Ike Casts Doubt on Plans For Russian Trip i n June Eisenhower Employs I About Visit Hesitation Follows Anti-U.S. Campaign WASHINGTON OMf' - President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday cast doubt on whether he will go through with his visit to Russia in June. "If I go to Russia," was the way Eisenhower mentioned his proposed trip in an offhand re- mark, without further explana- tion. The remark came after a White House spokesman had said the President was fully informed about the bitter wave of anti- United States declarations coming from Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev and other Soviet leaders at the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) meeting in Moscow. Aimed at America The Red leaders have aimed broadsides at America, at Eisen- hower, at Vice-President Nixon and boasted of shooting down a. United States plane inside the Soviet Union last Sunday under Khrushchev's personal orders. In related developments: 1) A State Department spokes- man disputed Khrushchev's ac- cusation that the United States plane was on a deliberately ag- gressive, provocative mission. f Press officer Lincoln White said the United States assumes that the pilot of an unarmed American weather plane missing near the Turkish - Soviet border Sunday "blacked out" and might have crossed into Russian territory. There was and never has been any "attempt to deliberately violate Soviet air space," he said. Asks Russia 2) The United States govern-, ment asked the Russians for "full facts" of the Soviet inquiry into the plane incident and for in- formation about the missing pilot, Francis G. Powers, of Pound, Va.' The United States made its re- quest through a note sent by Am- bassador Llewellyn E. Thompson to the Soviet foreign office in Mos- cow. 3) United States officials still were not certain that the plane Khrushchev talked about is the missing American craft. Khrushchev said an American craft was downed in Southern Russia at 5:36 a.m. Moscow time I on Sunday. That is nearly three and one-half hours earlier than the hour at which United States officials say the American plane| took off from Adna, Turkey. BEFORE SUMMIT: Soviets Open Propaganda Drive q MOSCOW MA' - Soviet leaders launched an intense presummit propaganda campaign yesterday keyed to the assertion that a "re- markable rocket" on its first shot brought down an American air- plane over Soviet territory. The shot was fired Sunday, the nation was told, on direct orders of Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khru- shchev. Deputies in the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) broke into wild ap- plause when Marshal Andrei A. Grechko described the rocket shot. They reacted similarly yesterday when Khrushchev told them the American plane had been shot down. While the Soviet press blossom- ed with pictures and accounts of the incident, the Parliament heard that popular indignation meetings were being staged all over the nation to protest the presence of a United States plane in Soviet air space. Manned By Pilot United States officials say the plane was apparently an unarmed weather research craft, manned only by its pilot, which strayed off course after a takeoff in Turkey. Grechko told Parliament that Khrushchev issued the orders for the rocket shot at the United States plane, which he said was trying to "prove our defenses and test our readiness to give a dev- astating repulse to an aggressor." He said the rocket has "become the main component of our armed forces" and separate rocket units have been established with their own commands. There is specula- tion that the marshal commands the rocket units. His current job is identified only as a high post. Fulfilled Order "Soviet servicemen," he added, "fulfilled the order of the Soviet government with credit. Let the aggressors remember that we have enough rockets." He called the flight a provoca- tion aimed at stirring up presum- mit tensions and added: "We have not forgotten Hitler-who also started by provoations." Pentagon officials discounted the "remarkable" features attrib- uted by a Soviet marshal today to the missile which he said was used to shoot down an American plane. Newer Rocket On the basis of published re-' ports of the Parliament speech by Marshal Andrei A. Grechko, the rocket he described may have been the Soviet T6 ground-to-air missile-similar to the first Nike IAjax missile in use by the United States army for several years and now being replaced by the newer Nike Hurcules. A Defense Department spokes- man also said that if the Russians had indeed downed the plane with Royal Coupnle Takce Vows At Wedding LONDON (A - Princess Mar- garet murmured "I will in West- minster Abbey yesterday and then, as Mrs. Anthony Armstrong-Jones sailed away for a $100,000 honey- moon in the tropics. A million or more persons crowded London's streets for yes- terday's pageantry, the most spec- tacular in Britain since the coro- nation. Crowning it all was the solemn Angelican service of marriage- and the romance of a princess with a commoner. Margaret is the first British princess in nearly 500' years to marry a man without a title. Publicity from the princess' im- mediate family, the royal corps of onlookers was smaller than it might have been. Queen Ingrid of Denmark was the only European crowned head present. Others turned down invitations politely but firmly. If the Duke and Dutchess of Windsor watched the wedding on TV it's a secret. They are staying at their country home just out- side Paris. A spokesman said he did not know if the Duke and Duc- hess watched. a hit from a missile, that action demonstrated nothing that would affect the United States' program for using bombers as well as mis- siles if war with Russia came in the forseeable future. Made Points The spokesman made these points: 1. The U2 weather reconnais- sance plane presumed to have been the Soviet target is a com- paratively slow, unmaneuverable craft, actually designed on the principle of a Jet-powered glider for purposes of taking it to high altitudes for atmospheric and meteorological research. 2. The strategic bombing system of the U. S. Air Force and Navy is patterned around entirely dif- ferent planes and tactics. The bombers themselves are far faster than the U2-more than 100 miles per hour faster in the case of the B52 heavies, while the newer B58 medium bombers are capable of supersonic flight. Includes Counter-Measures Moreover, a basic part of the bomber system includes counter- measures, such as radar-jamming equipment and "decoy" missiles such as the "quail" to confuse enemy tracking. In addition, B52's are now being armed with "hound dog" missiles which are launched up to 600 miles from a defended target and attain speeds of more than 1,400 miles an hour. 3. Investigation up to now in- dicates the pilot of the U2 may have blacked out because of fail- ure of his oxygen system while at an altitude of more than 50,000 feet. If this were true, his air- plane, on automatic pilot, might have flown a straight, undeviating course across the Soviet-Turkish border-presenting a remarkably easy target. Request Ike To Approve A rea Aid WASHINGTON (A-The Senate sent President Dwight D. Eisen- hower yesterday a 251-million- dollar depressed areas aid bill but the 45-32 vote fell far short of the two-thirds needed to override an expected veto. The Democratic-backed meas- ure would authorize federal loans and grants to try to create new jobs in industrial and rural areas suffering from long-term unem- ployment. Only last Tuesday the President, urged Congress not to pass such a broad measure, but instead to send him the Administration's 53- million-dollar bill. Democrats are confident, how- ever, that they have created a potent political issue for the fall campaign, even if the legislation falls before a veto. Eisenhower killed a similar pro- gram with a pocket veto in 1958. Democrats have credited this with helping greatly their sweep in the Congressional elections that fall. The Senate accepted house changes cutting down the original Senate bill which totaled $389.5 million. The margin was seven less than needed to override a veto. Democratic senators contended the Eisenhower administration was willing to spend more than four billion dollars on foreign aid, but was refusing to accept a quar- ter of a billon dollar program for distressed Americans at home. Civil Rights Bill Signe WASHINGTON () -- The new 1960 civil rights bill with provi- sions to protect the voting rights of Negroes and other minorities became law yesterday without fan- fare. Congress struggled over the measure for months, and it tied up the Senate for a week of around-the-clock sessions before it went to the White House over two weeks ago. Signing it yesterday, President Dwight D. Eisenhower called the new act "an historic step forward in the field of civil rights." "With continuing help from all persons, the new law will play an important role in the 'days ahead in attaining our goal of equality under law in 'all areas of our country for all Americans," the President said. Watch Signing He invited Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers and Deputy Atty. Gen. Lawrence Walsh to 'watch the signing. Rogers said he hoped responsi- ble state officials would act volun- tarily to eliminate discrimination at the polls but if they don't, he said the justice department would investigate complaints promptly and "proceed vigorously." Theenew law contains provisions against bombings, against inter- ference with federal court orders and for federally authorized school facilities for children of servicemen if the public schools in their areas are closed to avoid desegregation orders. It sets up a new procedure un- der which the Attorey General could file suit asking courts to find there is a pattern of dis- crimination against the exercise of voting rights. Could Order Franchise If such a finding is made, court- appointed referees could hear complaints from those discrimi- nated against. If the referee found such persons qualified under state law, he could order that they be permitted to register and vote. Eisenhower said the referee pro- vision "holds great promise of making the 15th Amendment (on voting rights) fully meaningful." He commented that the new act i v -- - - .. ,. ..., is only the second civil righ' measure passed by Congress in & years. He said both it and t1 1957 Act were built on recor mendations of the administration With Southerners leading t fight against civil rights legislE tion, Congress discarded severa recommendations of the Eiser hower Administration or of North ern Democrats. These include broad authority for the attorne general to seek Injunctions , civil rights cases and a permaner commission to fight race discrimi nationin employment on feder contracts. a~ 11r 0iwn EW1s Second Front Page Saturday, May 7, 1960 Page 3 there 's a I FABERGE fragrance I __,_.._®_ rv:_. :_ _. _____ _ ____ _ _ . _ - _ _ _._ _ I for every ft-mmommom mother*... I MICHIGAN UNION MAIN DINING ROOM serving MOTHER'S DAY DINNER 12:30-2:30 P.M. and 5:45-7:45 P.M. I ophrodisia - woodhue . tigress . flambeau. "straw hat". I' i--= = ======== - --- I VISAKHAPUJA CELEBRATION will be held by THE THAI STUDENTS CLUB To Commemorate the Day When LORD BUDDHAI Was Born, enlightened and passed away. at LANE HALL: May 10, 7:00 P.M. Buddhists and friends of other faiths who are interested are cordially invited to partake. CO)ME, ro R C HA r I O N THIE rBA TH I I ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL William and Thompson Streets Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain Rev. Paul V. Mathesbn, Assistant Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M., 12:00 noon and 12:30 P.M. Holyday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 A.M., 12:00 noon and 5:10 P.M. Week-day Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon. Novena Devotions: Wed. evening, 7:30. Rosary and Litany Daily at 5:10 P.M. Mother's Day Communion Breakfast, Sunday, May 8 after 9:30 A.M. Mass. Honors Convocation Dinner Dance, May 14 at 6:00 P.M. Graduation Mass and breakfast, June 14 at 9:00 A.M. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgwood Lester F. Allen, Minister SUNDAY-- 10:00 A.M. Bible School. 11:00 A.M. Regular Worship. 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY- 7:30 P.M. Bible Study ST. ANDREWS CHURCH AND THE EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division St. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon, fol- lowed by breakfast at Canterbury House. 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:00 P.M. Holy Communion. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1131 Church St. Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister Morning service, 8:45 and 11:00 A.M. University Bible Class, 10:00 A.M. Evening Worship Service, 7:00 P.M. CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches of Michigan) Washtenow at Forest The Reverend Leonard Verduin, pastor 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service. 11:15 A.M. Coffee Hour. 7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH of Ann Arbor Washtenaw at Berkshire Edward H. Redman, Minister Donald H. Meyer, Ministerial Interne 10:00 A.M. Unitarian Church School Unitarian Adult Group--Dahhil Adnani on: "Indonesia" 11:00 A.M. Services--Rev. Edward H. Red- man on "A Liberal's View of Marriage" 7:00 P.M. Unitarian Students with Prof. Inis Claude on "World Government." FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Services 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. "BUT ARE WE MEN"--Dr. Fred E. Luchs, preaching. 10:20-10:40 Bible Lecture by Mrs. Luchs. CHURCH SCHOOL: Crib-9th grade; 9:30- 10:40 and 10:55-12:00. STUDENT GUILD, 524 Thompson, 7:00 p.m. WOIA, 1290, broadcasts the 11:00'a.m. serv- ice;-also evening vespers at 7:30. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH , (American Baptist Student Fellowship) 512 East Huron Dr. Chester H. Loucks, and the Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, Ministers 11:00 A.M. Church Worship. "Dilemmas." Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, preacher. 6:30 P.M. American Baptist Student Fellow- ship discussion of the Movie "Marjorie Morningstar." LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor Sunday-9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Worship Services 7:00 P.M. Lutheran Student Assn. Meeting MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 411 Fountain Street Rev. William Nicholas, Pastor and Student Advisor. NO 3-0698 9:45 A.M. Sunday School. 11 :00 A.M. Morning Worship. 6:30 P.M. Training Union. 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship. MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill'and Tappan Streets Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister 10:45 A.M Worship. 7:00 P.M. Student elections and Dinner, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw NO 2-3580 Wm. S. Baker, Campus Pastor. Patricia Pickett, Raja Nasr, counselors Sunday morniing worship at 9:00. Dr. Henry Kuizenga, "Love is Liberty." Seminar at 10:30-1 Corinthians, Lewis Rm. Student Coffee Hours at 11:30 - Library Lounge and Lewis Room. PSF Program-7:00-"Three Faces of Asia" A panel on the social and religious changes in Korea, Japan and Formosa. Lewis Rm. Tuesday 9-11 P.M. Coffe and discussion, 217 S. Observatory. Friday 6:30 P.M. Grad Group supper and pro- gram "Origin of Monotheistic Beliefs." Pro- fessor Guy Swanson, Lewis Room. Saturday 8:00 P.M. Young Couples Fellowship Social Evening with discussions at Jack and Jan Bindeman's 2673 Platt Road. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN STUDENi CHAPEL & CENTER 1511 Washtenow Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor David E. Schramm, Vicar William F. Eifrig, Director of Music Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship Services, with sermon by the pastor, "Christ in Every Home!" Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45: Bible Study Groups Sunday at 4:30 P.M.: Parents' Day Vesper Ser- vice, with sermon by the pastor, "The Whole Family!" Sunday at 5:30: Buffet Supper, with serving until 6:00, sponsored by Gamma Delta, Lu- theran Student Club, honoring parents, GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Corner State and Huron St. William C. Bennett, Pastor 10:00 Church School 8:45 & 11:00 Morning Worship Services, "A Mother's Ambition." 5:30 Student Guild, Panel Discussion "The Place of Liturgy in Church Worship" 5:45 Junior & Senior High Youth Groups 7:00 Evening Service "The Heavenly Pattern of Things" Wednesday-7:30-Prayer Meeting UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH YMCA Building, 110 N. 4th Ave. Rev. Raymond Weiss, pastor. NO 3-0348 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship: "A Godly Moth. er.1 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship: "The Ministry of Concern." I I a BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED United Church of Christ 423 South Fourth Avenue Ernest R. Klaudt, Pastor Orville H. Schroer, Parish Minister. ANN ARBOR FRIENDS MEETING (QUAKERS) 1416 Hill Street FIRST METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION ..._ :'s:.: :. r1:r, i :. ._; +f .:.;i 4. .ti a rn tailwifn n a nr fil e5r TneYn+hesr + tn.: hv r n isn F{ e I I U