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May 11, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-11

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Ln uirn
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Light rain, ending
in late afternoon.


VOL. LXX, No. 156




i r

Kennedy Triumphs Again

Sen. Hubert Humphrey said in
a statement early this morn-
ing that, with his defeat in
West Virginia, he no longer
will be a candidate for the
presidential nomination.
He faces a fight for reele-
tion to the Senate in Minne-
sota this year.
Humphrey's action In bow.
Ing out of the race was re-
garded as likely to bring Adlal
E. Stevenson more to the fore
as a possible contender.
CHARLESTON, W. Va. (9) -
Sen. John E. Kennedy (D-Mass)
today won a crackling West Vir-
ginia primary victory rocketing
him within reach of the Demo-
cratic presidential nomination.
In a demonstration that a Cath-
olic can carry a state in which
only 4.5 per cent of the residents
are of his faith, Kenndy trounced
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn), a Congregationalist.
Humphrey conceded early this
morning that Kennedy had won
the presidential primary.
Representative Votes
From a representative 842 of
2,750 precincts the count was:
Kennedy 65,839, Humphrey 43,-
This Indicated Kennedy may
collar 60 per cent or more of the
total vote.
The two liberal Democratic
Senators tangled in a presidential
popularity contest that had no
bearing on the state's 25-vote
delegation to the Los Angeles
Democratic Convention in July.
In fact, a majority of the dele-
gation might go to Senate Demo-
cratic leader Lyndon B. Johnson
of Texas.
Erasing Smith Jinx
But in piling up margins over
Humphrey in areas where there
are only a handful of Catholics,
Kennedy took a long stride to-
ward wiping out the Al Smith jinx
that has kept any member of his
church from being nominated for
the presidency since 1928.
Kennedy ran strongly in the de-
pression-ridden coal section of
Southern West Virginia, where
among nine counties Fayette has
the largest number of Catholics,
S3.4per cent of its population.
He held the lead in Kanawha
County (Charleston), where 2.3
per cent of the residents are
Catholics. In Ohio County (Wheel-
) where there are 29.9 per cent
Catholics, he opened up a wide
Early Close Race
Humphrey made a close race of
it in industrial Cabell County
(Huntington), trailing only slight-
ly there. He held a small margin
in Lincoln County, next door,
where there are almost no Cath-
olics. He was ahead by small mar-
gins in some counties bordering
on Virginia.
But Kennedy's strength appeared
widespread as he took the lead
with the first returns and con-
tinued to hold a substantial mar-
gin as the count piled up.
Religious Factor
Although other factors have
figured in the bitter campaign
which matched the two liberal
Democratic Senators against each
other, national attention has fo-
cused on the test here of whether
Kennedy can get the protestant
votes he would have to have to
be elected in November.
If he gets a majority in West
Virginia, the consensus was that
he will have the party nomina-
tion almost within his grasp. On
the other hand, Humphrey was
given little chance to cash in at
the nation convention on a West
Virginia victory.
In an overwhelmingly Protestant
state where he was in effect lay-

ing his chances for the Democratic
nomination on the line, Kennedy,
a Catholic, nosed ahead of Hum-
phrey, a Congregationalist, on the
basis of the first fragmentary re-
While it could not be regarded
as a trend, Kennedy fared well
in precincts where Humphrey was
supposed to have considerable
Berkeley County, where the first
precinct to report with a full
count gave Humphrey a 69-65
edge over Kennedy, is only 14.8
per cent Catholic on a population
YRs Opose
Recent Pickets


VICTOR AGAIN-Sen. John Kennedy of Massachusetts (left) is
steadily eliminating Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (right) from the
Democratic presidential nomination, by winning the West Virginia
primary and by maintaining a strong lead in the Nebraska primary.
Dean Charges Names
Misrepresent Contents
WASHINGTON G)-The Dean of the Oregon State School of
Pharmacy testified yesterday tongue-twisting official names of drugs
and medicines sometimes misrepresent the ingredients.
- Dean Charles O. Wilson, author of textbooks and professor of
pharmaceutical chemistry, told Senators he also thought it was more
than coincidence that the trade or brand names under which the
preparations are sold usually are "catchy" and easy to remember.
He urged the Senate Monopoly Subcommittee to do something to
clear away some of the confusion he said now exists in the naming
of medicines. But he added he has little faith it would do much

SGC Places
Rush, J-Hop
Ont Agendla
Approval of the 1960-61 calen-
dar of events will head the agenda
at today's meeting of the Student
Government Council.
The calendar lists the tentative
scheduling of student events with
the exception of Women's Rush,
jwhich is currently under discus-
sion for re-adjustment of mixers
The Council will also consider
the fate of J-Hop. Alex Fisher, '61,
chairman of the J-Hop Central
Committee, will recommend the
dance be abolished because of
financial difficulties and lack of
student support. "It is expected
that this issue will be settled once
and for all at this evening's meet-
ing," commented John Feldkamp,
'61, SGC president.
Final plans for the May 17 pa-
rade commemorating the 1955
desegregation decision of the Su-
preme Court will be made. Spon-
sored by the Political Issues Club
and the newly-chartered NAACP,
the parade will start and re-
assemble at the diag, passing
through the downtown and cam-
pus area. SGC is handling the
over-all coordination of the event.
The Council will also consider
authorization of a Political Issues
Club proposal to circulate peti-
tions to boycott the Woolworth
dime Stores.
It will also take action on the
selection of members for the Joint
Judiciary Council and Student
Relations Board.
The first item of old business
on the SGC agenda tonight will
be a decision on Hyder Shah's
motion that SGC officially back
and send three delegates to the
Demonstration for Nuclear Sanity
in Lansing Friday.
Elect Ten
The officers of the recently
formed University chapter of the
NAACP are Sharon Williams, '63,
president, Brereton Bissell, '61,
vice-president, Mary Wheeler, '61,
secretary, and Jim Harrison, Grad.,
Elected to the Executive Board
were Harold Kelley, Grad., Walter
Faggett, Grad., Al Haber, '60, Al
Black, Grad., Willie Hobbs, Grad.,
and Brian Glick, '62.
The group moved to investigate
areas such as housing, encourag-
ing participation in campus activ-
ities, counseling of community
youth, discriminationin employ-
ment, picketing, voter registra-
tion, investigation of allied groups
(such as Congress of Racial Equal-
ity) and the providing of help for
integration of international stu-
It was decided that the findings
should be reported and to work
on those areas which deserve the
utmost immediate attention.
The Ann Arbor NAACP sent $500
of the $1,000 collected through
local fund raising drives to Thur-
good Marshall, Director - Counsel
of NAACP Legal Defense and Edu-
cational Fund.
This group, Marshall said, is de-
voting most of its time to the sit-
in demonstrations in the South
and furnishing legal assistance to
the students.
Five hundred dollars were also
given to the National Student As-
sociation Fund for Scholarship
Aid for Negro Students.






Protest to

Africans May Revolt or Emigrate

To Postpone
The literary college steering
committee decided yesterday to
postpone its faculty-student con-
ference on comprehensive exams
until the fall.
"This was done because too
many interested professors would
be unable to attend on our origi-
nal program planned for tomorrow
night," James Seder, '61, chair-
man of the group explained.
"Since the value of this type
of conference depends upon an
honest exchange of ideas between
students and faculty members, we
thought it was better to wait until
the fall when more of the faculty
can participate."
In such a conference, Seder
added, "students and professors
can learn from each other. The
faculty gains an appreciation of,
and an insight into how the peo-
ple they instruct feel towards their
education. The student also dis-
covers what serious educators be-
lieve about the objectives of a uni-
"I think that a conference like
this provides one of the few times
when faculty and students can
discuss on an informal basis seri-
ous questions that may never arise
inside a classroom, but neverthe-
less effect it tremendously.
"Many professors feel very ex-
cited about Initiatifig the exams
in the literary college and would
enjoy the crossfertilization of
ideas that arises from such a con-

toward achiving the sort of price
competition among manufacturers
some prior witnesses have con-
tended is needed.
Exploring Monopolies
The subcommittee is exploring
allegations of monopolistic prac-
tices and profiteering in the sale
of drugs.
There had been previous testi-
mony, disputed by other witnesses,
that complex official or generic
names are coined by manufac-
turers with an eye on profits-to
encourage doctors to prescribe
medicines by shorter brand names.
Another issue is whether doctors
could give their patients a chance
to shop around for cheaper varie-
ties of the same medicine by
prescribing by the generic instead
of brand names.
Sold by any name, Wilson said,
he figured the medicines probably
would wind up at about the same
price level.
Confusion, Inconsistency
His complaint, Wilson said, is
with "the confusion," misrepre-
sentation and lack of consistency
which exist in the nomenclature
of medical agents."
"This committee could do a
tremendous service to the physi-
cians and pharmacists of this
country by bringing some order
into the nomenclature of pharma-
ceuticals," he said.
He said some of the many-
syllabled official names indicate
the preparations contain ingredi-
ents that they do not really con-
tain. In helping to compile the
American Drug Index, he said, he
found that one drug had eight
different official names, ranging
from the simple name of "APAP"
(which had nothing to do with
the tradename) to "N-Acetyl-P-
Aminophenol" and "Para - Hy-


Mass emigration of Negroes and
a "bloody revolution" were sug-
gested as two possible solutions of
South Africa's apartheid problem
by debaters of the Political Issues
Club last night.
"The only solution I can see,
and I hate to say it, is that there
will be a bloody revolution which
will show the Afrikander that we
can't live separately," Eleanor
Overll warned.
She defined apartheid as "Anti-
Jew, anti-colored, anti-black,
anti-Anglican Church, anti-every-
thing but Dutch reform."
Bradford White, '63, felt that
South Africa must be made "an
exclusive white reserve." The Ban-
tus and other Negro races would
be sent out of this area and put
in the new, developing countries
in northern Africa.
Difficult Task
"The Western world is the only
agent capable of enacting such
action. I know that this would be
a difficult task, but I believe that
the modern world can do any-
thing it wants and feels is nec-
White felt that his plan is an
extension of the present govern-
ment's desire to lessen the four
to one ratio of blacks to whites
in South Africa. The Verwoerd
regime sees this only in terms of
immigration of Dutch whites, he
argued, and has failed to see his
Apartheid can not be defended
on the basis of morals," White
said, "only on the basis of the
economic position of the whites.
Although I don't support his moral
view, economically Verwoerd is
completely justified."
White agreed with Alan Paton,
leader of South Africa's Liberal
Party, who stressed that fear is
the dominant feeling and force for
social action in Africa. "Fear that
the Negro will overpower the
white, drive him and drive his
culture into the sea."
Dutch Behavior
To the American, the behavior
of the Afrikanders, white men of
Dutch descent, Is incomprehens-
Icmrhn-ible, White said. He went on to
say that the Afrikander is a pro-
duct of history, especially of the
bitter conflict of the Boer War.
"Thus he has developed an intro-
spective view of the world and
displays hostility to any intruder."
The Afrikander, White empha-
sized, does not share our view that
he is a bigot. "He thinks he has
a divinely ordered duty to his na-
tion and to his heritage."
White said that in viewing this
position, we must realize that dif-
ferent sets of values can't be
judged by the numbers of people
that adhere to them. "We must
also take into consideration the
strength of these views and the
loyalty the people display towards
White Supremacy Invalid
"White supremacy is the biggest
joke of the year," began Miss
OverlI, "for who is actually pure
She went on to trace the history

AFRIKANDERS DEBATE-Elanor Overll and Bradford White,
'63, discussed the question of "supremacy" that faces the African
people today. Overll said that the Negroes will fight a "bloody

revolution" for their rights.
of South Africa from Caesar's
growth of apartheid particularly
growth of apartheid particllarly
from the Boer War through the
complete Dutch control beginning
in 1948.
"In the war 3,000 Bantus were
killed, and only 30 Dutch. The
Negroes were not equipped to
fight. They were shot like animals.
The same situation is reoccurring
today. The African is fighting for
human dignity, for what really is
"Verwoerd lives in a world of
fear. He piles fear upon fear. He
has completely reversed the Com-
mandment: Love Thy Neighbor.
Love thy neighbor; sure, unless he
lives next door to you."
She discussed the series of laws
the modern Dutch government
has levied against "human dig-
nity." The Educational Act of 1950
separated the Church completely
from the state. Parochial and
other private schools were for-
bidden. "Now the government
spends one-tenth of one per cent
of its income on education, health,
and welfare for the 11 million non-
whites, about $1,000 a month."
She also mentioned the Immor-
ality Act which forbids any social
mixing between races and the
"Comb and Pencil" Act which en-
ables whites to remove the right
to vote from a Negro by an arbi-
trary decision.
"We have arrived at a cross-
roads," Miss Overll said. "We are
trying to lead the Negro to a new

FRB Head
Views Rise
William M. Martin, Jr. of the
Federal Reserve Board said yes-
terday Russia's recent economic.
growth may have been more sound
than the business expansion in
the United States.
Addressing the annual confer-
ence of the National Association
of Mutual Savings Banks, Martin
said he believes Russia, more so
than the United States, has finan-
ced growth through savings rather
than expansion of bank credit.
To this extent, he said, Soviet
economic gains may have been
more sound.
Mowever, Martin predicted un-
precedented growth for the United
States in the decade ahead and
added, "It is difficult for me to
see how any objective thinker can
be pessimistic."
He said the population is ex-
pected to expand by 30 million
from the present level of 180 mil-
lion and that this would create
12 to 15 million new jobs.
To finance this growth, Martin
said, the nation will have to
generate sizable savings. He added
that the central queston will be
whether the savings are garnered
on a voluntary basis or on a com-
pulsory basis, as in Russia.
Martin said flexible interest
rates provide the incentve for sav-
ing, and was critical of the con-
gressionally imposed interest ceil-
ing on long-term federal bonds.
IFC Adopts
Rush Changes
The Interfraternity Council's
executive committee voted tonight
to make two minor changes In,
men's fraternity rushing rules.
The initial act was to make the
first Tuesday of rush entirely open
and not have smokers on this
night. The committee believed
that this would enable the rushees
to visit more of the houses on
The second was to enlarge the
rush enforcement committee from
three to five members. Each of
the members -would be chosen
frnm na ofhe f ,. faf:r ,t

Ask To See
Khrushchev Reports
Airman in Moscow
MOSCOW () - The Soviet Un-
ion notified the United States yes-
terday that Francis G. Powers,
pilot of the American spy plane
downed deep inside Russia on May
Day, "will be brought to account
under the laws of the Soviet state."
This indication that the pilot
may undergo a trial for espionage,
probably not long after the end of
the summit conference, was con-
tained in a stiff protest delivered
through the United States E-
The Soviet government protested
what it called the espionage re-.
connaisance flight of Powers' high-
flying Lockheed U2 jet.
The United States countered
with a request for permission for
an embassy officer to interview
Powers, a 30-year-old Lockheed
test pilot from Pound, Va. who Is
reported by the Russians to have
confessed he was spying for the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Lands In Russia
The flier landed in Russian
hands in the region of Sverdlovsk,
900 miles east of Moscow. Khrush-
chev said he and the wreckage of
his plane -- felled by Russian ac-
count by a single rocket -- were
transferred to Moscow last week:.
The guess here is that Powers Is
held somewhere in midtown.
The protest note declared that
"hostile acts of American aviation
which have taken place numerous
times in relation to the Soviet
Union are not simply the result
of the activity of the military com-
mand of the U.S.A. in various ares
but are an expression of a calcu-
lated U.S.A. policy,"
Premeditated Violations
"These violations are premedi-
tated," it said. .. all this test-
fies that the government of the
U.S.A., instead of taking measures
to stop such action by America
aviation, the danger of which has
more than once been pointed out
by the Soviet government, offi-
cially announces such action as
its national policy."
It said that the United States,
by sanctioning such action, aggra-
vates international tension.
"Military intelligence activity of
one nation," the note declared, "by
means of intrusion of its aircraft
into the area of another country
can hardly be called a method for
improving relations and strength-
ening such.
Soviet Security Measures
"It is self-evident that the So-
viet government is compelled, un-
der such circumstances, to give
strict orders to its armed forces
to take all necessary measures
against the violation of Soviet
boundaries by foreign aviation."
The note touched at one point
on the summit meeting, to open
in Paris Monday.
"The government of the U.S.S.R.
regretfully states that, while it
undertakes everything possible for
the normalization and Improve-
ment of the international situa-
tion, the government of the U.S.A,
follows a different path" it said,
Differing Views
"It is impossible to exclude the
thought that, apparently, the two
governments view differently the
necessity of improving relations
between our countries and for the
creation of favorable ground for
the forthcoming Summit meeting."
The note charged that the state
department's explanation of the

flight was "unprecedented in its


Met Singers Recall Past While Discussing Music

"Just sit down and fire away at
all of us," Leotyne Price, newest
Metropolitan Opera singer said,
speaking for the quartet who sang
the Verdi Requiem last Sunday.
Gathered around in a small
practice room backstage were Miss
Price, Francis Bible, mezzo-so-
prano of the New York and San
Francisco Opera companies, and
Albert da Costa, American tenor,
and Kim Borg, bass from Finland,
both of the Met.
They had just finished prac-
ticing for the first time together,
and they were laughing and jok-
ing among themselves like old
friends. "Did you know that you
lived in the same apartment build-
ing as I when we were both study-

Borg spoke for the first time,
"Well, actually I got my masters
in chemistry and was also delayed
five years by the war." "And here
we are all together," Miss Price
It was lunch time now and the
group and faithful scribe moved
toward a nearby restaurant. As
they slipped out the back entrance
of Hill Aud. they ran into Director
Ormandy and other musicians. A
joyous reunion of Miss Price and
Ormandy was followed by intro-
ductions and memories by all.
Musicians Alliance
"Yes, there is a free masonry of
international musicians," Miss
Bible remarked.
"There are about 200 tnterna-
tional singers in America and

continued. Some audiences express
more and have standing ovations
and things and others can just sit
and clap quietly and one will still
know that he was a success.
"I can see the faces and I feel
it instictively if the audience is
responding or not," he said.
They change from city to city
and the appreciation is always
more if they know the language
of the opera, Borg noted.
American audiences are not very
spontaneous as a whole although
the opera audiences are invariably
warmer than concert ones. The
general quality of American music
is very high and the amateur per-
formances and orchestras are on
a very high level, he said.
Long Musical Interest


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