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February 12, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-12

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy with scattered
snow flurries.

VOL. LXX, No. 86




Council Argues

Sororit Case!

Sees War


After accepting the final report
of the Sigma Kappa Study Com-
mittee, Student Government Coun-
cil Wednesday night deferred
action on the case by tabling a
motion andamendment calling
for consideration of it.
The recommendation of the
committee adopted by the Council
is as follows: "Student Govern-
ment Council feels the previous
decisions of the Council as regards
the status of Sigma Kappa sorority
are not to be considered binding
on the present Council.
"There are three considerations
which are valid in questioning the
present status of Sigma Kappa
sorority in regard to University
regulations: 1) the Cornell and
Tufts incidents, 2) the resolution
which came out of the 1958 sum-
mer Sigma Kappa sorority con-
vention, and 3) any other action

(or lack thereof) of Sigma Kappa
up to the present."
Refers to Suspensions
The first of these refers to the
suspension of Sigma Kappa chap-
ters at Tufts and Cornell by the
national. Both chapters had
pledged Negroes.
The second consideration was
received in the form of a letter to
University Vice-President for Stu-
-dent Affairs James A. Lewis from
the National Council of Sigma
Kappa sorority in 1958.
It read in part, "National Sigma
Kappa shall abide by the Univer-
sity or college rules and regula-
tions now governing the respective
campuses on which it has a chap-
ter, reserving the right to regu-
late its internal affairs privately,
in accordance with the University
or college rules and regulations,
provided that such rules and regu-
lations must not be in violation

ORIGINAL DECISION-The scene was the Union Ballroom in
1958 and the decision was that Sigma Kappa was violating
Regental policy. Student Government Council took up the matter
again this week.


-'__ ., F.

To I




Test Ban

Would Allow
To Prohibit Nuclear
Air, Sea Explosions,
Limit Radioactivity
States urged Russia yesterday to
accept a new nuclear weapons
test ban which would allow limit-
ed underground blasts but pro-
hibit atomic-hydrogen explosions
in the air and sea.
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower, in
announcing the four-stage pro-
posal at his news conference, said
it would be a quick way to "allay
worldwide concern" over possible
increases in deadly radioactivity.
In Geneva, Russia's chief dis-
armament negotiator, Semyon K.
Tsarapkin, rejected the proposal
as a backward step.
"I have not seen this plan yet,"
he said. "But, of course, I am
against a limited nuclear test ban.
It would just be a step backward."
Not Optimistic
Top administration officials re-
fused to view Tsarapkin's quick
comment as a final rejection. But
they clearly were not optimistic
that the Kremlin would accept the
The Eisenhower proposal would
abandon, at least temporarily, the
East-West search for an all-em-
bracing agreement to stop all nu-
clear weapons tests. These talks
have deadlocked at Geneva after
170 separate meetings stretching
over a 15-month period.
During this time the United
States, Russia and Britain, the
world's three atomic powers, have
voluntarily halted tests while their
experts sought a disarmament for-
Describe New Plan
The new United States plan
would allow underground shots to
be resumed if explosions registered
no higher than a figure of 4.75 on
detection devices-a blast Ameri-
can scientists say is roughly the
size of the first atomic bomb
dropped on Hiroshima.
Soviet experts disagree and
claim such a reading would mea-
sure a blast about eight times
smaller than this.
Eisenhower said it was partly
because of this disagreement be-
tween scientists of the two sides
that he decided it was useless at
this time to continue efforts to
agree on a more sweeping, global
Want Existing Ban
The Soviets have demanded the
existing ban on tests continue.
They contend each side's detec-
tion devices are sensitive enough
to determine if anyone cheated.
United States and British rep-
resentatives have demanded de-
tection stations to guarantee en-
forcement. Soviet and Western

Theatre Group Fails
To Find Fund Leader
The recent meeting in Detroit to bring together wealthy and
influential sponsors for the proposed professional theatre did not
produce a prominent person to act as leader for future fund raising
drives in that area.
But a committee composed of 10 persons was established to find
such a leader and to explore the whole problem more thoroughly,
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the mathematics departiaent and spokesman
of the theatre steering committee, reflected at yesterday's meeting.
At the Detroit meeting noggrer'

Heyns of the literary college, re-
ported on the Regents' interest in
the theatre project for the entire
region, he continued.
WSU, MSU-O Interested
Wayne State University and
Michigan State University-Oak-
land also expressed interest in the
theatre project.
"It could happen that a wealthy
Detroiter puts up funds for the
theatre and asks that the building
be located at one of the other two
New York produced Oliver Rea,
who with Tyrone Guthrie and
Peter Zeisler is working to estab-
lish a professional theatre, Prof.
Kaplan said, will be back in De-
troit in a week to meet with a
representative from Wayne and
possibly from Oakland.
Must Pin Down Location
Konrad Matthaei, vice-chair-
man in charge of the project's
sponsorship for Southeastern
Michigan, feels that the theatre's
prospective location in this area
must be pinned down, Prof. Kap-
lan related.
He said a statement must be
obtained from the other schools
saying exactly what they ca offer
(the University has already made
itself clear.)
Matthaei feels the Detroit com-
mittee must first consent to one
location before more fund rais-
ing plans can be made.
In the meantime, Prof. Kaplan
continued, it is important to con-
centrate on the local endeavor to
raise capital. The tentative goal
was set at $250,000 at the last
steering- committee meeting.
Need Leader
Prof. Kaplan emphasized the
need to get a local leader for Ann
Arbor to serve as chairman for
the fund raising drive here.
"We want the machinery to be
prepared for fund raising in case
Ann Arbor is chosen by Guthrie,
Rea, and Zeisler for the theatre
,ite. And we also want to show
them that we are doing something
to bring the theatre here."
Can't Eliminate Others
"It is impossible to approach
Detroiters about sponsoring the
theatre with only Ann Arbor in
"Wayne University would sup-
port the theatre, however, should
it locate here," Prof. Kaplan
maintained. "They would stand

City Parties
Fill Slates
No primary election contests
will be held for the five City Coun-
cil positions at stake in the April
4 general election.
Both political parties have full
slates and all will automatically
be nominated in the primary Feb.
15, and advanced to the April
election a candidates for their
respectiveparties, since there will
be no primaries.
H o w e v e r the April election
comes out, there will be a change
in the City Council membership
because two of the five incum-
bents -- both Republicans - are
not seeking re-election. They are
James F. Brinkerhoff in the Third
Ward and Russell J. Burns in the
Here is the City Council candi-
date lineup as it will be presented
to the voters in April:
First Ward - Mrs. Lydia Flan-
nery (R) vs. Richard Dennard (D,
See PREDICTS, Page 2

SGC Opens
For Position
Petitioning for the vacant stu-
dent Government Council seat
left by the resignation of Jeff
Jenks, '61, opened yesterday and
will continue through noon Tues-
Two students have already tak-
en out petitions for the post:
Brereton Bissel, '61, and Kay War-
man, '61.
The vacancy to be filled is for
the period of four weeks between
the selection of a petitioner by
the Council on Feb. 17 and the
next regular SGC elections on
March 15 and 16.
The resignation of Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61, from his post as ex-
ecutive vice-president will not
create a vacancy on the Council,
for Seasonwein did not resign his
membership on SGC, only his ex-
ecutive committee post.
In action at its meeting
Wednesday, SGC approved mo-
tions by Thomas Turner, '60, Daily
editor, to endorse a petition op-
posing the loyalty oath and dis-
claimer affidavit requirements of
the National Defense Education
Act and to calendar and approve
its circulation among students
next Wednesday and Thursday.
Turner said that after student
signatures had been gathered, the
petition would be sent to one of
the United States senators who
had registered a strong position
on these provisions.
SGC also approved a motion by
Lynn Bartlett, '63, to send a let-
ter in support of the University
budget request to various mem-
bers of the Michigan legislature,

of the Constitution and bylaws of
Sigma Kappa as set forth in
Article III, Section 1A."'
Dean Checks Constitution
The Dean of Women's office
checked the sorority constitution
and reported in September 1958
that it meets University require-
ments for recognition.
The third recommended criter-
ion for consideration leaves room
for any further evidence which
investigation on the part of SGC
may turn up.
In a statement to The Daily,
SGC President John Feldkamp,
'61, said, "The acceptance of this
recommendation by the Council
dissolved the (Sigma Kappa) com-
mittee. As of the present, SGC is
not considering any possible viola-
tion of the rules by the sorority.
May Ask Consideration
"Individual Council members
may ask at any time, however,
that SGC consider, by majority
vote, possible violation of Univer-
sity regulations on the part of any
recognized student organization.
"This responsibility is clearly
stated in University Regulations
Concerning Student Affairs, Con-
duct and Discipline (revised Nov.
1, 1959) p. 24. Violation of the
rules governing recognized student
organizations related to recogni-
tion shall be considered by the
Student Government Council.
"This statement is issued so that
the Feb. 10 action of the Council
will not be misinterpreted."
Breaks Tie
Peldkamp voted to break a tie,
tabling a motion by Phil Zook,
'60, that SGC consider whether
Sigma Kappa meets the "condi-
tions for maintenance of perman-
ent recognition" set forth in Uni-
versity regulations, with a direc-
tion to the executive committee to
collect pertinent information.,
Al Haber, '60, proposed an
amendment to this motion call-
ing for the executive committee
to gather information to ascertain
whether Sigma Kappa discrimi-
nates according to the definition of
discrimination set forth in the
November Regents' Bylaw.
The Bylaw says "the University
shall not discriminate against any
person because of race, color, re-
ligion, creed, national origin or
Policy Statement
In support of his amendment,
Haber asserted that since the By-
law is an official policy statement
of the University, such informa-
tion would bear directly on the
status of Sigma Kappa under Uni-
versity regulations.
The 1949 University ruling that
organizations seeking University
recognition may not prohibit mem-
bership because of race, religion
or color is the only regulation
presently dealing with fraternity-
sorority discrimination.
Ruling Inequitable
During the discussion of the
committee report, Council execu-
tive vice-president Roger Season-
wein, '61, said he felt the con-
See SGC, Page 8

"NATO is a trip-wire for World
War IIl" Michael Harrington as-
serted at the Democratic So-
cialist Club's membership meet-
ing last night.
Harrington spoke on foreign
policy as the key to future de-
velopments for world peace.
Currently on a speaking tour of
the United States, the speaker has
done much work in the field of
social movements and is editor
and co-editor of many books and
In speaking of the foreign poli-
cies of Russia and the United
States, Harrington described the
United States as pacifist-imperial-
ism and Russia as anti-imperial-
istic imperialism. Elaborating on
this, he said the U.S.S.R. gets its
support from those people who,
for various reasons, are anti-im-
Sees Class Struggle
There is no democracy in Rus-
sia and a class struggle is becom-
ing more evident. For the Rus-
sians to allow any form of demo-
cracy would be to defeat their
purpose. Harrington said the coun-
tries of Eastern Europe would be
anti - Communistic if the Red
Army were to move out.
The United States, with a his-
tory of being anti-colonial, wants
to subordinate the social, political
and economic structures of small-
er countries to aid themselves,
Harrington explained. Our foreign
aid is given mostly to countries
which will be pro-capitalist and
Harrington's plan to improve
America's foreign policy involves
establishing a truly democratic
foreign policy.
NATO Practically Worthless
In regard to NATO, Harrington
considers it practically worthless
and of no practical value to the
United States. If we pulled our
troops out of Western Europe, we
would be, in effect, saying, "Well,
we took out our troops, now why
don't you take your troops out of
Eastern Europe?"
It can't be said whether this
plan would work, but America
should take the initiative In striv-
ing for world peace, Harrington
declared. "Since a third World
War would be an ICBM war, the
ground troops we have in Western
Europe would be virtually use-
'U' President
Will Conduct
SGC Seminar
University President Harlan
Hatcher will open Student Gov-
ernment Council's between-se-
mesters Reading and Discussion
Program with a seminar on "Job"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Honors
Longe of the Undergraduate Li-
In the following two weeks
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
and Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley will lead seminars on
"J. B." and utopian literature, re-
The seminars are open to stu-
dents on a "first come, first serve"

Jludic Council
Elects Sklia r
Joint Judiciary Council last
night elected Michael Sklar, '60,
its chairman for next semester.
The new vice-chairman is Jan-
et Weaver, '60, and Ronald Green-
berg, '60, was elected secretary.

mouth, and when I excused myself
dous laugh. Afterwards people
asked me if I always had that
piece of business in the act.
Natural Ad Libs
". .It's a funny thing about
ad libbing; one can't go out pre-
pared to ad lib - it's frightfully
dangerous. And yet sometimes I
can't remember something I ad
libbed that was terribly funny
"I write my own things, you
know. And the newest one is al-
ways my favorite! .. . Lately, and
quite unintentionally because I
really don't have any, Hamlet in
my soul, I've been doing more
serious ones ...
"On the whole, I don't do ter-
ribly topical things. It must be an
instinct because one can't use
them for more than three months
or so.
Sometimes 'Very Funny '
* When I'm working on a
new voice I make myself talk in
character when I'm alone in the
flat, and sometimes the character
takes over and says very funny
things, and I rush for a pencil.
"... But one can't really write
a monologue, you know, or it
sounds written - you must do it!
And writing is much more diffi-
cult for me now than it used to
be . . . One is much more self-
critical when he gets older. When
one is very young he writes things
off the top of his head and often
hits right on the mark without
knowing it.
Age Adds Compassion
"One has more compassion as
he gets older... A person is cruel
when he is young. He sees clear
and wants to sweep clean.
" ...You know, it's great fun
to be on tour! (Miss Grenfell has
traveled across the United States
three times and toured Africa,
Australia and Canada.) We put
down roots even in two days and
don't want to leave. But on the
other hand, there have been some
places we've been very glad to
"Pianos are always a night-
mare. They're a terribly vital part
of the act ... like a third person.
Our first essential is good sound
and a good piano.
Eyebrow Adds to Voice
"Of course the fun is to do it
in a small room without mikes.
In bigger places we must rely en-
tirely on the sound . . . I must
make the innuendo with my voice
rather than a raised eyebrow.
(All this is done in a constant-
ly shifting voice and accent!)
" .. English actors doing plays
in England about America use
what is really a Hollywood accent

-Daily-James warneka
"PEOPLE ARE EXTRAORDINARY"--At least Joyce Grenfell
thinks so. She also says "pianos are always a nightmare . . *
English actors doing plays in England about America use what
is really a Hollywood accent for everything.. ."
British Comedienne
Admires Audiences
"It's exciting that people everywhere laugh in the same places
in the skits, for if people laugh at the same things it proves that
there's still some hope, doesn't it?"
Joyce Grenfell, a "witty, winning and altogether wonderful" Brit-
ish comedienne who is appearing at 8 p.m. tonight at Hill Aud., was
"Do you know, people are extraordinary! They can't believe you
are being natural . . . The other night I somehow got a hair in my

to remove it, there was a tremen-

Yesterday's meeting In Lansing
between Democratic legislators
and members of the governing
boards of the state's universities
was labeled a success by Univer-
sity Regent Eugene B. Power.
"The meeting was just for an
exchange of views to get a bet-
ter understanding of each other's
problems," he said.
"It's inevitable the two groups
would have different points of
view, so it is a good thing to get
together and show them. The
meeting was primarily education-
al for both sides."
Power also noted the meeting
pointed up the need for "better
communication." It was success-
ful because it was a "start towards
better understanding."
Questions discussed included
capital outlay, faculty salaries, the
long-range burden of the univer-
sities, and the "need for greater
financial support to meet that
No Republicans attended the
meeting, Power commented,
"though I would hope there will
be similar meetings which they
will attend."
No further meetings have been
definitely scheduled, though "we
are going to have one later."
Representing the University in
addition to Power were Regents
Donald M. Thurber, Irene Mur-
phy, Carl Brablec and William K.
MSU Slows-
EAST LANSING () - A deci-
sion on a proposal to abolish com-
pulsory military training (ROTC)
was delayed until April yesterday
by the Michigan State University
Board of Trustees.
A recommendation from the
Academic Senate that compulsory
ROTC for freshmen and sopho-
mores be changed to a voluntary
program in 1961 except for a one-
term required course in political
and military affairs was tabled.
Board chairman Connor D.
Smnith of Pinconning reported the

Air Views

Group Opens Season with Pickup Sing

The Folklore Society began its
activities for the second semester
with a "pickup sing" in the Union
last night.
A pickup sing is an unan-
nounced program which encour-
ages everyone to sing and to which
anyone can bring any musical in-
The main goal of the Society
for the spring semester is to have
more sings where everyone can
join in. It has been the organiza-
tion's policy in the past to con-
duct events in which only the
members would sing and play for
the audience.
Three evenings devoted solely
to listening to records and tape
recordings which will enable club
members to swap songs is anoth-
er new nrnoiect

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