See Page 4
Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom
Scattered showers, possible snow
during morning and night.
{{ I
e. e eummings--The famous American lyric poet handled such
varied themes as social criticism, death, love, and regeneration as
he read from his own works in Hill Auditorium last night as part
of the Union-sponsored Creative Arts Festival.
Cummings Stresses
Belief in Individual
"One is not half two," the individualistic philosophy of e. e. cum-
mings, was emphasized last night as the American lyric poet read
from his works before a Creative Arts Festival audience.
Prof. Frank Copley of the Latin department, who introduced
cummings, described him as a man who "maintained individualism
after World War II when collectivism and the organization man be-
~came important." Cummings fort-
Sedithis description in the nearly
oksdoGandhit dzenpoems he read at Hill
cummings' selections varied
sm cynical criticism of the
iUnitedStates to opinions on
death, occasionally interspersed
with lyrics expressing hope and
In regeneration.
cummings read first from his
By IRIS BROWN book Poems 1923-1954. He began
with "sweet spring." This is a gay
"Violent revolution only creates poem which left the audience with
new, more complex problems," a good feeling. "springtime is love-
said Acharya Kripalani in ex- time, vive' sweet love."
plaining the ideas of Mahatma He followed with "buffalo bill's
Gandhi. defunct," a clear statement of a
Kripalani, an official of the death theme. "but I'd like to know,
Praja (People's) Socialist Party, how do you like your blue-eyed
spoke yesterday on "Socialism In boy mr. death?" startled the aud-
India" which is based primarily on ience with its abruptness.
Gandhian principles. cummings continued to vary his
Gandhi felt that his task was to theme throughout the first half
change life. He advocated a soc- of the reading. At one point he
jalist society resulting from the criticized the condescending policy
combination of political emanci- of the United States in relation to
pation and the establishment of Japan after World War II.
justice and equality. After the intermission he re-
Opposed Violence sumed with "dominic's doll," a
To him, however, the idea of wistful comment on reality. Ac-
gaining freedom from the British cording to him,"weand worlds
through violence was a reflection are less alive than dolls and
of our division of life into depart- dreams."
ments which are guided by oppos- "thanksgiving 1956" drew the
Ing concepts, greatest response from the aud-
For example, Kripalani said, "A ience. The poem is a -sarcastic
man who murders is considered a comment on oureinaction during
criminal, but in supposed service the Hungarian revolution. "hung-
to the nation this act is sanctified ary said i won't, be quiet little
and such a man becomes a hero." hungary, do as you're bid." The
Gandhi therefore believed that last lines summarized the poet's
India could demand independence bitter outlook on the subject: "so
from Britain only if people within rah rah democracy lets be thank-
the country were treated with ful as hell and bury the statue of
licetI,'_ liberty because it begins to smell."
Allies Seen
After Blow
Predict Paris Talks
To Open on Schedule
LONDON () - European allies
of the United States bounced back
yesterday from the gloom that
gripped them after a United States
reconnaissance plane was shot
down over the Soviet Union.
They generally predicted the
summit talks would open in Paris
on schedule next Monday despite
the incident.
Some sources suggested that
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
would not push the matter too far.
They read this interpretation into
the Soviet leader's own report on
the case virtually absolving Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower from
Papers Comment
Several newspapers in Britain
and on the Continent claimed
there was something fishy about
the case.
How, they asked, did American
pilot Francis G. Powers live
through a parachute drop of more
than 12 miles? How were the Rus-
sians able to recover an undam-
aged camera and film from a plane
knocked down from a great height
by a rocket?
Some papers also pointed out
that when it comes to spying all
the great powers are involved and
the Russians have a great ad-
vantage because the nations of the
West are open societies.
Lord Speaks
Britain's Civil Lord of the Ad-
miralty, Charles Ian Orr-Ewing,
said at a luncheon:
"The U.S.S.R. must be thankful
for the many hundreds of Russian
staff it maintains in the free world
who are able to gather details of
the West's military installations
by merely getting their cards and
using binoculars and cameras."
To some observers the hopeful
Western line sounded a little like
whistling in the dark.
One source explainedbit this
way: "There may still be some
unpleasant repercussions. The fact
that the United States does some
aerial spying on the Soviet Union
is not surprising.
Unpleasant Position
"But to get caught at this kind
of thing and then to be put in a
position of having to admit to
espionage activities is compromis-
ing. It can't make Eisenhower's
task at the summit any easier."
Prime Minister Harold Macmil-
lan conferred with Foreign Secre-
tary Selwyn Lloyd for 20 minutes
on the implications of the plane
Later the Commonwealth Prime
Ministers spent two hours in a
secret session at No. 10 Downing
Street, they sent their advisers out
of the room to discuss the plane
incident in confidence.
White Settlers Attacked
In Rhodesian Race Riots
SALISBURY, Southern Rhodesia (IP) -- Negro mob violence has
flamed against white settlers in Northern Rhodesia, a part of Britain's
Central African Federation.
Police held 127 Africans and sought others yesterday for a series of
fire and stoning attacks in the nothern Rhodesian copper belt over the
weekend. Several persons were injured.
The sudden outburst led to speculation that a scheduled visit by
Britain's Queen Mother Elizabeth to the Federation-a union of the
Rhr dP iA an Nvasaland in which 0
.mnoaesias ani lysnau11WLM4
282,000 whites dominate a popula-
tion of 7.5 million-will be can-
celed. She is due in Salisbury
Wednesday for a 20-day tour.
Attack Women
A white woman and her two,
daughters were among victims of
Negro bands on a rampage that"
recalled the nationalist - inspired
racial troubles which the Federa-
tion government crushed with
troops last spring. All three were
Cars were special targets of the
Rock was found piled on a rail-
way track at Kitwe Friday. The:
pile apparently was intended to
derail a train.
At Bancroft, near the Belgian
Congo border, three shelters at a
beer hall were burned down Satur-
day night.
Disperse Mobs
At Luanshya police used para-
chute flares and tear gas to dis-
perse a Negro mob rioting at a
beer hall. The officers said they
retaliated after the Negroes stoned
Police are Investigating an at-
tempt to burn the home of Fran-
cis Chembne, an African member
of the federal parliament.
Police reservists were called in to
help keep order and to prepare in-
dictments against the suspects.
Hold Strike
One of their problems was a sit-
down strike by about 40 African
women at the gates of a police
camp where the prisoners were
held. The women screamed at ve-
hicles passing through the gates.
The district commissioner's of-
fice in Ndola reported a rush of
white men for permits to buy guns
for protection.
The Central African Federation
is a northern neighbor of the Un-
ion of South Africa, a common-
wealth member with an even grav-
er race problem. The scene of the
violence is on the border of the
Belgian Congo, which also has
racial troubles.
A sudden snowfall last night
put an early end to Ann Arbor's
As the temperature fell to 34
degrees, the latest spring snow-
fall since 1950, when it snowed
on May 24, chilled the city.
Traces of snow were also re-
corded in the first week of May
in 1951 and 1954.
Happy spring!
Creal Sets
Of Group
City Mayor Cecil 0. Creal failed
to return three "charter members"
of the Human Relations Commis-
sion to their expired positions last
Dropped were Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
Assistant Dean of Women Mrs.
Elizabeth M. Davenport and Mrs.
Arthur Carr. Mrs. Davenport has
asked not to be reappointed.
Creal appointed to their posts
for three-year terms, Mrs. James
G. Baker; Leo J. Carrigan, an
Ann Arbor attorney; and William
E. Brown, a local dentist.
, Complete Terms
Lewis, Mrs. Davenport and Mrs.
Carr had just completed three-
year terms dating back to the first
commission, when it was created
in 1957.
Other members of the com-
mission are: Henry Aquinto of
the city council, Ralph Gibson of
the University's Michigan Pro-
gram for Mentally Retarded
Children, Pediatrics and Commun-
cable Diseases, the Rev. Dr. Henry
Lewis, Richard Mann, Herman
Jacobs of the University's Board
of Religious Counselors and Dr.
H. Vaughn Whited, chairman.
Whited was reappointed chair-
man of the commission.
In other action, the council
granted approval to Student Gov-
ernment Council for conducting a
parade May 17 to commemorate
the sixth anniversary of the
United States Supreme Court's
integration decision.
. seeks bill's approval
Senate Unit
Attacks Ike
on the Senate Housing Subcom-
mittee yesterday described Dwight
D. Eisenhower administration's
h o using recommendations as Reveal Parade
meager and inadequate. {
Norman P. Mason, top admin- The "solemn" parade of "no
istration housing official, and his more than 300" registered march-
aides responded by criticizing ers will proceed from the Diag to
nearly all of the proposals sub- the downtown area and return to
mitted by Democratic senators. the Diag. Roger Seasonwein, '61,
The exchanges came at the representing SOC, told the coun-
opening of two weeks of hearings cil.
by the subcommittee on a variety Assured that the parade would
of housing bills. be orderly, the council then ap-
The first day's hearing was a proved the proposal unanimously.
continuation of the warfare be- The council also pared $51,376
tween the Democratic - controlled off its annual budget, in an effort
Congress and the administration to "hold the line" on the tax level.
which resulted in two vetoes of Six city employees in the depart-
housing bills by President Eisen- ment of fire, police and .health
hower last year. were cut from the payroll.
U' Suspends Four Students
For Hom0sexual Activities
The first four convictions in a group of 10 students charged with
homosexual activities have drawn University suspensions.
Two have been immediately suspended and the other two have
been prohibited from registering after this semester, Assistant Dean
of Men John Bingley said yesterday.
The four were convicted on the charge of attempting to procure
an act of gross indecency in circuit court trials March 24, March 31
- -- and April 7 with Judge James B.
CONCRETE PROOF-Premier Nikita. S. Khrushchev holds up an
intelligence photograph he claims was confiscated from the United
States' plane shot down over Russia. He said that this gave proof
of the spying activities of America in the Soviet Union.
Likely To Continue
Flights over Border
Herter Defends Intelligence Trips
By Civilian Craft as 'Necessary
WASHINGTON 0-The United States acknowledged yes-
terday it has sent spy flights into Russia-under President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's general orders.
The State Department did not discourage a deduction
that such flights may continue until Soviet leaders open their
borders to inspection.
Secretary of State Christian A. Herter, in making the
acknowledgement, strongly defended intelligence flights by
unarmed civilian planes as urgently necessary to guard the
non - Comunist world against'
surprise Soviet attack.
In a special statement, Herter
suggested that next weeks Sum-
mit Conference make an earnest
attempt to agree on safeguards q C onve
which would end tihe threat that
either side could suddenly launch
a nuclear onslaught against the
With the approval of President
Eisenhower, Herter frankly ad- By RICHARD OSTLING
mitted American planes have car-
ried out "extensive aerial surveil- The South Quadrangle Council
lance" of Communist territory will vote today on general plans
under directives issued by the to turn its Club 600 into a "rath-'
President as part of his national skeller," an old-style European
security duties. cafe.
According to Thomas Moch,
Here, there was mention of the '62E, quadrangle president, the
National Security Act of 1947, but present Club is "too much like a
the wording made it clear that basement" with a "cold, imper-
the Secretary was speaking only sonal feeling," and has conflicts
of President Eisenhower, who between the various functions of
went into office in 1953. the room.
"Specific missions of these un- Plans submitted yesterday eve
armed civilians aircraft have not ning to a space utilization con
been subject to presidential auth- mittee by Thomas Zung, '60A&D,
ority," Herter said, divide the Club into two lounges,
Acknowledges Flight a TV room, a simulated outdoor
After Soviet Premier Nikita S. terrace, and a cafe.
Khrushchev reported the capture 'Unique' Room
of a 30-year-old American flier "My main concept is to provide
deep inside Russia, the State De- a Michigan "rathskeller"-unique
partment acknowledged an intel- because of the use of the indoor
ligence flight over Soviet territory terrace scheme in the center,"
probably was undertaken. It said Zung commented last night.
"insofar as the authorities in The terrace will have a flag-
Washington are concerned, there stone floor, planting beds, and a
was no authorization for any such luminous ceiling to "bring In
flight as described by Mr. Khru- light," since the Club has no out-
shchev. side windows.
Herter's disclosures today came The ceiling over the lounges, TV
as the administration hurriedly room, and cafe will be a triangular
sought to ease congressional de- grid 'system. The entry to the
mands for more information, snack bar area will be roofed by
Herter, accompanied by central a system of trellises.
intelligence chief Allen W. Dulles Tells Decoration
- the man Khrushchev claims The walls will be paneled with
bosses such spy flights - briefed both rough-hewn and smooth sr-
18 congressional leaders behind faces in the various rooms, withl
closed doors at the Capitol on the a consistent walnut stain through-
incident, out. Animal skins will be hung on
-Guard Room the cafe walls, and one part of
Government security agents the entryway wall will be set aside
guarded the door of the committee for name-carving.
room where both men appeared. The TV area will have fold";
' Herter's carefully drafted state- away walls so that the Club cn
ment, issued after the 90-minute accommodate dances, or large
briefing, did not say flatly that crowds of "Maverick" watchers.
the United States would continue Along with the traditional juke
sending planes over Soviet terri- box, the Club 600 "rathskeller"
yr. wil 1i.v a +nnhv cam eani ns.
No one could participate in the
national struggle for freedom un-
less he denounced untouchability.
Socialism Develops
"T h u s 1 y," Kripalani contin-
ued, "Indian socialism developed
from the concepts of non-violence,
Biblical charity, and truth."
In discussing the factors divid-
ing the Party today, he said, "Soc-
ialism is revolt; once people re-
volt it becomes a habit."
"The Catholics have never
divided," he said, "but Protes-
tants go on dividing every day."
Material Of Moral
Another problem is whether soc-
ialism is to be a material creed
or a moral creed. The former
party leaderused the Soviet Union
as an example.
"When their enemies act, they
use moral judgment; when they
act, what benefits the proletariat
is moral."
"Gandhi was opposed to the
Marxian idea that wealth is pro-
duced by labor," Kripalani con-
Religion Changed Russian Past
"The year 1666-7 was the real turning point in Russian history,"
Prof. James H. Billington, of Harvard University, said yesterday,
speaking on "The Religious Crisis in the 17th Century; A turning
Point in Russian History."
He cited 1667 as the year the Church Council in Moscow deposed
the Russian church patriarch, Nikan, thereby stifling the attempted
religious counter-reformation that he had championed.
"In the early 17th century, Russia was involved in a three
cornered war with Sweden and Poland," Prof. Billington said, "but
before that they were an isolated entity, save occasional, and gen-
erally unsuccessful skirmishes with the Swedes."
He said that after Poland, a Catholic country, had invaded Rus-
sia, Sweden, which was a bulwark of Protestantism in Europe, came
to protect the czar from defeat. This alliance with the Swedes in-
troduced Swedish military tactics and Dutch technology into the
Russian society, turning the tide toward a renaissance.
Breakey Jr. presiding.
The court sentenced all four to
a $100 fine, $175 in court costs,
five years of probation and 10
days in jail, to be served on week-
An assistant University profes-
sor was given the same sentence
March 31. He remains a paid
member of the faculty but has
been relieved of his teaching
All five were among a group of
29 persons arrested by city police
during a seven-week crackdown
in last December and January.
The remaining six students
charged stood mute in their first
appearances in circuit court and
charges of not guilty were entered
for them.
Trials have been set for three
of them later this month and
June, and trials have yet to be set
for the other three. All are free
on $500 bonds, except one who
has been committed to jail.
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