at
the Paris sessions in clearing away

the remaining obstacles to an
East-West safeguarded ban on
nuclear testing.
Eisenhower is known to be
equipped with a big array of am-
munition to fire back at Khrush-
chev in any propaganda duel.


Summit Talks

U.S. Claims Legal Right in Spy Case
States was described by experts cluding flights over other lands. Of course, spying is a crime u
yesterday as having at least part They thus are not able to come der national law as distinguish
of international law on its side in into court with clean hands, as from international law.
the case of the U2 spy plane the lawyers say. Although air space is norma
downed in Russia on May 1. Along this line, competent in- under control of the country t
President Dwight D. Eisenhower ternational legal authority has lowdhisrulsu th e xcel
and Secretary of State Christian stated that spying - as old as , this rule is subject to exce
A. Herter have outlined the over- diplomacy - is an accepted inter- tions in emergency situations. T
all American view basically as fol- national practice which is not United States might claims
lows: wrong legally, morally, or politi- emergency existed in view of a
Russia has made a fetish of cally. viet activities.
secrecy and has often threatened
others with mass destruction. The
free world in this atomic missile
era therefore must be on guard
against surprise attack. LET THE RAINS COME .
To Ease Danger
The United States wants to ease
the danger of war by allowing
mutual inspection, including re-
ciprocal flights over each other's
territory. In the absence of Soviet "CAMPUS RAINSHEDDER"
agreement to this, the United
States in self defense has had to
send reconnaissance flights over And now is the time to save
Soviet territory.
The U2 case is now more of a
political than a legal dispute be-
tween Moscow and Washington.
The legal aspects may take on
more importance if-as Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev has promised
-the Soviets take the matter to
the United Nations.
Position Suffers I Special Collection
The United States legal position
suffers because it is well estab-
lished that a nation's sovereignty
extends upward into the air space
above its territory. The United
States has admitted crossing into
Soviet air space.
By the time the case gets to the
United Nations, however, United
States authorities are expected to
have a defense for their side. The -
experts cite these points which
they say can be used to back the
American position:
Self defense is a basic inter-
national concept which is em-
bodied in the United Nations char- ---
ter and elsewhere. It is noted in
this connection that the United
States has not used force. The U2
was said to be unarmed.
The Soviets themselves have un-
dertaken continuous and wide-
spread intelligence activities, in-
West Coast
St1uents Riot
At Hearings $ 9
Reuary 1.9
SAN FRANCISCO (P)-Students Re ua l$1.5.,. 3 90
from many bay area universities,
including California and Stanford, $9 90
were in the city hall throngs when Regularly $12.95..
a riot broke out Friday over in-
ability to crowd into a hearing others from $10.95
of a House subcommittee on un-
American activities.'
College officials made clear in
statements these students were
there on their own as individuals.
President Clark Kerr and Chan-
cellor Glenn Seaborg issued a joint
statement that the rioters "were
not in any way representing the
university or the student associa-
San Francisco State College
Vice-Pres. Leo Cain said students
present from that college "went 217S. Main St. 9 Nickels Arcade
down there as citizens and not in
a college-sponsored activity."


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May 15, 1960

Page 3


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