Villiams Proposes New African Student Finds Discrimination sapital Outlay ON ASIAN TOUR: Khrushchev Calls for Disarmam '4 NEW DELHI (5F - Following in Pres dent DwightD. Eisenhow- er's footsteps, Nikita S. Khrush- chev swung into his South Asian tour here yesterday with a call for world disarmament. He said disarmament is now strictly u'p to the West. Welcomed in relatively low- keyed fashion by New Delhi street crowds, the Soviet Premier - whom Pres. Rajendra Prasad has termed "the second messenger of peace" - said it is pointless to argue whether modern war would mean greater losses for one side or another. At airport welcoming ceremo- nies, before India's parliament and at a banquet given in his honor by Prasad, Khrushchev held that was must be abandoned as mad- ness. Looking weary and in a somber mood, the 65-year-old Russian leader told India's parliament: "It is our firm conviction that the principles of peaceful coex- istence should be the basis for settling all disputed'-international issues. This means that the way to solve them should be through negotiations on an equal footing rather than through pressure and dictation tactics," Speaking of the 10-nation, East-. West disarmament conference to open in Geneva March 15, Khrushchev said:. "Let me assure you the Soviet Union will do ev- erything in its power to assure that these talks result in a treaty of general and complete disarma- ment. The solution of these prob- lems now depends on the West- ern side." There was ai dian lawmaker during his half Only about turned out to hi his arrival from more than a mil ters said two a lion - who we clamorous thro Eisenhower at 11-nation goo months ago. The over-all t enhower and peace and frien VFDIAL 5-6290 Ending Today 1, ISA Valentine Mixer # Saturday, Feb. 13 * 8:30 to 12:00 Hillel Foundation 1429 Hill St. Progyram 'U' Included ent. In Building pplause from In- Budget Plan s a dozen times hour speech. 250,000 persons Asks $164 Million ail Khrushchev on For Total Proosal a Moscow, against lion - some quar- LANSING () - A $164 million and one-hale mil- . re in the surging, capital outlay program for 1960-61 ng that cheered was proposed to the Legislature this point on his yesterday by Gov. G. Mennen Wil- >dwill tour two liams. The state's colleges and univer- heme of both Eis- sities and mental hospitals would receive $125 million of the total. Khrushchev was For the University, Williams' dship. plan included: he secondd unit, fluids engi- neering building, $2,355,000; phys- ics and astronomy building, $4,- n t 330,000; heating and plant serv- ices, $4,850,000; Institute of Sci- ence and Technology, $3,815,000; mathematics and computing cen- ter, $4,750,000; medical science ff MIE. wbuilding, $400,000 for planning; medical center, $1,170,974. The governor proposed financ- ing of the new construction through $150 million in building bonds. To Charge Rent A review of the projects and close attention to economies would enable realization of a major part of the program for the smaller figure, the governor said. Williams proposed the bond is- sues be retired by charging the state agencies rent for their new buildings. HRUSHCHEV The Legislature rejected simi- small welcome lar bond issue proposals by the Governor the past two sessions. Only $12 million of the most ur- gent new construction, to be fi- Starting nanced out of current revenues, was authorized last year. Today "Unless we act so'on to provide the new buildings made necessary .oth* by the growth of the state, we will fall so far behind it will be a vir- IOus tual impossibility to catch up." the governor said. ta n's 'only Answer The bonding method, he assert-1 W in ed, is the only answer. That way, -he said, the state can obtain the hich new buildings quickly and pay fori {, them while they are being used.i perb We are already at the point where the piled-up need for new construction is so great it can no Yorker longer be financed out of current revenues. A number of other states, not- ably Pennsylvania, he said, use the bonding method to finance new construction. "This is no different than the normal method used by individual citizens to buy their homes or to construct business buildings." Major Projects Majo rprojects proposed for the other universities included: Michigan State University - general classroom and office building, $5,000,000; mechanical engineering building, $4,000,000; administration building addition, $3,132,000; chemistry building, $4,500,000; chemstry building ren- ovation, $1,453,000; phytotron, $2,- S000 000; MSU-O Science and En- . x rEgineering Building, $2,000,000. SWayne State University - gen- eral classroom building, $5,250,- 000; medical research building, $2,250,000; physics unit, $1,500,- 000; pharmacy building, $625,000; engineering building, $1,50,000; rehabilitation old main building, $750,000. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interviews with international students. The sub- ject is an African Negro.) By JEAN HARTWIG A Negro from Sudan reports he has encountered discrimination since coming to this country and entering the University. "But once I start speaking to a person and he finds I'm a foreign- er, his attitude changes." When he came to Ann Arbor 15 months ago, the African had some difficulty in finding an apartment Hie and a group of friends were all looking for housing at the same time. They called several land- lords and contacted both private owners and real estate firms who informed them they did not rent to "foreign students." "When we phoned some people, they would tell us to look at the apartment. "When we got there, if the landlord was a man, he would say his wife had already rented the place and if it was a woman she told us her husband had al- ready leased it." Asked if ,he had been surprised by this treatment, he noted he had expected some discrimination in this country, but thinks that few people are in favor of segre- gation and realize that "this at- titude is not good for the prestige of America." Hits Target WASHINGTON IP)-The Army in a pointed boost for its hard pressed Nike-Zeus anti-missile project - claimed yesterday a faster-than-sound anti-aircraft rocket intercepted and killed an- other supersonic missile on the first try. In claiming the first such known kill, the Army showed newsmen a motion picture of the test Jan. 29 over White Sands, N. M. . The hunter-killer was a Hawk anti-aircraft missile and its prey a short range bombardment rock- et called Honest John. The Hawk carried a conventional high ex- plosive warhead. When the two missiles collided several miles up their combined impact speed was an estimated 2,000 miles an hour, the Army re- ported. Although the demonstration was intended to show a high speed missile intercept is possible, the problems of knocking down In- tercontinental Ballistic Missiles are infinitely more complex and difficult. And knocking down ICBMs would be the mission of the Nike- Zeus. President Eisenhower has with- held 137 million dollars in produc- tion money pending more tests of the Nike-Zeus in the Pacific this year. He also experienced discrimina- tion in Detroit' and Cincinnati where he was refused service at restaurants because of his race. "But Americans don't treat.for- eigners the same as American Negroes." He and a friend had stopped at a restaurant along the express- way for coffee recently, although they were afraid they would, not be served. But when the owner found out they were foreign stu- dents, he welcomed them, talked to them at some length and "even gave us free coffee." Speak Fluently The graduate student, who is studying highway engineering, ex- plained that the approximately 20 African students here don't have much difficulty understanding lectures and textbooks, since they speak English fluently, the Brit- ish educational system being used in most of the African countries which have been British colonies. , Because he got his Bachelor's degree from the University of London, his credits transferred with full credit, although several other African students have en- rolled here as special students un- til they can earn extra credit. Used to the "year system" of education, where courses extend through the entire academic year, he criticized the American semes- ter system and objective quizzes as a part of "the rapid American life." Likes Choice He is used to the type of ex- amination where the student is given a choice of questions and prefers this to the American type because "they don't show proper- ly what the student knows." While in favor of open-book tests for graduate students, he admitted they required a great deal of time and wider experience than most undergraduate students have. Praising University professors for their understanding attitude toward international students' difficulty with language, he said, "Sometimes we don't use the ex- act word, but the professor looks on the better side." Most African students are here on scholarships from their gov- ernment or are exchange students Vho are finnaced as a part of the American assistance to underde- veloped countries. Groups Separated As for the social acceptance of African students by American stu- dents, he said international stu- dents mix more among themselves than with American ones. He didn't know which group was more responsible for the separa- tion. Foreign students don't usually participate in many University ac- tivities because things like foot- ball, dancing and other American pastimes are very new to them. Most international students also have to study a great deal because of the'Ilanguage difference and the more rapid pace of the semester system. NIKITA K] *. . receives; DIAL Na8-6416' "A masterpiece ... ing short of miracu all of Bergm skills are on vie' 'The Magician' w all in all is .a su motion picture." .,7gra--The New' 3ngma13ergman r rUM MN l -. - Y-I ti \,[ * Starting Saturday ' "PORGY and BESS" Gershwin's Glorious Music as You Have Never Heard it! International Ladies' G arment Workers' Union David Dubinsky, President MEMO TO: Editor, FROM: Gus Tyler, Director, ILGWU Training Institute Subject: A CAREER WITH A CHALLENGE. Your readers, especially those under the age of 35, have been a source of talent, in- spiration and raw material for us during the last few years. Each year, we have heard from your readers in response to our appeal for dedicated young men and women to work in the labor movement. We are convinced that in every generation there is a segment of young people who would like to play a courageous and active role in changing the shape of things, and we are therefore renewing our invitation to a career that others-in this decade--have found a rewarding way of life. The International Ladies' Garment Work- ers' Union conducts its own "West Point," to prepare young men and women for careers in labor leadership. The one-year course combines classroom and field work. Those who complete the course are assigned to a full-time job with the union. With the j ob comes the challenge--to pro- vide the kind of dedicated and ethical leadership that will make the American labor movement the creative social force it seeks to be. The Training Institute is now in its tenth year. 140 of its graduates now hold union office in the ILGWU. Virtually all started as organizers--to learn the labor movement at the grass roots. While some continue at this mission as their first and enduring love, others branch out to take on respon- sibilities as business agents, local union managers, educational and political di- rectors, area supervisors, time study ex- , i~,4q t.& 0u Monaural 20479, Stereo 60158 Her style is that delightful contra. diction which only the true artist can carry off well. Sometimes she bites off a phrase clean and crisp as an apple. Sometimes she lets the notes burn low and flicker out. Sometimes she sends her voice spinning-and your heart with it. Listen-as Dinah brings up the luster on twelve vintage ballads like: "What A Diff'rence A Day Makes "I Remember You"; "Cry Me A River"; "Manhattan"; eight more. The New Sound of Lelsure - hest I