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May 07, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-05-07

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Seventieth Year

"There, Now, You'll be Sound as a Dollar-Though
Not Quite as Important, of Course"

'hen Opinions Are Free
Truth WiMlPrVail"

Brilliance, Dullness
Alternate in Concert
THE SECOND concert of this year's May ,Festival must be described
as interesting or at least worthwhile, but really quite dull. The
explanation of this seeming conundrum is not nearly so abstruse as
its expression is obtuse: the music on the program was rare so that
one is glad to have heard it at least once. Some but not all of the
program one will be glad to hear no more than once.
There were two works for chorus and quaint orchestra from south
of our borders. "Corrido del 'El Sol'" by Chavez should be dismissed
from the repertoire. One hears of Chavez occasionally: he has a certain

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MAY 7, 1960



Membership Committee:
Pressure or Delay ?

LIKE ANTS at a picnic, dire questions are
creeping into the general jubilation among
he supporters of the new Student Government
;ouncil policy on, discrimination in student
irganizations. After at least two years of
poradic efforts toward a replacement for the
9 ruling, students may well be proud of a
egulation that provides for progress temper-
d by equity.
But the confidential nature of th3e Com-'
nittee on Membership which will implement
he new policy can also operate to delay pro-
ress in, this sensitive area. Under the guise
I moderation, rationality, or fairness, a com-
nittee of this . kind could hinder action on
iolations indefinitely,
THAT SUCH an idea was no secret to the
Council is revealed in the part of the mo-
Lon that states, "The Council may at any
lme require that the Committee report on a
articular case." Rash action can also be
hecked through the provision that a group
rhich so desires may have the facts of its
ase made public.
How well the balance on the tightrope be-
ween rash action and no action is maintained
.epends upon the personnel selected for the
Since SGC will be directly appointing at
east a majority of the board, four student
nembers out of a total of seven persons on
he group, it is a safe assumption that the
ommittee on Membership will in some meas-
ire reflect the prevailing attitudes on the
!ouncil. Some people shudder at the idea that
"conservative" Council would probably ap-
oint a "conservative" board and so-called
iberals would act similarly.

This is probably an accurate estimation,
with two qualifications.
FIRST, that such a board would not be a
bad idea in that it would reflect repre-
sentative assembly. SGC represents the cam-
pus temper both directly; by representing the
voters, and indirectly, as a reflection of those
who failed to vote. Its members can be as-
sumed to reflect the concerned and vocal ele-
ments of the student population. They can, in
this sense, be considered fairly accurate judges
of "what the traffic will bear" in the highly
sensitive area of discrimination.
S-ECONDLY, the Council has shown a tend-
ency to appoint competent people to its
semi-autonomous boards with minimum con-
cern over how closely such people's views co-
incided wtih those of the interviewing com-
mittee on particular questions.
In the most objective evaluation of merit,
of course, the quality of "reasonableness"-one
much to be desired in a member of the
Committee on Membership-will be determined
according to the interviewers' definition of
"reasonable." These concepts will, in turn,
be reflective of the interviewers' - and the
Council's-general attitudes on the rate of
progress that should govern the committee.
S0, IN THE Committee on Membership, the
University will have a reflection of a re-
flection; a committee that reflects a repre-
sentative government. Just how good a baro-
meter of student opinion that government and
that committee are depends both on their own
competence in the area and upon the students
who elect them-directly or indirectly.

reputation which, though small, is
,I have heard.
IN GLORIOUS contrast to this
was Choros No. 10 by Villa-Lobos.
How futile it is, really, to classify
music geographically! It is the
individual composer that counts.
In this work we have again a few
unusual rhythms and instruments,
but they serve a purpose in a uni-
fied whole. Nothing is superfluous.
The orchestration is superb.,
Structurally the piece is not
complicated. A few ideas, notably
a descending motive which often
appears in the brasses, are intro-
duced and developed. A recapitu-
lation leads through a sharp cli-
max to the introduction of an
ostinato figure in the woodwinds.
Unfortunately last night's perfor-
mance lacked dynamism in build-
ing toward the tremendous climax
which can be made 'of the ending.
* * *
THERE WERE two works for
guitar and orchestra, an unusual
combination. The program notes,
in fact, made much of the diffi-
culty of balancing the rather
fragile solo instrument against the
masses of the orchestra.
This problem can be handled
in an absurdly simple fashion:
one dispenses with most' of the
orchestra, tells the rest to play
rather quietly, and writes many
passages for only one or two in-
struments. This result, however, in
a chamber work, which hardly
belongs in Hill Auditorium.
One can, of course, make much
or little of such an instrumental
combination. Castelnuovo-Tedesco
makes little. His Concerto for
Guitar and Orchestra could at
best be called charming.
*.* *
THE FANTASIA para un gen-
tilhombre by Rodrigo is consider-
ably better. There is much more
imaginative use of the small or-
chestra, some interesting har-
monies, and a lovely fugue for
two voicesofguitar and winds.
The only trouble is that the work
is too long for its material. With
judicious cutting the work would
be quite satisfying. Mr. Segovia's
playing was beyond reproach.
By far the best piece of music
on the program was the Sym-
phonie de psaumes of Strayinsky.
Unfortunately the performance
was inadequate. The orchestra
was clear and precise, but the
chorus was dull. The women's
voices lacked brilliance. Further,
th~e final section, clearly mharked
in the score to be played at mm72,
was taken at a tempo nearer to
mm90. Pity.
-J. Philip Benkard

larger' than any works of his that
HAVING HAD my fill of the cute,
darling movieuthat ollywood
seems to turn out for the con-
sumption of love-sick 13 year old
girls, the thought of a movie called
"Mating Time" and starring a per-
son called "Wee Geordie" Travers
slightly sickened me.
But somehow the freshness and
vitality of a movie made in a coun-
try such as Scotland turns pos-
sible triteness into intelligent en-
Plot - two first cousins, boy
and girl, live on a small island off.
Scotland till they become young
adults. Suddenly the minister
makes an impassioned sermon
against consanguinity, and their,
dreams are shattered.
The two innocents then leave
their island sanctity for the first
time to find happiness outside the
family-they don't.
* * *
BEFORE GOING to the main-
land, the elders of the island warn
"Wee Geordie" to look for a girl
with good shoulders, hips and legs.
(Good legs are needed for climb-
ing up and down the mountains.)
Also the ideal mate must not be
Catholic, a Campbell Irish, Welsh,
English or a, widow.' And; so with
these membership restrictions, this
one - man affiliated organization
goes into the world.
As life would have it, all pos-
sible mates seem to be members
of minority groups.
* * *
Geordie" and the women of the
mainland are befuddled, booby
bobbies, who race around Scotland
on their Scottish bikes attempting
to capture the hero-they fail, too.
Finally making his way back to
the coast, he buys a boat and rows
back to his island, interrupted
only by two short, but unimportant
episodes in which he obtains a
Catholic, Campbell woman and a
German Shepard dog.
Following a short scene in which
the islanders mistakenly believe
one of his two companions, not the
dog, is to be his future wife, the
two cousins live happily ever after
-with the dog,
Be smart-beat the television
reruns of Meg's marriage and see
"Mating Time."
-Kenneth McEldowney

GOP Counters Forand Bill

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in a two-part series discuss-
ing election-year speculation on
federal solutions to the high cost,
of medical care for the aged. This
article concerns the Republican al-
ternate to the Forand Bill.)'
Daily Staff Writer
tered the Democrat-sponsored
Forand medical care bill with a

plan of their own. Sponsored by
the administration and probably
backed by several Republicans,
this proposal was sent to the Ways
and Means Committee Wednes-
Under the new proposal partici-
pants would receive benefits on
health and medical expenses ex-
ceeding $250 a year for individ-
uals and $400 for a couple. Wel-

Student Voters Encouraged

i NCOURAGEMENT of student voter regis-
tration now seems imminent after a rather
zng delay.
City Attorney Jacob Fahrner is attempting
compile a simplified list of rulings and pro-
edures concerning student registration for
sting. The effort is not one to change exist-
ig rulings and past precedents but to present
iem in a clear and concise form,
The rules will be of benefit to all qualified
ersons interested in registering, but particu-
rly to students whose past experiences have
een confusing and discouraging.
'TUDENT Government Council's motion of
April 6 calling for letters to be sent to the
ity Council and the Board of Regents con-
rning voter registration clarification was a
imary factor in initiating the city attorney's
tions. Their concern was with students who

have complained in the past that they were
not aware of registration procedures and that
red-tape had discouraged them.
Nancy Adams, SGC executive vice-president,
noted that students had been discouraged by
the city clerk's office and their eligibility was
determined by personnel in the office with in-
adequate experience and lack of complete
knowledge of the various rulings affecting
registration qualifications.
These factors plus basic lack of information
by the students has created the impression
that University students are not eligible to
WHETHER students have been denied their
rights in any sense is debatable, Their
problems in registering, however, have been
difficult, since many students who were not
rejected by the city clerk's office were referred
to Fahrner for individual investigation. Most
of these cases resulted in refusal of registration
The fact remains that students have been
discouraged from voting registration.
Fahrner's attempt to clarify and simplify
the registration procedures and qualifications
is an admirable effort. It has been long over-
due and with national elections taking place
this year it is especially important that the
rulings be completed soon.
The city attorney has said they will be fin-
ished within two weeks. One can only hope
so, remembering the continual fight in our
society for suffrage for all, even students.

Sit-In Protests
Need Support


re You Cereus?

T SEEMS that the mighty colossus of the
East, Harvard University, even knows how
o operate an Arb better than the University,
Not only are their gates closed at sundown,
ut also heavy patrols guard the area through-
ut the night. No plastic coated milk shake
ontainers, chewing gum wrappers, and ugly
rown bottles stain the beauty of the fields of
3arvard's Arnold Arboretum.
Men at Cambridge arise else you will never
ee the glory of a night-blooming cereus.

Surplus of Liberalism?

(FDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article is a letter received by the
editors of the Harvard Crimson,
who released it to University Press
To the Editors of the Crimson:
HAVE just returned from a
conference on the Southern sit-
in movement sponsored by NSA
in Washington and attended by
many students who ar participat-
ing in the sit-ins. It is my feeling
that we have greatly misunder-
stood this movement in the North
and that a serious reevaluation is
The thing that impressed me
most about the movement was the
lack of bitterness among the Ne-
gro participants. Most of the stu-
dents have an optimistic and
cheerful spirit; there is relatively
little resentment toward the South,
and certainly none toward tre
country as a whole. The move-
ment is composed not simply of
the radical fringe of the student
body but rather the overwhelming
majority of the Southern Negro
students. These students are not
interested in radically overthrow-
ing the social structure of the
South. They are not planning to
isolate themselves in a life-long
radical movement. They have no
illusions about the South and they
have no intention of creating a
structure in which neither the
White or the Negro can live in
THE TENOR of the whole move-
ment is set by an emphasis on
non-violence. This aspect of the
movement was not once questioned
by any of the delegates at the
conference. For a few, non-vio-
lence was a matter of strategy,
but for the vast majority of the
Southern Negro delegates, it was
a religious principle. More im-
portant, the emphasis upon reli-
gion was especially noticeable
among the non-professional lead-
ership-those who hold offices in
the student organizations on the
Southern campuses and who lead
the student bodies from which the
movement gets its mass support.
The religious principles of these
leaders emphasize the doctrine of
Christian love and urges the par-
ticipants not to hate the South-
ern Whites, not even those who
threaten violence. These principles
are reemphasized every Sunday in
the chapels on Southern campuses
hb nreachers who are themselves

playing games. But those who
think that this movement is radi-
cal ought to ask the Algerian
colon or the Tibetan Communist
to characterize it. There is only
one reason to advocate more mod-
eration, and that is the desire
to see segregation continue, this
is not what the so-called moder-
ates profess to believe.
While the non-radical character
of the sit-in movement is main-
tained to a large extent by the
religious affiliation, I think that it
is also partially due to the re-
sponse in the North. The sympa-
thetic picketing of Northern
stores, whatever its economic val-
ue, has prevented the Southern
Negro from feeling that he is cut
off from the society as a whole.
AT THE SAME TIME, the pro-
vision of funds by Northern stu-
dents has provided a kind of
security for the Southern partici-
pants; so long as the participants
know that they will be able to pay
their fines if they are arrested
(and are free to make the choice
as to whether to serve or not),
that they will have funds for
their defense if they are arrested,
and that they will be able to at-
tain Northern scholarships if they
are expelled from college, the
movement will not develop the
sense of desperation that has
characterized some of the African
anti-colonial movements.
The situation has progressed
far enough and the Negro stu-
dents have developed such a de-
termination, however, that they
will not stop even if these funds
are cut off. It is therefore not
really the movement itself which
Northern action supports, but
rather the character of that move-
* * *
THUS THE NORTH does have
an essential role to play in the
sit-in movement. It must continue
to encourage the Southern Ne-
groes through sympathetic picket-.
ing and through fund drives. More
important, however, these actions
must have broader support within
Northern student bodies. The ma-
jority of the sit-in participants are
not especially sympathetic to the
very liberal groups from which
most of the Harvard support has
come from up to now; they do not
value this encouragement so much
as the encouragement of the more

fare recipients would not have to
pay this minimum; it would be
paid by the states.
The program would pay 80 per
cent of the costs of 180 days hos-
pital care, a year of nursing home
care and home care services, sur-
gical procedure, laboratory and
X-ray services, up to $200 physi-
cians services, dental services, pre-
scribed drugs up to $350, and a
few others. Welfare" recipients
would have all bills paid,
* * *
pant would pay $24 a year for the
program. It would be open to all
persons aged 65 and over who did
not pay an income tax in the pre-
ceding year and to taxpayers 65
and over whose adjusted gross in-
come did not exceed $2,500 for an
individual or $3800 for a couple.
It would be administered by the
states and financed jointly by the
federal government and the states
on a matching basis with an
equalization formula ranging from
thirty-three and a third to sixty-
six and two-thirds per cent; the
poorer states receiving a larger
portion of federal aid.
If a person'seincome rose above
the eligibility figure his fee would
be raised for each $500 of increase
until it covered the full cost of
EACH STATE would be allowed
to decide if it wished to participate
in the program. Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare Ar-
thur Flemming, who outlined the
bill to the Ways and Means Com-
mittee, said the initial cost, in-
cluding funds to help the states
develop their plans, would be about
five million dollars.
Flemming said the annual cost
once the program got going would
be about $1.2 billion, based on the
assumption that all states partici-
pate and that 80 per cent of those
who are eligible enroll. The states
would be allowed to adlinister
their plans through private con-
* * *
THIS PROGRAM has many ap-
parent weak spots.
First, three and a half million
peopleover 65, those with incomes
over the suggested minimum,
would not be covered.
Next, the plan would not be fi-
nancially feasible unless most of
the states and most of the people
eligible enrolled. This coopera-
tion cannot be assured.
Next, everyone except welfare
recipients would have to pay the
first $250, and 20 per cent of ev-
erything beyond that.
A government survey has shown
that the average medical expense
for people over 65 is $177. Thus,
most participants would have to
pay their entire medical bills, as
well as the $24 enrollment fee.
TO CONCLUDE, this program
appears to cover the needs of ex-
actly the people neglected by the
Forand Bill, and vice versa. The
Forand Bill takes care of you if
you have social security for the
first 60 days in the hospital and
under nursing care, no matter
what, vn * m in1rnrmrai.

I'S HARD TO criticize moralists, for if one
does, they always cray insincerity. In fact, it
usually impossible to criticize any act rele-
ant to the moral question of integration in
ae South, without getting questions as to basic
.orality and ehicst.
However, it is possible to believe in inte-
ation and civil rights, and to do things
bout these beliefs, without endorsing every
'oposal on the subject.
Such a proposal that need not be supported
the motion passed by Student Government

Council at the suggestion of Roger Seasonwein
and Al Haber for setting aside May 17-the
sixth anniversary of the Supreme Court inte-
gration decision-for "appropriate action" by
student and local groups.
As originally proposed the motion had cer-
tain operative passages, later deleted to get it
through the Council without a floor fight. As it
was, the motion was somewhat meaningless,
but its larger implications, for the Council,
cannot be ignored.
IT MEANS, if it is part of a trend, as it
seems to be, that the Council is going to be
spending a lot of time commenting on the
world and national and other remote situa-
The Council would do better to set its sights
on events of more local importance, looking
at issues of the "outside world" only on occa-
sion-when the issue has definite implications
for the campus or when it is one of those
burning immediate issues that every so often
crosses the national scene.
Commemorating the Supreme Court deci-
sion is not one of these issues; the letter in
support of Prof. Leo Koch is in the shadow

Kendall, Ilrynner Run
Throuh 'Once More'
"ONCE MORE with Feeling" owes its success largely to the sophis-
ticated clowning of co-star Kay Kendall, who shines like a jewel
amidst the roughness of the plot.
The story line is essentially non-complex-just another re-hash
of tpe old boy-meets-girl, boy-loses-girl, boy-gets-girl-and-they-walk-
off-together-into-the-sunset routine.
IN DETAIL: temperamental symphony orchestra conductor Victor
Fabian (Yul Brynner) has conducted the London Festival Symphony
Orchestra, building it up almost from scratch into a fairly first-rate
organization. All of his success off the podium has been due to the
extraordinary charm and winning ways of his wife, Dolly (Miss Ken-
However, the inevitable happens-one night when she is out with
doddering old fossils on the Board, spreading charm and secretive
winks and leers like butter over the men who hold the money, her
husband is auditioning a child prodigy. Unfortunately, though, the
prodigy turns out to have Lolita-like tendencies and Dolly leaves in
a huff, returning to "the 'simple life," teaching music in a country
OF COURSE, the Board of Trustees will not accept Fabian and
orchestra without Mrs. Fabian.
Meanwhile, back at the campus, Dolly has fallen for a stolid physi-
cist who wants to marry her. So, she returns to ask her "husband" for
a divorce, but, in an effort to win her back to his menage, he brings
.ynth ,ahe aent nnn, th, tevnevr aveben arrid-an

Editorial Staff
itorial Director City Editor
M BENAGH ..,.. Sports Editor
;TER ZDAWSON............ Associate City Editor
ARLES KOZOLL ......,......,. rsonnel Director
AN KAATZa........ Magazine Editor
RTON HT .WAITE ...Associate Editorial Director
El) KAT . ........... ..:.; Associate Sports Editor
VE LYON ................ Associate Sports Editor
IHARDEE ....., ........ Contributing Editor

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