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May 13, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-13

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A community of scholars Is the ideal university community,
although often superior academic achievement is subjected to
lesser distinctions.
To compensate for this, the University will offer its formal
congratulations today to the hundreds of students who have
excelled in scholarship during the past year.
Yet the annual Honors Convocation can be but a small tribute
to the students who have maintained the high academic tradition
that is the University of Michigan's.
Today will climax a full college career of scholarship for many.
It may be the beginning of the same for others and perhaps it
may serve to spur those capable of outstanding scholarship to
as yet unattained heights.
Today, for the eighth consecutive year, The Daily presents
its Honors Edition in recognition of both excellence in scholarship
and extra-curricular activities. Every effort has been made to
include the names of those who have distinguished themselves at
the University in the past year.
The Michigan Daily staff congratulates those to be honored
today for a job well done and wishes for them even higher attain-
ments in the future.
Discrimination Area
Considered by SGC
Student Government Council this past school year has in several
major undertakings carried out its function as an administrative and
representative student government.
In its work to eliminate discrimination in student organiza-
tions and local stores, SGC has expressed sympathy with student
anti- discrimination movements seen nationally and internationally as
well as on a University level.
Pass Regulation
A major result of this work is the new University regulation on
restrictive membership practices in student organizations. Replacing
an old ruling which applied only to groups seeking recognition after
the establishment of the ruling in

Prof. Hanson

To Give Address



37th Annual


Composer, Directoi
To Deliver Lecture
Pulitzer Prize Winner To Discuss
'Creative Arts in Space Age"
Pulitzer prize and Prix de Rome winner Prof. Howard Hanson w:
deliver the 37th annual Honors Convocation address at 11 a.m. toda
in Hill Auditorium.
Prof. Hanson, director of the Eastman. School 'of Music, will spes
on "The Creative Arts in the Space Age" before the assemblyR
University undergraduates being honored for their academic achiev
ment during the last year.
After receiving his bachelor of music degree at Northwester
University in 1916, Prof. Hanson, a native of Wahoo, Nebr., becan
professor of music and composi-T

Gives Award
For Frosh
The William J. Branstrom
Freshman Prize has been instituted
this year to replace the annual
Oreon E. Scott awards.
"The University was forced to
find a replacement for the Scott
award because its endowment
lacked sufficient funds to continue
to cover the expenses," said Erich
Walter, assistant to the presi-
The Branstrom prize, like the
Scott prize before it, will be
awarded to the outstanding fresh-
A ward
Wiliam 3. Branstrom will
receive the University's Citation
of Honor at the Honors Convo-
cation today.
Branstrom is being honored
for the distinction he has gain-
ed for himself and his com-
munity "by his independent
spirit, by his belief in and his
love for his neighbor, and by
his uncommon ability to recog-
nize promise in men and in
Erich A. Walter will present
Branstrom to President Harlan
Hatcher who will present the
award for the Regents.
men of the current year. The
award is traditionally a book, with
the citation inscribed on the book-
plate inside.
Branstrom has provided suffici-
en tendowment to continue the
prize indefinitely on an annual
Branstrom lives in Fremont,
Michigan, where he practices law
and administers the FremontI
Foundation which he established.j
The Foundation arrangement for
art exhibits and concerts to betterI
the culutral opportunity of Fre-
mont, and also serves the com-
munity in helping those In need
of financial aid.
The Foundation has also set upr
a loan program for students, to
provide the necessary funds for
deserving but financially restricted
students to receive a full educ.a-
Branstrom earned his law degree
at the Illinois College of Law in
"A total of 246 freshmen will r(-
ceive the annual award this year"f
Assistant Dean of Men Ivan Park -
er, secretary of the Committee
University Scholarships, announced
The award goes to those fresY-

1949, the new regulation applies to
all recognized organizations and
says membership selection shall be
based on personal merit rather
than race, color, religion, creed,
national origin or ancestry.
The new ruling effectively. im-
plements a bylaw passed by the
Regents last November, which out-
lines University policy along the
same lines without specifying a
Establish Committee
Equally important Is the Com-
mittee on Membership set up con-
currently to arbitrate cases in
which charges of bias are made.
The committee will include four
students and three members of the
faculty and administration.
It will gather and evaluate evi-
dence (including secret informa-
tion from fraternities and sorori-
ties), and recommend final action
to the Council. While the regula-
tion does not mention a time limit,
the committee presumably may
set one in cases of violation.
Support Picketing
In other action against discrim-
ination, SOC has supported local
picketing of branches of chain
stores whose southern branches
practice segregation, and of the
Cousins Shop, a local dress shop
which allegedly discriminates.
Letters-which received national
publicity-were sent asking the
chain stores to clarify their na-
tional policy and urging integra-
tion before the Council took ac-
Recently the Council asked re-
versal of the administrative deci-
sion to suspend two University
freshmen for their alleged leader-
ship of a food riot on the grounds
that the unprecedented penalty
was too harsh.
Among its routine functions,
SGC calendared all student-spon-
See SGC, Page 3

ANGELL HALL.--The home of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is one of the first buildings on campus to greet new and
old visitors as they arrive. Named after Prof. James B. Angell, president of the University from 1871 to 1909, the building was con-
structed in 1924. It houses administrative offices and classrooms.
Student Retain Regents Scholarships

The Regents-Alumni Scholar
ships for full tuition are given to
Michigan students achieving high
scholastic honors in high school.
Following is a list of these stu-
dents who have held a B minus av-
erage at the University and have
r e c e i v e d the Regents-Alumni
Scholarship for eight semesters.
Helen Jo Altman, John Ran-
dolph Axe, Ruth Margaret Barker,
Jerre Jean Barrus, Conrad Alan
Batchelder, Ronald Eugene Bell,
Lula Jane Bellows, Arlene Jean
Benson, Carol Ann Berarducci;
Fred James Berg, Betty Louise
Bernard, Ronald Francis Bernard,
Raymond Charles Bernreuter,
Charles Edward Billings, Musette
Leah Billings, Carol Fern Bohnen-
Stephen Douglas Bojack, Joellen
K. Bonham, Betty Jean Bozich,
John Craig Braidwood, James
Ronald Brown, Judith Rae Brum-
meler, John Frank Budnik, Inta
Bulderis, Benny Kay Burk;
Donna Kay Burley, Constance
Sue Campbell, Marilyn Elizabeth
Carlsen, Janet Kay Carlson, Mar-
tin David Centala, Jerome Char,
James Arthur Claffey;
Patricia Joy Clifford, Evelyn
Margaret Cockill, Thomas Charles
Coffey, Ronald Lynn Colling, Carol
Eyre Conkey, Clarice June Cook,
Thomas Henry Corbett, Monte
Harold Courter, R. William Covert,
Terry Roger Daenzer;
Ronald Daniels, Rose Marie
Dazy, Suzanne Davis, William
Brooks Davis, Jr., Elizabeth Jose-

phine DeBeck, Paul Dees, Russell'
David Arthur Dobbelstein, Kath-
leen Dunne, Lynn Ellen Dykman,
Catherine Eleanor Dyni, JonTate
Eliason, Judith Kay Eubanks, Su-
san Jane Evely, Bryant Paul Fil-
Glenda Christine Flora, Judith
Ann Flower, Albert Troy Ford,
Martha Ermia Forrest, Charles'
Thomas Fox, Suzanne Dawn
Freedstrom, Robert Bruce Fuller,
Sondra Louise Gelder, George
William Genyk;
Dianne Gilbert, Arlene Ruth
Glaske, Elizabeth Marie Graff,
Dennis Raymond Granger, Wil-
liam Wallace Green, Joyce Elaine
Griffin, Geraldine Libbie Groce,
Diane Rochelle Gross;
Beverly Kay Grunewald, Paul
Darwin Hagle, John Thomas Hal-
kola, James Stuart Hamm, Donald
Henry Hann, Jo Ann Hardee,
Marcia Mari Hardies;
Dennis Harold Haugen, Mary
Cecilia Heil, Beverly Ann Hen-
shaw, Robert Neil Hensinger, Rita
Jean Heustis, Robert Willard Hill,
Verna Edna Hillier, Thom Joel
Ann Louise Hoffman, Frederick
Richard Holland, Roberta Kay
Hollis, Roger Eric Honkanen,
Frederick John Hornbacher, Nan-
nette Louise Horton, Ronald Jack
Donald Ray Howard, Ellen Ann
Jonsson, Robert Leroy Kalember,
John Robert Kalmbach, Gretchen

Clara Karlovetz, Margaret Alice
Kay, Judith Kay Kelingos;
Sara Lynn Kellermann, Eliza-
beth Carol Knollmueller, Marcia
Ellen Kollenberg, Sandra Joy
Komisar, Sharon Catherine Koski,
Mary Elizabeth Kotting, Paul Eu-
gene Krieger;
Robert Karl Krohn, Richard
Norman Laakaniemi, James
Thomas Lafferty, Sue Ann Laid-
law, Robert Gay Lang, Carol
Jean Larsen, Sarajane Lecklider,
Alden Marvin Leib, Mary Suzanne
Barbara Kay Liddicoat, John
Lielais, Linferd George Linabery,
Jr, David Stephenson Lint,. Cyn-
thia Jane Lister, Carolyn Arvella
Long, Kay Marie Loomis;
Eugene Lee Loren, Edward
Everette Lowe, Robert Andrew
Lusko, Kenneth Pierce MacKay,
Jr., Judy Lynn Mansor, Marion
Mae Mason, Michael Keith Ma-
thews, Jean Ann McBride, John
Richard McCall;
Marjorie Suzanne McDonald,
Nancy Ellen McDonald, James
Carlyle McLaughlin, John De-
Wight McNutt, Marlene Vyonne
Menzel, Shirley Anne Messner,
Dorothy Marie Mikat, Larry Dell
Mitchell, Pauline Pearl Mitchell;
Boyd Edwin Moilanen, Ruth El-
len Mowers, Neil John Munro,
Mary Jo Myers, Charles Anthony
Nelson, Thomas Charles O'Brien,
Robert Terrence Ollman, Anne Eli-
zabeth O'Neal;
Carolyn Sue Osmer, Loren Henry
Otter, Peyton Wood Owston, Peter

Charles Pairolero, Alan Keith
Parker, Roy Milton Parker, Sally
Ann Parker, Gerald Douglas Part-
ington, Mary Lynn Paterson, Jon
Richard Patton;
Gary Lawrence Peck, John
Samuel Peurach, Joan Christine
Pc ignet, Diane Maurine Puste,
Betsy Ann Quon, Thomas Rattray,
Ronald James Reosti, Barbara
Richardson, Mary Elizabeth Rob-
Arleen Faye, Rockershousen,
Mary Therese Roggenbuck, Thom-
as Van Roland, Sheldon Norman
Salinger, Malcolm Lee Sargent,
Judith Irene Savage, Judith Mar-
garet Schooff;
Barbara Constance Serena,
Nancy Ann Sherk, Nathan Lester
Simmons, Gwendolyn Marie Smith,
Hubert Leigh Smith, Janet Mari-
lyn Smith, Jerome Melvin Smith,
Mary Elizabeth Spoutz, ~ Glenn
Lloyd Stancroff;
Alisande Staples, Frank James
Stoddard, Ramon Duane Strauch,
Eugene Frank Struczewski, Rich-
ard James Szoke, Robert Foote
Tanner, Robert Norman Tap, Da-
vid Patrick Taylor, Ann Robert-
son Thomas, Donald Elwood
Phyllis Jean Thorburn, Mary
Ann Tinker, Elizabeth Jane Toy-
zan, Walter Alan Van Asselt,
Douglas Bower VanBrocklin, Wil-
liam Frederick Vogt, Jane Lucy
Walker, Allan Chester Walters,
Gary Thomas Walther;
Ruth Ann Wegmann, Martin
See REGENTS, Page 5

.tion at the College of the Pacific
where he became acting dean
three years later.
Receives Award
The Prix de Rome went to the
composer for his scoring of "Cali-
fornia Forest Play of 1920," and
the symphonic poem, "Before the
Dawn," in 1920. Soon after, Prof.
Hanson attended the American
Academy in Rome until 1924,
when he acceptedthe post of
director of the Eastman School
of Music at theUniversity of
Prof. Hanson served as a war-
time music adviser to the United
States State Department, then
became the first composer to win
a Pulitzer prize for a symphonic
composition, his Symphony No. 4,1
in 1944. He added the George
Foster Peabody award to his list
of accomplishments in 1946.
Variety Composed
Composer of a wide variety of
musical compositions, including
symphonic poems, symphonies,
operas, and mixed and male chor-
uses, Prof. Hanson has directed
his works before audiences in
major cities in the United States
and in foreign countries. Many of
the composer's works have been
performed by the major orches-
tras and bands the world over.
In the 1933 May Festival, he
conducted a concert presentation
of his opera "Merry Mount." The
work, commissioned by the Metro-
politan Opera Association, had its
New York presentation the follow-
ing year.
Awarded Degrees
Prof. Hanson has received 1.A
honorary degrees, and was made
a member of the American Insti-
tute of Arts and Letters in 1935.
Among Prof. Hanson's more re-
nowned works are: Two Yuletide
pieces, Opus 19; Concerto in G
Major, Opus 36 for piano and or-
chestra; "Vermeland" from Scan-
dinavian Suite, and Concerto for
organ, strings and harp, Opus 22.
Plants Year
Operating under the premise
that activities supplement aca-
demic work and are a necessary
contribution to the development
of a well-rounded personality, this
past year's Women's League Coun-
cil has tried to schedule events
which would appeal' to many dif-
ferent types of individuals.
The League - sponsored activi-
ties included a revised Freshman
Orientation program, a Vocational
Guidance service, an appreciation
tea for the entire League staff, a
revamped Buro-Cats organization,
class projects such as Frosh Week-
end, Soph Show, Junior Girl's
Play, and Senior Night.
The officers of the Women's
League Council for the past year
were Katy Johnson, president;
Karol Buckner, internal vice-pres-
ident; Sue Moag, coordinating
vice-president; Carlene Miller,
class projects vice - president;
Karin Allen, finance vice-presi-
dent; Mary Wilcox, chairman of
the Interviewing and Nominating
Committee; and Cyra Greene,
-- ir a 4Wm-n'ยข i,,,n ,.r

...to address students
Union Sets
This past year, the Union ex-
panded its Airfiight to Europe
program, adding a second plane
load of passengers to the trip.
Also highlighting the Union
program were the Campus UN
week, where students participated
in mock debates of world ques-
tions, and the Creative Arts Festi.
val which shows the campus com-
munity what is being done in the
field of arts.
The Union is also continuing in
its program of providing group
leaders for freshman orientation.
and also their counseling service
which enables those in LS&A to
talk with counselors in sixteen
separate departments.
Executive Officers
Thomas W. Patterson, '60,
John K. Goodrich, '60BAd.,
Martin D. Newman, '80,
Administrative Vice-President
Executive Councilmen
James F. Hadley, '61
Personnel Director
Stephan K. Hunter, '61,
Publications Director
G~ayle E. King, '61E,
Alumni-Faculty Affairs
Perry W. Morton, '610
Special Events
Michael E. Rollins, '81,
Social Affaires
John J. Ross, '61,
University Affairs
Michael R. Turoff, '61BAd.,
Student Affairs
Student Directors
Walter A. Green, '60BAd.
Clifford H. Hart, 160L
David N. Hull, '60
Bruce D. McRitchie, '80
William F. Ransom, '60
Sheldon A. Schwartz, '61M
Hlatchert ea'
To Conunend
'U' Scholars
President and Mrs. Harlan Hat-
cher will receive those students
whn aarAh e n -.,vhnn nA . .ha4e


Teams Win Four Big Ten Championships

Four teams-tennis, wrestling, track and swimming-won Big Ten
championship honors for Michigan during the past year.
However, the overall athletic picture was not as bright, with the
number one sport, football, suffering another losing season and the
number two sport, basketball, stumbling through its worst season in
Going through the past year chronologically:'
The tennis team put on a terrific show of strength in rolling to
the Conference title at East Lansing last May. The Wolverine netters
won 66 of 68 sets, to win all six single titles and all three doubles
crowns-a feat that had been accomplished only once before in Big
Ten history.
Winning Netters Named
Jon Erickson, Gerry Dubie, Bob Sassone, Larry Zaitleff, Frank
Fulton, John Wiley and Wayne Peacock pulled off this amazing feat
under the direction of Coach Bill Murphy.
The track team under the direction of Coach Don Canham had
to settle for second in the Big Ten outdoor meet when its star
sprinter, Tom Robinson, was unable to compete and its chief com-


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