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May 15, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-15

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy,
warmer during day.

See Page 4


VOL. LXX, No. 160





Soviet Space Ship"
Launched into Orbit
Four-Ton Vessel Carries Dummy
As Trial for Human Space Trip
MOSCOW (W-Russia launched a space ship into orbit around
the earth with a "dummy spaceman" aboard, Tass reported early
'The dramatic announcement, obviously timed for the eve of the
summit conference opening in Paris tomorrow, said:
"The launching, was undertaken to perfect and check the satel-
lite ship's system, ensuring its safe flight and controls, it's return to
the earth and the necessary conditions for the space crew."
Dummy In Cabin
The dummy was reported riding in a pressurized cabin which
contains "all the necessary equipment for a future manned flight and,
moreover, various instrumenta-

Delays Wage
le islation
publican leader Everett M. Dirk-
sen of Illinois said yesterday there
will be a further delay in legisla-
tion designed to increase the min-
imum wage from $1 to $1.25 an
The measure was sponsored by
men. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass),
a candidate for the Democratic
presidential nomination, and is
opposed by the administration.
Dirksen commented to a re-
,,porter that the bill has been held
up in the Senate Labor Committee
for two months while Kennedy
was away campaigning.
"We have notified Sen. Gold-
water," he said, "that we are go-
ing to start on May 24 whether
he is there or not."
The aide said Kennedy would
like to get the blil approved by
the committee that week, before
the Memorial Day weekend. After
that there will only be six weeks
of Congress remaining before the
Democratic national convention
opens in Los Angeles July 11.
As approved by a subcommittee
last summer,- the bill would raise
the wage minimum for the 24
million workers now covered by
the law to $1.25 an hour.
It also would bring about 10,-
Y 730,000 additional employes under
the act and give all but 3,600,000
of these the $1.25 floor. The re-
mainder would have a $1 mini-
The administration opposes both
the $1.25 figure and the extended
coverage of the Kennedy -bill. It
has suggested a minimum of not
more than $1.15 and coverage for
about three million additional
A Kennedy aide said only a one-
day delay had been agreed to in
the committee meetings.
Soviets Claim
U.S. Intrusion
In Swiss Case
MOSCOW -)-The Soviet Union
charged yesterday that the deten-
tion of three of its embassy em-
ployes by Switzerland was a provo-
cation fanned by the, United
States to divert attenti n from
the' "bandit intrusions" of spy
The charge was published here
after a note of protest was de-
livered Friday to Swiss Ambassa-
dor Alfred Zehnder.
(The Swiss government rejected
the accusation as "completely un-
founded." Borislaw Modin and
Yves Frolov, diplomats attached
to the Soviet Embassy in Bern,
were expelled Thursday for spying
The Soviet note said the deten-
tion of Modin and Frolov and a
Soviet chauffeur, N. S. Larinov
was "stupid, clumsy" and the
Scharges lacked proof. It also ac-
cused Swiss police of "brutal be-
havior" toward the accused.
"After the aggressive actions of
American aviation against the
Soviet Union were revealed before
the entire world," the note said,
"Washington began seeking fran-
tically for measures to divert, by
one way or another, the attention
of world public opinion from the
Anndaifl1nn nasition in which th

The "space slip" weighed more
than foul tons. It was put into a
pre - calculated orbit 200 miles
above the earth.
Tass said the space ship would
be controlled from the earth but
to attempt will be made to bring
the "dummy spaceman" back to
"When the necessary informa-
tion is received from the satellite,
a pressurized cabinet weighing
some 2.5 tons will be separated
from it," the announcement said.
Cabin Not Retrieved
"In this case it is notplanned
to retrieve the pressurized cabin."
After checked for reliability the
space ship and cabin will "begin
descending on command from the
earth, and burn up in the denser
layers of the atmosphere," Tass
The Russians' last major space
feat was Oct. 4, 1959, when they
launched a cosmic rocket carry-
ing into space an "automatic in-
terplanetary station" with scien-
tific and radio equipment. ,
The station was powered by so-
lar batteries and chemical sources
of electricity.
The October shot was made on
the second anniversary of the
launching of Sputnik I which
stunned the world in 1957.
Announced By Tass
The Tass announcement said:
"The Soviet Union orbited a
space ship around the earth.
"According to the available in-
formation, the satellite ship was
put into a precalculated orbit,
which is close to circular and
some 320 kilometers above the
surface of the earth, where it
separated from the carrier rock-
et's last stage.
"The satellite ship's initial per-
iod of revolution around the earth
is 91 minutes.
"Its inclination to the equator-
ial plane is 65 degrees.
"The satellite ship weighs four
tons 540 kilograms without the
last stage of the carrier rocket.
Cabin Pressurized
"The ship has a pressurized
cabin on board, which contains a
dummy spaceman, all the neces-
sary equipment for a future man-
ned flight and, moreover, various
instrumentation weighing 1477
Tass added:
"When the necessary informa-
tion is received from the satellite
ship, a pressurized cabin weighing
some 2.5 tons will be separated
from it. In this case it is not plan-
ned to retrieve the pressurized
cabin, which, after due checking
of its reliability, operation and
separation from the carrier rock-
et, will, as the spaceship itself, be-
gin descending on command from
the earth and burn up in the
denser layers of the atmosphere."

To Block
By Soviet
PARIS M-The Western powers
agreed yesterday to counter any
Soviet moves for separate German
peace treaties with a proposal for
a plebiscite in both parts of Ger-
many to back up their demand
that the divided people determine
their own fate.
This decision was confirmed at
a meeting of the foreign ministers
of the United States, Britain,
France and West Germany.
Western informants said the
plebiscite proposal would be set
forth at the Big Four summit con-
ference, opening Monday.
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev has said again and again that
if the West does not agree to his
call for peace treaties with the
two Germanys he will sign a peace
pact with Communist East Ger-
many and force the Western pow-
ers out of West Berlin.
The foreign ministers' strategy
meeting was devoted exclusively
to the twin problem of German
reunification and the Soviet threat
to Berlin. Other summit topics will
be taken up tomorrow. The West
Germans will not participate in
that session.
Khrushchev gave no hint as to
his summit tactics on Germany
when he arrived in Paris, but he
already has listed Berlin as the
No. 2 item on his summit agenda.
The West was reported ready to
come up with a package plan that
would provide for a stage-by-stage
reunification of Germany. No one
expects Khrushchev to buy it.
A West German spokesman said
the United States, Britain and
France were completely agreed on
their tactics on the German and
Berlin questions.
"Any slight misunderstandings
that may have arisen recently have
all been cleared up," he said. '
West Germany's Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer and his foreign
minister, Heinrich von Bretano,
conferred with their allies today
and Adenauer was to meet with
the Western government chiefs
The two West German officials
were to go back to Bonn tomor-
row night.
Ask Seating
Of IUN Head
CHICAGO (A) - Four Nobel
Peace Prize winners yesterday
urged that Dag Hammarskjold,
secretary-general of the United
Nations, be seated at the summit
conference in Paris next week.
Lester B. Pearson, former prime
minister of Canada, said telegrams
urging United Nations represen-
tation at the conference table
were sent to leaders of the four
major powers participating in the
summit sessions which open Mon-
The telegrams to Pr e s i d e n t
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Prime
Minister Nikita Khrushchev, Pres-
ident Charles de Gaulle and Prime
Minister Harold MacMillan said
the United Nation official's pres-
ence would serve as "a living re-
minder of the purposes and prin-
ciples and the existence of the
United Nations, and of the vital
interest of all mankind in the
summit discussions."



. esProfessors
Give Views
On Summit
Consider Recent
Soviet 'Toughness,
Berlin Unification
A good many speculations could
be made about Khrushchev's re-
cent "tough" attitude toward the
Western powers Prof. J. David
Singer of the political science de-
partment said last night.
"Perhaps Khrushchev is acting
this way because of domestic
pressure, or perhaps he is trying
to increase Soviet bargaining
power. Or it could be that Khru-
shchev feels that the Western
powers have been belligerent. On
the whole, we just can't be sure."
Not Much Expected
Prof. Inis L. Claude, also of
the political science department,
commented that the reason for
Khrushchev's unyielding attitude
is that he probably isn't expecting
too much to come from the sum-
mit conference.
"Both sides are jockeying back
and forth so that they can put
the blame on the other side when
there is no significant outcome
from the conference," Prof. Claude
said. "Khrushchev is just taking
advantage of an opportunity."
Commenting on the Soviet Pre-
mier's pre - summit actions in
Paris, Prof. Singer said that a
"plausible explanation" for his in-
viting MacMillan and de Gaulle
to private conferences before the
summit could be to agitate weak-
nesses within the Western alli-
ances. "The Soviets are always
trying to divide Western powers."
Move Not Deliberate
Disagreeing with this specula-
tion, Prof. Claude said that
"though the Soviets would like to
divide the Western powers," he
didn't feel that anything "that
deliberate" should be read into
Khrushchev's actions.
"We often try to interpret So-
viet actions in sophisticated terms
when actually the actions are not
made with such a sophisticated in-
tent," Prof. Claude added. "We
strain too much, sometimes, to
read things into Soviet moves."
Both Prof. Singer and Prof.
Claude are pessimistic about the
outcome of the summit confer-
ence-especially on the detail of
German reunification.
"Khrushchev doesn't want any
reunification. Nobody does," Prof.
Singer said. "German reunifica-
tion is something that everyone
wants to talk about, but I don't
think anybody really wants it."
Somewhat opposing Prof. Sing-
er's opinion with his belief that
"though some may favor reunifi-
cation, neither side wants it on
terms that would be acceptable to
the other side," Prof. Claude said
that "neither side has any reas-
onable expectation of agreement
on this point."


with British, Frenc



'M' Splits Twin Bill with Ohio State.

-David Giltrow
MAN IN A HURRY-Michigan's catcher, Dick Syr ing, is safe at first base in the fifth inning of the
first game yesterday as the Ohio State shortstop overthrew fiirst baseman Dave Mason. Syring scored
Michigan's first run minutes later as he rode in on Gene Struczewski's homer. The Wolverines won
this game, 6-3, and dropped the second, 4-2.



Ohio State relief pitcher Paul
Seitz stifled a sixth inning Michi-
gan rally and then went on to
strike out the side in the seventh
to preserve a 4-2 Buckeye victory
in the second game of a double-
header yesterday after a Wolver-
ine home run barrage had won
the first game 6-3.
The split kept Michigan one
game above the .500 mark in con-
ference play with a 6-5 record.
Home runs were a dime a dozen
Special Day
Mayor Cecil O. Creal has de-
clared May 17, the sixth anniver-
sary of the 1954 Supreme Court
decision on school desegregation,
"Freedom Day" in Ann Arbor.
A "Freedom Parade" will start
off the day's activities. Marchers,
who are asked to assemble at 2
p.m.. on the Diag, will march down-
town and back to the Diag.
At the Diag the marchers will
be addressed by the Rev. C. T.
Vivian, who is active in the sit-in
movements in Nashville, Tenn.
All students are urged to par-
ticipate. Men are asked to wear
suits and ties and women to wear
school clothes.

at Ferry Field as the two -teams
belted five of them in the twin
Michigan's Dave Brown led the
splurge with two homers, one in
each game. It upped his team lead-
ing total to nine.
Gene Struczewski, who socked
three last weekend against Mich-
igan State, kept his blistering pace
with a three run blast in the first
game. It gave Struczekski four
home runs in his last four games.
First baseman Bill Roman also
homered in the first game for
OSU's Ray Apple hit one in the
second game for the Buckeyes'
only round tripper of the day.
Seitz entered the .second game
in the sixth inning with Ohio

State leading 4-2 and Wil Frank-
lin perched on second after a
Ed Hood and Gene Struczewski
had opened the inning calmly
enough by grounding out off
starter Jim Walton. But Walton
walked Bill Roman, and Dave
Brown followed with his second
home run of the day, a towering
blast over the left field fence.
Franklin then sent Walton to
the showers with his double to
right center.
Coach Don Lund sent Barry
Marshall up to hit for Bob Kucher
but the hard throwing right hand-
er retired Marshall on a bouncer
to third.'
In the seventh Seitz struck out
See THREE, page 7

Whest Detects
Plan To Split
U.S., Allies
Russian Sees Effort
To Defy Peace Plans
At Summit Meeting
P A R I S ( - Premier Nikita
Khrushchev arrived yesterday for
a showdown summit meeting on
world tensions and tartly - but
cautiously - accused unnamed in-s..
fluential circles of trying to pre-
serve a cold war atmosphere.
Western officials at once de-
tected signs of an attempt by the
Soviet premier to drive a wedge
between the United States and its
Western allies.
Tone Cautious
Khrushchev's tone was cautious
in an airport address. One highly
placed westerner said it seemed
Khrushchev, while anxious not to
wreck the summit meeting in ad-
vance. by playing too heavily on
the U2 plane incident, still was
under severe pressure from his
own politicians at home to con-
tinue talking tough.
At the same time westerners re-
garded as highly significant Khru-
shchev's prompt move to arrange
a meeting with British Prime Min-
ister Harold MacMillan, who ar-
rives this morning, two hours after
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
A Khrushchev meeting with Presi-'
dent Charles de Gaulle of France
already had been arranged earlier.
Meetings Arranged
Both these meetings were ar-
ranged upon Khrushchev's initia
tive, and observers found in this
an indication that Khrushchev
was attempting to divide the
Western allies. There was no
Khrushchev request for a meeting
with Eisenhower, and there was
no indication that any such re-
quest was going to be made.
Eisenhower, MacMillan and de
Gaulle are scheduled to meet with.
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of
West Germany this afternoon for
a Western summit huddle. By that
time de Gaulle will have had his
meeting with Khrushchev and will
be able to fill in his colleagues on
what took place.
Makes Speech
in his airport speech, Khrush-
chev appeared to choose his words
with caution. It was a moment
when an ill-chosen phrase might
wreck in advance the meeting'
Khrushchev anxiously sought for
more than two years.
A British delegation spokesman
said he found the airport speech
"not unhelpful." But a highly
placed western source said he
lacked any high hopes for mean.
ingful agreement at the summit.
"Nobody can deny that in cer-
tain countries, especially in recent
times; influential circles, trying to
get back to the cold war and pre-
vent improvement of the interna-
tional atmosphere, have noticeably
increased their activities," Khru-
shchev saidd.
"Let us hope that their efforts
will not be successful and that the
discussion of questions such as
general and complete disarma-
ment,the liquidation of the re-
nants of the second World War
and the conclusion of a German
peace treaty, ,as well as (improe'
ment of) East-West relations will
be profitable to the cause of uni-
versal peace."
Makes Promise
This barb was Khrushchev's only
reference to the latest flareup in
Soviet-American relations Othe-
wise, he concentrated on what he
said were his h~opes for -the con-

perence and world peace, and
promised that the Soviet Union
will work for the success of the
summit meeting.
A report of fire In the Na-
tural Science Bldg. last night
sent Ann Arbor firemen rush-
ing toward campus.

U.S. Protests Shooting
Of Submarine by Cuba
WASHINGTON (41)-The United States protested to Cuba yester-
day against what it termed an unprovoked attack on a United States
submarine while on the high seas.
The government demanded an explanation of the incident, while
at the same time vigorously disputing accucations by Cuban Premier
Fidel Castro that the United States has aggressive designs against'
The United States view was conveyed to Cuba by Lester D. Mal-
lory, deputy assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs.
He called in the highest ranking Cuban diplomat in Washington and
" delivered the dressing-down in


- ---------


Ann B

avis, ', Returns to Michigan
A husky voice arrested the hand that was about to open the
window. :>
"No, don't overdo it, you might spoil it and it started out so
nicely," Ann B. Davis, alias Schultzy said.
She spoke of the glimmer of sunlight that came through the'
partially opened window, the first she had seen since arriving for
Drama Season rehearsals last week.
Rehearsals and visiting old friends have kept Miss Davis from
even seeing the campus which she and her twin sister left in 1948.
"There wasn't any TV here when I was and I imagine the radio
has grown," she said of the speech department courses.
Worked In Playbill
"I did quite a bit with the Playbill, even played a Supreme Court
t Justice once; we were short of men in those days," she winked. "I
just saw a picture of the nine justices from that play and I couldn't
even find myself among those bearded figures."

A State Department announce-
ment said Mallory had demanded,
an explanation of why "an armed
vessel of the Cuban navy fired,
without provocation, on the U.S.S.
Poacher while the latter was pur-
suing a peaceful passage on the
high seas."
The Navy earlier had displayed
ship logs and navigation charts
to refute Castro's charges that
United States warships violated
Cuban waters. The navigation
track of the Sea Poacher at the
time of the disputed incident in-
dicated she was more than five
miles from the nearest rock or
point of land ever claimed by
The incident occurred May 6
and until Castro made his charges
about it Friday night, the United
States Navy apparently had been
unaware that its sub had been
fired upon. Both the Navy and the
State Department disputed Cas-
trn's pcntentinn that the Eaft had


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