Mass Education in Californiai K e-n edy, Humphrey By P. D. ELDRED Associated Press Writer California's exploding popula- tion has produced a crisis in high- er education which not only calls for fantastic expenditures but is. regarded by some worried educa- tors as a massive threat to student individualism. Tin a proud and expansive state where "the more the better" has often been taken as a measure of success, the "how and where" of providing college education for a teeming multitude of students has become an unbelievably compli- cated problem. Directly under the gun in this paradoxical situation is the huge University of California. Its 45,000 students already are jamming classrooms on its seven campuses and enrollment applications are Smounting by the thousands every year. Must Expand There is every indication that the tremendous university, ex- panding more rapidly perhaps than any similar institution in the United States, will have to build facilities and find competent fac- ulty to teach as many as 105,000 by 1975. Fundamental in the California concept of higher education is the theory that every youth should be able to get an education up to the limits of his ability, with the door left open to all. "California is facing the great- est crisis in higher education in the history of this nation," de- clares President Clark Kerr. "Our university is daily becom- ing more crowded, and this trend is a source of grave concern. Stress Individual "The specter of an oppressive mass society is one of the fears of our age .. . we must not lose sight of the greatness and power and courage of the individual human mind. "We must dedicate ourselves to making our university seem small- er .. . more personalized and de- centralized ... as it grows bigger. It must be more intimate. This is one of the overriding challenges of the years ahead... . "Otherwise, a host of baffled students are going to get lost in the 'lonely crowd' and many of the things we love about our uni- versity are going to get lost along with the students." UC already has very stiff en- trance requirements, so high that only the top 15 per cent of all high school graduates in the state are eligible to enroll. They have to make at least a B averagehin cer- tain subjects to get in. Cut Eligibility And it has been recommended in a new master plan outlining problems and goals that eligibility be cut to 12.5 per cent-the top eighth. For the 13 state colleges in California, freshmen would be selected from the upper one-third of high school grads. Educators, however, are con- vinced that merely tightening en- trance requirements is in itself no solution; that university enroll- ment must be held down by other means. This is why the state of Cali- fornia has embarked on what Elmo Morgan, UC Vice-President for business, calls a "fantastically ex- pensive and complicated" three- way expansion program - in the university, the state colleges and the many junior colleges. It will divert thousands of stu- dents to junior colleges for their first two years, and to improved state colleges for full, four-year courses. Ask Sharp Increase To keep pace with soaring en- rollments on the seven UC cam- puses, the UC's regents have ap- proved a 1960-61 capital improve- ments program asking a legisla- tive appropriation next year of $82 million more than three times the figure of 1957-58. Currently, the biggest outlays center on the main UC campuses at Los Angeles and Berkeley. UCLA, with enrollment now of 16,600, could be flooded with as many as 33,000 by 1975 if allowed to grow unchecked. But UC plan- ners say they intend to hold the line at around 27,500 and stabilize enrollment at that level. The same goes for Berkeley, with almost 20,000 students on the campus now. The line there, too, has been drawn at 27,500. Enlarge Branches Expansion plans call for en- larging the university branchesat Davis, Santa Barbara, Riverside and La Jolla so that each of them can accommodate as many as 10,- 000 students in the next decade. The four now enroll only 7,000 all told. Two new branches will be es- tablished, one in the San Jose- Santa Cruz area and the other in Orange County. The seventh present campus is the medical centern San Fran- cisco with 1,00 students. It will not become a general campus but will continue as a specialized medi- cal institution. The inflation bogey hangs heavy over all projected cost estimates for capital expenditures in the years to come. Inflation Hinders The cheapest atomic reactor for student laboratory use costs around $100,000 and, as one of- ficial pointed out, "you used to be able to put up a whole building for little more than that." Several things are happening all at once which, Morgan explains, are making all estimating exceed- ingly complex. Foremost, of course, is the fact that California's population is literally exploding, with approxi- mately 450,000 persons moving in- to the state every year. Then there are the "war babies," the wave of youngsters born in 1941-42, who are just coming of college age. The peak of this stu- dent crop is expected around 1961. A third factor is the percentage of students who go on to college from high school. Years ago, only 17 per cent enrolled in college; to- day the figure is up to 32 per cent. Education for All "We go on the assumption that we are going to provide the same educational opportunity in the fu- ture as in the past." In California that means making it possible for every youth to get an education up to the limits of his ability, with the door left open to all. "Put together the increase in students eligible for college due to the population growth and the increase in students going to col- lege and you have a terrific force," Morgan said. However, he adds, the coordi- nated effort to solve the problem is also of impressive dimensions. Everybody connected with higher education has entered wholeheart- edly into the job of finding the right answer. "It is going to take the best effort of all concerned to solve it," Morgan declares. Uphold Ike's Aid'Appeal WASHINGTON W-A $4,086,- 200,000 foreign aid bill - just $88,800,000 shy of what President Dwight D. Eisenhower wanted- was tied together Saturday for final passage next week. Senate and House conferees hammered out a compromise measure after a two-day meeting. With the authorized ceiling close to his request, Eisenhower already has launched a drive to forestall a threatened billion dol- lar cut in a later bill providing the cash. In West Virginia X Vote Today To Climax Campaigns, Candidates Attack Opponent's Chances CHARLESTON, W. Va. (9) - West Virginia's Democratic presi- dential campaign churned into its final hours yesterday with Senator John F. Kennedy (D-Mass) and Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn) blazing away at each other as "can't win" candidates. With fair skies and cool weath- er predicted, 'a little more than half of the state's 670,000 regis- tered Democrats are expected to turn out today for a primary that might have a decisive effect on Kennedy's chances of getting his party's presidential nomination. In the last stage of their battle, Humphrey, a Congregationalist, was generally credited with hold- ing an edge over Kennedy, a Catholic, in a state where only 4.9 per cent of the population is of the latter's faith. Humphrey 'Stung' Humphrey has been stung by Kennedy's contention that almost nobody gives the Minnesota sen- ator a chance to win the nomina- tion-that if he wins here other candidates who are not on the ballot will be the beneficiaries. Humphrey blasted back with an assertion at Nitro, where he was campaigning on this cold bleak: day, that Kennedy couldn't win in, November if he got the Demo- cratic nomination. "If people will look at the voting record, instead of clever advertis- ing propaganda, they will see if it is Kennedy, not I, who can't win for the Democrats in November," he said in a statement. Attacks Kennedy Humphrey said Kennedy "turn- ed his back on President Harry S. Truman . . . favors special priv- liges and tax policies against the average taxpayer ... played "foot- tie" with the big money interests joined the Republicans to, slow down housing construction refused to provide jobs by needed public works programs." Humphrey contended only an, all-out liberal nominee can win for the Democrats in the general election. Kennedy fired back with the statement in a Huntington news conference that he is the only Democrat who can defeat Vice- President Richard M. Nixon, the' prospective GOP nominee. He said' it doesn't make sense for persons to vote for Humphrey "when they really favor something else." TO RETIRE: Rhee Stops Speculation On Political Comeback SEOUL WA')- Syngman Rhee yesterday squelched speculation yesterday that he might try a comeback, declaring he intends to spend the rest of his days as a private citizen of the republic he helped to create. The 83 - year - old ex - president issued a statement in making public a personal letter from President Dwight D. Eisenhower praising South Korea as "a monu- ment to your lifelong work." "Speaking from my retirement and having renounced all political considerations for the rest of my life," Rhee said, "my own role in Korea will be judged by history, and all the facts are on the rec- ord." Rules Sternly In the first 12 years of the young republic's life, Rhee had tary withdrawal from public life" represented' "yet another example of wisdom as well as selfless serv- ice." Eisenhower said the United States "will continue to feel it- self bound by strong ties of sym- pathy to Korea under your suc- cessor. My best wishes for many years of health and happiness in the honored retirement which you have done so much to earn." Predicts Welcome Rhee predicted "one of history's great welcomes" awaits Eisenhow- er on his scheduled June 22 visit to Korea. He called on Koreans to "express their respect and ad- miration for President Eisenhower and the great American nation." The new constitutional amend- ment, drafted by a committeeof both Rhee's liberals and opposi- tion democrats, was made public as Rhee issued his statement. The president, restricted largely to ceremonial duty, would be elected by both houses of parlia- ment-the Assembly, and upper house still to be created. The Pre- mier, named by the president, would have to enjoy the support of a majority of the Assembly. Opposition to the new setup cen- tered on refusal of the Assembly to dissolve itself first and over lack of a bill: of rights, making freedom absolute. There were fears that reservations placed on the freedom of political parties might be used against non-Communist anti-con- servatives as well as against the Communists, for whom they were designed. 1 S 0 I 3 IVIV if b 4I H S 3'1I03 3N S d Vd iS 03 2MSN 110 0G31. . O W O N 3 5d 1 "d 0 3t I V 11 W 3 1b 3 N80 H b i V IW 3 0 S13NO H OF t I\- * CAMPUS OFFICES State Street . . . South University . . . or if you drive, the Packard-Brockman office. All these nearby offices serve our campus com- munity .. . serve you and your neighbors, too, with special student banking service. Special checking accounts . . . money orders .. . travelers checks are all available here. Won't you look in on your nearest Ann Arbor Bank office to serve your own needs? PRESIDENT EISENHOWER ... praises Rhee ruled with a stern hand until his government was toppled by a pop- ular revolt two weeks ago. At his retirement, Rhee issued a terse statement saying only that he wished "to devote the rest of my life to the nation and people as a citizen." The National Assembly is study- ing a consitiutional amendment to turn the presidency Rhee had occupied into a figurehead post and to transfer executive powers to a prime minister who would be checked by the Assembly. Some thought Rhee might seek the new figurehead post. Eisenhower said Rhee's "volun- BOOK SALE 9c up Overbeck's I~e SfrI0i au Daily Second Front Page J I U r' Tuesday, May 10, 1960 Page 3 9 K@L KROSSWORD ACROSS 1. What one does to dice, breeze, pool 7. This lack is nearly fatal 13. This carrier is no pigeon 14. N. Y. State college for gals 15. Scott chick 16. Grid quorum 17. Fish found in the tide 18. Soggy characeter. 20. Therutmost, best 21. Get a model and shape it 28. Dated without the D.A. 24. Lore rearranged in USSR 25. What politicians should 'be 27. Flattened at the poles. 29. Near (dial.) 30. Spliced 31. They're off the shoulder 84. Goad, pointedly 38. "--Above All" 39. You'll feeL..._ coolness in Kool 40. Dig it, man 42. Cannibalized 43. The music goes round and round 45. A Guinness, please 46. A square's musical instrument 47. Keep it under your coat 48. Moonshine source yet 49. Possible DOWN 1. Shorty 2. Jinx 3. fie wrote "1984" 4. What it takes to know dne 5. Baby sit 6. Buttons on dashes a 7. Where you feel Kool's smoothness (2 words) 8. House additions 9. The soul of the French 10. Mexican muralist 11. The French Sinatra 12. Kind of bar; with mustache cups? 19. Id eat's nickname 22. Merrills 24. what you're growing every minute 26. --a keg 28. Honey child 31. Flying delivery service 32. When your_... tells you it's timefora change, make it Kool 33. Wagner opera 35. Get a carton of Kool from your-. 86. Le dernier cr1 37. Is choosy 41. Clean, cool, smooth 44. Half a dollar 45. Gardner-variety 1 2 3 4 5 46 13 15 1 No. 1 4 7 8 9 1 1 12 16 k \~4 17 21 25 F----i 20 E. .. }.....,.W ~194 22 23 26 29 33 A] E I I I 24 27 28 30 34 35 U KL39 --- - 31 38 40 43 36 37 ARE yol NOUGH TO 42 KRACK THIS?' 44 46j [ I 48 1 1 il 45 47 49 2111 - I ~ I L I U I - I - I. - Wheh your throat tells you ifs time for a Chang, you needfKi, a rea l Changae... NON-:XISTANT PUCKEI SLASHED LEGS SIZES 8 to 14 I