Premier Declares uts Riot Martial Law CITIES OF EVIL: Find Sodom, Gomorral As S in Turkey Violent Clash In Ankara Injures. 10 Army Tanks, Troop, Surround Campus ISTANBUL (P)-Student demon strators erupted in three Turkis] cities yesterday against Premie Adnan Menderes and bloodshei resulted in clashes with police. The government reacted quickl: by extending martial law in Istan bul and Ankara for three months * The most violent clash was it the capital, Ankara, where abou 100 students were injured anc unconfirmed reports said four stu dents and a policeman were killed Student and police clashed ther in a melee of clubs and tear gas. Orderly Demonstrations Demonstrations were more or derly in Istanbul, Turkey's larges city, and at Izmir, site of a bii NATO base in western Turkey. Army tanks, mounted troop and infantry surrounded the wall of Istanbul University, where 2,00( students started a sitdown strike As darkness fell, the students sen up chants of "liberty" and "Men deres resign." They said they would stay or the campus until the 61-year-ol President quits and until 11 com- rades they claim fell in Thursday' riots are returned to them foi martyrs' funerals. They also claim 40 of their number are missing. Guard Grounds The regimental commander o the army forces guarding the grounds of the university said he thought the students would make gold on their threat to stay inside the walled school all night. "They are youths," he said "They can come out at any time We will give them beds, not bats." Martial law was imposed in -Is tanbul and Ankara following Thursday's disorders, and the Turkish Parliament, controlled by Menderes' ruling Democrat party moved quickly to extend it through May, June and July. % Issue Orders Military commanders in the two cities issued new orders banning all public assemblies, including sports events, during the period. The military commanders als ordered all universities and col leges in Istanbul and Ankara closed until May 29.dBut the 2,000 students enrolled at Istanbul Uni- versity ignored the orders and as- sembled in groups of two and three on the campus throughout the day. The interior ministry said only one student was killed in the out- break of trouble in Istanbu Thursday. There have been un- confirmed reports that more were 4 killed. Strength Evident The strength of the strongly disciplined Turkish army was evi- dent, in Istanbul and Ankara but troops appeared reluctant to make any forceful move against the students. Menderes, whose tough politi- cal tactics are under student at- tack, appealed by radio for Turks to inform on person~s who he said, are spreading rumors. He called the two days of student demon- strations "prearranged movements detrimental to our nation." He also accused his political opposi- tion of using agents to incite riots. DJ Dick Clark Denies Payola, Admits Gifts WASHINGTON (P)-Dick Clark suavely swore yesterday that his hands were never dirtied by pay- ola. But the 30-year-old television music man told Congressional in- vestigators he knew one of his record companies was passig out money to other disc jockeys. "This was not a particularly un- usual practice in the business," Clark said. He underwent long heralded questioning by a House subcom- mittee searching for evidence of intrigue and misrepresentation in the playing of music on the air. Clark, breaking silences after his name had been bandied about for months in the fuss over hankypanky in the broadcasting business, confirmed well publicized reports that he and his wife Bar- bara had accepted a fur stole, a ring and a necklace from a ree- APPROPRIATIONS: House, Unit Raises Military Requests AMMAN, Jordan WP)-The long lost evil cities of Sodom and Go- morrah have been found by Amer- ican divers on the bottom of the Dead Sea, a Baptist missionary- explorer reported today. Dr. Ralph E. Baney, of Kansas City, Mo., head of a four-member expedition, told also of finding ex- tensive underwater remnants of Biblical civilization that flourished and languished 4,000 years ago. His evidence indicated that the cities of the once fertile plain were engulfed after a levee collapsed in an earthquake and lay hidden for centuries until his divers found 'them in the salt waters. Ancient Levees Some of their levee works that held back the waters in ancient times might emerge to view through evaporation of the Dead Sea waters within a few years, he said. The Biblical version says that when the two angels sent by the Lord to destroy Sodom were being entertained by Lot, the sinful in- habitants of the city came to Lot's home, demanding to see the an- gels. v RHEE'S SUCCESSOR.-Acting President of the South Koreann government, Huh Chung, holds an impromptu press conference in Seoul. ew Korean Authorities Begin To Rescind Laws WASHINGTON (1P)-The power- ful House Appropriations Com- mittee yesterday recommended hundreds of millions of dollars more than President Dwight D. Eisenhower asked for missile- firing submarines, airborne alert readiness and other military prep- arations it deemed urgent. But in its final form, the $39,- 337,867,000 money bill the com- mittee sent to the House was only $129,167,000 more than Eisenhow- er's revamped military budget for the bookkeeping year starting July 1. Redraft Budget That was because-in redraft- ing key parts of that budget-the committee lopped off other hun- dreds of millions from administra- tion proposals. Amond other things, the com- mittee denied 293 million dollars for another nuclear-powered air-' craft carrier which the house group said isn't needed, And it pared by another 294 million dollars funds originally earmarked for the Bomarc-B an- tiaircraft missile which the com- mittee noted "has had very little success" in its testing. . Advocate Carrier House members advocating the Navy carrier and the Bomarc are likely to put up a fight when the bill reaches the House for debate next Tuesday. But the house gen- erally follows the recommenda- tions of its appropriations com- mittee. The Democratic-controlled com- mittee-while wishing to go faster than the administration in build- ing up some weapons and military capabilities-did not argue with basic Pentagon military doctrine. But is showed by its actions that it had heeded the urgent appeals of Strategic Air Command leaders and army, chiefs for a greater bomber alert readiness, more planes to ferry troops to trouble spots and modernization of arms weapons. by the department of antiquities for an added month. Expedition Discovery He said his expedition discover- ed a levee under the Dead Sea. It is 15 feet wide and eight feet high and runs from a southwestern point of the Lisan Peninsula due west for two miles. "We followed it until we almost reached the invisible demarcation line between Jordan and Israel as set up by the United Nations in this area of the Dead Sea," Baney said. He added that, the top of the levee is only four feet under water. Baney explained that the levee was erected to prevent water from the salt sea flowing into the then fertile plains due south. Quake Blamed Baney believes that about the time when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed nearly 4,000 years ago, the levee was also destroyed, perhaps by an earthquake, and. water overflowing from the salt sea submerged the southern plains. Baney said his expedition also discovered under the Dead Sea a viaduct made of clay two feet high and three feet wide, extend- ing from shore one-and-one-half miles into the sea. Baney Explains Baney explained that this via- duct, which extends from a place' now known as Seil Esal, was built to irrigate the southern plains which in ancient times were flour- ishing but now are covered with 10 to 12 feet of salt water. SEOUL (P) - South Korea's .aretaker government yesterday n began a clean sweep of repressive d laws enacted during President - Syngman Rhee's 12-year regime. s At the same time, the regime r promised to eliminate misuse of a funds under the big United States economic aid program, one of the grievances of South Koreans who f unseated Rhee.- e Issues Statement e Acting President Huh Chung e issued a statement urging "hard e work, sacrifices and patience'" for all Koreans during the cleanup . period. Huh's cabinet ordered the Jus- tice Ministry to initiate measures - immediately to wipe out or revise g undemocratic laws. These include e the National Security Act, the , Local Autonomy Act and Military Government -Ordnances which Rhee's government was accused of using to curb freedom of speech, the press and assembly. o Huh and United States Am- 9 bassador Walter McConaughy held g their first formal conference since Huh took over from Rhee Wednes- ° day. Board To Meet They announced that the joint 0 economic board handling the 200 million dollar yearly United States aid program will resume meetings t next Wednesday. The board will launch a thor- ough review to weed out any use of the funds for partisan politics. 1 Following the collapse of Rhee's Hoffa Loses- ,'Second Try To Halt T'ril WASHINGTON M--James R. 'ioffa yesterday lost another at- tempt to forestall a federal court trial which could lead to his ouster as president of the Team- sters Union. The trial was set to begin Tues- day. United States District Judge Joseph R. Jackson rejected argu- ments by Hoffa's counsel that only the union's members and not the courts can remove Hoffa for al- legedmisuse of union funds. "De- nied in all respects," the judge said of Hoffas motion to cancel the trial. Hoffa's attorneys immediately announced a new application to the United States Court of Ap- peals to avoid trial. One such move already was pending before the Appeals Court. Under Obligations Hoffa is under special court- imposed obligations to safeguard union funds. An earlier court consent decree -resulting from compromise of charges that he rigged his own 1957 elections-as union president -let Hoffa take office provision- ally two years ago under the supervision of court-named moni- tors., His trial, now set to start Tues- day, will be on civil charges brought bybthe monitors that Hoffa has used some $600,000 in Detroit Teamsters funds to help finance personal business ven- tures. One such enterprise was a FIorida union member retirement Returning to the levee, Baney said that according to the Dead Sea water evaporation rate, the top of the levee is expected to emerge within eight years. Significant Work Of his most significant work Baney said: "We have located two cities under the Dead Sea water which are believed to be the two lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. One of these citieswe have located in the Lisan Peninsula bay. The other is due west of the northern point of the Lisan Peninsula." The Dead Sea in the Bible is called the Salt Sea, Sea of the Jordan and other streams and is 25 per cent salt - several times more saline than the oceans. Freak Sea It is a geographical freak with surface water 1,1292 feet below normal sea level, and it ranges from 1,300 feet deep in the north to very shallow in the south. Sodom and Gomorrah were two of the five Biblical cities of the plain in the Dead Sea area. The other three were Adama, Seboin and Bala, later called Segor. Their exact location has never been specified. The Bible relates that for the sins df their inhabitants;, Sodom, Gomorrah, Adama and Seboin were destroyed by fire and brim- stone. In addition to the evil Biblical city of Sodom, there is a modern Dead Sea village of Sodom in southeast Israel, government, the United States held up approval of new economic aid until new conditions were met and South Korea was back to nor- mal. The Huh - McConaughy state- ment said the board also will use imports financed by the Interna- tional Cooperation Administra- tion, the United States aid agency. Rhee's government had fre- quently discriminated against Jap- anese goods despite the ICA regu- lation for accepting lowest bids. Bible Story S top.N ixon' The angels then told Lot they would destroy the city because of its wickedness: M ve ow s "For we will destroy this place because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord' NEW YORK ()-A "stop Nix- and the Lord has sent us to de- on" move by a group of New York stroy it." (Gen. 19:13). Republicans has been revived de- Baney is executive director of spite its repudiation by Gov. Nel- the Christian Approach Mission son A. Rockefeller. that runs an orphan's home at Letters expressing doubt that Bethlehem, Jordan. Vice President Richard M. Nixon Comes To Jordan could be elected President were He came to Jordan early in mailed from New York on Wed- February with his American team- nesday. Enclosed were copies of mates-Viola Conway, of Kansas a Denver Post editorial of Apr. 13 City, Mo., and a husband and saying the Republican's should wife, Dean and Dorothy Ryther, draft Rockefeller to win. of Kansas City, Kan. Rockefeller's office issued a Baney said he will leave for statement April 12 saying the home Saturday after giving a re- Governor deplored the "personal port of his findings to Jordan's attack upon the Vice President" antiquity department. and that the letters were drafted Baney's permit to carry out div- and distributed without authori- ing operations in the Dead Sea zation by Rockefeller or anyone expired March 31" and he had associated with him., some difficulty getting it renewed Second Front Pagae Saturntay, April 30, 1960 Pale a Co C)NI 1is! 'Ti-IE c~ uaitC l ~A8:r BA TH' O N -t!<.(Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf", "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) COLLEGE: THE FOE OF EDUCATION In your quest for a college degree, are you becoming a narrow specialist, or are you being educated in the broad, classical sense.of the word? This question is being asked today by many serious people-including my barber, my podiatrist, and my little dog Spot-and it would be well to seek an answer. Let us examine our souls. Are we becoming experts only in the confined area of our majors, or does our ,knowledge range far and wide? Do we, for example, know who fought in the battle of Salamis, or Kant's epistemology, or Planck's constant, or the voyage of the Beagle, or Palestrina's cantatas, or what Wordsworth was doing ten miles above Tintern Abbey? If we do not, we are turning, alas, into specialists. What, then, can we do to escape this strait jacket, to broaden our vistas, lengthen our horizons, to become, in short, educated? Well sir, the first thing we must do is throw away our curricula. Tomorrow, instead of going to the same old classes, let us try something new. Let us think of college, not as a rigid discipline, but as a kind of vast smorgasbord, with all kinds of tempting intellectual tidbits to sample and savor. Let us dive in. Let our pent-up appetites roam and snatch where they will. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION State and Huron Streets, Tel. NO 8.6881 Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister Rev. Gene Ransom, Minister to students 9:00 and 11:15 A.M. Morning worship. "Be- yond the Horizon." Reverend Main preach- ing. 10:15 A.M. Christian dating, courtship and marriage class. Gene Ransom. The Pine Room. 5:30 P.M. Fellowship supper. Pine Room. 40c. 7:00 P.M. Worship and Program. "What can the Christian Do about the State of the World." Dr. James M. Morgan, pro- fessor of Economics. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH AND THE EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division St. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon, fol- lowed by breakfast at Canterbury House. 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:00 P.M. Holy Communion. UNIVERSITY, REFORMED CHURCH YMCA Building, 110 N. 4th Ave. Rev. Raymond Weiss, pastor. NO 3-0348 10:00 AM. Morning Worship: "Finding My Neiahbor" 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship: "The Gospel Meets the Philosophy of Men." Wednesday at 7:3d1 P.M. at Church House, 924 E. Ann, Geneva Student Fellowship. Topic: "The Christian Life," Leader, Miss Marsha Wagner. CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian ROe, , mnr Churches of Michigan? Washtenaw at Forest The Reverend Leonard Verduin, pasto, 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service. 11:15 A.M. Coffee Hour. 7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED United Church of Christ 423 South Fourth Avenue Ernest R. Klaudt, Pastor Orville H. Schroer, Parish Minister. 10:45 A.M. Worship Service, Ernest Klaudt. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL & CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor David E. Schramm, Vicar William F. Eifrig, Director of Music Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship serv- ices, with sermon by the vicar, "Follow Their Faith." Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Bible Classes. Sunday at 6:00 P.M.: Gamma Delta Supper- Program. Discussion of "The Christian in a Business Society." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw NO 2-3580 Wm. S. Baker, Campus Pastor. Patricia Pickett, Raja Nasr, counselors Sunday morning worship at 9:00 George Laurant "THE KISS OF PEACE." at 10:30 & 11:50 David Van Winkle "THE WOODEN CHRIST." Seminar at 10:30--I Corinthians, Lewis Rm. Student Coffee Hours at 11:30 - Library Lounge & Lewis Rm. PSF Program-7:00--"When a Moslem Faces Christ." Rev. Faze Larudee, speaker - Lewis Room. THIS WEEK IN THE CAMPUS CENTER Tuesday 9-11 p.m. Coffee and discussion, 217 S. Observatory. Friday 6:30 P.M. Grad Group supper and pro- gram. "Contemporary Theology," Patricia Pickett, speaker-Lewis Rm., Saturday 8:00 p.m. Young Couples Fellowship Social Evening with discussions at Jack and Jan Bindeman's, 2673 Platt Road. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Corner State and Huron St. William C. Bennett, Pastor 10:00 Church School. 8:45 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services. "Except Ye Repent." 5:30 Student Guild-Rev. Raymond Weiss. "Jesus-a-nd The Religious Man," 5:45 Jr. and Sr. High Youth Groups. 7:00 Evening Service. "Saved To The Uttermost." 7:30 Wednesday Prayer Meeting. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (American Baptist Student Fellowship) 512 East Huron Dr. Chester H. Loucks, and the Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, Ministers 11:00 A.M. Church Worship. "We Praise Thee, O God." Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, preacher, The Choir will sing "Te Deum" by Dvorak. 6:45 P.M. American Baptist Student Fellow- ship discussion of the tape "Burlap Bags." ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL William and Thompson Streets Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant Sunday Masses 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A,M., 12:00 noon and 12:30 P.M. Holyday Masses 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 AM., 12:00 noon and 5:10 P.M. Week-day Masses 00n, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon. Novena Devotions: Wed. evening, 7:30. Rosary and Litany Daily at 5:10 P.M. Mother's Day Communion Breakfast, Sunday, May 8 after 9:30 A.M. Mass. Honors Convocation Dinner Dance, May 14 at 6:00 P.M. Graduation Mass and breakfast, June 14 at 9:00 A.M. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) Hill St. at S. Forest Ave. Dr. H. O. Yoder, Pastor Sunday- 9:00 A.M. Worship Service and Commu- nion. 11:00 A.M. Worship Service-Dr. William L. Young Guest Minister at both serv- ices. 7:00 P.M. Speaker: Dr. William L. Young. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 411 Fountain Street-t Rev. William Nicholas, Pastor and Student Advisor. NO 3-0698 9:45 A.M. Sunday School. 11 :00 A.M. Morning Worship. 6:30 P.M. Training Union. 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST t W. Stadium at Edgwood Lester F. Allen, Minister SUNDAY- 10:00 A.M. Bible School. 11:00 A.M. Regular Worship. 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY- 7:30 P.M. Bible Study MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan Streets Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister 7 P.M. Sermon Student Guild, "Our Most Im- portant Educator." g6s i% tfr1$ orb u We will start the day with a stimulating seminar in Hittite artifacts. Then we will go over to marine biology and spend a happy hour with the mollusks. Then we will open our pores by drilling with the ROTC for a spell. Then we'll go over to journal- ism and scramble a font of Bodoni. Then we'll go toythe medical school and palpate a few spleens. Then we'll go to home economics and have lunch. And between classes we'll smoke Marlboro Cigarettes. This, let me emphasize, is not an added fillip to the broadening of our education; it is an essential. To learn to live richly and well is an important part of education, and Marlboros are an important part of living richly and well. Do you think flavor went out when filters came in? Well, ha-ha, the joke is on you. Marlboro, with its Selectrate filter, delivers flavor in full measure, flavor without stint or compromise, flavor that wrinkled care derides,: flavor holding both its sides. This triumph of the tdbacconist's art comes to you in soft pack or flip-top box and can be lighted with match, lighter, candle, Welsbach mantle, or by rubbing two small Indians together. When we have embarked on this new regimen-or, more ac- curately, lack of regimen-we will soon be studded with culture like a ham with cloves. When strangers accost us on the street and say, "What was Wordsworth doing ten miles above Tintern Abbey?" we will no longer slink away in silent abashment. We will reply loud and clear: "As any truly educated person knows, Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats used to go the Widdicombe Fair every year for the poetry-writing contests and three-legged races, both of which3 they enjoyed wildly. Well sir, imagine their chagrin when they arrived at the Fair in 1776 and learned that Oliver Cromwell, jittery because Guy Fawkes had just invented the spinning FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Ave. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A M. Sunday Morning Service A free reada mrn is maintined at 306 E.1: CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1131 Church St. Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister Morning service, 8:45 and 11:00 A.M. University Bible Class, 10:00 A.M. Evening Worship Service, 7:00 P.M. ANN ARBOR FRIENDS MEETING (QUAKERS) I I -I