Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 M ay Day Inspires Noation'a !lS :. Ten Opinions Are Free Truth wil prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY MAY 1, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHLEEN MOORE Fidel Castro Causes American Sentiment to Shift, WJHERE DO little planes (that burn Cuban sugarcane fields) come from?" "The United States," shouted the children. "Where are war criminals refuged?" Castro sked. "The United States," the children repeated. And so Prime Minister Fidel Castro and the ttle school children warmed up for the Cuban ay festival. The exchange, reported by the ssociated Press, took place at a dedication f an old fortress converted into a school. It's ood to see that the Cubans are switching from volution to education, but the sincerity of astro must be doubted. When he took over from the tyrannical dic- torship of Batista, world sentiment immedi- ely shifted to Castro's side. But in the follow- g year and a half doubts have begun to arise i the United States. Somehow the wide prem- es of properity and peace have failed to ma- rialize. THE MONTHS have passed, Castro has discovered friend after friend deserting him become neutral or to actively work against Progress dICHIGAN is going modern. Critics who before have damned the Michi- an government and constitution for being rchaic must now be silent-changes are being itiated. Henceforth, sheriffs prohibited from jail- ig fugitive slaves, and physicians will no long- r be paid 10 cents for every communicable isease they report. It's good to learn that the modern Republi- ans and the New Deal Democrats are teaming p to pull Michigan out of the mid-19th cen- nry. Who knows, maybe they will revise the con- itution next. -K.B.M. him. His war trials conducted in a circus-like atmosphere raised doubts but were justified by many as necessary to crush the remaining seeds of the defunct Batista regime. But-instead of the trials being the end of the revolution with normalcy following, they were only the start. Eventually with the seizing of Cuban and foreign estates, the public favor changed. While the killing of supposed traitors can be justified, the seizure without sufficient payment of pro- perty cannot be. Promises of land reform, and higher standards of living are excellent goals at which to aim, but if obtained through vio- lence and depriving others of their property, it becomes not reform but robbery. MERE MURDERS and virtual stealing of property aren't of as much concern as the opinions of the United States being formed in Cuba. Turning its back on the aid it has re- ceived in the past and the sugar that is bought each year, the Cuban government continues to preach its outrageous lies of American burning of sugar fields and twisting facts to make it appear that the United States harbors all enemies of Cuba. By such twisting and outright lying, Castro has through the year been able to turn the minds of many Cubans against the United States. The chanting of anti-United States songs and slogans by the school children is a bad sign for the future. The low level of edu- cation and economic standing of the Cuban nation makes the people susceptible to wild promises afid damnings of the Cuban leaders. Unfortunately instead of being content with the small state of Cuba, Castro seems to have set his eyes on other countries "to free from dictatorship and save for democracy." The chants between him and the students continue: "Is the revolution going to last many years?" Castro asked. "Yes," roared the children. "Who is going to complete the revolution?" "We are," answered the children. --KENNETH McELDOWNEY AX LERNER: Ghandi and Sitdowns WORLD SCENE: To Hold Holiday By The Associated Press PARADES, rallies and an almost endless flood of speeches domi- nate much of the world scene to- day as nations on both sides of the Iron Curtain celebrate May Day. Wtih the holiday falling on a Sunday, a religious note was added to observances in many Western countries. Designated by the International Socialist Congress in 1899 as a workers' holiday, May Day is cele- brated with particular enthusiasm in the Communist sphere, along with parts of western Europe, Latin America and the Orient. The United States and Canada ignore the occasion. They observe Labor Day the first Monday in September. Moscow again will put on a mighty political and military show, this time playing up the Com- munist teachings of Lenin and the travels of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. The parade through Red Square will feature four 50-foot-long mys- tery missiles. Thousands of miles away in Cuba, Prime Minister Fidel Castro hopes a May Day rally will bring out one and one-half million sup- porters as he seeks to show the world his controversial regime is not slipping. Against a background of press- ing economic and political prob- lems, the Cuban revolutionary leader planned to parade his armed strength - regular troops and thousands of students and worker's militia. East and West Berlin scheduled separate celebrations about a mile apart on opposite sides of their border. ThepCommunist observ- ance features a short military parade followed by a long proces- sion of delegates from Iron Cur- tain countries. In West Berlin, the highlight is a big rally and an address by Mayor Willy Brandt. A four-hour parade with hun- dreds of thousands of workers through downtown Budapest headlines Communist Hungary's celebration. in Warsaw, the Communists will stage a giant rally on the broad square fronting the 30-story, Moscow-styled Palace of Culture and Science. In Brazil, along with the usual parades, labor unions in all-major cities will open a drive to increase the nation's minimum wage from $30 to $45 monthly. Extra security regulations put a damper on Argentina's celebra- tions. Extra police were on duty to prevent any Communist dem- onstrations and many workers were expected to stay home out of fear of incidents. May Day took on another aspect in England, where Britons cele- brate the occasion with maypole dances and ceremonies as old as the island itself. The origins of many of the rites, particularly popular in the vil- lages, are lost in antiquity. But they usually signify one thing- the flush new growth brought by the return of sumner. f.AILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no ed- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1960 VOL. LXX, No. 156 General Notices Ushering: Sign-up sheets for people who wish to usher for the next Depart- ment of Speech Playbill production are on the bulletin board outside room 1502 Frieze Building. Fri. and Sat., May 13 and 14, the De- partment of Speech will present a stu- dent-written full length play, Norman Foster's "Journey To A Distant Point." at 8:r00 p.m. In the Trueblood Aud., Frieze Building. Tickets are currently available by mail order only, at 75c, generaleadmission unreserved seating. Orders may be sent to: Playbill, Lydia M e n d el1 sao h n Theatre, Ann Arbor. Checks payable to Play Production. En- close self-addressed stamped envelope. The box office at the Auditorium will be open thecevenings of the perform- ences at 7:00. Information concerning and requests for assignments to Northwood Apart- ments, University Terrace, Jefferson Apartments, and other University Op- erated Apartments will be handled at the new University Apartments Office at 2364 Bishop St., North Campus, NO 2-3169, This office has been moved from 1056 Ad. Building to the new lo- cation effective immediately," Science Research Club Meeting Tues., May 3, 7:30 p.m. Rackham Amphi- theater. "Infrared Radiation and Ways CASTRO ADDRESS: Americans Anticipate Verbal Explosion By DREW PEARSON AMERICANS IN HAVANA are quietly bracing themselves for today when Fidel Castro will address a mass rally of more than 500,000 workers and militiamen. Bad as American-Cuban relations have be- come, they expect the worst at this time. That "worst" could be anything from a virtual declaration of siege against the big United States naval base at Guantanamo Bay to the announcement that Cuba will sever relations with the United States. Nobody is sure yet what bombshells-or how many-Castro may ex- plode on this occasion, but partial reports leaking out of Cuban govern- CVBAN CAPITOL-Havana, Cuba's capital city, will turn out for a mass rally today to hear Premier Fidel Castro deliver an address on the worldwide workers holiday. Castro is expected to try to drum up lagging nationalism in the crowds that will gather on the steps of the capitol, What he would say remained a matter of conjecture, but many Americans were fearing the worst. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Question Action On Student Protest Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daly reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. ment circles all indicate that the stage is being set for something drastic. s w ' FIDEL admitted the other day that he still hadn't decided just what he was going to say to the May Day crowd. "There's time before then, so I'm letting my thoughts mature," he said in answer to a question from a United States newsman during a recorded interview. That reporter, Richard Bates of Columbia Broadcasting System, was arrested and summarily de- ported 48 hours after his talk with Castro. The charge against Bates was that he had "deliberately de- formed" the interview by editing the taped version. The same day Bates was hustled out of the country a UPI staffer from the Havana Bureau was stopped on a highway en route to Guantanamo by Cuban army se- curity agents who 'held him for an hour and i half at a command post. The newsman, Martin House- man, was then released without explanation. WHAT knowledgeable Ameri- cans consider likely to come out of Castro's May Day harangue in- cludes the following: 1) A flat ban on travel to the United States by all private citi- zens, and a warning that Ameri- can residents in Cuba who make such trips will lose their resident status-which would force them to return as tourists, with no right to work or to operate businesses. 2) A proclamation of Cuban government jurisdiction over na- tive workers at the Guantanamo base. Some 3,700 Cubans are regularly employed there. Adm. F. W. Fenno, Base Commandant, is under orders from the Navy de- partment not to surrender juris- diction over this labor force. 3) The first public announce- ment of the purchase of Russian- built MIG fighter planes from Czechoslovakia. ON SEVERAL recent occasions, the Federal Supreme Court has substantially raised bargain-base- ment assessments made by INRA. Lower courts consistently go along' with the INRA estimates. There is also speculation -- though from less responsible sources - that Castro may go a great deal further and either break relations with Washington, or evei declare Cuba a socialist state and invite Moscow to protect him from attack. Kicking Uncle Sam in the seat of the pants and making the American eagle scream is one of the most popular ways of divert- ing attention from trouble at home. (copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate) INTERPRETING: Outbreak Forecast By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst AN ANTIrCASTRO organization says it has learned the Cuban Prime Minister plans, to use May ' Day to touch off violent demon- strations against the United States and its citizens all over , tin America. The organization, "Cuba Demo- cratica," says its intelligence men have learned Fidel Castro's agents already have enlisted fanatical students and Communist elements to stone embassies -'and attack United States citizens during and after leftist parades celebrating today as International Workers' Day. The organization says the outbreaks in Panama should be the wildest of all, with the object of creating an atmosphere of crisis there. The hand of world Communism is plain in the preparations. In fact, in many respects, the cele- bration of May Day in Castro's Cuba today will remind one force- fully of the way these things are handled in countries already un- der the rule of Communism. This year, as for many years before this, Russia's principal Communist newspaper, Pravda, and 'the newspapers of all Com- munist states came out with the usual long, dreary lists of "slo- gans" which are supposed to in- spire the workers on what the Communists choose to call the workers' day. And the revolutionary press in Cuba also came out with a list of slogans, in the name of the Cuban Federation of Workers, in which ;the Communists are making a bid for controlling influence. The significant thing about these slogans, apart from the fact that they are the Communists of the East, is that they were hat- ched in the offices of Hoy, the Communist newspaper in Havana. They seethe with hatred for the United States, and have words of praise only for Castro's regime and the Soviet Union. In typical Communist jargon, the call for "international solidarity." There could be a considerable amount of trouble kicked up by the Cubans today. And, with Cas- tro now deeply worried about open armed rebellion against his re- gime, it is not by any means im- possible that Americans in Cuba, too, may be subject to indignities, and even to personal danger. THE NEWS REPORTS from the United States say that the techniques of the current Negro sitdowns in the South had their origin with Mohandas Gandhi. They are of course quite right. The historian can trace their arc of transit from the time in 1937 when Channing Tobias and Benjamin Mays had their conver- sation with Gandhi about applying his methods and vision to the Negro struggle to the time in 1956 when Rev. Martin Luther King used the Gandhi method in the bus sitdown at Mont- gomery and to the new wave of Negro militant non-violence in the South. The nub of the present outbreaks is the shift of the arena of Negro struggle from the court- room to the store and restaurant-counter and from legal action to non-violent direct action. When Gandhi set out to march to the sea and violate the British salt tax laws he set in mo- tion his great campaign of satyagraha, or truth- force. His underlying idea was that faith can move oppressors as well as mountains and that fearless action without violence based on a belief in one's cause is ultimately irresistible. Impatient at British slowness in responding to demands for Indian freedom, he openly violated the salt tax law and was arrested along with hundreds of thousands of others. SOME SUCH VIEW is in the minds of the young Negroes who are impatient at the slowdown of desegregation in the South and have picked for direct action the violation of Southern mores against serving Negroes at food counters, just as Gandhi picked the salt laws. Gandhi knew how close salt was to the daily lives of India's masses just as the Negroes know how close the public food counter is to the daily lives of their people. Gandhi dramatically chose the long march to the sea while they dramatically choose the sitdown. Gandhi was the leader of a great na-, tional movement while they are obscure young Negroes. Yet the goals and means in both cases have much in common. WHAT THE young people do is simple. They may make a purchase in a department or retail store, pay for it and even sit down at the food or soda counter offering their money Editorial Staff THOMAS TURNER, Editor PHILIP POWER ROBERT JUNKER Editorial Director City Editor JIM BENAGH......................Sports Editor PETER DAWSON ........ Associate City Editor CHARLES KOZOLL ............. t rsonnel Director JOAN KAATZ, ... ,.........Magazine Editor BARTON HUTHWAITE .. Associate Editorial Director FRED KATZ................ Associate Sports Editor DAVE LYON ..........Associate Sports Editor JO HARDEE .................... Contributing Editor RBuines Sta f deadpan as at the other counters. When re- fused service they simply sit and wait until the shop closes or they are forced out. In the latter case they do not fight or offer resistance but walk away despite taunts and provocations. Their action is direct action because it is not limited to legal complaints or test cases but presents the store owner and the community with a decision. The minority members make a move and the next move is up to the ma- jority. It is action without words, symbolic action as so much of Gandhi's was.. THE QUESTION for whites and Negroes alike is whether this kind of non-violent direct action is likely to evoke or be met with violence. In the 1930s Gandhi recommended his method for other subject peoples and nations. ie told the Abyssinians to let the Italians, if they dared, walk over the dead body of every Abys- sinian and occupy the country without the peo- ple. This demanded an impossible heroism of people. It would have failed against totalitarian Hitler as it would fail today if the Tibetans adopted it against the Chinese. Gandhi was dealing with a humanist British tradition, whatever its sins in India. That is why the Gandhi method has until now never been used outside India. Even now there is a question about how effective it will be.f Gandhi was leading a vast population against a foreign government which formed a tiny fraction of the people. In the South there are two populations, white and Negro, the latter usually in a minority. Where there are two populations you cannot make disciplined deci- sions on both sides. Where there are spon- taneous sitdowns by young Negroes on one hand, and the taunts and passions of an excited street crowd of whites on the other, anything can happen. The non-violence of the minority may easily provoke the violence of the majority. IT IS A BAFFLING technique to meet and a difficult one to carry out. Gandhi was always there to plead for the purity of his method. Sometimes he called the core of it love, some- times charity. There were, he said, only two ways to meet the injustices of the powerful. One was awe, the other compassion. He chose com- passion. Middleton Murry described his method as involving a vast consuming flame of Chris- tian love. The American Negroes are almost the last Christians in America in the sense of taking their religion with serious simplicity. If anyone should be able to make the method work, they should. But remember also that they live in an era when all through Africa, the continent of their origin, young leaders are learning how to use another method for re- dressing wrongs--not non-violence but violence. That is the inner conflict in the hearts of these young people as they sit waiting at the counters in a country yhich has given them freedom but from which they now demand equality, To the Editor: IN THIS generation when the average University student is charged with increasing apathy, it is too bad that two who dared be different on Wednesday evening are quickly and stiffly suspended. While at the 'U' the student is slowly losing all his personal rights that are being so strongly fought for in our own country and the world over. More than one student activity has been stopped due to "unfavorable publicity" that might result. The University holds the key to our rights and very often makes sure that they are kept the way they want them to be. The entering freshman must sign a contract that allows for a rate increase any time during the. contract period of dorm or quad living. The ticket-happy Ann Arbor police are also present to hand out one of their presents to the jay-walking student or the visitor without an "E" sticker. The s.tu- dent that is of age also is kept in place where he is unable to vote. He can vote at home, but how many students are willing to take a day's absence from classes to go home and vote. This all depends on the locality of the student's home also. WE HAVE been given our own dicsciplinary group of students to make us all feel that we are up before one of our kind, but as Fri- day's actions show the Judic is little better than a mouthpiece for the all powerful deans. It seems funny that SGC re- cently endorsed the picketing of local stores, and now when a group of students rebel against a regu- lation that calls for pressed (not stretcher) creasesin the trousers of the students who desire to eat supper, the University is very quick to set precedence. The fact that the suspended students were not trying to hide their identity seems to me that they were sure that they were within their rights which they mistakenly thought they had. IN RECENT YEARS, the stu- dents have come up with acts of much greater consequence and most of them are still among us on campus. It is interesting to know that the demonstration was already in progress when the so- called leaders entered the dining room. There had also been a demonstration the night before. It again seems funny that the students should pay for the in- competence of the staff who were not only unable to stop the action, but were in a large part one of the causes for the ill feeling. The south end of East Quad has had the housemothers on the hill. The two leaders mentioned to the group, more than once that the march to the hill was not a panty- raid. There was never an attempt to enter any of the women's resi- dence halls. The group also dis- persed quickly when they were told to by the University officials that were so quickly rushed to the scene. The precedenct has been set now, much to Dean Rea's ap- proval. The student again has lost another right and now according to Rea must take "far better means of communication" which will involve the usual tremendous amount of red tape and the usual lack of action. I question seriously if student demonstrations will be stopped by this stiff action to the freshman, one of which is a Navy contract student on a scholarship. I'm sure the demonstrations will go on, but without leaders, and then will the big 'U' suspend 300-or more tuition paying students? -Downs Herold, '63 "You Just Don't Seem To Fit in Here" " .1p 4. V AS Sy ' ,Sr C % 4 TI J' V ,-tT r i\ w. r e