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May 12, 1960 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-12

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Stresses Buddhism in Eastern Culture

uages. One of the languages he
"Buddhism is important today studied was Tibetan. "It was
ecause historically it represents partly because of the Tibetan that
he only foreign religion which I received the Fulbright Award in
las been accepted in China and 1948 to study in China."
urned into Chinese; of the three During that time, civil war had
:reat world religions it has had broken out in China, the govern-
he most coherent history and is ment collasped, and Peiping, the
he oldest. city in which Link was studying,
Prof. A. E. Link from the Far was under seige. "Several of the
Eastern languages and literatures Fulbright students left before the
tepartment discussed the trip he city fell, but five of us decided to
vini make this summer to For- stay.
nosa. "Two of us went to the univer-
"Before the Second World War sity at Yenching. We saw the
was interested in English Liter- Communists march in - it was
ture," he said. "The Army-Air very interesting."
Force sent me overseas on combat Link returned to the University
nissions in Europe. Then we were of California in 1951 where he
ransfered through the Middle studied in the language depart-
East to India where I saw an en- ment and worked toward his PhD.
irely new world. In 1957 he came to. the Univer-
"Later I flew over the "Hump" sity as an assistant professor in
nto China where I became in- Chinese.
erested in Chinese as well as Fulbright Award
ndian history. I began reading This year Link received another
about Indian religions and phil- Fulbright Award. Late this sum-
>sophy." mer he will travel to Formosa and
At the end of the war in 1945, do research on Chinese Buddhism
link went to the University of and philosophy.
!alifornia, where he majored in "Buddhism," he explained, "or-
Far Eastern history ana lang- iginated in India and spread
through central Asia, picking up
Vuleans Greek, Roman and Persian influ-
ences. It came to China in the
first century A.D. and then spread
New embes toKorea and Japan."
Ne Ivie> According to Link, Buddhism
was as important to cultural de-
Mighty Vulcan, holding court velopment in the East as Christ-
on his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat em- ianity was in the West.
>ittered at man's misuse of his "Buddhism was the unifying
beloved fire. factor which brought two great
Now come to him his faithful individual civilizations (China and
followers, saying, "Mighty Vulcan, India) together. It brought to
hear these candidates for admis- China knowledge of Indian med-
sion to our sacred order." These iicne, logic, philosophy, art, andI
being engineers, the only forms literary forms."
of mankind the god would hear, Four Questions
were forthwith Put to the test, and
having passed the ordeal and Link has four basic questions to
>roven their worthiness were ad- which he hopes to find answers
nitted: during his year in Formosa.
Bryan Whipple, Kenneth Dec, 1) Why did the Chinese accept
)avid Gillanders, Andrew Mor- Buddhism to such an extent?
row, Kenneth Warr, Ernest Meis- 2) Why didn't they accept
sner, Barry Feinberg, Joseph Bris- Christianity when it came?
son, James Wyman, John Gold- 3) Since the ideas were foreign,
smith, Roger Barnes, Louis Senu- how did they modify those ideas?
nas, Paul Herrick, Gerald Burgler, 4) Will a study of Chinese Bud-
Prank Mabley. dhism give us any perspective of
All are juniors. what might happen when foreign

English Department Plans
State Writers' Conference

... and Eastern culture

The eighth Michigan Writers'
Conference will be held at the
University May 19 and 20.
The conference is held in con-
junction with the announcement
of the Hopwood Awards in crea-
tive writing. The program will in-
clude discussion workshops in
fiction, poetry, and drama, and
round-table and informal discus-
Anyone wishing to have a man-
uscript read and criticized in an
individual conference may submit
it by May 15 to the Michigan
Writers' Conference, Department
of English, University of Michi-
gan. A check, payable to the Uni-
versity must accompany the man-
uscript. I
The fee for criticism of short
stories and articles up to 6,000
words and for poetry is $5.00.
Manuscripts of book length will
be charged $10.00. The books can-
not be criticized in detail, but will
be read with a view to giving a
criticism of over-all aspects.
Union Air fright ... .
Twenty seats are still available
on the second plane of the Union's
airflight to Europe.
The plane, a DC7C, will leave
June 16rfrom Idlewild airport,
New York for London. It will
return Sept. 9 from London to
New York.
Reservations may be obtained
in the Union's Student Offices.
Seats cost $300 minus a small re-
Teachers' Conference
The thirtieth annual Confer-
ence on Teacher Education will be
held today at the University.
The conference, which precedes
the meetings of the Schoolmasters'
Club, will center around the theme
"Graduate Preparation in Teacher
The session will begin at 10 a.m.
in the Union, with the general
session being held at 2 p.m. de-
voted' to the theme "Proposed
Code Requirements for Graduate
Study for Permanent Certificates."

Political Issues . .
"Nationalism Versus Commun-
ism" will be the topics of a lecture
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Ferenc A. Vali, associate of the
Center for International Affairs
at Harvard, will be the speaker.
Formerly, he was a professor of
international law at the University
of Budapest.
Correction .. .
Block M tickets will go on sale
starting Tuesday instead of yes-
terday as reported in yesterday's
Journalism lecture .. .
Frank Everly, Managing Editor
of the Des Moines Register and
Tribune will speak on the "Prom-
ise of American Journalism" at
3 p.m. today in the Rackham
Honor Society
Taps Squires'
Know all ye citizens
that all true knights
must go through squireship
go by starlight
Know all ye citizens
that many squires
train by starlight
tobecome sires
Know all ye citizens
your obligations
for.these men train
to lead our nation
Know all ye citizens
by the Five Stars
Squires these men are: Collier,
C. A., Crouch, D. E., Ehman, L. H.,
Gnewuch, A. K., Heller, K. Z., Liv-
ingston, D. P., MacDonald, B.,
McCallon, L., Miller, M. G., Pia-
secki, R. L., Stoltz, S. J., Williams,
D. S., Winer, P. D., Miller, J. --

influences such as Communism
come into China today?
To Translate Book
On Formosa, Link hopes "to
turn out a book, probably in two
volumes, which will in part be
concerned with the historical and
sociological aspects of Buddhism.
My aim is to translate the book
Kao-seng Chuan (Lives of Emi-
nent Monks), which was written
in the sixth century A.D. by a
Chinese monk called Hui-Chiao.
It has never been translated be-
While he is working at the Na-
tional Research Institute of China
Link will be helped by Chinese
scholars. He also will study what
part of Buddhism is alive on For-
mosa itself.
"The study of Buddhism today
may not be as important as it
once was in China,rbut if we get
an idea of Chinese religious ideals
we may have a better site to view
what's happening in China."


weather is fair, Graduates of Summer
Session of 1959 and of February and
June, 1960. Those eligible to partici-
pate: If exercise must be held indoors,
Graduates of Summer Session of 1959
and of June 1960.
For Yost Field House: Two to each
prospective graduate, to be distributed
from Tues., May 31, to 12:00 noon on
Sat., June 11, at Cashier's Office, first
floor, Ad. Building.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.
Children notuadmitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, N. University Ave.,
Ann Arbor.
Assembly for Graduates: at 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be
held in Yost Field House, graduates
should go directly there and be seated
by Marshals.!
(Continued on Page 4)

DIAL NO 8-6416
"Be smart-beat the television
reruns of Meg's Marriage and
see 'Mating Time'!"
-Michigan Daily
"Recommended - thoroughly
charming!"-Time Magazine


C~nema quild

ema ul


Great Expectations
Thursday and Friday

Allendale Studios, Inc.
Now registering for
Adult and teen-age Group
7 Days, starting Thursday
123 E. Washington
NO 2-6539

"The Cousins"




NO 2-6264

Storm clouds blown over the
sky have made afternoon into
evening. The long grass on
either side of the road bends
with the wind's steady, rhyth-
mic gusts. A lone young 'boy,
leaning a bit against the whist-
ing, moaning wind, walks earn-
estly up the road, turns into the.
fields and begins to climb a hill
leading to the graveyard.
The sky grows darker, sil-
houetting the gravestones and
gaunt trees at the top of the
grade. The boy reaches the up-
right slabs. The wind and the
groaning of the rotted trunks
and branches are all that in-
terrupt the sound of his heavy
Suddenly, a grotesque giant
of a man, bald and scarred,
hands in rattling chains, leaps
from behind a gravestone and
grabs the boy crying, "Keep
still, you little devil, or I'll cut
your throat."
This is the opening scene of
Great Expectations, English
director David Lean's second
great adaptation of a Dickens
Lean, whose credits include
such brilliant and disparate
works as Oliver Twist, Brief
Encounter, Summertime and
The Bridge on the River Kwai,
is without peer at using physical
surroundings to key a mood
and atmosphere to a powerful
thematic statement.
In Summertime, the city of
Venice became an integral part
of the idealized love of an
American secretary on the brink
of middle age and an Italian
shopkeeper, while the bridge
over the River Kwai came to
symbolize a standard of con-
duct, a way of life, for an un-
yielding British officer.
The director, in Great Ex-
pectations, uses 19th century
London to epitomize the de-
generacy of a society.
It is seen as a city physically
decaying and swarming with
poor. The growing industrial
machine, fed with thousands of
workers, has used people and
swept the human refuse into
the gutters. It is a city of the
unemployed, the hungry and
the criminal - a city of slums
and littered alley was.

old jewels atd decayed satins,
presiding over a rat - infested
wedding cake.
Yet, though decay is the ma-
jor image of the picture, Lean
does not allow the story to wal-
low in it. He sensitively captures
the warmth of the young love
of the hero, portrayed by John
Mill, and Miss Havisham's neice,
played by the youthful, lovely
Jean Simmons.
And too, with a cast that
boasts Alec Guinness, Robert
Newton, Francis Sullivan and
Martita Hunt, no film can fail
to have a great.many comic mo-
The film is one of the great
English pictures and ranks fa-
vorably with any screen adap-
tation of a classic.
Of all Tennessee Williams'
plays, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,
showing Saturday and Sunday,
would appear to be one of the
least tractable to screen treat-
It is a play padded to three
acts with action that calls for
less, it is generously interlarded
with subject matter taboo in
Hollywood, and the dialogue,
perhaps to compensate for the
static nature of the plot, is over-
Read through, however, the
work reveals Williams' familiar
virtues; a genuine concern for
the plight of his characters; the
heightening of one's sense of
a familiar and basic human
dilemma, the inability to com-
municate; and the poetry of the
lost and lonely that is Williams'
particular appeal.
This rather unpromising ma-
terial was taken over and, with
certain changes in emphasis,
was made into a compelling
movie. Vague, indecisive themes
were cut and the action of the
play paced to highlight its con-
siderable dramatic and the-
matic content.
Elizabeth Taylor gives a fine
rendering of the "Cat," driven
to despair by her husband's
coldness and her in-laws' pam-
pering of the "no-neck mon-
ster" children; and Paul New-
man's guilt-ridden husband is
a performance that makes con-
vincing the despair of a young
man whose promise seems shat-
tered and who takes refuge in
symbolic castration. Burl Ives








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