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May 13, 1960 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-13

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Seventieth Year of Editurial Freedom


Gradual clearing, becoming
partly cloudy by afternoon.

See Page 4

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Gray Views Presidency
The increased importance of the cabinet meeting as a determi-
nant of national policy reflects the complexity of modern life and
the political philosophy of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Robert K.
Gray said last night.
Gray, the administrative assistant to the President and secretary
of the cabinet, told a closed meeting in the Law Club lounge that
"under Truman and Roosevelt, cabinet meetings were pretty much
confined to idle gossip-most of the work of the cabinet was done






In Special Session on Budget

outside the meeting. Under the

Board Sets
For Dorms
The Residence Halls Board
Governors yesterday approved t
request of the Student Book M
change to solicit used books fr.
students in residence halls.
The SBX carried out a succe:
ful trial program last year
Mary Markley Hall. The book ci
lections will be made by the SI
personnel. Student Governme
Council, which sponsors the SB
has passed a motion approving t
campaign on Wednesday night.
The League clothing drive
the Women's Residence Halls wi
approved by the Board. Last ye
they collected unwaned and or
grown clothes and sent them1
the Goodwill Industries.
The Board moved that Ben'
G. Fricke, assistant chief of t
evaluation and examination di
uion, be able to carry out his stu
in residence halls subject to t
approval of the Dean of Me
and Dean of Women's Offices r
garding details. Fricke's work co
cerns a "validity-check" of infc
mation attained through previo
personality testing.
The board was concerned wi
turning the residence halls into
sociological laboratory for t
various research projects. Seven
testing programs and questio:
naires have gone through tJ
residence halls and taken up tJ
time of staff men and the st'
dents. One of these, however, w
the U.S. census which is requir
by law. .
Assembly Association presente
their recommendations on upp
class housing.
They recommended Little Hou
in Mary Markley Hall be retaine
as an upperciass house for ne:
year, and that either Barbour c
Newberry replace it as the uppe
class house for the year 1961-6
Names New
Indian Braves
Listen to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warriors bold --
In the early moon of green leave
Came they forth, the stoics
Forth they romped to paleface
Wigwam, one of friendly Great
Came they forth to take their
Then to the mighty oak of
Dashed the screaming, yelling
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the might oak tre
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntle,
Down the warriors, painted
Swooped and caught their prey
like eagles
Loud the war cry stirred the
As they seized their hapless
Forth they bore them to their
There to torture at their pleasure
There they are around the glowing
Heard the words of mighty

Smoked the pipe of peace and
"Thus there came to Michigamua:
Dick Cephas, Ron Clark, Gerry
Dubie, John Feldkamp, Dennis
Fitzgerald, Joe Gerlach, John Hal-
stead, Mike Hermanoff, Tom Job.
son, Frank Legacki, Dale Mac-
Donald, Perry Morton, Howard

present system, items are placed on
an ageda several week in advance
and position papers are issued.
Then when the meeting takes
place, Gray continued, members
are already familiar with the
stand of the other departmens
and a meaningful debate of isues
is possible. This greater rliance
on his subordinates is character-
istic of the President, he pointe
"As an old army man, President
Eisenhower believes that the bes
ofway to get good results from a
e qualified man is togive him lee-
s- way. The last two presidencies
: have been one-man shows. Eisen-
hower has surrounded himself
- with capable aides and he dele-
n gates authority to them."
I Retains Final Power
it Nevertheless, Gray was careful
K, to point out, the President alone
e retains the final power of decision
in the cabinet, and in the overall
n determination of policy. Contrast-
Is ing American institution to the
British cabinet, Gray observed
tthat only the President has a vote
and that once a course has been
charted his subordinates are bound
o to follow it.
e Gray did not speak from a pre-
- pared text and his comments were
y made in response to questions
e from the audience. A persistent
s train of queries dealt with the
degree to which Eisenhower has
- retained personal control of his
- duties, and the degree to which
s any President can.
Speaking generally, Gray af-.
h firmed "the presidency has become
a institutionalized, and it has had
e to become institutionalized.
d Answered Own Mail
e "Lincoln was able to answer his
0 own mail; now around 20,000
letters a week are received at the
s White House. Phone calls and
d telegrams demanding the presi-
dent's attention come in by the
T "In addition, time -consuming
r residual duties assigned by the
Constitution cannot be shaken off.
d Finally, tradition hampers the
t efficiency of the President."
r Not Insulated
Dealing with Eisenhower him-
. self, Gray strongly denied that
the former was "insulated" from
the public and from public affairs.
"He's an avid reader, in his office
around 7 a.m. every morning, and
is extremely well informed. He
sees countless people-25 to 30 a
day-and more than once has cor-
rected one of his cabinet officers
on some point in the latter's own
Gray also refuted the assertion
that Eisenhower has allowed too
much power to devolve on some
of his subordinates, using the case
of Sherman Adams to illustrate
his point.
A specific incident, in which
Gray himself was involved, trig-
gered the allegation that this as-
sistant to the President wielded
abnormal control over White
House decision-making - the dis-
appointment by President Eisen-
hower of an unnamed Senator
who had sought patronage.
While the decision was the
President's alone, Adams had con-
sidered it his duty to protect his
"boss" and had told the Senator
that he (Adams) had rejected the
request, giving rise to the subse-
quent rumors.

a . d.aministrative assistant
Legal expert Ralph M. Carson
last night assailed present-day
American society as being over-
concerned with monetary values,
public opinion, publicity and senti-
Speaking to the new initiates of
the University Phi Betta Kappa
chapter on "Some Illusions of Our
Times," the Rhodes Scholar con-
sidered "the beliefs, the creduli-
ties in which we swim," saying
that people don't really notice
them because they are so familiar.
Carson, a University alumnus,
said, "we count our values too
much in terms of their cash equiv-
alent." He noted particularly the
great value most people place on
art, not because it is worthwhile,
but because it brings large sums
of money when sold.
However, he said he was not
speaking of the often condemned
"materialism" of Americans, call-
ing it praiseworthy instead, as it
has led to "the first time that the
burden of animal toil has been
lifted from whole nations."
Average Opinions
Carson also attacked the fact
that "average opinion is. entirely
too much concerned with what
average opinion is."
Mentioning public opinion polls
specifically, the Law School grad-
uate said, "People depend exces-
sively on what people say about
what people think about what
people will do."
One example of this, Carson
said, was Thomas E. Dewey's ac-
ceptance of his ultimate victory
over Harry S. Truman in the 1948
presidential election on the basis
of such polls. Because of this,
Deweyhcampaigned passively, he
said, while Truman was more
active and finally won the elec-
Excessive Desire
Attacking Americans' excessive
desire for publicity, Carson noted
the lack of respect of congressmen
for information given in closed
executive sessions-a lack of re-
spect which tends to get their
names in the news more often.
The advertising industry, its im-
mense budget and its continual
"Impacts which fall like rain" also
came under Carson's fire, as did
the basic sentimentality illustrat-
ed by the success of popular music
and the type of writing illustrated
by tabloid newspapers.
Calling popular music "sloppy
and weak beyond belief," Carson
said that its immense sales "con-
stitute an index to our emotional1

SGC Downs
Of March
Student Government Counci'
voted Wednesday not to co-spon-
sor the proposed May 17 marchr
in commemoration of the Supreme
Court integration decision.
But it will still co-ordinate the
activities of the day and will pub-
licize the event in letters to hous-
ing groups. SGC has also obtained
permission for the parade from
the City Council.
The march is part of a national
observance of the sixth anniver-
sary of the Supreme Court deci-
sion on school integration.
Bill Warnock, '61BAd., said it
is not within the scope of SGC to
coordinate campus demonstrations
or to cooperate to such an extent
with what he termed "pressure
groups." Roger Seasonwein, '61,
countered the march could hard-
ly be termed outside the scope
of the Council since one of the
sponsors of the nationwide May
17 demonstrations is the National
Student Association of which SGC
is a member.
The Council moved not to con-
sider other proposed motions in-
volving Council provision of ma-
terials and resource for the march.
The Council voted to endorse
the campus primary to be con-
ducted May 18 by the Young Re-
publicans in cooperation with the
Young Democrats.
Speaking against the motion,
Union President Perry Morton,
'61, warned the Council that en-
dorsement will become meaning-
less if it is not used sparingly.
The Council also voted to donate
$25 to the Young Friends toward
chartering of a bus transporting
students to the disarmament dem-
onstration today in Lansing.
IQC .Backs
The Inter-Quadrangle Council
last night became the first organi-
zation to give financial support to
the "Challenge" program, appro-
priating $250.
The Fraternity Presidents' As-
sembly voted down two new pro-
cedural proposals.
IQC, in helping "Challenge" to
"get off the ground and prove it-
self," felt a study of "The Chal-
lenge of American Civil Liberties"
would be of direct benefit to its
Beginning its role as quadrangle
coordinator, the body also set up
two new programs. The first will
provide low-cost storage of quad-
rangle residents' belongings this
summer through a contract with
a local storage firm.
Also, a buying program will be
set up with Detroit wholesalers of
athletic equipment, offering sav-
ings to 22 houses.
At FPA, a plan to limit the
first Tuesday of rush to open
houses was defeated. It was felt
that most rushees see all the
houses they want to on Sunday
and Monday. Also, the proposal to
require groups to have 20 mem-
bers instead of 10 for IFC recog-
nition failed to pass.1

RUSH MIXER-Student Government Council will consider Panhellenic Association proposal to
move the mixer set of rush parties to the three-week period between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
These parties are the first round of women's rush. They would be re-named 'open houses' under,
the new plan, which is similar to the rush system now used at Michigan State University.
Propose Earlier Rush Parties


Panhellenic Association yester-
day proposed a new rush plan
which would move the present
mixer set of rush parties to the
three weeks between Thanksgiving
and Christmas recesses.
The plan, which Student Gov-
ernment Council will consider next
Wednesday, is similar to the sys-
tem now used at Michigan State
University. The mixers, re-termed
open houses, would take place on
the first two weekends in Decem-
ber. There would be four parties
Saturday afternoon, Sunday after-
noon and Sunday night the first
The following weekend there
would be four parties Saturday
afternoon and Sunday afternoon,
and two Sunday night. Immedi-
ately following the two Sunday
night open houses the rushees
would go to the League in their
rush groups foX preferencing.
The women would list all 22
houses. Probably the system would
be to have each girl group the first
eight houses she would prefer and
then list the remaining 16 in order
of preference.
During Interim
Houses would preference at the
same time. During the interim be-
tween open houses and rush, nei-
ther the rushees nor the houses
would know the results of the pre-
ferencing. Drop - outs through
grade points would be removed
from the lists during this time.
Rush would begin on Monday of
the second week of classes in the
spring semester. At that time the+
rushees and houses would be noti-
fled of the results of the prefer-,

encing. No woman would receive
more than eight invitations, since
there are eight parties in the sec-
ond set.
No changes will be made in the
rest of the rush schedule, except
to begin it on Monday instead of
Tuesday so that there will be a
free day between all sets of parties.
Cannot Begin Later
Rush cannot begin later in the
semester, since national pledging
requirements stipulate ,a certain
number of pledge training meet-
ings which must be scheduled dur-
ing the rest of the term. It can-
not begin earlier because fall
grade point averages determine
eligibility of pledging.
The philosophy behind the new
proposal is to make the fall parties
a series of relaxed get-acquainted
meetings instead of an integral
part of formal rush. Eventually,
this attitude would be fostered to
the extent that mixer tension
would be eliminated.
At present, many of the women
who drop out of rush after mixers
are not forced to do so because of
grade points. Panhell feels these
women are discouraged and fright-
ened by the tension built up dur-
ing the mixer set, when they must
visit 22 sorority houses in three
System Doubles
The rush system now in effect
was instituted ten years ago, when
approximately 700 girls rushed an-
nually. Since then, the sorority
system has more than doubled inI
size, so that the plan which was
effective for that number of girls
is quite inadequate for the 1,500
who now rush.


Study groups have considered
various alternate rush procedures
for several years. Last year an
honor code was instituted to re-
place the rigorous contact regula-
tions during the first semester.
Consequently, Panhel felt revising
the rush system at the same time
would be inadvisable.
The rushing chairmen have
voted 16 to 6 for the fall open
house proposal.

ISA Elects
New Officers
The winners of the Interna-
tional Student Association elec-
tions are Rafi Hariri, Grad., presi-
dent, and Elliot Tepper, '62, vice-
"We hope to be able to do what
we have said in our platform,"
Tepper said in a short speech yes-
terday at the International Cen-
ter Tea. Results were announced
at the tea, culminating the race
in which the losing team was
Kenan Yilman, '61E, and Brian
Glick, '62.
"We would like the ISA to put
out a paper. We want to stabilize
our financial status. Particularly
important, we will never keep our
door closed to any member who
has a suggestion," Tepper said.
At the beginning of next year,
a general meeting is proposed at
which students can meet, partici-
pate in a program, and hear the
proposed calendar for the year.
"We would like to work much
closer with the nationality clubs
than ever before," Hariri said. He
suggested that ISA programs will
be of two main types, those in-
volving ISA alone, and those using
nationality club cooperation. The
new officers want to help the clubs
plan activities for ISA-national-
ity club meetings.
"We want to look for new areas
in which ISA can be useful. This
will include 'Challenge,' the Hu-
man Relations Board and several
others," Tepper said.
"Monday, we will be handing
out petitions for those who are in-
terested in being ISA officers,"
Hariri announced. Petitioning will
extend through an entire week.
Other innovations include a
personal relations committee to
receive and act on members' sug-
gestions. The officers also hope to
hold the annual International Ball
which was omitted this spring for
financial reasons.

Reject Cuts
Houses Separated
By $700,000 Gap;
Cannot Reach Accor4
Bickering over funds for highe
education, including theUniver
sity's proposed $35.2 million bud
get, may send the State Legisla
ture into a special session.
House Democrats yesterday re
jected for the third time Senate
proposed cuts in appropriation i
creases voted by the House fo
Wayne State University, the Mich
igan Institute of Mining and Tech
nology, and Northern Michiga
Less than $700,000 in a recor
$19 million program for highe
education separated the tw4
Gov. G. Mennen Williams ha
indicated he will call the Legis
lature to special session if rx
agreement is reached before ched.
uled adjournment of the 190
sion at noon today.
Threat of the special sessio
came because formal procedure
have been exhausted. Two confer
ence committees have not reachec
The House wants a $1 millior
extra for WSU. The Senate, i
conference committee, reduced the
increases to $400,000 and force
elimination of extra funds vote
by the House for Northern Michi-
gan College and the Michigan In-
stitute of Mining and Technology
"It's unfair and it's unjust,'
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski (D-De-
troit), House Democratis leader
said yesterday. "I don't believe
that it is just a coincidence thai
Senate Republicans have directed
their wrath at three schools i
particular. All three are located
in areas represented by Demo-
acrtic legislators."
Republican accused Democrat
of playing politics with the state's
colleges and universities, using the
fight as a springboard for voter
support in Detroit and the Upper
Peninsula in upcoming elections*
Druids Tap
New Members
From the depth
of the beloved cave
Deep in the Forest Glen
From the temple
their beloved Stonehenge
The Mighty Oaks came.
Searching for the products of
the seedlings now three years
The Promise of young saplings
able to carry on the sacred
Lifting their bowed heads
from the depth of the earth~
So the following gazed up at
the Mighty Oak.
So came forth the Druids to
nurture and foster the
following young saplings.
Bright-Bouncing Brittle
Willow Brown
Cross-Checking, Crease-
Crowding Cottonwood Coyle
Cool-Crunching, Caught-
Clipping Catalpa Cowan
Free-Falling Fragrant
Fruittree Fink
Gulping Gurgling Green Ash
Gasping Galloping
Ginko Gibson
Garbling Gibberish
Gumtree Gillman
Ground-Gaining Green
Willow Gregg

Happy Hefty Hardhead
Hackberry Hadley
Koin-Kounting, Kash-Kollecting
Koffeetree Kay
Lit-Leader Large-Leaved
Linden Linker
Mighty Mothball-Mashing
Magnolia MacDonald
Mound-Master Maiden Hair
Muscle-Mouthed Moosewood
Masterfully-Moving Mountain
Ma rne Mcuire

Everly Says Many Editors
Neglect Outstanding Stories


Managing Editor Frank Eyerly of the Des Moines "Register and
Tribune" yesterday charged many editors overlook some of the most
outstanding stories of the present time.
"Slow to understand their own times, they edit next week's news-
papers with their eyes firmly focused on last month's events."
He cited religion as one area where editors have failed to realize
the tremendous scope of worthwhile material. "Not until a huge
onewspaper syndicate success, the
serialization of the life of Christ,


Nationalism~Conflicts with Coti

"The most dangerous and deep-
seated conflict and controversy in
the Communist camp today exists
between the objectives of Com-
munism and Russian nationalism,"
Ferenc A. Vali said last night.
Vali is an associate of the Cen-
ter for International Affairs at
Harvard University.
He explained the title of his
lecture, "Nationalism versus Com-
munism," implied conflict and this

The satellite Communists and
realistic anti - Communists might
be inclined toward accepting Com-
munist aid, but they are repelled
by the imperialism, totalitarian-
ism, and often brutality which
come along, Vali said.
Solved Contradiction
Stalin "invented a formula
which seemingly solved this con-
tradiction between Communism
and nationalism. He defined a
Communist as a person who is

expansion, Vali showed the relaxa-
tion of control since Stalin's times,
and added "revolts generally occur
in times of relaxation.."
"Communism or the interna-
tional ego has become subservient
to Russian national aims," Vali
said. Russia thus seems to form
policy to bring other countries un-
der economic control primarily,
and secondarily under their ideol-
ogical influence.
Vali coined the term "schizo-
ahobia" toindiel the nnnosition

rightest party members, students
in poor forced living conditions
and Stalinist sympathizers stage
revolts. These soon appear as full-
fledged revolutions though, but
thinly disguised.
'Explosive Situation'
"I only wish to draw attention
to the fact that the situation is
explosive," Vali said. To judge, one
must realize that the situation of
Poland is exceptional. In other
cases, "We have to take into ac-

did many editors discover that
something ought to be done about
reporting religion."
Education Neglected
Besides religion, Eyerly said, ed-
ucation, cultural news, mental
health, and consumer news have
been neglected in the past.-,
He feels the chief value of the
newspaper is to represent the in-
dividual and the individual's re-
lation to government and society.
He objected to the idea of a journ-
alism trade school, but felt certain
basic skills could be taught at the
college level. He also believed not
enough qualified young people are
going into journalism because of
low salaries, lack of challenge,

mff,* MW m


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