"Don't Forget the Spirit of Camp David"
Seventieth Year
"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Williams' 'Sweet Bird
Sings So'rdid Stor
IN HIS CURRENT Detroit offering, Tennessee Williams loses the
battle for balance between form and content. If you want a chance to
emote freely with no danger of accidentally slipping into meditation
go see "Sweet Bird of Youth," which concludes its local run with two
performances at the Cass Theatre Saturday.
You will find a play burdened with artificial emotional situations
unsupported by motivation. Venereal disease, racial hatred; paid love,
drug addiction, human failure, television and other nadirs of the
human soul are presented big as life but with little purpose..
It is possible with far less machinery to leave the viewerpurged
Editorials printed is The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Y, FEBRUARY 12, 1960
Tuition Issue
Could Become Dangerous
A FACT to remember in the current tuition
increases questions is that the whole thing
may be so much hot air.
But there is a chance it will not be so.
Sens. Geerlings and Francis, who are the
most recent of a long chain of legislators to
propose a general tuition boost for state schools
to conserve scarce General Fund money, em-
phasize that their ideas are only suggestions
for study, if cuts are ever desired. And pro-
posals of tuition boosts for universities are
usually part of the annual legislative ritual
come budget time.
NOTWITHSTANDING history, and present
tentativeness, the question could still become
an important, and bitter, political question that
would be damaging both to the University and
the state.
The question, though to a certain extent a
legislative one, is legally (according to the state
constitution) the business of the University's
Board of Regents. The Legislature may attempt
to bully through a raise in tuitions by appropri-
ating less money, but the final decision remains
with the Regents.
HEARD DURING the last exam period:
"The thing I really like about televi-
sion as a study break is that it totally
paralyzes the mind."
-P. P.
Legislative attempts of this sort are not good.
The basic aim of the University of Michigan is
to be a public institution in which instruction
as good as possible is offered at a, cost low
enough for any qualified students to enroll.
Exactly what the tuition should be is not a
political problem, except in only general out-
This aim of the University was firmly estab-
lished when it was established, and there seems
to be no sentiment or reason for politicians to
change it.
IT IS FAIR for the Legislature, as representa-
tive of the taxpayers, to ask that students
bear a just part of the educational burden. But
talking in terms of specific tuition boosts are
beyond the reasonable function of the Legisla-
ture, if the general criteria of University func-
tion have been met. The University, it seems
certain, meets these criteria.
The way the tuition question is being handled
now in Lansing may well boom it into a politi-
cal problems of first magnitude. One party may
offer as part of its program the status quo in
tuition, while the other will want a boost for
"economy." In such an atmosphere, the real
educational questions involved will be clouded.
Past history shows that the ideal of the
American legislative branch is to determine
general philosophy for guidance of professional
administrators. The Legislature has a right to
ask a strict accounting, if for no other reason
than to keep the professionals on their toes.
But there seems to be nothing in the system
which calls for state legislative action in tuition
Student Unrest in Algeria
Music School a Frill?
S"MAYBE we think it's just a frill .. . If the
students want it badly enough, they'll pay
for it."
Thus Senator Frank D. Beadle (R-St. Clair)
reacted last week to the University's latest bid
for a new music school' building. First on the
capital outlay priority list for several years,
the music school has been by-passed with
annual regularity by the Legislature and the
Gov. Williams continued the tradition this
week when he recommended appropriations for
construction of six new University buildings--
all of which are for science and research.
IT IS NICE to know that the Legislature is
finally beginning to apprehend what it would
term "practical considerations," after a two-
year regression, but they seem to be slightly
But the state has missed one point in the
liberal education policy it is trying to replace
with technological orientation-the Aris tote-
lian mean.
In education, scientific and humanistic as-
pects should be well-balanced. The University's
musical program is recognized as excellent: it
deserves to be properly housed, properly cared
for; and it deserves its place at the top of the
priority list.
j ANYONE who knows the University, it is
fairly obvious that new music buildings are
not a "frill" and are badly needed. A closet
underneath a staircase is currently being used
for one professor's office, and small cubicles in
the back of Hill Auditorium double as offices
and rehearsal rooms.
The need for new recital halls is equally
serious, especially for small groups like the
Stanley Quartet and Baroque Trio. Existing
practice rooms are grossly inadequate.
Perhaps if Senator Beadle and his cohorts
could take just one day out of their busy lives
to come down here and look around, they'd
get a more balanced view of the University's
The proposal that students pay for new
buildings themselves is a provocative one.
Senator Beadle described himself as "old-
fashioned" in his affinities . . . maybe he'd
suggest a bake sale or paper drive?
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
Is taken from the Antioch Record's
"University Series.")
University Press Service
FIVE YEARS ago this week the
present Algerian revolution, led
by an inspired nationalistic fac-
tion demanding independence,
erupted with bloody violence. Long
before the smoke of social and po-
litical unrest cleared away, the
General Union of Algerian Muslim
Students (UGEMA) had formed,
giving Muslim students a nation-
al voice for the first time.
The formation of UGEMA in
the dust of violence was designed,
in effect, to end suppression,
provocation and deplorable living
conditions of Muslim students at
federaly controlled French uni-
versities in Algeria. Although
there were about 11 times more
Muslims than Frenchmen in Al-
geria, federal universities admit-
ted, only about one Muslim for
every nine Europeans. Hostility
toward and persecution of Mus-
lim students was open and un-
But the dramatic story of a stu-
dent community's struggle for
freedom began long before No-
vember of 1954. It started at that
instant when widespread dissatis-
faction became no longer a whis-
pered rumor in back aleys, but
a growing reality among strongly
nationalistic students who, along
with UGEMA, could explicitly
charge the French government
1) Suppressing the Arab lan-
guage and Arab-Islamic culture;
2) deliberately isolating and starv-
ing an existing Algerian educa-
tional structure; 3) recognizing
Tibet:* 'Mask' Unmasked
Sales Tax vs. Income Tax
THE WHOLE ISSUE of a salest
versus an income tax for Michigan
this need: to turn more money back
state government's tills-in a man
advantageous to Michigan and most
to the state's citizens.
Estimates indicate either meth
furnish enough additional revenue tog
gan back on its financial feet again.
the sales tax proposal provides a mea
able to the state as a whole and sup
most of its people.
Under the sales tax plan everyonea
an extra cent of sales tax, but under ti
tax scheme those of high income woul
of the paying. That means the execu
officials of the corporations andt
which account for Michigan's materi
would be asked to give a larger shar
earnings to the state. They already
tax boost
n rests on
into the
ner most
od would
get Michi-
But only
ins favor-
ported by
would pay
he income
d do most
a sizeable portion of the state budget with
their liberal corporation taxes.
The graduated income tax would amount to
another squall in Michigan's already stormy
business climate. The state's recent financial
plight has admittedly prompted many of her
valuable industries to move elsewhere and has
undoubtedly lost her an indeterminable number
of prospective industries. Any further burdens
on Michigan's heavily-laden businesses would
surely spark another such migration, likely
costing our fair state far more in lost indus-
trial wealth and unemployment than the in-
come tax would offset.
Peanuts .
ARITHMETIC is an interesting su
pecially when applied to income'
An eight per cent state incomet
$400,000 income would leave about $3
Federal tax on this would then leav
but to be fair, say exemptions, would1
Who but Napoleon would run Gener
for that?
dtives and AS FAR AS getting money into the state
businesses treasury is concerned, operation of the sales
ial wealth tax plan would be immediate and entail virtu-
e of their ally no additional expense. The state is already
shoulder equipped to handle sales tax, for it has for
many years collected it and, in fact, even
collected the proposed one per cent boost for
. a period last year. On the other hand, any
income tax plan, because it is totally new for
Michigan, would necessitate lengthy and ex-
pensive organization (planning the collection
tax on a procedure, setting up facilities, appointing pep-
70,000. sonnel) which would long delay any revenue
e $37,000, and cost thousands upon thousands of dollars.
take it to But, it has been charged, more sales tax
would "squeeze the poor, the aged, the unem-
ral Motors ployed and the hospitalized." Obviously, any-
one who is poor, aged, unemployed or hospital-
ized buys very little and pays correspondingly
ittle sales tax. He would pay income tax. Pro-
visions have been made for Michigan citizens
under such conditions with welfare supports,
aids to the aged, unemployment insurance and
almost universal hospitalization insurance. In-
creased sales tax would not appreciably worsen
their lot.
GT JUNKER Not only have Governor Williams and his
Y Editor band of Democratic followers apparently failed
BOMBAY - Frank Moraes has
written a book on Tibet which
goes fortunately far beyond its
title, "The Revolt in Tibet" (Mac-
millan). It is the story not only
of the revolt itself but of what the
Chinese Communists have done to
Tibet, told against the background
of Tibetan and Chinese history, by
a distinguished Indian journalist
who feels anger and compassion
about the rape of Tibet, and the
shame of any sensitive man that
it should have been permitted to
I have not seen a better book on
the whole Tibet story. Tibet is
1sia's Czechoslovakia and Hungary
rolled into one. It was defended by
heroism. It was conquered by force
and fraud.
* * *
THERE ARE a few clear facts
that will answer the arguments of
the apologists for China's actions
in Tibet.
When theysay that the Chinese
were only enforcing their suzerain-
ty over Tibet, the answer must be
given in the words of the Inter-
national Commission of Jurists
who drew up their report after
two months of inquiry. "From
1912 to 1950" says the Report,
"there was no Chinese law in
Tibet, no Chinese judge, no Chi-
nese policeman on the streetcor-
ner; there was no Chinese news-
paper, no Chinese soldier, and
even no representative of the Chi-
nese government." Clearly China's
claim to Tibet, which India recog-
nized formally in 1954, had at best
a shaky historical foundation.
When the apologists say that
the Tibetan people were against
the Dalai Lama's regime because
they had been exploited for cen-
turies by the priests and nobles,
the answer was given by the Tibe-
tans themselves when they rose in
revolt against the Chinese effort to
kidnap the Dalai Lama and make
a puppet of him. The revolt was
forces of reaction oppose its pro-
gress. The Chinese claim to be
acting as progressives against the
rich landowners and priesthood of
Tibet was answered by Jayapra-
kash Narayan: "If the right is
conceded to nations to thrust pro-
gress forcibly down the throats of
other nations, why were the Brit-
ish not welcomed as torchbearers
of progress in India?"
If finally the apologists argue
that nothing is gained by debating
the Tibetan issue in the United
Nations, that it is an "internal"
affair of the Chinese, that there
are no moral issues involved, I
cite this book with its massive
evidence that every Chinese move
was part of a grand plan, and that
the aim was not only to consoli-
date Chinese power in Tibet but to
destroy a civilization.
Every people has the right to
decide for itself about its own
freedom. But it is a shabby thing
to see the freedom of another
people destroyed or bartered away,
and stand silent either out of fear
or apathy. Ireland and Malaya
may well feel a pride at having
championed Tibet's case before the
United Nations, while some of the
other delegations may some day
wish to forget how they voted and
how their spokesmen spoke.
IN 1950, when the Chinese Com-
munists after their successful rev-
olution first moved against Tibet,
the Indian government had known
it would happen but made no pro-
test. When the case went to the
United Nations, Nehru got the
assurances of Chou En-lai that he
would negotiate, and the appeal to
the United Natioris was with-
drawn. In 1951 the Chinese and
Tibetans signed a treaty and
China broke it. In 1954 India
signed a treaty with China about
trading rights in Tibet and again
the Chinese broke it.
Moraes charges that Tibet was
"sold down the river" by the In-
dian government, much as Czecho-
only French as the official lan-
guage although there were about
11 times more Muslims: and 4)
providing primary education for
virtually all European children
but only about 17 per cent of
Muslim children.
* * *
FROM the outset, UGEMA ex-
pressed moral support for the fun-
damental objectives of the revo-
lution, which eventually led to a
growing number of unwarranted
arrests. kidnappings, tortures and
even kilings of UGEMA leaders
and members.
The Research and Information
Commission of the International
Student Conference (ICS) cites,
for example, the case of Kacem
Zeddou, who died after severe tor-
tures. The body was taken to sea
by French police and cast out in
a lead-weighted sack.
In May of 1956, when Muslim
students found conditions unen-
durable, UGEMA called for its
members to boycott all French
universities, both in Algeria and
in France. The strike had the ex-
pressed purpose of allying the
young intellectual elements of the
student community with the Al-
gerian revolutionaries, whom the
French officially regarded as. a
few agitators who lacked broad
popular support.
At Paris in October, 1957,
UGEMA lifted the strike, pointing
out that the original objective,
drawing the attention of public
opinion to the "desire of UGEMA
to engage itself fully in the strug-
gle of the Algerian nation," had
been accomplished.
With the nationalistic senti-
ments of Algerian students clear-
ly stated, they became liable to a
series of police measures. At regu-
lar intervals police dragnets took
place. In Paris, police officers
halted all pedestrians who, by
their complexions, appeared to be
North African. UGEMA leaders
were regularly followed by police
and subjected to sudden searches
of their rooms at any time.
UGEMA members were arrested,
generally on the vague charge of
"threatening the external security
of the state."
UGEMA was dissolved early last
year as the result of an unlawful
raid by police acting under orders
of President Rene Coty. Its trea-
sury was confiscated. Leaders and
members were persecuted in in-
creasing numbers.
The dissolution of UGEMA had
profound consequences for Mus-
lim students. There was no longer
a union in France to defend their
interests. More serious, they phys-
ical insecurity was vastly in-
creased by the possibility that any
association among Muslim stu-
dents could be interpreted as "re-
constituting a dissolved league"
which originally was branded un-
Muslim students, as a whole,
refuse to knuckle under to the im-
position of French culture and
language on the Algerian nation,
Many Muslim students, rather
than return to the French con-
trolled Algerian universities, emi-
grated to Tunesia and Morocco
by a deeply felt emotional catharsis.
like a harsh laxative. It is appar-
ently possible to adapt to the sur-
roundings of this skid row of
symbolic degradation and function
in spite of it for some of the per-
formances are worth seeing.
.* * *
THE PLAY opens in a poorly lit
but luxurious hotel bedroom. What
one tries to take for a hero is
recovering from an alcoholic and
sexual hangover under the minis-
trations of the bellboy. Soon the
sleeping lady awakens from her
nightmare ridden sleep and de-
mands her dose of oxygen, ex-
plaining it is all because she gets
upset and her adrenal glands put
out too much and she suffocates.
She seems confused about this
because she explains it three times.
It isn't confusing lady, just ri-
* * *
THERE IS little point in pursing
the plot further. It goes on and on
in the same sick vein. This is a
pity. Some years ago Williams had
something to say. He perceived
and strongly felt that the primary
need of the human soul is com-
munication with another, or with
others; that its sublimation takes
varied forms, humorous, fanciful,
and serious; and that its repres-
sion, with the ultimate horror of
schizophrenic introspection, is the
basic human tragedy.
This was strong stuff, and as
little as 15 years ago unusual; it
took strange powerful language to
express it. By now the message
from Williams has been over-
worked. Its sordid but no longer
shocking setting has become mo-
* * ,*
IN ALL this morass of unat-
tached emotions, there is no one
who can be called a hero, with
whom the audience can identify.
This is an important part of the
play's dramatic structure.
Those roles are best portrayed
which establish this feeling not by
beinginsubstantial but by creating
ambivalence: a near simultaneous
realization of the human and the
hideous. Outstanding in this re-
gard was Sidney Blackmer as Boss
Finley. A heinous, corrupt politi-
cian is Finley, but he has so con-
vinced himself of his own worth
that he can be sincere without
batting an eye.
Blackmer's alternations in mood
were superbly timed and splendidly
dramatic. Geraldine Page as the
nearly defunct actress does a sen-
sitive job. She is frightening when
she quashes her lover's attempt
to revolt, pathetic when she fol-
lows him through the hotel bar,
inhuman when she ignes him
near the end.
KIP McARDLE and Kenneth
Blake nicely present the only two
characterizations which approach
humanity. Each has a simplicity
and near idealism which gives a
little relief from the abyss.
That these two are Boss Finley's
mistress and an unfortunate chap
who seems to do little but trot
after the boss heckling his speeches
is a curious commentary on Wil-
liam's scale of values.
-Philip Benkard
The effect of Sweet Bird is more
Associated Press News Analyst
THE NEW Western proposals for
a partial ban on nuclear explo-
sions, covering contamination of
the atmosphere, offer a means of
testing whether Soviet Russia ever
really intended to reach an agree-
ment, or whether she was merely
trying to squeeze propaganda
profits out of a popular issue.
The Western plan would pro-
vide for an internationally policed
ban on all atomic tests except
small underground explosions
which cannot be detected and so
** *
IF THE SOVIETS refuse that,
they will be refusing one major
thing which made their original
ban proposal so popular. Fear of
what is not truly known - of the
effect of radiation on the human
race - is what stirred up so many
people. If Russia now uses tech-
nical objections to avoid agree-
ment in that area, her criea that
the allies ignore the will of peoples
will fall on a lot of deaf ears.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Miehigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to:
Room 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXX, NO. 96
General Notices
Applications for Phoenix Project Re-
search Grants: Faculty members who
wish to apply for grants from the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project
Research Funds to support research in
peacetime applications and implica-
tions of nuclear energy should file ap-
plications in the Phoenix Research Of-
lice, 3034 Rakham 'Bldg., by Tues.,
March 1. Application forms will be
mailed on request or can be obtained
at 3034 Rackham Bldg., Ext. 2560.
Hpurs in the General Library have
been extended on Saturdays and Sun-
days, druing the 'second semester.Be-
ginning Feb. 13, the General Library
will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
Saturdays, and from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
on Sundays.
General Library hours will remain 9
a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thurs-
day, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday.
The Undergraduate - Library will
schedule an additional hour Sunday,
opening from 1 p.m. until midnight.
Hours In the Audio Room Of the Un-
dergraduate Library have been changed
to 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday through
Friday, and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday.
University of Michigan Graduate
screening Examinations in French and
German:.All graduate students desir-
ing to fulfill their foreign language re-
quirement by passing the written ex-
amination given by Prof. Lewis (for-
merly given by Prof. Hootkins(, must
first pass an objective screening exam-
ination. The objective examinations
will be given four times each semester
(i.e., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, Feb., March,
April, and May) once during the Sum-
mer Session, in July. Students who
fail the objective examination may re-
peat it but not at consecutive admin-
istrations of the test (e.g., Sept. and
Oct.) except when the two administra-
tions are separated by more thau 35
days. (e.g., Dec. and Feb.)
The next administration of the ob-
jective examinations in French And
German will be on Tues., Feb. 16 in
Aud. C, Angell Hall at 7:00 to :00 .p.m.
Within 48 hours after the examinatioas
the names of students who have passed
will be posted on the bulletin board
outside the office f Prof. 'Lewis, the
Examiner in Foreign Languages, m.
3028 Rackham Bldg.
Students desiring to fulfill the Grad-
uate School's requirement in French
and German are alerted to an alternate
path. A grade of B or better in French
12 and German 12 will satisfy the for-
eign language requirement. A grade of
B or better in French 11 and German
11 is the equivalent of having passed
the objective screening examination.
Ushering: Sign-ip sheets for people
who wish to usher for the next Dept.
of Speech Playbill production are on
teh bulletin board outside Rm. 150
Frieze Bldg.
Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships for the
Improvement of the teaching of e-
ondary school teaching of science and
mathematics are offerde by the Horace
H. Rackham School ofGraduate Stu-
dies. 1960 Summer Session fellowships
with a stipend of $600 and a small
travel allowance are awarded to teach-
ers of science or mathematics who have
been carrying on graduate work toward
a Master's degree, primarily in Uni-
versity of Michigan Study Centers. Fel-
lowships for the academic year 1960-61
with a stipend of $2,500 are awarded
to prospective teachers who will have
completed by Sept. 1960 a teaching ma-
jor in science or mathematics, and who
have not held a teaching position.
These fellowships are for the support
of study programs in the sciences and
mathematics. Further information and
application forms may be obtained
from the Fellowship Office, Em. 110,
Rackham Bldg., Ann Arbor. The dead-
line for receipt of applications is
March 15.
Burton Holmes Travelogue Series.
Opening Feb. 18, the University Plat-
form Attraction series will present five
travelogues filmed by the noted Bur-
ton Holmes cameramen on Thurs. even-
ings at 8:30 in Hill Aud. The program
Includes "Mexico," Feb. 18; "Vienna
and the Danube," Feb. 25; "Israel,"
March 3; "Europe by Car," March 10;
ahd "Italy, Roundabout Rome," March
17. All are motion pictures filmed in
natural color and narration will be by
Robert Mallett and Andre de In" Varre.
Tickets for the full series as well as
for each film are on sale at the box
Joyce Grenfell Tonight. Distinguished
British comedienne, Joyce Grenfell, will
present her humorous program of ori-
ginal monologues and songs tonight at
8:30 in Hill Aud. Tickets are on sale to-
day 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. in the box office.
Public school and University students
are offered a reduced rate on all tickets.
Applications for grants in support of
research projects: Faculty members
who wish to apply for grantefrom Fac-
ulty Research Funds to support.re-
search projects should file their appli-
cations in the office of the Graduate
School not later than Tues., March. 1.
Application forms are available in Em.
118, Rackham or call Ext. 3374.
On Feb .19 at 4:10 p.m. the Depts.
of Speech and Classical Studies. will
sponsora lecture by Peter D. Arnott,
Prof. in the. Dept. of Classics, State
University of Iowa, entitled, "Some
Practical Considerations in Staging
Ancient Drama." On the nnsaeiata.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director Cit