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May 13, 1960 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-13

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and Design
. Henry Stanley Kowalewski
Fredric William Neuwirth, B.Arch.
Linda Ann Nordyke, B.Arch.
Keith Martin Sipperley
James Anthony Van Sweden,
William Oliver Walcott
Thomas John Walsh, B.S.Des.
Ann Louise Wiltse
John Craig Boucher
William M. Crosby
Joyce Michiko Hirata
Susan Lorena Kennedy
Forrest Duvall Warthman
Alice Read Aagesen
Elizabeth Carlton Mosier
Elizabeth Caroline Freeman
Harriet Suzanne Katcher
Joan Veronica Kielb Smith
Sharon Elizabeth Smith
Judeth Gilmore Van Hamm
Ruth Ellen Weisberg
Music Seniors
Edwin H. Coleman, Jr.,
James Parkinson Fairleigh
Irwin Robert Gage
Nancy Jane Grawemieyer
Leah Belle Gretzler
Nancy Carol. Hallsten
Margaret Ethel Heffernan
Tom Milton Kirshbaum
Marie Delight Lewis
Elizabeth Ann Lichty
Judith Elaine Mansfield
Martha Nell Rearick
Roger Lee Reynolds
Brenda Frances Roberts
Kenneth Creighton Roberts, Jr.
Karen Louise Taylor
Linda Ann Vernon
Ella Alberta Villa
Albert Lincoln Werner, B.S.
William Eugene Hettrick III
Karen Elaine Klipec
Peter Bowman Spring
Elizabeth Ann Bowman
Grace Agnes Zetterstrom
JoAnn Deabler
Anita Marie Fecht
Georgia Mae Griffith
Kathryn Lucinda Irons
Richard Frank Verdi
Gabriel Armand Villasurda

Flint College
Hazel Anice Davis Bohnsack, A.B.
William Eugene Connolly
Esther Clara Jewell Hippensteel
Leon James Moore
Gail Muriel Speidell Moss,
Sharon Lynne Porath
Ida Mae Williams Shaker, A.B.
Martha, Bernice Chambers
Marilyn Jane Simons Swift
John Beech Gregg
John Charles Nord
Peyton Wood Owston
Richard Case Crickmer, Jr.
Robert Leslie Winer

Student Publications Finish
Year of Service on Campus"

7M' Teams Win Four Titles

Interfraternity Council
Serves Campus Affiliates



Now in its 70th year of editorial
freedom, The Michigan Daily is
published Tuesday through Sun-
day each week.
The Daily is housed in a half-
million dollar plant and run by
two separate student staffs, edi-
torial and business.
The Michiganensian, the Uni-
versity annual, captures the high-
lights of each school year with
photographs and editorial fea-
tures. The 'Ensian also has its
own business staff.
Generation, the University in-
ter-arts magazine, has published
art, fiction, drama, poetry, music
and criticism, submitted'manly
by students, since 1949.
Gargoyle, the campus humor
magazine, satirizes University tra-
ditions, personalities, and events
with sly sophistication.
Editorial Staff, Senior Editor,
Thomas Turner, '60, Editor
Philip Power, '60
Editorial Director
Robert Junker, '60, City Editor
Jim Benagh, '60, Sports Director
Peter Dawson, '60
Associate City Editor
Charles Kozoll, '60
Personnel Director
Joan Kaatz, '60
Magazine Editor
Barton Huthwate, '60
Associate Editorial Director
FredlKatz, '60
Associate Sports Editor
David Lyon, '60
Associate Sports Editor
Jo Hardee, '60
Contributing Editor
Daily Business Staff, Senior Staff
Ronald Peters, W60E
Business Manager
Marilyn Fisher, 60
Accounts Manager
Richard Champe, '6BAd
Finance Manager
Ted Cohn, '60
Advertising Manager
Morley Gwirtzman, '60BAd
Associate Business Manager
Holds Events
Assembly Association began the
year's activities with its freshman
orientation program and held the
annual I-Hop on its traditional
date, the Saturday of the first
home football game.
Through the work of Assembly
on the Associate Members Pro-
gram, Ann Arbor students who are
associate members of the residence
halls are now able to participate in
house activities after the regular
closing hours of the dorm.
In the spring Assembly worked
on the upper class housing prob-
lem and coordinated a corridor
representatives workshop.
Officers and committee chair-
men of Assembly Association in
the past year were:
Joan Comiano, '60 President
Constance Kreger, '60, First
Vice President
Barbara Gilber, '60, Second
Katherine Jolls, '61, Secretary
Elsie Schere, '60 Treasurer
Mary Lou Lebaert, '62,
Activities and Scholarship
Ronnie Moe, '60, Public
Myra Goines, '61, Social
Joyce'Elaine Fox DeCook.
Joan Ellen Dudl
Barbara Jane Johnson
Judith Ann Johnson
Mary Elizabeth Kotting
Sue Caroline McCleary

Donna Lou Tigelaar
Linda Suyeno Hiratsuka
Sharon Agnes Mail
Lynda Marie Mayer
Anne Kerstin Peterson
Linda Vance
Suzanne De Pree
Carol Louise Felder
Carol Nancy Kallio
Mary Susan Rainaldi
Joyce Elizabeth Schrage
Sarah Louise Sheets
Christine Leola Wagar
Cherrie Lynn Wares
Frances Mary Allenza
Carla Rae Everett

Judith Nichols, '60Ed.
Managing Editor.
Business Staff
Tim Johnson, '61E
Jack O'Brien, Copy Editor
David Griffith, '61
Personnel Director
Carol Handschumaker, '60Ed.
Engravings Editor
Ann Doniger, '60, (o-Editor
Al Young, '60, Co-Editor
Beverly Gingold, '60
Fiction Editorf
Jay Hamburg, '61
Poetry Editor
Coco Oppenheimer, '61
Publiicty Director
Nathan Lawrence Snider,
Scott Newman
Typography Editor
Richard Pollinger, '60j
Managing Editor
David Cornwell; '60A&D
Art Editor
Stuart Handler, '61
Business Manager
RelP resents
Panhellenic Association is the
coordinating body for the 22 sor-
orities on campus.
As representative of affiliated
women on campus, Panhel has the
purpose of cooperating in the
maintenance of high social stand-
ards, furthering intellectual ac-
complishment and sound scholar-
ship, promoting cooperation
among sororities and unifying the
interests of sorority and non-
sorority women.
Executive Council
President: Mary Wellman, '60Ed,
Alpha Phi.
First vice-president: Peggy Mc-
Kee, '60Ed., Alpha Delta Pi.
Second vice-president: Beverly
Ford, '61Ed., Kappa Alpha Theta.
Secretary: Barbara Dix, '61,
Delta Delta Delta.
Treasurer: Louise McQuilkin, '60,
Alpha Chi Omega.
Administrative Chairmen
Rushing Chairman: Barbara
Greenberg, '61, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
Assistant Rushing Chairman:
Barbara Place, '61Ed., Sigma Kap-
Chairman of Rushing Counsel-
ors: Al Bonnell, 160M, Alpha Xi
Assistant Chairman of Rushing
Counselors: Toni Iffland, '60Ed.,
Zeta Tau Alpha.
Public Relations: Jane Thomp-
son, '61, Alpha Phi.
Secretarial Manager: Joy Ker-
sheske, '60, Alpha Gamma Delta.
Junior Panhellenic

INVINCIBLE SQUAD-Coach Bill Murphy and his seven man tennis team pulled off an unsurpass-
able feat last May when they won all six singles titles and all three doubles crowns in addition to the
Big Ten team championship. Front row: Gerry Dubie, Larry Zaitleff and Frank Fulton. Back row:
Coach Murphy, John Wiley, Jon Erickson, Wayne Peacock and Bob Sassone.

(Continued from Page 1)
fight before succumbing, and then
upset Illinois and Ohio State to
end the season on a good note.
In the winter, Coach Bill Peri-
go's cagers managed only four vic-
tories in 23 games. Their 1-13
record gave them sole ownership
of the Conference basement.
The hockey team started strong-
ly and it looked as if Michigan
might regain some of the hockey
glory that it had held earlier in
the decade; however, the Wolver-
ines faded as the season wore on
and settled for fifth in the newly-
formed Western Inter - Collegiate
Hockey Association.
Also settling for fifth were the
Michigan gymnasts who experi-
enced a disappointing year.
High Point
The high point of the past ath-
letic year came on the weekend of
March 6, 7 when Michigan became
the first school in 16 years to win
three Big Ten winter sport titles.
For the third straight year the
Wolverine swimmers won the Big
Ten title. Leading the way with
two firsts apiece were freestyler
Frank Legacki and breaststroker
Ron Clark. Other first place win-
ners for Coach Gus Stager's squad
were Fred Wolf in the individual
medley and divers Joe Gerlach
and Bob Webster.
Making themselves invaluable
with their seconds and thirds were
Dave Gillanders, Carl Woolley,

Bill Darnton, John Kerr, Alex
Gaxiola and Andy Morrow.
In track it was the same story
-great individual performances
backed up by tremendous team
depth. Robinson in the 60- and
300-yard races, Bennie McRae in
the low hurdles and Tony Seth in
the 600-yard run accounted for
the Michigan firsts with Ergas
Leps, Les Bird, Steve Williams,
Dick Cephas, Earl Deardorff,
Bryan Gibson, Ray Locke, Terry
Trevarthen, Fred Montour and
Dave Martin providing the depth.
The most surprising victory of
the weekend was posted by the
wrestling team which literally
ran away with the Conference

meet. Expected to be just another'
contender, Coach Cliff Keen's
squad rolled to an easy victory
with Ambi Wilbanks, Fritz Keller-
man, Jim Blaker, and Dennis Fitz-
gerald picking up i n d i v i d u a l
Valuable Points
Providing valuable points in
consolation matches were Mike
Hoyles, Dick Fronczak and Fred
The best thing about the past
year's championship teams is that,
with the exception of tennis, they
were made up of mostly sopho-
mores and juniors, who will be
back to- give Michigan champion-
ship potential for another year.

Varsity Athletes Awarded
Letters in Ten 'M' Sports

President: Kathy Bennett, '60, S Considers
* 1I- FY 1...a+,m


Kappa Alpna Theta.-
Panhel Delegates
Alpha Chi Omega: Andrea Pat-
terson, '62.
Alpha Delta Pi: Ann Gould, '62.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Julie Slep-
yan, '61.
Alpha Gamma Delta: Ann
Petersen, '61.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Keppy Pat-
tan, '62.
Alpha Phi: Laurie Pinkerton,
Alpha Xi Delta: Grace Zether-
strom, '62M.
Chi Omega. Doffie Miller, '61.
Collegiate Sorosis: Inese Lei-
pens, '61.
Delta Delta Delta: Louise Sell-
gren, 'BlEd.
Delta Gamma: Jane Bowbeer,
Delta Phi Epsilon: Donna Win-
throp, '62.
Gamma Phi Beta: Pat Wells,
Kappa Alpha Theta: Dru Dex-
ter, '61.
Kappa Delta: Penny Thewalt,
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Mar-
garet Hayes, '6lEd.
Phi Mu: Diane Long, '60.
Phi Sigma Sigma: Fern Fish-
man, '61.
Pi Beta Phi: Sue Jackson, '61.
Sigma Delta Tau: Carol Tipsi-
kee, '61.
Sigma Kappa: Kathy Lockwood,
Zeta Tau Alpha: Sue Freed-
strom, '6OEd..

Picketing, Bias
During Year
(Continued from Page 1)
sored events held on campus, rec-
ognized new organizations in ac-
cord with its requirements and ap-
proved appointments to various
committees, boards and delega-
tions submitted by its Interview-
ing and Nominating Board.
Following a record low turnout
of voters in SGC all-campus elec-
tions, the Council altered its elec-
tion rules to allow individual post-
ers and gimmicks for candidates-
it was believed that former elec-
tion rules allowing only platform
statements as publicity were too
idealistic and resulted in inade-
quate publicity for the election,
however fair they were to the can-
didates as individuals.
Prof. Noelren
To Play Organ
Prof. Robert Noehren of the
music school will be the guest
organist at the Honors Convoca-
tion today.
His program will include Fran-
cois Couperin's "Offertoire sur les
Grands Jeux" and "Kyrie: Gott
heiliger Geist" by Bach.

Varsity letters are awarded inv
ten sports at the University.
Listing of 'M' winners in golf,
track, tennis and baseball are those
of last spring, since awards for
this year won't be made until com-
pletion of the respective sport sea-
Joseph H. Brefeld, '61; David E.
Brown, '60E; James A. D key, '59
Ed.; George S. Fead; '61E; Wilbert
A. Franklin, '62Ed.; John C. Hal-
stead, .'61; Allan J. Koch, '60; Rob-
ert S. Kutcher, '6OEd.; Nicholaus
A. Liakonis, '61E; Robert H. Mar-
cereau, '61; Barry H. Marshall, '61.
John E. Mogk, '61E.; Gordon R.
Rinckney, '6ONR; William A. Ro-
man, '61E; Robert G. Strybrylla,
'59E; Eugene F. Struczewski; '60
Bus.Ad; Richard E. Syring, '61.
Charles T. Blackett, '59E; Jo-
seph V. Brisson, '61E; Patrick C.
Keefe, '59 BAd.; Frank R. Lovell
'59; Lawrence D. Markman, '60
BAd.; Richard S. Youngberg, '61
Gerald Dubie, '61Ed.; Jon D.
Erickson, '59E; Frank A. Fulton,
'60BAd; Wayne B. Peacock, '61E;
Robert L. Sassone, '59; John M.
Wiley, '60; Lawrence P. Zaitzmeff,
Jared Bushong, '60E; Reid Bush-
ong, '61Ed; Alexander J. Callahan,
'60E; Keith E. Cowan, '61Ed; Guy
P. Curtis, '61; Thomas A. De-
Massa, '60E;, Donald R. Deskins,
'60; Mike E. Fillichio, '60Ed; Jo-
seph Dennis Fitzgerald, '61Ed;
George W. Genyk, '60Ed; Todd T.
Grant,'62; Benjamin L. Hall, '61E;
John C. Halstead, '61BAd; Donald
W. Hannah, '61,
Darrell L. Harper, '60Ed; Wil-
lard R. Hildebrand, '61E; Tommy
E. Jobson, '61Ed; Robert S. John-
son, '60; Alfred T. Julian, '60Ed;
Gary F. Kane, '61; James E. Koro-
win, '62Ed; Jerry C. Leith, '60;
Donald Scott Maentz, '62; George
W. Mans, '62; Garry D. McNitt,
'61Ed; James N. McPherson, '60E;
Benjamin McRae, '62Ed; Bradley

The Interfraternity Council is
the executive body of the frater-
nity system.
The officers of IF are elected
in the spring by the 42-member
Fraternity Presidents Association,
the systems legislative unit.
Interfraternity Council
James A. Martens, '60BAd.
Delta Kappa Epsilon, President
Paul A. Becker, '60E
Lambda Chi Alpha
Executive Vice-President
Glen A. Reavis, '60BAd.
Delta Upsilon
Administrative Vice-President
Allen B. Dickerson, '60
Phi Kappa Psi, Secretary
W. Reed Jenny, '60E
Beta Theta Pi, Treasurer.
Committee Chairmen
Donald G. Linker, '61
Zeta Beta Tau, Social
Howard C. Muller, '61E
Phi Gamma Delta, Rushing
John F. Richards, '61BAd.
Sigma Phi, Publications
Wallace K. Sagendorff, '61
Delta Upsilon, Personnel
James J. Ryan, '61
Delta Tau Delta, Relations
Jonathan H. Trost, '61
Sigma Chi, Academics
Gary Slaughter, '61
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alumni
Bill Carmel, '61
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Office
Melvin S. Rosen, '61
'Tau Delta Phi, Services
Fraternity Presidents' Association
Daniel Arnold, '60BAd., Acacia
David Britgan, '60E
Alpha Delta Phi
Martin Centala, '60E
Alpha Kappa Lamba
Milton G. Tarver, '62Ph.
Alpha Phi Alpha
ISA Offers
A dvantages
To Students
The International Students' As-
sociation exists to offer an oppor-
tunity for students from America
and other countries to meet and
discuss issues of international sig-
nificance. The 20 nationality clubs
help students from other countries
meet each other here at the Uni-
This year's ISA officers and a-
tionality club presidents included:
M. A. Hyder Shah, Grad.
President ISA
Jaako A. Bergquist, Spec.
Executive Vice-President ISA
Amilcar J. Gomez, '61E
Vice-President ISA
Rosalie M. Lonergan, '61
Secretary and Membership
Chairman, ISA
Rafi G. Hariri, Grad.
Treasurer ISA
Carole J. Blinder, '62
Activities Chairman, ISA
Bethany G. Wasserman, '60
Cultural Chairman ISA
Georgia Anne Freestone, '62A&D
Social Chairman ISA
Suha Apayli, '6lFE
Sports Chairman ISA
Young Hoon Kim, E
Publicity Chairman ISA
Lloyd A. J. Quashie
African Student Union
Khalil I. Beitinjaheh, Grad.
Arab Club
Ronald K. K. Lee, '61A&D
Chinese Student Club
George N. Haniotis, '60
Greek Students Club
Suresh K. Jasani, Grad.
India Students Association
Kartomo, Grad.
Indonesian Club
Mahin Sorouri, '60
Iranian Student Club
Abdul Kadir El-Bettar, Grad.
Iraqui Students Society
Alexander Henkin, Grad.
Israeli-American Club
Yoshiya Kawamata, Grad.

Japanese Student Club
David K. Uh, '61E
Korean Student Club
Horacio Marull, Latin American
Student Organization
Maris Venners, '61E
Latvian Club
Luda A. Kuprinas, Grad.
Lithuanian Group
Yousef E. Abu-Bakr, Grad.
Muslim Students Association
Mohammed Nawaz, Grad.
Pakistan Student Association
Frank G. Flores, Grad.
Philippine-Michigan Club
Prasit Chantravekin, '62E
Thai Association
Kenan Yilmaz, '61E
Turkish Student Club
Anne I. Zeleny, '61
Ukranian Student Club
Jose Gilarranz, Grad.
Venezuelan Students
Van Tyne Touse
Freshman Scholarship Award
Gerald T. Gardner
Charles S. Clark Award
Garth William Warner
*W. W. Helms Award

J. Myers, '60; Harry L. Newman,
'61Ed; Stanton C. Noskin, '60;
Paul D. Palmer, '62Ed.
Louis Pavloff, '62; Paul K. Paul-
os, '62; James P. Raeder, '62A&D;
Anthony P. Rio, '60; Jon B. Schopf
'62; Gerald Smith, '60; John E.
Stamos, '62; Stephen O. Stieler,
'62A&D; William R. Stine, '61;
William H. Tunnicliff, '62Ed; Ken-
neth E. Tureaul, '62; Rudd D.
Van Dyne, '61; Ernest J. Zubkus,
Lester B. Bird, '62; Joel M. Boy-
den, '59; Jared L. Bushong, '6OEd;
Richard A. Cephas, '61A&D; Don-
ald C. Chalfant, '61 Ed; Ermin W.
Crownley, '60 Ed; Earl W. Dear-
doff, '60 BAd; Marshall L. Dicker-
son, '61Ed; Bruce N. Fisher, '60Ed;
Franklin H. Geist, '61; Bryan L.
Gibson, '61Ed; Mamon Gibson,
'59Ed; John M. Gregg, '61; Wlliam-
M. Guiness, '59NR; Eeles Land-
strom, '59Ed; David M. Martin,
'61BAd; Frederick O. Montour,
'61Ed; Thomas A. Robinson, '61;
Wally E. Schaeffer, '61; Richard
Schwartz, '60E; Anthony O. Seth,
'62; Peter R. Stanger, '59; Jackson
T. Steffes, '61; Ronald L. Trow-
bridge, '60; Louis Williams, '59Ed.
Thomas L. Bechtel, '62; Ronald
L. Clark, '62E; William T. Darn-
ton, '62E; Dennis E. Floden, '62Ed;
Alejandro Gaxiola, '61; Jozseg
Gerlach, '62Ed; John David Gil-
landers, '61E; James Ronald Jaco,
'61Ed; James L. Kerr, '62.
Frank L. Legacki, '62Ed; Ernest
Meisner, '62E; Andrew B. Mor-
row, '62E; Winston K. Pendleton,
'62E; Edward R. Pongracz, '62A&
D; John C. Smith, '60Ed; Kenneth
D. Ware, '61E; Robert D. Webster,
'62Ed; Frederick D. Wolfe, '62;
Carl T. Woolley, '6OEd.
Robert F. ?rown, '60Ed; Rob-
ert M. Brown, '62E; Richard K.
Clark, '62; Richard- C. Donley, '61
Ed; Lovell L. Farris, '60; Jon K.
Hall, '63; Charles E. Higgs, '62NR;
Terry O. Miller, '60; Steven R.
Schoenherr, '62Ed; John W. Tid-
well, '61.
James R. Blaker, '61; Guy P.
Curtis, '62; Karl V. Fink, '61BAd;
Joseph Dennis Fitzgerald, '61Ed;
Richard S. Fronczak, '61; Wilfried
R. Hildebrandt, '61; Mike R.
Hoyles, '61E; Fredrick E. Keller-
man, '62; Fred L. Olm, '6lEd; Am-
brose S. Wilbanks, '61Ed.
Gordon A. Berenson, '63; Steve
J. Bochen, '60; James A. Coyle, '61
Ed; Kenneth A. Hinnegan, '62; Jo-
seph E. Lunghamer, '63A&D; Dale

Stefan Tucker, '60BAd.
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Robert Beckman, '60E
Alpha Sigma Phi
Ronald L. Spooner, '61E
Alpha Tau Omega
Foorman L. Mueller, '60
Beta Theta Pi
Philip Idema, '62, Chi Phi
Robert Nissly, '60E; Chi Psi
Robert E. Cole, '63Ph., Delta Cii
Douglas B. Brown, '6E
Delta Kappa Epsilon
John A. Miller, '61E
Delta Sigma Phi
Peter S. Ordway, '62
Delta Tau Delta
Edward H. Hayman, 'C6Ph.
Delta Upsilon
John Cothorn, '61E
Kappa Alpha Psi
Charles Cnudde, '60,
Kappa Sigma
David Carpenter, '61BAd.
Lambda Chi Alpha
Howard O'Leary, '60,
Phi Delta Theta
William Friedman, '61
Phi Epsilon P1
William Ransom, '60
Phi Gamma Delta
Richard Chamberlin, '61
Phi Kappa Psi
Thomas Jobson, '61E
Phi Kappa Sigma
George W. Williams, '62
Phi Kappa Tau
Edward Spilkin, '60
Phi Sigma Delta
David A. Wilcox, '61
Phi Sigma Kappa
MervynKlein '62
P1 Lambda Phi
Peter L. Wels, '60A&D,
Psi Upsilon
John E. Mogk, '61E,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Terry Diamond, '60
Sigma Alpha Mu
John Drammis, '61, Sigma Chi
William Studebaker, '60
Sigma Nu
Richard P. Dedic '61BAd
Sigma Phi
William J. Heaphy, '61
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Jay Goldberg, '62
Tau Delta Phi
Michael Risman, '60
Tau Epsilon Phi
Rolfe Worden, '61
Tau Kappa Epsilon
James Glasser, '60E, Theta Chi
William W. Green, '60BAd
Theta Delta Chi
Roger Levy, '60E, Theta Xi
John Pattison, '61E, Triangle
Edward R. Broad, '60E, Trigon
Richard Sideman, '61
Zeta Beta Tau
Joseph Yaney, '61
Zeta Psi
IHC Completes
Final Year
On Campus
This was the Inter-House Coun-
cil's last year.
The IHC will be replaced by the
new Interquadrangle Council
which will serve the men's resi-
dence halls. The IHC worked most
of the year reevaluating the IHC
and drawing up the constitution, of
the new IQC.
Inter-House Council
Boren Chertkov, '60, Gomberg
Charles Sheffer,,'61,,Williams
Administrative Vice-president
Theodore J. Slotman, '61E
Allen-Rumsey, Secretary
Larry Fenton, '62, Wenley
Richard Nohl, '62, Winchell
WCBN Board Chairman
Louis Jaffe, '60, Lloyd
Judiciary Chairman
Daniel Rosemergy, '61, Williams
President of West Quad
John Charters, '61, Reeves
President of South Quad
Ron Vargason, '61, Hayden
President of East Quad

Richard Ostling, President
of Adams, WQ
John Doty, President
of Allen-Rumsey, WQ
Hal Diamond, Presideit
of Chicago, WQ
Ralph Shoberg, president
of Lloyd, WQ
Andy Koran, President
of Michigan, WQ
Bob Moss, President
of Wenley, WQ
Art Brown, President
of Williams, WQ
Glenn Goist, President-
of Winchell, WQ
Larry Brink, President
of Frederick, SQ
High Witemeyer, President
of Gomberg, SQ
Jon Richardson, President
of Huber, SQ
Bob Patton, President
of Kelsey, SQ
Mike Sachs, President
of Reeves, SQ
Barrett McGregor, President
of Scott, SQ
Garry McDaniels, President
of Taylor, SQ
Jack Schwem, President
of Van Tyne, SQ
Joel Dnemski, President
of Anderson, EQ
Rmicr O (hlrijh h. r~iidAnt

President Harlan Hatcher, Ph.D., Litt, D., LL.D., presiding
Processional-Offertoire sun les Grands Jeux.....................Francois Couperin
The Star-Spangled Banner..........................By the audience
Presentation of Honor Students...........................Erich A. Walter. A.M.,
Assistant to the President and Secretary of the University

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