I I J.S. Charges Red Actions Dim Hopes for RED PREMIER-Nikita S. Khrushchev set the controversy over the spy flight of an plane over Russia last week when he announced it had been shot down by Russi 1.- -Red Leader Denounces U.S. Policy MOSCOW (o) - Secretary of State Christian A. Herter's defense of the spy plane incident "is the kind of statement that could only be made in a country in a state of war," Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev declares. "If the United States is going to unleash war and if they have never experienced an atom bomb on their territory, they certainly will in the first minutes of a war," he added. These blunt statements were re- leased from censorship yesterday 20 hours after Khrushchev made them at a news conference with Soviet and foreign correspondents Wednesday. Khrushchev castigated Francis G. Powers, pilot of the U-2 jet reconnaissance plane downed May Day deep inside Russia for making "a gangster and bandit raid" and added, "We shall try him-try him severely as a spy."' Sharpest Remarks The penalty for spying is 10 years in prison to death before a firing squad. But Khrushchev saved his sharpest remarks for Herter as he talked to correspondents at an exhibit of espionage articles the Russians say Powers carried aboard his plane. Herter had defended the right of a nation to make reconnais- sance flights over the territory of a possible enemy and declared such flights would continue. Threat to Peace This, Khrushchev said, is "a' threat to peace . .. if there are any further such aggressions we will strike out at the aggressors." Shaking his fist and looking very angry, the Premier declared, "These are audacious and brazen statements. This is the kind of statement that could only be made by a country in a state of war with another country, and we are not at war with the United States.i "And that is why I say these statements were audacious and brazen. Impudence! Impudence! Impudence!" Very excited, Khrushchev con- tinued, "Herter says the Soviet Union is to blame because it does not give the United States access to its secrets and the United States needs to have that access." KOREAN PROFESSOR: Student Demonstr Show Sense of Ju Summit Eisenhower Set To Seek Agreements Determined To Visit Russia as Planned zW WASHINGTON (AP)-The United States said last night Russia's handling of the American spy plane case raises doubts about the Soviets' readiness to reduce tensions at the East-West summit conference. In a formal note, the state de- partment said President Dwight D. Eisenhower will go to Paris pre- pared to cooperate fully in seeking fast-West agreements to ease tensions. American U-2 The note came in reply to a ian rocket fire. Russian protest demanding an im- mediate halt to all United States spy flights over Russia. The Soviets three days ago branded such flights "hostile acts" and threatened to retaliate in the fu- ea tio s ture against them. In a brief answer delivered in * Moscow yesterday the United Stice States again acknowledged that it has sent such spy flights over Russia but "for purely defensive utional violations urposes." a ations Rejects Accusations tang reasons. The The note emphatically denied was that the Na- Act in unconsti- that these flights have any ag- t suppresses free- gressive intent or that the pene- Prof. Hong added. tration by an unarmed U2 high ct on bills passed flying jet was ordered to block Assembly. He im- success of the Paris summit meet- independence by ing. ices of -the Su- There were these other develop- political reasons. ments amid the continuing furore Demands over the American spy plane aused one of the downed in Russia 12 days ago: students. eyTo Go Ahead al of those mem- 1) Eisenhower was described as een appointed in determined to go ahead with a scheduled goodwill visit to Russia, I an amendment unless Premier Nikita S. Khrush- ion which called chev personally suggests he stay number of terms home. . Previously, only 2) Senate Majority Leader Lyn- nt had this right. don B. Johnson of Texas said Rhee sought elec- Khruschchev is overplaying his insure his victory hand by his outraged protests of method of presi- innocence. Johnson said Khrush- an, through an chev should stop "being sancti- m indirect to di- monious" and discuss real issues the people. This dividing East and West. the beginning of 3) The White House reported his demands and that Eisenhower probably will more pronounced. make a farewell statement to the Policy nation before leaving for Paris ce served as vice- tomorrow night. LLAL~i~L± V. lil ff ~ i.LL. d1U HAVANA P) - Cuban soldiers and sailors ambushed, shot down and killed an American pilot on a highway outside Havana yester- day. They said he was on a secret flight to smuggle out fugitives from the Castro government. This latest United States-based plane flight is certain to add fuel to the anti-American campaign already being conducted here by the press, radio and organizations' backing Prime Minister Fidel Cas- tro as "our maximum leader." They claim the United States is getting ready to attack Cuba. The dead pilot was identified as Matthews Edward Duke, an adven- -AP Wirephoto CUBAN CROWD-Cubans view. wreckage of an American plane which was shot down by Premier Fidel Castro's soldiers yesterday. The pilot, from Palm Beach, Fla., was killed. American Pilot Caught, Killed by Cuban Soldiers ture - loving airman who last known address was in Palm Beach, Fla. Florida has been the takeoff point for a number of illegal flights to Cuba, and Duke was one of 29 fliers already on the United States border patrol's blacklist. Airport operators had been warned by United States immigra- tion authorities not to rent a plane to Duke under any circum- stances. The Federal Aviation Authority said he managed to rent one recentl yat Baton Rouge, La., by saying he was flying to Texas for a cargo of spare airplane parts. By SUSAN HERSHBERG "The recent student demonstra- tions in Korea indicate an expres- sion of a sense of justice of the students, who are assuming great responsibility in a growing coun- try," Prof. Hun Pyo Hong, Tang- kook University in Seoul, Korea, said yesterday. He and Prof. Se Chang Yoon of Korea University, attributed the students' activities to several fac- tors; they are better informed and possibly more intelligent than the average Korean, they are learning the new trends of democracy in the Western world, and they are standing up for justice. Prof. Yoon said the Constitution of Korea, established in 1947, is one of the most advanced in the world. However, as President Syngman Rhee's time in office continued, his abuses and consti- tutional violations increased. "He tried to curb the opposi- tion. He set up the National Se- curity Act, Feb. 24, 1959, to op- press freedom of the press and to destroy the system of local auton- omy. The people in general, the students in particular, were aware of this development, and the stu- dents finally stood up," Prof. Yoon said. - General Objection The general objections to Rhee were that he remained in power too long; he curbed freedom of the press; and that he tried to destroy Korea's two-party system. The National Security Act pro- hibited criticism of the president, chief justice, and the speaker of the National Assembly. "The direct cause of the upris- ing is the fraudulent rigging of the election by the pro-govern- ment party," Prof. Hong said. Approve .Aid Authorization WASHINGTON (A) - Congres- sional authority for a $4,086,300,- 000 foreign aid program was sent to President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er yesterday with a blast from Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark) against new restrictions on its ad- ministration. The compromise bill, passed by the House 240-138 and by voice vote on the Senate, authorizes all but $88 million of what Eisenhow- er asked. Rhee's constit were also import most important tional Security, tutional in that i dom of speech, F Rhee failed to a' by the National. paired judicial appointing Just preme Court for Causes.1 This last act c demands of the called for remove bers who have b this way. Rhee initiated to the constitut for an unlimited for the president the first presider In 1952, when. tion, he tried to by changing the dential electic amendment, fror rect election by probably marked the period when abuses became c Basic Prof. Hong on minia~p o hnr D I AG 2:00 to 5:00 Friday 13 We Dare You To Come To HYDE PARK Compliments of Women's League I U miniser of home alairs unaer Dr. Cho who ran on the opposing ticket, the Liberal Party, in the last elections. "There is no doubt that the new government will con- sider it one of its most basic poli- cies to establish good relations with the United States," he em- phasized. The new times are refered to as the second republic by the popu- lace. Presumably it will realize the importance of respecting the rights and views of the people. Smaller Party From the aggregation of people from the Democratic party and from the population who make up the new order, Professors Hong and Yoon expect a smaller party to emerge. The present government is only a "caretaker government" which is preparing for the new govern- ment. Thus, it has not developed clear-cut policies. The temporary government's job now is to amend the consti- tution in accordance with its orig- inal spirit, to dissolve the pro- Rhee National Assembly, and to run new elections for executives, cabinet, and National Assembly. Prof. Yoon expressed hope that Americans will reappraise Korea, for "whatever mistakes have been made in the past, this does not show an inability of Korea to have a democracy."~ The two professors are onta three-month tour of the United States, visiting courts, universi- ties, factories, and legal institu- tions. They both said "Our main objective is to promote friendship between the United States and Korea by studying and observing the United States ways of life." L ONE WEEK ONLY! N d~r FPS C On t e Second Front Page May 13, 1960 rage 3 beginning tomorrow, May 13 ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS on flawless fitting HUGE SELECTION OF CLASSICAL LP'S PRICED AT Belle-Sharmeer Nylons LEG-SIZE STOCKINGS-FULL FASHIONED AND SEAMLESS BREV for slender, small legs; 81/2-10 12 MODITE for average size legs; 9-1 $1.98 $2.98 $3.49 '3.98' Pair 1.28 Pair 1.17 I I II II I I U